The Finding

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The Finding Page 49

by Nicky Charles

  “Yep, all done.” Ryne eyed his brother with a ‘want-to-make-something-of-it’ type of expression.

  Kane grinned and hit his brother playfully on the shoulder. “Welcome to the club, bro.”

  “If you men are done, we have a bonding ceremony and then a naming ceremony to perform. The moon’s rising. We can’t wait much longer.” Mel raised her brows, her toe tapping impatiently.

  “In a minute, sis. I—” His cell phone rang and he cast an apologetic look at Mel before answering the call. “Kane here ... Damien? Do you have something to report already?”

  Cassie listened with interest to the one sided conversation. From the sounds of things this Damien person had been in some sort of a scuffle but was fine, just a bit bruised.

  “All right. Keep me posted. Oh, and Damien? Good luck with Sam.” Kane chuckled then flipped his phone shut.

  Ryne raised his brows. “You didn’t warn him about Sam Harper?”

  “Naw. The surprise was just what Damien needed to perk his interest.” Kane smirked as he put the phone away then looked Ryne up and down. “You and I, we need to talk.”

  “What about?” Ryne eyed at his brother warily, but Kane just grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

  Mel sputtered. “Kane! You bring him right back. We need to start the ceremony!”

  Kane waved at her negligently and Mel folded her arms, obviously fuming.

  Thankfully, Olivia and Marco passed by just then and offered some distraction. Both praised Mel for her planning of the event and then brushed kisses over Cassie’s cheek. “You look so lovely dear.” Olivia’s eyes misted over.

  “Just like the pictures of her mother,” Marco nodded taking Olivia by the arm. “Come, we need to find our seats.”

  Elise returned, holding Leah. “What was that about Cassie’s mother?”

  “Marco’s done some discreet research and discovered he knew of Cassie’s mother. As we suspected she was from one of the royal families and quite well known.”

  “So how did Cassie end up in Chicago with Anthony Greyson?” Elise pulled her necklace out of Leah’s mouth and shifted her to the other hip.

  Cassie only half listened to the explanation as she scanned the crowd wondering where Bryan might be. She already knew the story by heart.

  Luisa, her mother, was supposed to mate another royal werewolf since apparently they were big on keeping royal blood in the family. But her mother fell in love with another were—no one knows for sure exactly who since it was covered up right away—and she ran off with him. When it was discovered, her lover was killed and Luisa was almost beaten to death for defying a royal edict. Somehow Anthony Greyson found her and whisked her away to America where Cassie was born. Unfortunately, Luisa eventually grew homesick and wanted to return to her pack to see her family, not knowing there was now a price on her head for sullying the blood line. She was killed just hours after stepping into the country.

  When the tale was finished, Elise looked at Cassie with sympathy in her eyes. “Oh Cassie, I’m so sorry to hear that.”

  “Thank you. It’s strange, though. I’d like to have known my parents, but I have no memory of them so it’s more like a story than something that really happened, if you know what I mean.”

  Elise patted her arm. “I think I understand.”

  “Oh look!” Mel interrupted. “Ryne’s heading to the front. Elise, we have to go.”

  Cassie leaned forward to accept Mel’s kiss, then Elise’s and then, finally, she was alone. She slumped back against the wall, already exhausted, her face hurting from the smile she’d been maintaining for what felt like hours.

  From her alcove at the back of the room, she could survey the crowd. The whole pack was there as well as Kane and his family and some of Bryan’s as well. She’d met his parents briefly and they seemed like nice people.

  Franklin, Mrs. Teasdale, and Mrs. Mitchell had been invited, but had declined feeling it might be too dangerous and draw unwanted attention to their connection with Stump River. Instead they were back at Greyson Estate. Cassie had decided to open it up as a getaway for members of both packs. Franklin, Mrs. Teasdale, and Mrs. Mitchell were considered her ‘family’ and being in on the secret of werewolf existence, now had the status of unofficial pack members. They took care of the Estate and made sure it was ready for any visitors. Mrs. Mitchell was especially proficient at ensuring there were no inexplicable wolf sightings and arranging cover ups if any vacationers got careless. Even Netty was happy, once the poor dog got over the shock of being surrounded by wolves.

