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Chasing Heartbreak: A Friends-to-Lovers Romance (Dark Love Series Book 6)

Page 24

by Kat T. Masen

  I bury myself inside her, knowing I can’t hold back—the pleasure floods my entire body and drives me to the brink of insanity. We silence our moans, careful not to wake the kids until I pull out and lay on my back, demanding she climb on top. As she slides herself on, I pull the strap of her nightly down, exposing her tits. She’s beautiful, and soon, she’s going to be your wife if you can get off your ass and fucking seal the deal.

  Arching her back, she rides me faster until her body tenses, and I feel her coming all over my cock. Fuck. I grab her hips while my body shakes, and the dark room becomes a burst of light, my heart pounding so hard, making it impossible to ignore.

  “Oh fuck,” I groan, barely able to breathe.

  Kate falls on top of me, her heaving chest beating against my own. Barely able to move, I stroke her hair as we lay quietly, both of us trying to calm down. “Why can’t we stay here all weekend? Just you and me.”

  “Because Eric deserves this. Besides, it’s Vegas, baby. Pool parties and chicks in bikinis. Isn’t this your fantasy?”

  “I believe my fantasy was fulfilled two weeks ago when you gave me the most intense blow job in the elevator.”

  Kate laughs against my chest. “We have to stop sneaking around, or we’ll get busted.”

  “Please, you think Lex is so innocent?” I remind her. “You know what, don’t answer that.”

  “I know for a fact he isn’t. Remember, Charlie is my best friend and doesn’t hold back on information.”

  “I hope that sentiment isn’t returned,” I deadpan, closing my eyes to catch a moment’s rest. “Have you forgotten she’s my cousin?”

  “No, I have not. Which is why I keep our sex life private.”

  “Hang on, but you and Adriana are tight.”

  “Ah yes…” she whispers, though I hear the smile on her voice. “Her and Julian… wow.”

  “What do you mean, wow? Better than us?”

  “Oh, baby.” Kate raises her eyes to meet mine, her face still visible from the slightly open drapes. “No one is better than us. But just to be sure, maybe you should remind me again?”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “That’s why you love me, right?”

  I cup her face to kiss her lips. “On all fours, now.”

  We barely slept, having spent the night devouring each other like it was our first time. We fell asleep just before dawn, only for Nash to wake up like clockwork at six. Allowing Kate some extra time to sleep, I change Nash’s diaper and take him downstairs for breakfast. Jessa follows soon after, eager for her trip to the zoo.

  Kate isn’t one to sleep in much, always an early riser, something we have in common. Already dressed for our road trip in a pair of tiny black shorts and this off-the-shoulder denim blouse, I comment on seeing her ass cheeks, and she argues for me to get over myself.

  Olivia arrives early, picking Nash up to spend the weekend with him until we take him off her hands on Tuesday. She stays for a coffee, chatting with Kate as they laugh about something I choose not to listen to. Surprisingly, the two of them have become great friends. They have a lot in common, enjoy the same things, and I don’t complain since it makes my life easier.

  Not long after she leaves, Morgan arrives. Things between us are a lot better. We communicate without the heated exchanges, but we aren’t exactly friends. She spends more time talking to Kate than me, but I don’t give a shit. As long as Jessa is happy, that’s all that matters.

  “You ready to go?” I ask once everyone leaves, throwing the last suitcase in the car. “Our flight leaves in an hour.”

  “Ready to get wasted Vegas-style,” she cheers while hopping into the car.


  We fly the private plane with Lex, Charlie, Adriana, and Julian. Eric and Tristan are already in Vegas, and Rocky and Nikki are flying in from New York.

  The flight takes less than an hour, and in that hour, all the alcohol on the plane has been consumed. We do rounds of shots, plan how we can torment Eric in Vegas, and make the weekend unforgettable.

  By midday, we arrive at the hotel, ready to check-in. Each couple goes their separate ways, all of us agreeing to meet in an hour inside the lobby.

  “What can we do in an hour?” I whisper into Kate’s ear as she attempts to fill out our details on the check-in form. “Blow job, then anal?”

  Kate shakes her head with a knowing smirk. “Dirty boy, and we both know you’re greedy, so let’s see if we even get there since you seem to linger on the deep throat.”

  “Your gag reflex is perfect,” I tease, my hands gliding against the small of her back. “If it wasn’t so good, I wouldn’t beg for more.”

  “Cue the sweet talk. We know I’m good, so stop distracting me, so I can wrap my mouth around that beautiful cock of yours.”

  I grab her hand, ignoring the people around us, and pull her toward the elevators. As soon as the door opens, I’m about to press the button to stop anyone else from entering, so I can slide my fingers into her shorts to feel how wet she is until the doors ping open.

  “Well, if it isn’t the happy couple.”

