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The Finding

Page 26

by Nicky Charles

  Mmm... His lips had felt wonderful when they had moved against her own. Would she ever have cause to kiss him again? Not likely she decided with a small pout then forced herself to assume an air of indifference. Once Kellen was free, she’d find a way to send Bryan packing; he meant nothing to her, after all. So what if there was some law that said she had to go with him? Being a rich heiress would surely afford her some immunity from werewolf laws, wouldn’t it? He’d head back to Canada and she’d never have to set eyes on him again.

  The thought of never seeing him again had her frowning, which was ridiculous. She gave herself a mental scolding. He was a werewolf, for heaven sake; nothing more than a filthy animal.

  And yet, isn’t that exactly what we are? A voice inside queried. Part of her wanted to immediately reject the idea, but she forced herself to look at it.

  Yes, she was a werewolf. She couldn’t deny the fact, but that didn’t mean she had to act like it. Attacking people, giving in to an animal wildness once a month wasn’t for her. No, she was stronger than that. It wasn’t easy, but she’d managed thus far and she would continue to do so.

  But it’s getting harder each month, the voice reminded her.

  The pills were losing their effectiveness, she acknowledged reluctantly and increasing the dosage might prove dangerous...

  Wouldn’t it be better to learn from other werewolves how to handle our existence, rather than fighting to subdue it?

  Her stomach quivered at the very idea yet it was intriguing too. Hadn’t she spent hours on the internet researching, wishing she understood, wishing she knew what was fact and what was fiction?

  Being a werewolf might be exciting and freeing in a way we could never imagine; there could be joys and wonders in the lifestyle too fantastic to be denied.

  She licked her lip nervously and eyed Bryan. There was one thing that might be interesting to explore... But, what if once she started to learn about her inner beast, to learn more about werewolves, she became too caught up in them and lost herself? She could end up like Kellen, constantly fighting the inner demons that made him gamble.

  But, the voice pressed its case, what if instead of losing ourself, we find ourself? What if the lost, lonely feeling that’s plagued us all our life, is finally replaced with a sense of peace, of belonging. Are we willing to turn our back on the chance, now that the opportunity had finally arisen?

  “What are you doing?”

  Cassie startled, realizing that while she’d been lost in thought, Bryan had moved and now was standing in front of her.

  “Um... just thinking.”

  “From your expression I’d say they were pretty deep thoughts.”

  She pulled her legs up to her chest and clasped her arms around her knees. “They were.”

  Bryan sank down on the sofa beside her, seeming to be in a better mood now. The cushions sank under his weight causing her to slide sideways until their hips were touching. With assumed casualness, she eased herself away and placed a hand on the arm of the chair, hanging on to prevent herself from sliding back against him.

  He didn’t appear to notice. “Our flight is early tomorrow morning; its the best I could get. Ryne is flying in to Chicago as well and so is Kane. He’s Ryne’s brother and the Alpha of another pack. Their mates are coming along too, so you’ll be able to meet some female werewolves.”

  Cassie gave him a half smile, not really sure if she wanted to meet more of her kind or not. The conversation she’d just had with herself—such a strange concept really, to be talking to another living thing inside you—had made her reconsider her outright denial of anything werewolf related. Bryan seemed nice enough now that he wasn’t snarling at her, but she still wasn’t too sure about the others. Ryne was the one she’d seen attacking Mr. Aldrich after all. The Alpha probably didn’t have a kind bone in his body. She pitied his poor mate.

  She picked at an invisible piece of lint. “Is it typical for so many werewolves to get involved when a problem arises?”

  “It depends on the problem. Usually, enacting the Finding clause is pretty simple. You find a wolf, bring it home, and integrate it into the pack. Unfortunately in your case, there seems to be a few more issues involved.”

  “Issues?” She flicked a glance his direction.

  “Kellen” He made a face when he said the name and then shrugged, “And some other old business that the Alphas have to deal with.”

