The Finding

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The Finding Page 50

by Nicky Charles

  “So, I see.” Feeling braver she’d wrapped her hand around him, marvelling at the rigid flesh. The skin had been warm and satiny smooth, pulsing beneath her fingers. She’d explored his length, tentatively squeezing, flicking glances up at his face to judge his reaction.

  Bryan’s eyes had closed, but a pleasure filled groan had escaped him, so she’d continued. She’d held him firmly in her hand and stroked him towards the tip and back down. On her next upward stroke she’d caressed the tip with her thumb and he’d jerked in her hand.

  “Ah Cassie, that’s so good.”

  “I’m glad. I want to make you happy.” She’d whispered the words breathily, her heart pounding with excitement.

  “You could never do anything, but make me happy.” He’d opened his eyes and pulled her closer, giving her an open mouthed kiss. His tongue had explored her mouth, and their tongues had duelled. Wet lips had slid over wet lips. The kiss had grown hotter, deeper. It’d been as if they were trying to consume each other.

  Bryan’s hand had roamed over her back, cupping and kneading her buttocks while he’d gently thrust his hips in response to her ministrations. The dampness between her legs had grown and she’d wanted to feel more of him. She’d drawn her leg up over his hip and guided his rigid flesh so it rubbed against her most sensitive parts.

  “Not yet, Cassie. Not yet.” Bryan had dropped his head back on the pillow, gasping the words as he’d pulled away from her.

  She’d whimpered in discontent. There was a yearning for more at her very centre. “Soon? I want to feel you Bryan, all of you.”

  “I know, I know. Me, too.” He’d flipped them over and trailed his hand down her body while nibbling on her neck. She’d felt his fingers playing with her lower curls, and then delving into her folds.

  For a moment she’d stiffened, but it had felt so good, so right, she’d soon relaxed. She’d let her head drop back on the pillow, biting her lip, becoming lost in the feelings Bryan created. He’d stroked her sensitive flesh until she was writhing, so lost in need she couldn’t think straight. And when a finger probed her and slipped inside, she was sure she might die from the joy, but it was only the beginning.

  Bryan had known just where to stroke, where to press. A feeling had grown inside her and she’d found herself flexing her hips against his hand, rubbing against him, wanting more, needing more... Unexpectedly, a warm wave and a shiver washed over her and her body had tightened on his hand.

  It had been nice, good... Her body had relaxed a bit, but then... Oh damn! Was that it? Had she climaxed too soon? Before she could formulate the words, Bryan had stroked her again, sucking on her breasts, gently biting, the tiny hurt excitingly erotic. The tension had begun to build again, faster this time.

  She’d burned for him, her heart pounding, the blood thrumming through her veins. An aching void had grown within her again and she’d pressed closer, knowing only he could ease the discomfort.

  “Please.” She’d begged her request, no longer really knowing what she wanted, consumed with need.

  Finally, he’d heeded her request. His fingers had slid out; he’d risen above her and parted her thighs. He’d paused at her entrance.

  “Cassie, look at me.”

  She’d forced her eyes open and he’d smiled tenderly, grabbing her hand, pressing a kiss to her palm. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Tears had pricked her eyes at the expression on his face.

  Then, lacing their fingers, he’d pressed her hand to the bed beside her head and slowly, oh so slowly, guided his flesh into hers.

  She hadn’t been a virgin, but it had still felt...strange. A tightness and fullness. He’d pressed in deeper, withdrawn, and pressed again. Cassie had tried to relax, her breathing shallow, her heart pounding at the enormity of the moment. They were going to blood bond if she could just survive this...impalement.

  When he’d filled her completely, he’d stilled. He’d leaned his forehead on hers, his breath shuddering. Cassie had stared up at his face, his jaw had been clenched, his eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  She’d worked her hand free and stroked his face. “Bryan?”

  He’d opened his eyes and stared into hers. “You’re perfect Cassie. Hot and tight and perfect.” He’d lifted his head to kiss her and had then begun to move.

  The first stroke had had her gasping as a bolt of sensation shot through her, then another and yet another followed. They’d grown within her, expanding with each stroke until she’d thought the pleasure couldn’t get any better and then... Then everything had begun to tighten. Tension had coiled within her; Bryan’s strokes had grown more rapid. Her own desperate need to respond could no longer be controlled and she’d thrust upward.

  She recalled tossing her head on the pillow, needing more. Bryan’s body had been pounding into hers. It had been hard to breath, hard to see, hard to think. She’d clenched the bed sheets in her hand, sure she couldn’t handle it, knowing she had to do something, she had to, had to...

