Book Read Free

Beyond the Tide

Page 30

by Noelle Marchand

  Ian ended the call. He took a steeling breath, then glanced at Ava again. “We have a problem.”


  Floating on her back in the salt water pool in Ian’s backyard, Ava watched the sunset streak across the sky, ushering the world from day into night. The water filling her ears muted every sound save that of her hands softly stroking over the surface as she treaded water. She wasn’t sure how long she’d traced lackadaisical circles in this pool. She didn’t care, and she didn’t want to leave it.

  Closing her eyes, she tried not to think. For two days, she’d done nothing but think and worry. She still couldn’t make sense of the situation they’d found themselves in. Oh, sure, she understood that they couldn’t tell the public about their marriage.

  However, the public did not include her parents. They had to know, and they had to know first. Lord help them all if her parents somehow heard about it from someone else. For that very reason, Ava and Ian hadn’t told a soul that they were married yet.

  That hadn’t been a particularly difficult endeavor for Ava, since she’d been hiding out at Ian’s house for two days. Ian, on the other hand, had been running the gauntlet with the media on both the east and west coast. They’d spoken as often as possible between his meetings. They’d video called each other at night. Still, it just wasn’t the same.

  Even being on the Intrepid without him hadn’t been this rough. Back then, she hadn’t known that he returned her feelings. Nor had hers progressed to love quite yet. On a practical level, she’d been able to distract herself by working so hard at her pirate duties that she’d fallen into bed too exhausted to think. She’d missed him then, though she might not have admitted exactly how much even to herself.

  And now? Now, it was like a physical ache right in the middle of her chest. This was silly. It had only been two days. The way circumstances were shaping up, they would probably have to deal with separations much longer than that. After all, if the public couldn’t know the status of her relationship with Ian, then she could hardly live with him, could she?

  Under normal circumstances, she wouldn’t mind living here. Ian’s Spanish Colonial style house was gorgeous and huge. Every bit of the grand house seemed to scream Ian’s name. Strong, commanding, passionate, timeless but with a historical flare and a huge pool in the backyard… If that wasn’t Ian in a nutshell, she didn’t know what was.

  It had been so much fun to explore the house on her own. She’d found it just as he’d left it. His bedroom had been a bit of a mess. Clothes had been strewn across the bed and the bureau drawers left open in his haste to make it to the airport for the taping of Pirate’s Plunder. She’d straightened up the room except for one item.

  A picture frame had been left face down on the top of the bureau. Tucked inside was a photo of Ian with Emily at a Swim For Safety class. It must have been taken within the first few weeks of them becoming friends. Once she’d realized what it was, even touching it felt wrong. She’d left it just as she’d found it.

  She’d had no qualms about looking through the two photo albums he’d placed on the bookshelf in his home office. As far as she could tell, they’d been created for him by Emily’s mother. They documented all of the years and occasions he’d spent with the Holden family.

  Ava had yet to see a photo of Ian’s father. She’d found one of his mother that he kept in his Bible. The blonde woman had been holding a six-year-old Ian. It had to have been one of the last photos she’d taken with him before her death.

  The inscription on the back had been written in Ian’s childish handwriting. It simply said “Mom” and noted the year it had been taken. At that point, exploring had started to feel more like snooping. Ava had tucked the photo back into the Bible and settled on the couch where she’d stayed for most of the two days.

  Between worrying, she’d binged-watched Treasure Hunters. Ian lit up the screen with his charm, humor, and good looks. As the episodes went on, he seemed to take up more and more of the show’s narrative—probably more than he suspected.

  Ava lost her resolve to watch the entire series once Treasure Hunters started to reveal Emily’s true feeling for Ian. It was one thing to know Emily had been in love with Ian. It was another thing entirely to watch a woman pining after one’s husband.

  Pushing those images from her thoughts, Ava swam over to the side of the pool to check her phone. Ian still hadn’t responded to her last two text messages. No doubt he was busy with the media or with his manager. Still, it had been a few hours since they’d talked, and she was starting to get lonesome in this big house all by herself. Would it seem too desperate to call him?

