Her Safe Haven

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Her Safe Haven Page 6

by Mia Jones

Lilah studied his face for a moment. “Addison told you?” Lilah said and sighed.

  “All she told me was your childhood sucked pretty bad. I’ve never misread anyone like I have you, and I’m sorry.”

  “So, just because Addison told you a bit about my childhood, I’m suddenly…what? Strong enough? Poor enough that you’ll let me into your life?”

  “No, I was already on my way to you, but she stopped me. She made me see what an idiot I was being.” He chuckled. “Then, she threatened to cut off my dick and shove it down my throat if I hurt you.” He waited until Lilah stopped laughing to continue. “Not funny, I’m probably going to have nightmares for years,” he griped good-naturedly.

  Lilah burst out laughing again.

  Kaden fell in love with her right then. He’d known he could love her, and that’s what scared him so much because he’d never felt that emotion with anyone before.

  He bent and pressed his lips against hers, abruptly cutting off her laugh.


  When he moved until his chest touched hers, she let go of her robe and grabbed ahold of his thick wrists to steady herself.

  “Addison told you?” Lilah said and sighed.

  “All she told me was your childhood sucked pretty bad. I’ve never misread anyone like I have you, and I’m sorry.”

  Lilah listened to the tone of his voice as he talked about his conversation with Addison and was amazed that it still had the power to send shivers down her spine, and she figured his deep dark tone would always affect her.

  And then he kissed her, and every thought she’d had in her head flew out of her head.

  His tongue moved along the seam of her lips and then plunged in when she gasped at the sensation.

  She pressed herself harder against his muscular body, wanting to absorb him into her somehow.

  She heard a desperate moan and didn’t know if it came from her or him or both. She let go of his wrists to encircle his waist.

  Kaden slowly lifted his head and then stared down at her.

  She stood docile in his arms, waiting for his next move.

  “I want to take you out on a date.”

  Lilah blinked in confusion. “Now?”

  Kaden chuckled. “No, tomorrow night.”

  She was thrilled with the idea, but she would be so sad if he walked out the door and left her.

  “I’m not going anywhere.”

  Oh, hell, he could read her mind.

  His grin grew. “No, I can’t read your mind, you talk out loud without realizing it.”

  Lilah gasped and felt a fiery blush coat her face and neck. She hadn’t realized she ever did that. No one before him had ever told her she did it. She had to consider she’d been under stress and fatigued.

  “So, what happens now?” she asked.

  Kaden bent and put an arm under her knees and his other behind her back.

  She screeched as he lifted her. She looked down and tightened her arms around his neck.

  Kaden laughed at her. “Babe, I will never drop you.”

  “It’s just that it’s really high up here.”

  He stayed still and looked down at her.

  “You have a choice, we either watch a movie, or I take you to bed. But if I do that, I won’t just be holding you while you sleep.”

  Lilah let her fingers trace his firm lips.

  “I know it’s probably too soon, but take me to bed,” she said instantly. “I’ve dreamed of your hands on me so many times.”

  Kaden nodded his head as relief loosened the muscles in his abdomen. He cleared his throat. He had to warn her at that moment because he didn’t want her being surprised by his intentions.

  “The thing you need to know is if you give yourself to me, baby, that’s it. You’re mine.”

  Lilah nodded.

  Kaden continued. “I need to also warn you that I’m going to want to dominate you, try to control you all the time. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “In bed?” she asked and waited for his nod. “Out of bed? How? Are you going to tell me what to wear and what to eat?”

  “Fuck no, unless the outfit is too revealing, and then I’ll spank your ass and then make you change.”

  Lilah bit her tongue to keep from laughing. “What if I want to go out with my friends?”

  He nodded, although she could tell he didn’t like the idea. “Yes, within reason.”

  “So far, I think I can handle this, but I have to tell you I’m not always going to let you get your way,” she warned him.


  Kaden gritted his teeth. This is the compromising Addison talked about.

  “We’ll talk about things. At all times, I’ll need open communication between us,” he informed her.

  Jesus, her robe flared open, showing him a coral tipped breast. It made his mouth water at the same time he felt a drop of sweat run down his spine.

  She nodded. “I agree.”

  “We’re going to talk about everything, even our childhoods.”

  He saw her swallow, but then she hesitated.

  “Okay?” he asked. Kaden relaxed when Lilah nodded. He moved them into the bedroom and stood over the bed. “Oh, one more thing I should warn you about. I really love your ass, and I’ve dreamed more times then I’ll admit to about spanking it. I just wanted to warn you.”

  He grinned when she gasped.

  “It will be my favorite form of punishment, and that’s non-negotiable.”

  He saw her jaw tighten, but then she reluctantly nodded.

  Good. He leaned over and set her in the middle of the bed. The bed looked huge because she took up almost no space. He knew the bed was a queen, and he wasn’t going to fit comfortably, but he’d make do as long as he had her in his arms.

  He unbuttoned his shirt as his gaze roamed over her. The belt of the robe was still tied, but the top had gaped open enough that he could see both her breasts.