  Cassie nodded and then stood up, still uncomfortably aware of his body so close to hers. “It’s late. Would you like something to eat?”

  “Sure.” He followed her into the kitchen and leaned against the counter, watching her pull some hamburgers from the freezer and put them in the microwave to thaw.

  “I’m not a great cook. Being a ‘rich heiress,’ there was never a need to learn, but over the years, I’ve learned a bit. I can manage burgers and a salad, I think.” She gave self-deprecating laugh.

  “I’m not too bad in the kitchen.” He moved to the fridge and took out some lettuce. “Ryne, Daniel, and I lived on our own for a while and learned to make do. Then, when Mel mated Ryne, she wasn’t much into cooking either, except for making gourmet coffees. So we still all took our shifts at the stove.”

  As they continued to prepare the food, Cassie found herself smiling while listening to Bryan share small tidbits from his life. If it wasn’t for the fact that they were werewolves, she’d think he lived in a large extended family. She paused in the middle of flipping a burger. Was that what a pack was? A large extended family? Previously she’d envisioned them living in primitive conditions, roaming the woods and taking down elk for food. But Bryan was adept in the kitchen, talked about their media room and how everyone fought for control of the TV. It didn’t match her preconceived notions at all.

  During dinner, Bryan announced he’d be spending the night. Cassie was surprised and opened her mouth to argue, but something about the look on his face made her give in. Miffed, she chewed angrily on her burger realizing this would interfere with her half-formed plans. She’d decided to head to the airport tonight and to wait there in the hopes of getting a standby seat. After all, she didn’t really need Bryan’s help to rescue Kellen. And it would be a perfect opportunity to escape his crazy plan of taking her back to Canada with him.

  Had Bryan known this? She eyed him speculatively, but he gave no indication that he was gloating over thwarting her plans. Sighing, she decided it was probably just a coincidence.

  After dinner, they wandered outside to watch the sunset. Bryan had been boasting of the beautiful northern lights that filled the Canadian skies; streaks of dancing light in every colour of the rainbow, shooting across the evening sky in undulating waves. Cassie had to admit it sounded amazing, but she wanted him to see a desert sunset before deciding which celestial event was the most spectacular.

  They leaned against the railing that encircled the small backyard deck, watching the light slowly fade and give way to fiery washes of orange and red. The colours slowly grew and spread, intensifying until the entire sky was ablaze.

  “Impressive.” Bryan murmured the words, his shoulder brushing hers, his eyes fixed on the sky. Cassie smiled as she cast him a sideways look.

  “Not everything in Canada is better.” She boasted, tongue in cheek.

  He slanted a look at her. “Not better. Just different.”

  She turned to face him suddenly feeling playful. “I hear it can get pretty cold.”

  “Uh-huh. In the winter it does.” He shrugged, but kept his eyes fixed to the sky.

  “So I guess you don’t mind the snow and the ice?” Cassie twirled her glass of ice water in her hands. The evening was proving to be exceptionally warm and cold drinks had sounded more suitable than coffee after dinner.

  “Not really. You just get used to it.”

  “Good.” She giggled and quickly grabbed an ice cube from her glass, dumping it down the back of his shirt.


  His shout of surprise wa
s ample reward for her efforts and she managed to lob another ice cube at him while he tried to fish the first one out of his shirt. He growled and stepped towards her, but she quickly turned, running down the steps to the ground level, laughing at his expression.

  Unfortunately, her reflexes were slower than his for she’d barely taken half a dozen strides when he caught hold of her arm.

  “Cassandra!” She tried to break free, but he spun her around and held her tight to his body while he reached back to extract the ice cube from his shirt.

  “I’m the pack Beta, little girl. You’re not supposed to mess with me.” He spoke sternly, but the corners of his mouth twitched upward and the twinkle in his eye gave him away.

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Yeah.” He held the dripping ice cube up. “You deserve a taste of your own medicine.” And with that he hooked a finger into the neckline of her shirt and popped the ice down her top.