  Cassie understood their reasoning for not attending, but still missed them. The pack might be her new family, but sometimes she still felt alone.

  Not for long, her wolf whispered. Soon we will be joined with our mate.

  That’s true. Cassie nodded, shaking off her moment of melancholy. Soon she and Bryan would be as one. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. The signal came. The ceremony had begun.

  It passed in a blur of faces and words. Cassie couldn’t recall what she’d said, let alone anyone else. Ryne stood before Bryan and herself. He tied their wrists together with a finely braided leather rope while reading the ancient words outlined in the Book of the Law. Then, before she knew it, it was over.

  Bryan was leading her from the room and they were officially mates. As they stepped outside, she could hear the crowd clapping and then shouts of laughter. She paused and looked at Bryan. “What’s going on? I didn’t think Grace naming ceremony would be that funny.”

  “Didn’t you hear? Elise and Kane ganged up on Ryne. They told him that since he’s a father now, he’d better be officially bonded with Mel. There was no excuse not to since Kane’s an Alpha, so he can perform the ceremony. Funny thing is, Ryne didn’t even balk at the idea. I guess becoming a father has made him see things differently.”

  “So they’re being bonded right now?” She turned and looked back at the house. “Can we go and watch?”

  Bryan shook his head. “No, they’ll do the bonding tomorrow. Elise said Mel needed time to get ready and everything is in place for Grace’s naming.”

  “I wish we could see the naming ceremony. I’ve never been to one.” Cassie affected a pout.

  “Sorry. The bonded couple isn’t allowed to return until the next day.”

  She sighed. “Surely, they could have bent the rules a bit?”

  Bryan shrugged. “Some of the traditions are pretty rigid. Bonding ceremonies have to be conducted before naming ceremonies if they’re held on the same day. It seems strange to us, but the ancient ones must have had their reasons.”

  Gently tugging on their bound wrists, Bryan led her towards the woods. He’d been busy the past few months building a small guest cabin, but for a while it would be their home. Newlyweds, he said, needed more privacy than the main house provided.

  Cassie didn’t mind, in fact she was thankful that no one would accidentally overhear them. Consummating their relationship was exciting, but at the same time she was nervous. She’d read about it and knew the mechanics, but the real thing... It seemed overwhelming. Biting Bryan and drawing blood; him biting her. A shiver ran over her.

  “Cold?” Bryan tucked her closer to his side. “We’re almost there. I had Daniel light a fire so it will be warm.

  “Thanks.” Suddenly she felt tongue-tied which made no sense. She and Bryan talked all the time, but now it seemed...different.

  Clutching Bryan’s hand, Cassie stared up at the sky. The moon was high overhead now; a golden orb on a midnight blue canopy dotted with sparkling stars. Its light filtered down through the still remaining leaves, casting interesting patterns on the pathway they walked along. A faint mist was forming near the ground as the cooler night air met the sun warmed earth. It swirled about their ankles making the familiar woods seem new and somehow mystical.

  They rounded a bend and there in front of them was the cottage. Cassie found herself slowing her pace as she neared the small building, climbing the
two small steps even slower and then staring at the door with trepidation as Bryan pushed it open.

  Suddenly he swept her off her feet and twirled her around twice. She squealed in surprise. “Bryan! What do you think you’re doing?”

  “Ancient human custom; carrying the bride over the threshold. I think it had something to do with warding off evil spirits or pretending that the female was being taken against her will.” He shrugged and spun her around again before kissing the tip of her nose and setting her down inside. “I just thought it would be fun to do.”

  Cassie regained her balance and giggled. “Well, it was sort of fun, once I caught my breath.”

  “Do you feel better now? Less nervous?” Bryan looked at her tenderly and she wondered how he knew. He cupped her face and rubbed his thumb over her cheekbone. “I always know how you feel. In my heart, in my head, we’re connected already and it’s only grown stronger these past few months. It’s not as clear as a full blood bond, but I know.”

  “Why don’t I have that yet?”