  His desire rose when he caught the way her eyes heated when she watched him undress.

  Kaden stalled before pulling his shirt off.

  “I have to warn you, I have scars all over my body from my accident, and I get injured on the job a bit also.” He waited to see if she’d say anything and kept her gaze on him.

  He yanked off his shirt and went for his jeans. He paused when she whimpered.

  Lilah sprang to her knees in front of him. Her fingers went over the scars and tattoos she could see.

  “If they bother you…”

  She shook her head and stared at the damage done to him. “The only thing that bothers me is the knowledge you were hurt.”

  He sucked in a startled breath. He’d never really had anyone care about him like that. Maybe his friends did, but the person that was supposed to above all others never gave a shit about him. His mother had been the biggest loser, but he’d walked away from the trailer park and made something of himself. Something he could be proud of.

  Lilah lifted herself and cupped his face. “You’ve got to promise me you’ll be careful.”

  Kaden stared. He reached out and tugged the band from her hair, letting it fall down her back. He swept the hair that had fallen to cover her breasts over her shoulder.

  “I will do everything I can to prevent it. I now have an excellent reason to come home every night.”

  Lilah’s eyes misted, and she smiled.

  “You’re right about that. You might consider that I’m liable to kick your ass if you do get injured.”

  Kaden grinned and, at the same time, shook his head.

  “I don’t like curse words coming from you. I don’t know why it bothers me so much, but it does.”

  Lilah traced one of his eyebrows with the tip of a finger.

  “Then, I’ll do my best not to curse.”

  Just like that? Most women would throw a fit and call him a bully or male chauvinist. It just showed how right for each other they were, and he could kick himself for wasting so much time.

  Kaden pulled the robe from
her shoulders and tossed it to the chair next to the nightstand. He lifted her and placed her back in the middle of the bed. He sat on the edge, untied and pulled off his boots and socks before stripping out of the rest of his clothes.

  He stood and turned and stayed still, letting her get a good look at him. He saw a bit of apprehension when she saw his cock. He understood. He was a big man all over, and it might take some doing, but he’d make damn sure she was ready to take him. He released the breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding when she relaxed and raised her arms for him.

  Kaden came down beside her. One hand cupped her face so he could control her movements before he dropped his head and took her mouth.

  Before the night turned to daytime, Kaden started to show her all the ways he could make her feel good.

  He’d only made love to her twice because he didn’t want her to be so sore the next day, it would be uncomfortable for her to walk. But he’d used his mouth and fingers to make her cum until she had no more energy.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tightly against his chest.

  Emotion clogged his throat when his heart filled with a contentment he never knew existed or was even possible for a person like him. She’d given her whole self to him. He could tell she held nothing back. Even with their size difference, he knew at that moment they were made for each other.

  He kissed the top of her head before sleep dragged him under. No way was he letting her go. Not ever.

  Chapter Eleven

  Lilah’s eyes cracked open the next morning. The first thing she experienced was the fact she felt more rested than she ever had before. The second was the muscular male arm pinning her to an equally muscled chest.

  “How are you doing, baby?”

  A shiver of awareness hit her, making her shiver. Just the gruff morning tone of Kaden’s voice was enough to make her desire spike and her body ready itself to take him inside of her.

  “I’m good,” she replied and then looked at him over her shoulder.

  Kaden’s eyes studied her soft morning glow and sultry gaze. He growled and then turned her onto her back, then took her lips. His kiss was slow, hot, and demanding. He raised his head only when they were both breathing heavily.

  “I can’t take you again.”

  “Why?” she asked, wanting more than anything to feel him inside her again.

  “You’re too sore, baby.”

  “But I’m not.”

  Kaden slipped his hand under the blanket, slid his fingers through her wet folds, and speared a finger into her and caught the flinch she tried to hide.

  His eyes narrowed on her as he pulled his finger from her. “Don’t you ever hide your pain from me.”

  Lilah smoothed her hand over his chest. “I’m sorry. It’s just…I want you.”

  He cupped the side of her face. “And you can have me anytime you want unless it hurts you.”

  Lilah bit her lip and nodded.

  “Let’s get out of bed,” he suggested because he was too close to lose what control he had. “I’ll take you to breakfast.”

  “Alright,” she said and pulled away from him.

  He watched her go to her dresser and pull out panties and a bra before walking into the bathroom. The shape of her ass was enough to make him groan and have sweat pop out over his body.

  He wiped a shaky hand down his face and stood. He pulled on his boxers and jeans and walked into the kitchen to start the coffee. It took him longer than necessary because he had to find everything.

  Kaden was just pouring two cups when he felt arms circle his waist. He set down the pot and stroked her slim arms.

  “That was fast.” He’d been tempted to step into the shower with her if she wasn’t done by the time, he’d finished the coffee. He was disappointed, but he was also smart enough to know it would have been tough for him to have his hands on her wet, naked body without loving her, and he already determined she was too sore for that.

  “I didn’t have to wash my hair,” she murmured against his back. She raised a finger and traced the tattoo that covered two-thirds of his back, hiding some of the scars he’d obtained from his accident. “Did you get the tattoo after your accident?”

