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Dragon Sword

Page 5

by Angelique Anderson

"Its people so thin and lightweight that to be touched by them was to experience the ethereal. To this day, they maintain this quality. It is to feel as if you are dreaming. For they glide from place to place using wings of silk that refract the sun so brilliantly, you'd feel lost within a rainbow."

  "And now, Melifera? What has become of the enchanting Caelestis?" Astrid asked.

  "Oh, Astrid. It destroys me, what has become of it. Long gone are the birds of beauty. Whether they died, or departed on their own, I do not know. The ones that remain have lost nearly all of their color. The beauty of Caelestis has been dampened by its leader, King Bertram who kills for killings sake.”

  "His three story castle, has been made the object of allure. The Caelestans his performers, and entertainers. He treats them as toys, puppeting them for his own entertainment. Their once elegantly built homes made from the lightest wood, now stand in disrepair. The people perish for lack of meat, and their resources and crops grow dangerously low."

  "What of the people?" Astrid asked, a feeling of urgency growing in her heart for them. "Surely something can be done?"

  "Aside from what I told you, they have lost the light that once made them what they were, so radiantly beautiful. As if all hope has been driven from their very souls. The King allows for no merriment, except for what is to please him. They no longer procreate, and those who are strong enough are forced to launch boulders on Telluris, or be trained as soldiers to stand guard at the entrance of Caelestis."

  "I remember you speaking about such matters. It is no small thing what has happened to them," Astrid said, the words Melifera had spoken hung heavy over her. This is why we must put a stop to this. It is not just Verdil that suffers, it is its people, its animals, the very life that flows through all the kingdoms.

  "I cannot stand idly by. I am ready to serve, Melifera." She glanced to Svana, and then Hekla. "No matter what happens to me." If I can bring peace to the sky kingdom, and make a truce with Telluris, perhaps I can stop anything worse from happening. So many lives depend on it.

  "Melifera, can you tell me about the water kingdom, what it was like before, I mean?" A somber faced Hekla had wiped the tears from her alabaster skin, and now eagerly listened.

  "Indeed, Hekla... Aequoris too, was beautiful. I can say in all honesty it retains that. Though tarnished by man's corruption and King Renault's guilt, it is the people and its creatures that make Aequoris a place that I deeply love. The Aequorans are some of the most resourceful people I have ever met. Though their cities float on the ocean, they've built many underwater farms where they grow kelp and various forms of algae. They gather seaweed which they use for food, rope, and medicine."

  Melifera smiled wistfully.

  "They're truly unique and wonderful. Before this time of war, the Caelestans and Aequorans were friends. Friends who traded and helped one another. Friends who built a pulley system from one kingdom to another so they could trade resources. Now that pulley remains unused as both kingdoms no longer trust one another. We have King Renault and King Bertram to thank for that," she noted bitterly, her arms crossed over her chest, face clouded with anger at the war the kings had proclaimed.

  "A pulley system? Reaching from Caelestis? Wouldn't that be a lot of work? Wouldn't it take a long time to...?" Astrid put her finger over Hekla's mouth, and shook her head

  "You focus on the wrong thing, dear sister. We must think how to right the wrongs that have been done. We must bring peace to the nations."

  "It's all right, Astrid. I understand why she asks. Why do all that work for nothing? Yes it was a lot of work, for it stretches for miles and takes hours at a time for it to make a full circuit. Now it withers and rusts, and no one benefits from it. What was once done is easily undone, but it can be made whole again."

  Hekla thought the pulley system was a stroke of brilliance. It reminded her of things that Astrid had done to help make their lives easier.

  "It was an act of love, was it not?" Hekla asked, her eyes starstruck with glimmering moisture.

  "Hekla... how did you figure that out?" Astrid asked.