  “You do. You just don’t listen to it as carefully as I do and you still rely on your human senses more than your werewolf ones. But after tonight, we’ll be on equal footing.”

  She looked at the floor and then peeked up at him through her lashes. “Will it hurt? When I bite you, I mean.”

  He laughed softly. “I sincerely doubt that I’ll notice. I think there’ll be a lot of other things on my mind. And you likely won’t feel me biting you, at least not in a painful sense.”

  “That’s good.” She inhaled deeply and licked her lips, not sure what to do next.

  “This leather binding has to go. I have some scissors on the counter.” Bryan moved to get them, but Cassie stopped him.

  “Don’t cut it! I want to save it as a memento of today. Let me try to untie it.”

  “We can’t do that. It’s bad luck and signifies the couples’ bond isn’t strong enough. Cutting it off is the only way to remove it. It shows that only death can ever separate us now.” Bryan stared into her eyes as he spoke and Cassie felt herself being drawn to him as never before.

  He took their bound hands and pressed them to his heart. “Nothing will ever separate us Cassie, I won’t allow it. Not time or space. We might disagree and argue, but we’ll always be together. The fates predestined our bonding. Our wolves knew each other even before we met and when we leave this world, we’ll still be together.”

  “Bonded for eternity?”

  He nodded and raised her hand to his mouth, pressing a kiss to it. “I will always love you, Cassie Greyson. No matter what. For Eternity.”

  With tears in her eyes, Cassie twisted their wrists and pulled his hand to her mouth, so she could repeat the gesture. “And I will always love you, Bryan Cooper. No matter what. For Eternity.”


  Through half open eyes, Cassie watched the sunlight filter across the bedroom floor and onto the dresser. She could see the leather rope that had bound them together. It was coiled in a circle and she planned to tie it with a ribbon later on today and put it in her memory chest. Not that she’d need anything to help her remember yesterday. Her blood bond with Bryan had been spectacular.

  She sighed contentedly. Bryan’s head pressed to her chest and she lazily ran her fingers through is hair as she recalled the previous night.

  The minute Bryan freed their wrists, Cassie had felt her senses inexplicably heighten. The scent of new lumber and burning wood, the flickering light from the fire, the faint sound of chirping crickets outside the door; all came at her with increased clarity. Her own breathing, Bryan’s, the thudding of her heart, the rustle of material as he stepped closer...

  He’d slid his fingers into her hair, tipping her head up so he could stare deeply into her eyes. A faint smile had played over his lips, a look of wonder on his face as he lowered his head to kiss her, pausing when only a breath had separated them. “I love you Cassandra Greyson.”

  The words had been whispered against her lips before he reverently kissed her. His lips had been soft and gentle, making her feel as if she were fragile and precious. He’d brushed his mouth over hers, back and forth, back and forth, until she was sure she’d die if he didn’t stop and kiss her properly.

  She’d whimpered and grasped his head, pulling him closer, pressing her lips to his and it seemed to have been the signal he was waiting for. Suddenly, the kiss became hotter, more passionate; his fingers clenched in her hair, and his tongue probed her mouth.

  Her heart had begun to beat harder as Bryan slid his hands down her neck to her shoulders, her back. He’d nibbled on her lower lip, then slid his mouth along her jaw to her earlobe. Vaguely, she was aware of the zipper sliding down her back, of the cool air hitting her skin as the strapless gown pooled at her feet. Bryan’s hands had felt hot on her skin, burning into her, stoking a fire inside her.

  He’d eased her away from him and she’d opened her eyes lazily, her lips still parted and moist from his kiss. Why had he stopped? She’d wrinkled her brow then realized he was staring at her and that she was naked, except for her thong. Instinctively she’d moved to cover herself, but he’d caught her wrists and held her arms out to her sides.

  “No. Let me see you, all of you.” Bryan had breathed out the words and she’d trembled as his hot gaze seemed to devour her. The moment had stretched out and she’d felt her cheeks heating with embarrassment. “Cassie, you’re so beautiful.” He’d looked up at her and she’d seen the wonder in his eyes. He’d truly believed his words and she’d relaxed, basking in the glow of his praise. “Can I touch you?”