  Her body had started to tremble, the air had seemed to shimmer. She’d been panting, her lips had felt dry. A drink, she’d needed a drink, but where...? There’d been a rushing sound, a thrumming. Right in front of her, she’d seen Bryan’s neck, the vein pulsing, blood rushing beneath the surface of his skin.

  Bite. We need to bite.

  She’d blinked, trying to clear her thinking, vaguely aware of Bryan’s hot mouth on her neck, his tongue licking, his teeth grazing.

  Now, it must be now. Our mate is waiting. We’ll be joined forever. Don’t hold back. Now, now!

  With a cry, she’d given into her wolf’s demands, her teeth sinking into his flesh. Warm, rich liquid had spilt into her mouth and she’d began to suck and lap, digging her fingers into his shoulders while his body still thrust into hers, harder and deeper, almost erasing the pinpricking feeling on her own neck.

  Lights had begun to dance before her eyes. A voice—not her wolf, but another voice—had echoed faintly in her head.

  Mine, my mate, my Cassie...

  It had been Bryan. The blood bond was taking effect!

  Voices, thoughts, and feelings had begun to knit a mental pathway, snippets of ideas and sensations flowing between them, increasing their mutual pleasure…

  So good, so good... Her body had arched as her muscles tightened...

  Can’t hold on... Bryan’s fingers had dug into her flesh...

  More, faster, harder… She’d strained and reached…

  I have to release... He’d plunged into her one more time.

  She’d thrust upwards taking him as deep as she could and then...

  Yes! Yes!

  “Yes!” They’d both cried out in unison as world exploded around them forging a link that would connect them forever.

  Cassie smiled as the memory played out. Bryan shifted against her and made a contented sound. Was he experiencing her thoughts even in his sleep? Recalling their bonding last night? Could they meet each other in their dreams? It was a curious idea and one she’d have to explore. With a happy sigh, she closed her eyes and opened her mind to the wonder of their new life together.


  The dark brown wolf stirred and lifted its head to stare about through half closed eyes. The forest was silent, the light of early dawn creeping between the trees casting long shadows on the ground. Birds twittered overhead but it wasn’t their noise that had awoken her.

  She got to her feet, yawning and stretching out her muscles in preparation for a run. He was here; she could sense his presence. Slowly, she began to move, the leaf strewn forest floor making silence impossible, but she wasn’t worried. This time she wanted him to find her. For too long they’d been playing an elaborate game of hide and seek; living in the shadows, meeting in secret, not daring to reveal too much. But now those days were over. They were free to be as they were meant to be. There’d be no more denial. No more waiting.

  A sound to the side caught her attention and she paused, one foot suspende
d in the air. She lifted her muzzle and sniffed, nostrils flaring as she took in the myriad of scents that drifted by on the slight breeze but there was only one that interested her.

  He was there; his masculine musk had her quivering. She searched the shadows for movement and gave a slight woof of relief when she finally found him. Thick light brown fur covered his massive body, muscles rippling as he shifted his stance and raised his head in challenge. His hazel eyes narrowed and she dipped her head under the force of his gaze. As always his beauty and power took her breath away but now there was no need to run.

  As one, they both moved, approaching each other, watching carefully. Noses touched and their tails began to slowly wag. She licked his muzzle and he returned the gesture, nipping lightly. He rubbed his fur the length of her body, marking her with his scent. Eagerly, she submitted to his attention, pleased they were finally one. For too long they’d been forced to stay apart, but now... A deep contentment filled her.

  Soon, he was nudging her side. It was time to go, time to run. She followed his lead as they moved deeper into the forest, across streams, over fallen logs, around outcroppings of rock. The sun rose in the sky and leaves, heavy with morning dew began to fall about them in a shower of red, orange, and gold.

  The air was crisp and cool, filling her lungs with its freshness. She gave an excited yip and her mate glanced back at her, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. He was happy too. This was how they were meant to be. Running wild and free. Together. Forever.



  Thanks for taking the time to download and read my book. I hope you enjoyed it. All I ask is that you leave some feedback at the site from which you downloaded. As a favour, if you downloaded this story from some location other than feedbooks or smashwords and its affiliates could you go to one of those sites and download from there. It helps me keep track of my distribution numbers.

  Finally, if I might be so presumptuous, consider donating whatever you feel this book (or perhaps the series?) is worth to your local animal shelter or food bank. It would be greatly appreciated by those in need.

  Is this the last book in the series? I’m not sure. Reader response will determine that in part as well as the whim of my muse. The character of Sam sparks my imagination, but unfortunately I’m being forced to take a break from writing and can’t promise when my next story might appear. Problems with my shoulder and arm will limit my allowable computer time for the next while.

  In the meantime, please enjoy my books. Spread the word to others and keep checking out Indie authors. I personally recommend Jan Gordon and S.C. Stephens.

  Thanks again,

  Nicky Charles




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