  “Bryan!” Cassie screeched as the cold came in contact with her skin and tried to grab at it, but he caught hold of her other hand, locking her arms behind her back. She squirmed trying to avoid the ice, but there was no escape. It was trapped between her body and his, slowly melting and dripping freezing water down her stomach.

  “So how do you like it?” He chuckled down at her and she looked up ready to give a cutting retort when their eyes locked and the comment died in her throat.

  In that moment she was all too aware of the fact that they were pressed together from knee to chest, that his strong hands were holding her delicate wrists, that his mouth was just inches from hers.

  The moment stretched out between them. Light from the setting sun cast shadows on his face, showing his features in relief. She could see the flecks of gold and green in his eyes, the brown lashes framing them, the faint stubble on his chin. He inhaled and of its own volition the tip of her tongue darted out, wetting her lips.

  Slowly he leaned closer, releasing her hands and sliding his fingers gently up her arms. Anticipation grew. She held her breath, her eyelids lowering. Then, just when she had begun to raise herself up on her toes, sure he was going to kiss her, he gripped her elbows and stepped back.

  With a thump, Cassie came back to awareness of the fact that she was in the middle of her backyard with a man she barely knew and that she’d almost kissed him. What had come over her? Why had she started to tease him like that? And the kiss—well, the almost kiss—he probably thought she was coming on to him. She felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. How could she have... A whimper sounded inside her head and she halted her racing thoughts, then frowned darkly. No doubt it was the animal’s fault.

  Clearing her throat, she looked around awkwardly, no longer caring about the ice melting inside her shirt. Should she explain that it wasn’t her? Apologize for the beast’s behaviour? “Um...”

  Bryan spoke at the same moment. “I think we should turn in. Our flight leaves early.”

  “Right. Good idea.” Cassie grasped onto the idea, as if it were a lifeline and she were drowning.

  She led the way inside and prepared for bed, still mulling over what had just occurred. The little scene had been so unexpected, yet so normal, as if she were just a regular young woman entertaining her boyfriend. And it had been fun to play with him, to act young and carefree for a change. If Bryan wasn’t a werewolf, she could find her human self attracted to him. But that wasn’t going to happen, she assured herself. No werewolf boyfriends for her!

  But who else would you be attracted to? The annoying voice inside her asked. You’re a werewolf too. You tried to have a relationship with Kellen, but he wasn’t our kind. You’ll never find a human who you can truly be yourself with. Any relationship you try to build will be based on lies and deception as you hide your real self.

  Cassie curled up in her bed, glumly considering the fact that the voice was right. She could never foist this burden on someone else. And sharing her secret was forbidden. Her life stretched ahead of her, long and lonely. She closed her eyes. At least she’d be rich and lonely, if that was any consolation, though she strongly doubted it was.

  She drifted into a restless sleep, werewolves still uppermost in her mind. The image of a large house filled with fellow Lycans formed. It was a happy home, children laughing and playing on the floor, men and women lounging in front of the TV. She was there too, curled up at Bryan’s side, but totally unaware of what was on the screen. His arm was around her shoulder, his fingers rubbing circles on her skin while her own hand rested on his stomach.

  It was nice. Comfortable. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and she snuggled in closer, breathing in his scent and absorbing the warmth of his body. She felt his hand drift down and cup her breast, his thumb gently stroking the tip. It pebbled in response and she shifted slightly, feeling herself moisten in anticipation.

  Slowly she worked a finger between the buttons of his shirt and stroked the skin of his abdomen. His muscles flinched at her touch and she giggled, repeating the gesture, teasing his navel. A low growl reverberated in his chest and before she knew what was happening, he scooped her up and carried her to bed, the rest of the room’s occupants barely glancing up as they passed by, too absorbed in their television show to care about the antics of young lovers.