  She gave a short laugh. What did it matter if she appeared desperate? They’d only been married for twenty-four hours before this two-day separation. Of course, she was desperate. That didn’t mean she shouldn’t be more patient, though. He’d contact her when he could.

  In the meantime, she pulled herself out of the pool, then went upstairs to the master bath to take a shower and wash the saltwater from her hair. Thirty minutes later, she locked up the house and set the alarm for the night. She snuggled into the corner of the couch in time to watch Ian’s prerecorded appearance on Trip Hudgens’ late-night show.

  Ian shot a devastating smile at the applauding crowd and at the camera as he stepped onto the set. She smiled as she realized that he was wearing the same suit he’d gotten married in. He looked just as gorgeous now as he had then. He confidently shook Trip Hudgens’ hand.

  He turned and tried to shake the hand of the starlet, Sabrina Carson, who had already been interviewed. Instead, Sabrina Carson gave him a hug, and then… Did that woman just whisper something in Ian’s ear? Ava narrowed her eyes. “I’m sorry. Does she know you?”

  They both laughed before Ian took a seat next to her on the couch. He immediately turned his attention to the host which was rather satisfying to see. Ava grabbed one of the chocolate candies she’d bought on her incognito trip to the grocery store as Trip began the interview.

  Trip Hudgens asked Ian about his general experience on Pirate’s Plunder and a few things about the duel that led to the elimination. Finally, the host moved on to the subject of romance. “You are such a popular and beloved character on Treasure Hunters and Pirate’s Plunder. I think that’s why everyone is so interested in your romantic life.”

  Ian laughed. “Is that why? I’ve been trying to figure it out.”

  Sabrina Clark leaned in to wink. “And you’re incredibly handsome.”

  Ava threw a chocolate wrapper at the screen as the woman went on and on about Ian. “He’s taken.”

  Ian looked a little uncomfortable by the time the woman finished, but he smiled. “Thank you.”

  Trip Hudgens waved a hand. “I know everyone is asking you if you’re team Emily or team Ava, but I’m not going there. I have a feeling a lot of that is going to be determined by what happens on Treasure Hunters this season. I will say in full disclosure that I’m team Ava.”

  Ava let out a small cheer. “Yes!”

  Ian laughed. “Why are you team Ava?”

  “Your chemistry with her, man…” Trip gave Ian a meaningful look. “Besides, you two are perfect for each other.”

  Sabrina Clark placed her hand on Ian’s arm. “I think the best thing to do would be to choose neither. Pick someone else with no drama.”

  The host laughed. “Do you have any suggestions?”


  “Brazen hussy,” Ava mumbled as Ian smoothly managed to extract his arm from her talons.

  He shook his head. “No, thank you. I’m in more than enough trouble as it is.”

  “Smart man.” Trip Hudgens laughed before turning to the camera. “When we come back, Jake Henley will join us to talk about his newest blockbuster…”

  Having seen enough, Ava changed the channel. She checked her phone again. Nothing from Ian. With a sigh, she turned on the classic movie channel and settled in to watch the r
est of How Green Was My Valley.

  “Ava… Ava…”

  Her lashes lifted sleepily until her eyes focused on Ian kneeling in front of the couch before her. She gasped and lunged off the sofa to hug him, sending them both toppling to the floor. He laughed as he held on tight. Disoriented, she glanced around and determined it was still night. “How? When? You’re here!”

  He laid his head back on the rug to stare up at her. “I managed to get an earlier flight.”

  “Oh,” she said on a breath. “Good. Hi.”

  He grinned. “Hi. Did you miss me?”

  Unbidden tears immediately welled up in her eyes. “I…”

  “Aw, baby.” He sat up to give her a few gentle kisses. “I missed you too. You were all I could think about.”

  “I watched so many episodes of Treasure Hunters and all of your interview over the past two days. I just wanted to see you, to hear your voice.” She traced the strong line of his jaw. “You know, after all of that, I think I might be a little starstruck.”

