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Everlonging Desires

Page 6

by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  Travis nodded, “I can understand why; the whole reason he didn’t come to the wedding was that it was going to hurt him so much.”

  Levi shook his head, “I couldn’t imagine losing a fiancé in that way.”

  Travis was feeling sentimental and grabbed Levi’s hand, “ I could not even imagine. By the way, I love you punk!”

  Levi squeezed his hand tighter, “I love you too, Trav.”

  Travis sighed, “All I know is that Skyler is a very busy man, I guess he just kept himself busy to deal with the loneliness.”

  Levi nodded, “Right, if you’re working you don’t have that time to think about it.”

  Travis added, “But now that he has met this Dustin, he wants to bring him down here for a romantic weekend, and I want you to be nice!”

  Travis reached over and touched the boy’s nose with a wink.

  Levi quipped, “I’m always nice, I just call bullshit as I see it.”

  Travis groaned, “See that’s exactly what I mean, just be nice to this boy, not just for me but Skyler. He really loves this guy, and I don’t care if he’s toothless and has a horrible personality, you be nice.”

  Levi let out a whiny sigh, “Okay, fine, I will for you.”

  As Skyler entered back into the cabin, Dustin was setting the table for them to eat dinner. He walked over to Dustin and grabbed his butt, “Damn, that’s a fine rump roast cowpoke.”

  Dustin giggled and swatted at the man, “Stop it! You play too much.”

  Skyler wiggled his eyebrows, “But I like to play, especially if it’s with you.”

  He growled and wrapped his muscular arms around the boy. Dustin closed his eyes and basked in the man’s touch. After they held for a moment, Skyler took his seat at the dinner table. Dustin took his seat too, and they began fixing their plates. He couldn’t silence his worries about who and what Skyler was talking to, “Who was that on the phone?”

  Skyler continued shoveling mashed potatoes on his plate; they were his favorite, “Oh that was my cousin Travis, in Appalachia, he was just returning a call from earlier.”

  Dustin nodded as he finished fixing his plate, “What did he have to say?”

  Skyler couldn’t take it; he was bursting to tell Dustin about the trip. He paused from fixing his plate, “Well, we have been working hard lately, and I thought we could use a vacation.”

  He grinned as he took a bite and stared into Dustin’s eyes.

  Dustin’s eyes lit up, “What do you mean?”

  Skyler continued, “You and I are going away this weekend to Appalachia and stay in Cousin Travis’ farmhouse.”

  Dustin jumped up from his chair and ran around the table to hug Skyler. “Oh my God, this is going to be so awesome!”

  Skyler was beaming, “It sure is my little cowpoke.”

  Dustin kissed him and then took his seat back at the table. “But what about Hilda and the animals?”

  Skyler replied with his mouthful, “Your mama is going to come to stay here and take care of them.”

  Dustin was shocked that he had already taken care of all the details.

  He grinned, “You are amazing.”

  Skyler sucked his teeth and dug into his meatloaf, “I know.”

  He glanced back up to see if Dustin caught his snide reply.

  He did, He was staring at Skyler with his lips pursed.

  “What?” Skyler quipped.

  Dustin continued, “Really?”

  Skyler continued eating, “I’m just saying what we already know.”

  Dustin erupted with laughter, “I love you so much.”

  Skyler grinned and nodded, “I know,”

  A few moments passed in silence as he continued eating, and suddenly a roll flew from across the table. Skyler looked up at the boy and took a bite of it.

  “Thanks! I meant to get one of these!”

  Before Dustin and Skyler left on their trip, they stopped by the trailer park to pick Tricia up and bring her up to the cabin to housesit while they were away. She grew up on a farm and was familiar with taking care of the animals.

  As they pulled up to the cabin, she was ecstatic. She knew Skyler had done well for himself, but she had no idea he was by her definition of the word rich. It warmed her heart to see that Dustin was well taken care of and being treated like the prince she always knew he was. Now she only hoped her daughter could be so lucky and meet a nice wealthy man to settle down with.

  Every mother always dreamed her kids would grow up and somehow do better than they could. She would tell you, “You do the best you can to raise your kids, but once they are out in the world it’s up to them what they accomplish.”

  As Skyler took her hand to help her out of the truck she smiled at him, “I hope you left me some good vittles to eat while I’m here.”

  Skyler laughed, “Yes Maam, the fridge is stocked, and there’s a carton of cigarettes on the kitchen table for you.”