  Hekla looked to Astrid, eyes barely containing her tears. "Because I know the boundaries love will push, thanks to you, who sacrificed everything for us. You taught us to hunt and took care of us. I know Melifera was there to teach us to fight, but Astrid was the one who made us blankets and told us stories long after Melifera had gone. She gave up what was left of her childhood so that she could care for us, and I never even thanked you for it." Hekla grabbed Astrid's hand tight in her own. "I am sorry for my selfishness. If only for my sister's sake, I am willing to do what needs to be done to restore the peace that existed between Aequoris and Caelestis."

  Melifera smiled and it reached all the way to the wrinkles of her eyes as she gave Hekla a slight nod.

  "It is indeed love that made the pulley system. Many years ago, by chance, a young Aequoran maiden, met a Caelestan gentleman. In spite of her webbed fingers and feet, and his tall lithe form and feather like weight, they fell deeply in love. It was a love so pure that their people worked together to build the pulley system. Just for the fact that it would allow the young lovers to send each other gifts."

  "Were they ever wed?" Astrid spoke up, her soul coming alive with the thought of a love so powerful it could unite nations.

  "No, I'm afraid not. However, it was their love that fanned a flame of kinship between the two nations for centuries to come. That is, until recently."

  "Melifera, that is both the saddest and most beautiful thing I have ever heard," Svana said.

  "It is indeed, if there is one thing that can be said of the kingdom of man, it is that love is worth fighting for. No matter how big, or how small, love has the power to change the darkest heart. The love you have for one another, should not make you recoil in fear that your lives may be lost, but it should spur you on to fight harder. Fight to save it."

  The three sisters looked to each other, agreeing with Melifera's words.

  "So, I must ask... is there anything more that you can teach us about the land of Telluris? I know you took great care to share its problems before, but did you know the Tellurians before King Armand?" Svana's curiosity had gotten the best of her.

  "Ah yes, Telluris. As I told you before it is the most prosperous of all the nations. Even more so now that the King Armand takes what he wants from the rest of Verdil. It once boasted of the richest soil, and most incredible creatures to be seen in all of creation. It is without reason that King Armand has withheld resources from Caelestis and Aequoris. For before he took the throne, Telluris supplied the other two kingdoms and their people. No one went without. Everyone prospered.

  However, because of King Armand's greed, the Unseen Ones have withheld the healing rains that would water the plants and foliage, and give water to the many animals that have overrun parts of it. All things die without water, much quicker than they would without food. Soon, the King will be in great need, but because of his dealings with the other nations, his people will suffer and die. Their blood will be upon his head."

  Svana gasped. "Please tell me they are not condemned to that fate?"

  "No, not condemned to it. The Unseen Ones have been preparing the three of you since childhood, well before this crisis has come. However, if you and your sisters were to choose not to fight." Melifera gave a meaningful look to Hekla. "The Unseen Ones will have no other choice but to scourge the three kingdoms. We will watch from here as all life is made to suffer and die."

  Melifera looked out across the Shadowlands, her eyes misting over as she thought about the lives that would be lost if such a series of events materialized.

  "What happened to the concept that life has value?" Hekla asked, unable to process why it would be better for all men to die.

  "It does, but the Unseen Ones would rather that those not guilty of such evil, perish and join them in the ethereal plain, than to continue to live in the shadow of Kings who have turned into monsters."

h kingdom will we be sent to?" Astrid summoned up the courage to ask.

  Melifera's smile disappeared, and her dark eyes now turned to face the young women.

  "As if your mind is already in sync with your heart, you will journey to the kingdom of Caelestis. The very nation you inquired about. Svana and Hekla, you two as well have asked about the very place you are to protect and save. That shows me you are not only ready for this journey, but you are called to it. It is destiny," Melifera finished and retreated to the Summoning Chamber, where she took her place next to Palladin, awaiting the sisters' return.

  As Astrid studied Hekla's and Svana's faces, she knew in the silence that they had reached the conclusion that Verdil was waiting for them. No words would be necessary as she turned her back and followed after Melifera. Her sisters joined her.

  "It is settled, and I'm ready," Astrid declared. "It is a week's travel to Caelestis, so I must take my leave now." She looked to Svana and Hekla, but there was no comfort to be found, only a deep rooted heaviness that none of them could shake.