  He released a disbelieving laugh. “Starstruck? Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  “I’m serious. You’re just… I mean… Wow. You could’ve chosen any girl you wanted.”

  He brow furrowed. “I did. I chose you.”

  “Ian,” she protested, letting her head drop to his shoulder. “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

  “Why? Are you afraid you might swoon?” At her nod, he lifted her chin and stared into her eyes. “You are the one I want. Always. Forever. No one else could even come close. I love you, and—”

  She kissed him. What else was a wife to do? He kissed her back, taking full command on her lips, her heart, her body, and showing her just how much he loved her. Much later, Ava awakened to an empty bed.

  She sat up abruptly, fearing for an instant that it had all been a dream, and Ian was still in L.A. A breeze pulled her gaze to the open French doors. Ian stood on the balcony that overlooked the pool as shafts of recalcitrant sunlight squeezed past his form to fill the room with the pink light of dawn. Ava padded over to him in her bare feet. She wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug and kissed the sinewy muscles of his back before murmuring, “Good morning, my love.”

  He lifted his arm so that she could duck beneath it, then he stared down at her. His smile couldn’t hide the troubled look in his eyes before he kissed her. “Good morning.”

  She stepped into his arms and glanced a kiss along his collar bone. “What’s the matter?”

  He sighed even as his arms tightened around her. “I have a meeting with Rick today. I’ll find out if I still have a job and probably see the rest of the family too.”

  She rested her cheek on his chest, daring to ask, “What are you more concerned about? Meeting with Rick? Or seeing Emily?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure what to expect from either of them. That’s the scary part. I asked my manager if he had any ideas about what might go down. He said he wasn’t allowed to tell me anything. Treasure Hunters wants my honest reaction to whatever happens. Apparently, our filming hiatus has been shortened.”

  She pulled back slightly to look up at him. “They’re going to film your return?”

  “Yeah. I figured they would. They need to for the narrative.”

  She nodded, though it sounded awfully invasive. “Is there anything I can do to help you through this?”

  “Just pray for me. And pray about Swim For Safety too. They’re still seriously considering not renewing their contract with me.”

  She frowned. “Your meeting with them didn’t help?”

  He shook his head. “It was kind of a disaster.”

  “Oh, no.”

  “Oh, yes. They showed me the clip from Pirate’s Plunder that caused them concern.”

  “The one where we went swimming together after my panic attack at the indigenous village?”

  “That’s the one.” A rueful smile tilted his lips. “Did you know that it went viral?”

  “No. Why would it?”

  “The same reason I could barely focus on the meeting.” His hands captured her waist, easing her even closer as he confided in her ear. “You were incredibly beautiful in that moment.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. She arched back slightly so that she could look into his eyes. “I was not.”

  He gave her a censoring look. “The way you took off my poet shirt to reveal the indigenous clothes beneath it, that beckoning slash challenging look before you walked into the ocean… I felt like a jerk because you were having a tough time, and it was all I could do to keep my hands off you.”

  Her mouth fell open. “I had no idea.”

  “I wanted to kiss you so badly.” He caught her chin in his hand. He traced his thumb across her bottom lip as he shook his head. “I might have done it if that rogue wave hadn’t knocked some sense into me. And, they wanted to know what I was thinking in that moment.”

  Her wayward gaze strayed to his smile before she managed to ask, “What did you tell them?”

  “That I wasn’t thinking.” His smile turned to a frown, and he released her chin. “Oh, it crossed my mind that it wasn’t the safest thing to do, but I decided it was worth the risk to give you some privacy in that moment.”

  She shook her head. “If only I hadn’t—”

  “Don’t. None of this is your fault.”

  “But there has to be something I can do. What if I talked to them? I could tell them the truth, that I would have gone swimming without you. Regardless of what you may or may not have been thinking, your instincts took over. You followed me in to keep me safe. That’s exactly what happened, isn’t it?”