  Dustin smiled at the man, and he winked back at him. She hobbled her way up the steps to the cabin, and took a seat in a rocking chair, “Now this is the life, I’mma leave your father and move in up here.”

  Dustin rolled his eyes, “Ma, we’re only going to be gone for a couple of days.”

  She lit a cigarette and hollered back to him, “Thats alright, that’s just enough time for me to get some things from the trailer and move in.”

  Skyler watched the exchange with amusement, as Dustin rebutted, “Won’t Daddy miss you?”

  She exhaled a cloud of smoke, “Nah; he’ll be fine he’s working all weekend and your sister’s loafing around at that boy’s house up the road from the trailer park.”

  His sister was a pretty girl, with fire engine red hair and a temper to match. She had been in and out of trouble all the way through her teen years. Dustin didn’t have much of a relationship with her as she was much older than him and viewed him as just an annoying little brother.

  He could not help but feel a sense of pride when he witnessed the envy in her eyes the first time she met Skyler. His Father was yet to meet him; his dad was a good man who worked all the time.

  Dustin checked with his mother one last time to make sure his mother had everything she needed for the weekend.

  “Now Mama if you need anything just call Skyler’s cell or the farmhouse in Magnolia. The numbers are by the phone in the living room.

  She nodded, but her mind was already in vacation mode. She hopped up from the rocking chair she had made herself at home in and hugged him. “Y'all be careful now, and call me when you make it there safely.”

  Dustin nodded, and Skyler came from around the corner of the house. He went to check on his horse Hilda and the other animals before leaving. It was hard for him on a normal day to separate himself from the cabin and the animals.

  Dustin had got closer to Hilda, although she loved to taunt him so much. Skyler loved his animated reactions when she pulled tricks on him. Dustin was careful about turning his back to her because sure enough; she would grab his hat or belt loop. Skyler was reminiscing about the first time they met after making love for the first time outside of the pasture.

  The mortified expression on the boy’s face as he tried to wipe the horse slobber from the back of his neck. As Dustin hopped up into the pickup truck; he noticed the smile on Skyler's face, “What are you smiling about?”

  Skyler turned to him, “Nothing, I’m just wondering how your mama and Hilda are going to get along?”

  Dustin thought for a moment and broke out in laughter, “Oh yeah I didn’t even think about that.”

  Skyler grinned, “Let’s just hope Hilda doesn’t decide to lick your mother or bite at her.”

  Dustin grinned, “I would pay money to be a fly on the wall to witness that.”

  Skyler tousled the boy’s hair, “You got that right cowpoke!”

  With that, they began their journey to reconnection. That’s one of the sad parts about falling into a routine; you forget how to have fun.

e, as they made their way to Magnolia, Dustin’s mama had gone inside she was mulling over a daily to-do list he had written out for her.

  She glanced over the list and decided to start by feeding the animals. She made her way out the back door and stood to take in the scenic pasture. She mumbled to herself, “Well, son of a bitch, who knew all this was back here?”

  She grabbed a sack of chicken feed and unlatched the gate that entered the pasture and walked up to the little red chicken coop. The wind picked up and slammed the door behind her.

  She screamed, “Mercy.”

  Suddenly a barrage of chickens began flapping and screeching, they hopped and jumped around her as a whirlwind of feathers burst into the air like a pile of leaves swept up in an autumn breeze. Trisha cackled wildly and screeched herself all while swatting the feathers from her face, “Now y'all settle down now; good lord stop it.”

  They were unfazed by her yelling to calm down, so she threw some feed on the ground and scrambled to get out the door before any of them escaped. As she laid back against the coop door, she let out a sigh of relief. But her peace and narrow escape would not last long.

  She opened her eyes and turned her head to see a large nose and teeth sniffing at her.

  She let out a scream at the same time Hilda the horse neighed, “Jesus Christ! This place is a nut house!”

  She backed away slowly from the horse before hiking her dress up and sprinting across the pasture with Hilda hot her tail. She made it to the pasture gate and slammed it shut.

  Hilda shot her a look of offense and the woman scolded her like a child,

  “Now you listen here you big beast, that is no way to treat someone you just met!”

  Hilda bowed her head in proper chastisement, and she ran to a bundle of hay laying on the ground just outside the fence and tossed it over to her. Hilda happily took the peace offering and made her way back to her stall.

  Trisha was thoroughly exhausted as she kicked off her shoes and went back into the cabin. She went to the list to see what else needed to be done and noticed a little note.

  “Hilda, the horse, is very shady, she just wants hay and attention, do not run; she will chase you!”