  As he lowered her onto the mattress, Cassie laced her fingers behind Bryan’s neck, pulling his head down until her lips met his. He braced himself over her so that only their lips touched. It was the briefest of connections, but electricity zinged between them, tingling deliciously. She exhaled softly, allowing her breath to feather over his face and mix with his own. A feeling of rightness filled her; this was where she was meant to be.

  Their lips brushed, retreated, then brushed again, teasing, before finally settling on each other. Gentle pressure, tender nips. Angling her head, she captured his mouth, pulling on his lower lip before sealing her mouth to his. His tongue traced her lips and she opened wider for him; his tongue dipping in and stroking hers. She reciprocated the gesture, savouring his taste.

  He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand then threaded his fingers into her hair, tugging lightly. She loved the feel of the gentle pull and murmured appreciatively, splaying her fingers over his cheekbones, tracing the shape of his ears, the slant of his jaw. Evening stubble roughened his skin and she revelled in the feel of it against her palms.

  Heat built between them and soon the tender caresses weren’t enough. She wanted to feel him pressed against her and pulled at his shoulders, whimpering in need. Bryan responded, lowering himself onto her, pinning her to the mattress. Eagerly, she let her hands roam his back, tracing the indent of his spine to his waistband and then back up again. Spreading her fingers, she gently raked his skin with her nails.

  He groaned in approval and pressed his hips closer to hers. Instinctively, she spread her thighs, so she could cradle him closer and was rewarded by a ridge of flesh grinding against her apex. A rush of warmth and an accompanying ache had her pushing up towards him.

  Bryan broke from the kiss and trailed his lips over her jaw, down her neck to the sweet spot where it joined her shoulder. He nuzzled the area, then licked and grazed it with his teeth. Her breathing hitched as shivers of excitement coursed through her body.

  “Bryan.” She exhaled his name and pulled her hands free from his shirt to clutch his head, burying her fingers in his hair.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He breathed the words into her ear and warmth flooded her heart. Had anyone ever said those words to her with such conviction, such feeling?

  “So are you.” She exhaled the words, eyes half-closed, tracing his face with her fingertips. His every feature was precious to her; the curve of his brow, the slant of his nose... He nipped her finger as it brushed his mouth, then sucked on it, slowly, sensually while sliding his hand down to cup her breast; the heat of his palm burning through the layers of material.

  Suddenly she was desperate to feel his lips on more of her flesh and tried to guide his head down to her br
east. He resisted, torturing her by slowly trailing his lips over her throat, licking the hollow at its base then nipping her collar bone. Finally, he moved lower to the v-neck of her t-shirt, and then latched onto her nipple through the cloth. The material was soon damp and abraded her skin. She arched her back, wanting more sensation, more heat, more Bryan.

  Bryan worked his hands under the hem of her shirt and eased it upwards, all the while suckling her through the cloth. When he finally broke away to finish removing her shirt, she nearly cried out from the loss.

  The shirt was tossed aside and he reared back to stare down at her, his gaze hot, his chest heaving. Suddenly, she felt shy and her face heated. She was unsure what to do and stiffened. Desire that had flamed so hot just moments before banked and she looked up at him through her lashes, fighting the need to cover herself.

  Somehow, he seemed to know for his features softened, the hot needy look faded. Now he leaned forward slowly, gently. Tenderly, he cupped her face and pressed a kiss to her forehead before shifting so he lay beside her. He gathered her close and gently stroked her body, playing his fingers over her ribs, fingering the band of her bra then retreating down to cup her hip.

  Gradually, she relaxed and the heat of desire returned. She snuggled in closer, subtly arching her back in encouragement and he picked up on her hint. His hand moved up to cup her breast through the lacy material then slid to the front clasp of her bra.

  He gave her a questioning look and she bit her lip, but nodded. The material released and her breasts spilled free. Bryan hissed as he stared down at her bared flesh, then his hands covered them, kneading and tweaking, sending spasms of desire to her core. When he dipped his head to flick his tongue over one tip, she thought she’d die from the feeling. First one side, then the other, he paid homage to her breasts until she was nothing, but a panting bundle of need.


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