  The sound of his voice blinds me with an uncontrollable rage. I’m caught off-guard, unprepared to deal with this motherfucker and his annoying presence. I stretch my neck, my nostrils flaring as Kate squeezes my hand. I don’t look his way, unwilling to give him the satisfaction of my attention.

  “Dominic, how are you?”

  “Fine, Kate.”

  “That’s good to hear,” she says politely before continuing, “Listen, I love Eric. I don’t want there to be animosity between us when we’re all here for him and Tristan.”

  Dominic keeps his attention fixated on the door. “Yes, we’re all here for Eric. There is nothing more important to me than the bond of brotherhood. And he is your best friend, correct?”

  I’m about to punch his fucking face, swallowing the anger as Kate tightens her grip on me. But I keep quiet, remembering Lex’s words. Always remain one step ahead. If he wants to pull the brotherhood card out, I will keep a close eye, knowing he has a hidden angle in trying to stay close to Kate.

  The door pings open as we reach our floor. Fuck, finally.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse us, we need to get ready for tonight. I guess we’ll see you later.”

  Kate drags us out, but I stop her, holding the door as my eyes blaze against his. For the longest time, I envied this man for having been the attention of my best friend. But as I continue to stare into the eyes of my enemy, I see nothing but a sad, pathetic man, who creates a world based on false fantasies and ruins people’s self-worth for his own selfish needs.

  “It’ll be in your best interest to remember that this weekend is about your brother and nothing else,” I warn him in an arctic tone. “Do you understand me?”

  The dickhead smirks like a fucking idiot, though behind his complacent façade, I see the blaze out of control because the woman he loves walks away so easily.

  “I’ll see you soon, Kate,” is all his says while we battle with our stare.

  The doors close at the same time. Kate pulls me toward the room and unlocks the door. The second we are inside, I kick the goddamn chair, angered by what I knew all along.

  “Noah, you have to let it go.”

  I slide the balcony door open, relishing in the fresh air to calm me down. My hands grip the railing as I stare at the view of the strip below me.

  “Let it go?” A sinister laugh escapes me while I shake my head. “Right.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Kate raises her voice behind me. “I get it, I really do. But you’ve said over and over again that you know how much I love you, so what else is it? Because it’s starting to sound like you don’t trust me, and if that’s the truth, that is a whole other argument, especially since I’m the one who has had to compromise for you and have your exes in our lives for the sake of the kids.”

  “I trust you,” I confess, almost raising my voice, frustrated at my own insecurities.
“I just want a moment to get down on one knee and make you my wife. That perfect moment to prove to you how much I want us to be husband and wife. And everyone in our lives demands so much of us, I can barely fuck you let alone propose marriage to you.”

  “What if there isn’t such a thing as a perfect moment? You can always plan, but sometimes, that perfect moment is spontaneous. There’s no thought, just careless thoughts carrying us away like our dip in the ocean that night. Whatever may have happened afterward, our crazy actions led us to bond in a jail cell. And look at us now.”

  “I guess so,” I mumble. “I hadn’t thought of it that way.”

  “Noah.” I turn around as she inches closer, placing her hand on my cheek, caressing it softly. “We are not ordinary. And that’s what makes our bond unique. We’re not Charlie or Lex or even Adriana and Julian. We are Noah and Kate. Two best friends who fell apart four years ago and got through the hardest years of our lives to end up here, together. Our love story is far from perfect, but it’s perfect for me.”

  “I’m sorry, and you’re right. I just hate how much he crawls under my skin.”

  “It’s called jealousy.” She smiles, her arms around me. “So back to the whole wife thing…”

  “Yeah,” I grin, “I’ve never hidden the fact that I want all of you, mine forever.”

  “Let’s just get married, here, tonight.”

  “Here?” I tilt my head, questioning her. “In Vegas?”

  “Why not?”

  “I just thought you’d want the whole big wedding. Didn’t you spend your whole childhood dreaming about being a bride?”

  Kate laughs. “Uh, no. I had two brothers. I jumped out of trees and played in the dirt. Sorry to burst your bubble, I’m not Charlie. We’ve spent our time together worrying about everyone else, Noah, so let’s have this. Just us.”

  “I didn’t think I could love you more, but… I love you more.” Happiness bursts through me, my hands cupping her face to bring her kiss into me. “I want to marry you tonight.”

  “Then, what the hell are we waiting for? But I do have one condition.”

  “Me, too. You go first.”

  “I think we should still have something small back home to include Jessa and Nash.”

  I laugh, shaking my head. “That was my condition, too.”

  “And see, this is why it pays to be best friends first.” She smiles, arms wrapped around my neck. “I’m so ready to marry you, Noah Mason.”

  “Then, let’s fucking do it,” I tell her, grinning. “I need to finally make you my wife.”