  “Well, yeah, I guess it is. I mean, I did try to keep us close the shore. I’m not sure that would satisfy them, though.”

  “What if I offered to do a couple of PSAs with you for them? We could make it a schtick. You trying to keep me out of dangerous swimming situations. Me being hardheaded but eventually listening to you.”

  He laughed. “That sound fun and creative, but you don’t have to do that.”

  “I know, but I want to,” she insisted. When he began to shake his head, she slid her hands over his arms and sent him her most imploring look. “You always fight for me. Let me have a chance to fight for you too. It’s only fair.”

  With a groan, he pulled her into his embrace. His sigh stirred her hair. “I’ll run it by Neil.”

  She smiled. “Good. I’ll make us some breakfast.”

  He pulled back to look at her with a mix of surprise and trepidation. “What are you going to cook?”

  She pushed away from him with a mild glare. “I am perfectly capable of making French toast.”

  “Since when?”

  “Since yesterday.” She walked backward into the bedroom. “And, yes, I did research it on YouTube.”

  He laughed. “I’m impressed.”

  “Dibs on the bathroom.” She hurried inside to get ready for the day. By the time Ian came downstairs after taking his shower, she had a whole stack of piping hot French toast ready for him along with some orange juice and fruit. He let out a low whistle of appreciation.

  She gave a little curtsey. “Told you I could do it.”

  Breakfast rushed by as Ian filled her in on more details about his press tour. They were just finishing up when his phone rang. He glanced over his shoulder as he rinsed his plate in the farmhouse sink. “Whose calling?”

  Ava picked up his phone from the kitchen table and glanced at it as she hurried toward him. “Candi?”

  “Oh.” He glanced down at his wet hands. “She’s our makeup artist. I’ll call her back.”

  “I can put the phone to your ear.” At his nod, she accepted the call, then placed the phone on his ear.

  He held it there with his shoulder as he reached around her to grab a paper towel, blocking her in. “Hey, Candi! What’s up?”

  Ava couldn’t help mouthing the woman’s
name. Candi? Was that short for Candace or what? The woman’s young, sultry tones sounded clearly in the otherwise silent kitchen. “Hey, heartthrob, you want me to meet you at your place to do your makeup?”

  Ava lifted an eyebrow. Tilting her head, she watched in amusement as a wave of embarrassment washed over Ian’s face. He grimaced. After hesitating an instant, he took the phone off his ear and put it on speaker. “No, I’ll meet you at the Holdens.”

  Ava laughed silently and stepped forward to wrap her arms around her husband. Such class. He set the phone on the counter so that he could pull her even closer. A hint of ire sounded in Candi’s voice. “That won’t work. They want you ready to go when you exit the car outside the museum. I can be at your house in five minutes.”

  “Well, I won’t be at my house. I’ll meet you at the museum. We’ll prep there. If they need me to drive in again, they can let me know. See you soon, ok?”

  Silence filled the line. Then a slightly annoyed, “Fine. I’ll see you there.”

  Ava waited until Ian released her in order to end the call, then she leaned back against the counter. “So how long did you two date?”

  He grimaced. “We went on two dates several years ago.”

  “Just out of curiosity, how many previous girlfriends are still in your life?”

  “Candi was not my girlfriend. I’m not sure if you’d count Emily. That’s it. And, in case you’re wondering, ‘Heartthrob’ is not a pet name. A lot of people on set call me that because they know it annoys me.” He glanced at the phone again. “I should go. You’ll be praying for me?”

  “Of course.”

  He stole a quick ‘goodbye’ kiss, then another, slightly longer one. She grasped the front of his t-shirt as he claimed a third kiss. She forced herself to release the soft cotton in her grasp so as not to wrinkle it while he deepened the kiss.

  Her arms wrapped around his shoulders until she was flush against his chest. She kissed him back once more. Finally, she forced herself to gently push him away. Breathlessly, she reminded him, “You’re going to be late.”

  He shook his head slightly as though to clear it. “Right, I’m going. Bye.”


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