  “I had a few, but yes, I extended it to cover the worst of the injuries.”

  “I hope nothing like that ever happens to you again.”

  He turned and pulled her tightly against his chest. “I will do my damnedest to be as careful as I can. I promise.”

  “You better,” she said in a threatening tone before she raised herself on her toes and placed a kiss on his chin.

  He fisted her hair and lowered his head. His kiss was thorough and left them both needy and aching. “We’ve got to stop. Go finish getting dressed. We’ll head to my house so I can shower and change and then get breakfast.”

  Lilah grinned and walked off. “Alright, but hurry. I could eat a bear.”

  Kaden burst out laughing and then followed her with their cups.

  Kaden locked up her house and lifted her into his truck. He reached for the buckle.

  “I can do that.”

  Kaden stopped and glanced at her. “It’s something I like to do. Is it going to bother you?”

  She grinned. “Not at all. I like having you close to me.”

  He snapped the belt in place and placed a hard kiss to her mouth. “I enjoy that, too.”

  He hopped into his truck and headed to his house. He watched her face as he pulled into his drive. He’d bought the house when he’d driven by it one day. It was large and ancient. When he’d bought it, the house had been vacant for many years and was extremely run down, so he’d gotten it very cheap.

  He didn’t go out much. Just to the bar, but that was mostly to catch a glimpse of Lilah. So, all his free time, what little there was, he spent on renovating the house. He’d finished the lower level with the kitchen, living room, T.V. room/office, the master suite, and both bathrooms. One for the bedroom and a half bath for guests. He had stripped the upstairs but had yet to paint or carpet.

  The thing he was most excited about was the backyard. He’d put in a massive patio with a firepit. Large loungers that fit his frame and a grill area. He had big pots of flowers strung over the place, adding color and texture.

  “Oh, wow, Kaden. This place is beautiful. It looks like it came from a different era, so I’m guessing you didn’t build it.” She turned her head toward him. “Am I right?”

  “You’re right, baby. It was in bad shape when I got it, but I’ve been working on it for a few years. I still have a way to go.”

  Her gaze was centered on the large front porch with several columns holding up the roof. He had painted them white to match the house paint. Comfortable chairs and potted flowers made the area even more inviting.

  Kaden slid from the truck and came around to her side. He unbuckled and then lifted her from the seat, setting her gently on her feet. He grabbed her hand and pulled her up the porch steps and through the front door.

  Lilah froze as her eyes darted around the open concept living space. The living room, dining room, and then kitchen. “You are very talented.”

  Kaden snorted. “It doesn’t take much to paint and refinish wood.”

  “You’d be surprised how hard it is for the average person to do.”

  Kaden wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Let me get a shower. Do you want to come with me or look around?”

  “Both,” she said and grinned.

  “You’ll be able to look around all you like. We’ll be coming back here to sleep tonight.”


  “Because I’ll break my back if I have to sleep one more night in your small bed,” he said and grinned when she laughed. “And I refuse to go another night without you in my arms.”

  She wrapped her arms around her waist and stared at him. “I don’t want to sleep without
you either.”

  He pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Good. Because it isn’t going to happen.” He turned away and started walking down a long hallway. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  “Okay.” Lilah turned in a full circle. The house was gorgeous, and it made her feel small and not in a good way. Hopefully, when she got used to being with him and spending time at his house, she’d be less nervous.

  Chapter Twelve

  Within an hour, they were sitting across from each other at a famous Waffle House.

  Kaden sat back with his arm over the top of the seat and studied Lilah as she stared outside.

  “What are you thinking about, baby?”

  Lilah turned to him and smiled. “I’m worried I’m going to wake up and this will all be a dream.”

  Kaden leaned forward upon his elbows on the table. “It’s not a dream. We are together, and we’re going to stay together. My only regret is I wish I’d gotten my head out of my ass months ago.”

  Lilah giggled. “Tell me about your construction business.”

  He leaned back again when the waitress set the cups of coffee in front of them. “Let’s see. I started working with a company when I was fifteen…”

  “Fifteen? Why so young?”

  “I needed the money. I grew up with my mother, but she was dependent on the State to take care of her. She could have worked, but instead, she wanted to spend her time drinking and smoking. So, to get away from her, I started working. I was determined to get out of poverty and away from her poison. I started my own business when I was twenty-two, and it took off. I now have about thirty employees, an office, and even a personal assistant.”

  “Is she pretty?”

  Kaden bit back his grin at the note of jealousy in her tone. He shrugged. “Maybe some men think so, but I’m not one of them.” His assistant was attractive with blond hair and blue eyes. Several of his men had asked her out. He had no idea if she’d ever agreed. He didn’t care enough to find out. He’d never seen her as anything other than his secretary.

  Lilah opened her mouth to ask more questions when the waitress interrupted her to set their plates down.

  Kaden laughed at the dismay on Lilah’s face at the massive plate of food in front of her. “Don’t worry, baby. What you don’t eat, I will.”


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