  The church is tiny and cheap with plastic stained windows instead of glass and pink neon lights inside the confined space. Instead of wooden pews like a traditional church, tacky velvet benches run across the room. It’s a typical Vegas chapel just like out of the movies with a shiny tiled floor and old cigarette smoke smell.

  Kate wears a white laced jumpsuit, and I, the navy suit I brought with me for tonight. She looks radiant like a bride on her wedding day despite it being less formal.

  Inside the chapel, in front of Elvis, the organist who looks well into her nineties, plus Lex and Charlie, I pull out the box from my pocket and get down on one knee.

  “I want a sign, something to tell me this is exactly the right moment.” I clear my throat, choking on my words. “I know we agreed to get married, and at that moment only an hour ago, it felt right. But when you left the room to get changed with Charlie, I remembered this inside my bag. I’ve carried it everywhere hoping for a sign, but I realized I was chasing something when all along, it was inside of me. I can’t imagine my life without you. The way you make me laugh, the crazy adventures we experience together. You’ve welcomed my children as if they were your own. We’ve made memories because you are never afraid of living life to the fullest. And because of that, you’ve made me a better person.”

  I open the box as Kate gasps in front of me.

  “Je t’aime. Épouse-moi, Kate.”

  I pull out the Cartier platinum-cut oval diamond ring and slide it on her finger. Holding onto her hand, I repeat my sentiments. “I love you. Marry me, Kate.”

  “A thousand times yes,” she bursts out, smiling as her eyes glaze over. “Tu es parfait pour moi, Noah.”

  And that’s the thing about love. When the person you breathe for tells you that you’re perfect to them, it’s the only thing that matters.

  “Let’s rock n’ roll and get this show on the road!” Elvis cheers.

  Charlie squeals beside us, clutching onto Lex as he grins while holding onto her.

  We say our I do’s, and finally, I make my best friend my wife.

  I stare into the eyes of this beautiful woman, my smile just as infectious as hers, and lift her hand with the newly appointed wedding ring which sits next to her diamond ring.

  “To us… my best friend, my equal.”

  “To us.” Kate grins with her big blue eyes shining bright. “I can’t believe we’re married!”

  “We have done some pretty crazy things, but this one takes the cake.”

  “You guys.” Charlie hugs both of us at the same time. “I’ve been waiting forever for this to happen. Congratulations, I love you both.”

  Lex pulls me in for a hug, then onto Kate as Charlie holds both my hands. “I promised you a happy ending before we left for Paris. I knew deep down inside you that leading you back to Kate would be the road to happiness.”

  “Yeah, you’re kinda annoying that way?” I laugh before pulling her in and squeezing her tight.

  “So, now that you’re married, what’s the first thing you want to do?” Charlie asks.

  Lex shakes his head, covering his laugh. “What’s the first thing we did?”

  “Oh,” Charlie mouths. “Never mind.”

  I pull Kate into me, wrapping my arms around her waist. “How about you give me two hours to devour my wife and then we’ll join you? Are you ready to watch two gay men squirm at a strip joint?”

  “Eric hates pussy.” Lex chuckles.

  Inside my pocket, I retrieve a bundle of bills. “I’m ready with my bills so Eric gets the full experience. Pussy galore in his face. I guess, payback for all the shit he’s put me through.”

  Kate pulls more bills out of her purse. “Here, I’ll double that. I say we get the ladies to tag team him.”

  We all laugh until Lex pulls out his black Amex. “This one’s on me. The full private show.”

  “You guys are so bad.” Charlie shakes her head with a devilish smirk. “And I’m here for every second of it, shall we?”

  I grab the hand of my wife, my best friend.

  “Let’s get this party started.”

  You are invited to Eric and Tristan’s wedding.

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  Bad Boy Player

  Bad Boy Rich

  Arrogant Aussie: A Hero Club Novel

  Roomie Wars

  Wedding Wars

  Baby Wars

  Roomie Wars Box Set (Books 1 to 3)

  The Dark Love Series

  Click here

  Chasing Love: A Billionaire Love Triangle

  Chasing Us: A Second Chance Love Triangle

  Chasing Her: A Stalker Romance

  Chasing Him: A Forbidden Second Chance Romance

  Chasing Fate: An Enemies to Lovers Romance

  Chasing Heartbreak – A Friends to Lovers Romance

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  Born and bred in Sydney, Australia, Kat T. Masen is a mother to four crazy boys and wife to one sane husband. Growing up in a generation where social media and fancy gadgets didn’t exist, she enjoyed reading from an early age and found herself immersed in these stories. After meeting friends on Twitter who loved to read as much as she did, her passion for writing began, and the friendships continued on despite the distance.

  “I’m known to be crazy and humorous. Show me the most random picture of a dog in a wig, and I’ll be laughing for days.”




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