  "Telluris, the Kingdom of Land is only two days away. I will accompany Hekla until I turn toward the great castle. After that, she will continue on her own," Svana replied. Both looked to the youngest.

  "Five days to Aequoris, the Kingdom of the Sea. I am ready, too, for whatever waits for me," Hekla said.


  Dragon Companions

  The binding of a soul is unique, and one of a kind. Even two starstruck lovers cannot fully achieve it, if it's not the will of the dragons. But to have your soul merged with another, to have absolute knowledge of that person; it's indescribable. To know when they're hurting, when they're happy, when they're sad, and when they're in love--even when they're hundreds of miles apart. Tread carefully if a dragon should give you such a monumental gift. It is a gift, but it is also a burden. And it should not be taken lightly.

  King Thomasett the Kind, Second King of Aequoris, 327 A.V.

  The White Dragon puffed a heavy breath into the air. He bobbed his head up and down. The brilliance of his white scales glittered in the dim light of the cave. He knew they were ready, and his neck outstretched to study each one of them in turn.

  "It is time. As promised, you will have help. Meet your companions, Aronus, Lingaria, and Speltus.

  "Sent by the Unseen Ones and the Dragon's council, Aronus is your guide, Astrid. Call him and allow him to soul-merge with you. This will give him the ability to read your thoughts and anticipate your moves.

  "Will it hurt?" she asked.

  "Not in the slightest, but once he soul-merges with you, he is yours alone. His mission is not complete until you die. So try to live a long happy life."

  "What do I do?" She gazed at the dragon, his small size confused her as she had always assumed dragons were big and powerful.

  "I know the thoughts in your head, but do not think because he is small, that will have any effect on what he is capable of doing. He will be a great companion and help to you on your journey to Caelestis. Now, hold out your arm, and simply call his name," Palladin instructed her.

  Astrid stuck out her arm, straight as an arrow, and called his name, "Aronus, come to me."

  Aronus's small white body shuttled across the floor, taking a flying leap onto the protective leather gauntlet wrapped around her arm. Her arm collapsed under his weight. He clung to her as she recovered with a brief apology. In the next moment, she watched in awe as his coloring changed to match hers. The brilliant white seeping away to be replaced by an emerald body. The coloring reached to the tip of his tail, and when he shook his wings, his transition became complete.

  "Aronus, you are stunning," she told him.

  "Yes, I know," he responded. "Now, hold still human, and don't blink."

  Astrid was taken aback by his burst of attitude but did as he asked. Their eyes locked. She felt her spirit being lifted from her body and rising in the air. Aronus was there too, and then she heard the sound of a thunder crack, and instantly, she was back inside her body.

  "What in the name of the Unseen Ones just happened?" Astrid blinked the sparks from before her eyes.

  "That, Astrid, was what happens when your dragon patronus soul-merges with you," Palladin said.

  "I didn't like it."

  "Did it hurt?" the great dragon asked.

  "No," she answered honestly.

  "Good, now quiet yourself. One more thing. You will need that." Palladin lifted one great taloned claw off the ground and motioned to her right. A great bow nearly the length of her body levitated in the air before her.

  "What... what is that?" Her face paled with the sudden emergence of such an elaborate weapon floating next to her. "Where did this come from?"

  "Astrid, I told you before you would know things when it was time. It is now time. I call you now and forever, Astrid of the Bow. Consider this weapon a gift of the Unseen Ones. You are to carry it always, and your skill will be known throughout the three kingdoms."

  Tentatively, Astrid plucked the magnificent item from the air.

  "It's beautiful," she whispered breathlessly.

  "Indeed, now... step back my dear."

  Astrid nodded, doing as she was told.

  "Who's next?" Palladin asked.

  During Astrid's bonding ordeal, the other two had backed up against the wall of the chamber, eyes wide in wonder.

  "Svana, you'll be next."

  Svana stepped nervously forward.