  She’d swallowed and nodded, feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the moment.

  He’d let go of her wrists and reverently reached out to stroke her with one hand, sliding the back of his knuckles along the outer swell of her breast, down her side to her hips and back up again. Then, as if warming to the task, he’d used both hands skimming his knuckles down along the same path, turning his wrists when he reached her waist so his palms were touching her skin. Oh so slowly he’d stroked her, his fingers slightly spread, encasing her hips, playing over her ribs, and then, finally cupping her breasts.

  Cassie recalled inhaling quickly as his warm hands had lifted her breasts, testing their weight, squeezing gently before he gently rubbed his thumbs over her nipples. She’d bitten back a cry that rose in her throat, but he’d known and stroked the sensitive tips again. Pleasure had shot through her and she’d grasped his arms to steady herself, almost falling when he replaced his thumb with his mouth.

  “Bryan... Oh, Bryan...” She’d arched her back, thrusting her breasts closer, revelling in the feel of his mouth on her sensitive flesh; licking and sucking, tugging gently. Warmth had pooled between her legs and she’d squirmed wanting to rub herself against him, to feel his bare skin along hers.

  Again, he’d seemed to know what she needed for suddenly she’d found herself being carried to the bed, and gently set upon it. As she’d sunk into the soft mattress, Bryan had stood beside the bed and stripped off his clothes.

  Cassie had been mesmerised as more and more of his body was revealed. She’d seen him shirtless and in gym shorts before, but Bryan at her bedside with the light of the fire playing on his shifting muscles—it had been more erotic than she could have believed.

  When he’d finally skimmed off his briefs, her breath had caught in her throat. His manhood had stood out proudly from his body, long and thick, the head flared. She’d wondered what it would feel like to touch it with her hand, to feel it against her body, in her body...

  Bryan had given her no time to think though. He’d hooked his fingers into the waistband of her thong and drawn it down her legs. Cassie had fought off the embarrassment as her last barrier disappeared, but soon forgot when he’d begun caressing her legs.

  “I love your legs. They’re so long and slender.” He’d slid his hands up and down her calf and then moved to her thighs, stroking and squeezing, raining down random kisses
. “The way they look in jeans should be considered sinful.” His hands had slid under her to cup her rear. “And watching your butt wiggle when you walk almost brings me to my knees.”

  “No it doesn’t.” She’d giggled suddenly finding his enumeration of her attributes funny.

  Bryan had leaned forward and kissed her hip, before sliding his lips across her belly to lap at her naval. “Mmm... It does so, but you don’t know it because if I’m looking at your ass, you’re walking away from me. Just check over your shoulder sometime and then you’ll see.” He’d moved so they were face to face and smiled down at her.

  She’d smiled back and reached her hands up, so she could explore his chest. “Well, your chest does the same thing to me. When I watch you working out in the gym and you’re all sweaty. It’s so sexy I want to rub my hands all over you.” She’d accompanied her words with action and felt a rumble reverberate through his chest.


  “Uh-huh. And I’ve longed to lick the sweat from you.” She’d lifted her head and flicked her tongue over his brown nipples, giving them the same treatment he’d given hers. He’d closed his eyes and groaned again. Pleased to be affecting him as he did her, she’d begun to feel bolder and had moved her hands to his hips, her finger tips stroking his lower cheeks. “And just for the record, I like your butt, too.”

  “Any other part of me you like?” Bryan had slid so that he was on his side, his arm propping him up. He’d gently brushed the hair from her face.

  “Well...” Cassie had touched his shoulder and then his chest. Sensing his invitation to explore his body more intimately, she’d moved her hand down his torso, noting how his stomach jumped when she trailed the tip of her finger around his navel and then traced a pathlower still. Hesitantly, she’d stroked his manhood with her finger and watched it bob in response. “I don’t know for sure, but rumour has it I’ll really like this part of you.” She’d peeked up at him through her lashes, smiling shyly.

  “It likes you, already.” One side of his mouth had curled up.


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