  "Your dragon's name is Lingaria, now do as your sister did and this will all be over quickly."

  Svana nodded her head ever so slightly and stuck out her arm.

  "Come to me, Lingaria." Also white, he jumped on her arm and locked eyes with her. His body changing to match the fire red of her brilliant hair. It was now Astrid's turn to be shocked as she watched her sister's soul flutter into the air briefly, followed by the sound of another thunder crack. The next moment, Svana was shaking her head, reeling from merging.

  "Why does it have to happen that way?" Svana asked.

  Palladin shook his great white head from side to side, letting out a sigh of exasperation as he did so.

  "You must pay attention; I do not have the patience to explain everything more than once. That must occur so your souls will become connected. Your dragon guide must know you like no other being has ever known you. This includes your sisters. They have never had to anticipate your every move, but he must. Now accept it and claim your weapon."

  To the right of her, a glorious sword now floated, just as Astrid's bow had done.

  "Svana, you will now and forever be called Svana of the Sword. Take care with it, for it is crafted for you."

  Svana stepped forward, wrapping her hand around its magnificent grip. It curved to her palm like a glove to fingertips, and she nearly cried at its beauty. The metal of the sword itself so elegantly crafted, with words engraved running the center of it. At the base of the blade, a guard made of carved dragon wings jutted from the sides just where a handguard would have been. The pommel itself was a ruby of unnatural size, and as she held up the blade to her eye, she could read that it said, 'Svana of the Blade.' She felt her eyes grow damp.

  "It is the most beautiful weapon I've ever seen."

  Palladin smiled a toothy dragon grin at her.

  "That is well. Step aside, please."

  Svana nodded her head, put off by his abrupt response, and even more put off by the red beast that now rested upon her arm. His head tilted inquisitively at her, she had so many unanswered questions. How would the beast help me? Why must we soul-merge? What if something happens to me?

  "Silence your thoughts, Svana. They are distracting me." Palladin looked to her. Being reprimanded by the great dragon was shattering, her gaze fell to the ground.

  "Yes, your magnificence. I await your next instruction."

  Satisfied she would be silent, Palladin drew his attention to the remaining sister.

  "Hekla, your fear is unfounded, now step forward. It is your t

  Hekla glanced to her sisters as if waiting for their approval, but they remained stone silent, although their faces beamed at their new weapons. She timidly ventured forth, taking care not to meet his eyes.

  "Your dragon’s name is Speltus; he is yours and yours alone. Now call him to you."

  With her voice shaking, she lifted her arm and quietly spoke, "Speltus, come to me."

  Speltus did a little circle turn on the ground, almost as if excited to be chosen, before he ran and took a flying leap onto her leather banded arm. Immediately, his tiny body was covered by the sapphire blues of her hair and armor, and a split second later the soul-merge occurred. Unlike her sisters, she seemed unfazed by it and stood her ground once it was complete.

  "Are you ready for your weapon?" Palladin asked.

  Hekla nodded her head in response, and just as she did so, appearing front and center before her was a vibrant scepter, as sapphire as her hair and dragon guide. The orb at the top, quite grandiose and glowing the most stunning colors. Its stem was unrivaled in excellence and one of the most lavish she had ever seen. The metal of it from top-to-bottom felt like silk beneath her fingers, and she wondered how that could be.

  "Hekla, you are now and forever, Hekla of the Scepter... do not worry about such trivial things. Just know great care was given to each weapon. Not just for its craftsmanship, but for its longevity, beauty, and comfort. These items will become as much a part of you as your dragon guides. Care for them like an attached limb, and above all, guard them with your life."

  The sisters nodded in unison, each still in awe of the weapons they now possessed. Satisfied they had completed the process, the great Palladin looked over them approvingly.

  "You have done well, do not take my demeanor as anything less than having high expectations for you. The Unseen Ones have long since told me of your bravery, and their plans for you. You will go forth and be women of power and dignity. Women who will rule with wisdom and honor. It is your duty. It is your call." His words were the key to calming their fearful hearts.


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