  Trisha mumbled, “Damnit, wished I would have known that before all that happened.”

  Everything else was already done at this point, so she went to the fridge to grab a cola and retire to the front porch to smoke and watch the evening rain fall.


  At Magnolia Ridge, Travis was getting ready for the boys. He was looking forward to seeing Skyler; they hadn’t hung out much in the past few years. Since he moved away from the city, his life had been busy making a home with Levi. Skyler had been emerged in work life too, and seldom had time to get away from his cabin.

  When Travis lived in Roanoke, Skyler would drop by sometimes to perform at the local bars. He was an amazing singer and used to have dreams of making it big in the industry, but it was a hard genre for an openly gay man to achieve fame in.

  Dustin knew Skyler could sing, but he had no idea that Skyler used to perform. He loved the little moments they shared where they were working on a project around the cabin, and Skyler would hum and sing to himself. He would camp outside the bathroom early on in their relationship just to hear him sing old Dolly Parton and Loretta Lynn songs.

  Levi emerged from the bedroom dressed in tight Levi’s, a cowboy hat, and western shirt.

  Travis glanced his direction and laughed, “What the hell are you wearing punk?”

  Levi quipped, “Well, you said Skyler was a cowboy, and I wanted to look the part.”

  Travis shook his head and made his way across the room to where Levi was standing, “Here, turn around let me check something.”

  Levi’s face contorted in confusion as he turned around, “What? Is something wrong?”

  Travis growled, “Mmm, nope something is very right. Why don’t you wear tight jeans like this more often?”

  He reached with both hands and squeezed his butt. Levi yelped, “Trav!”

  Travis continued fondling the boy’s ass, “I can’t help it, it’s just so damn tight.”

  He paused and propped his head on Levi’s shoulder, Levi turned to see what he was doing, “What?”

  Travis sighed, “I done gave myself a hard-on.”

  Levi laughed out loud, “See that’s what you get, and now they will be here any minute.”

  Travis groaned, “I know, but I want it now.”

  The doorbell rang, and Levi froze, “Now see, what are you going to do now?”

  Travis reached to adjust himself, “Go get it, I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Levi spun around and rubbed the front of his jeans. Travis quipped, “Stop it you little bastard, don’t start nothing you can’t finish right now!”

  Levi laughed sadistically and ran around the corner to the front door. He called out, “Coming, just a moment.”

  Travis followed slowly trying to divert his attention from Levi. He flung open the door to see Skyler standing next to Dustin. Dustin was standing behind him shyly, peeking from around the man’s shoulder.

  As he opened the screen door, Travis came up behind him. He reached his hand around Levi to grip Skyler’s, “Hey cuz, How’s it going?”

  Skyler grinned, “It’s going great, Damn you're looking old.”

  Travis frowned, “Yeah, Yeah, I could say the same about you.”

  Skyler flexed his muscles and quipped, “I’m still fit as ever.”

  Levi interrupted, “Person standing here, in the room.”

  Travis glanced at him, and then back at Skyler who was grinning at the little boy dressed like Roy Rodgers, He laughed, “Well, you must be Levi.”

  Levi smiled, “I must be.”

  Travis laughed, “Must?”

  Levi quipped, “I am the Levi!”

  Skyler laughed and threw his arms around the boy, “Now Travis said you were cute, but I wasn’t expecting such a little hottie.”

  Levi blushed and giggled nervously, “Why thank you, kind sir,” with an overly exaggerated southern accent.

  Travis shook his head and facepalmed himself, “He’s not from the south you goober, he grew up around here.”

  He directed his attention to Skyler, “You will have to excuse him when a man speaks to him, he goes all stupid.”

  Levi stuck his middle finger up as Skyler released his bear hug. He glanced behind him and took Dustin’s hand who was smiling shyly from behind him. Skyler pulled the boy in front of him and turned to Travis, “This is my little cowpoke Dustin.”

  Dustin smiled and stuck his hand out to them, “Hi there.”

  Travis smiled down at him, “Well you are every bit as adorable as Skyler said you were.”

  Levi smirked at the boy and replied with disdain “Damn; I was expecting someone ugly.”

  Skyler laughed, and Travis turned abruptly to Levi with a look of chastisement, “Damnit Levi, I told you to be nice.”

  Dustin giggled, “Nope afraid not just another pretty face from the mountains.”

  Levi stared at him inquisitively for a moment and pursed his lips, “Sass, I wasn’t expecting that from someone who looks as sweet as you.”

  Dustin grinned at the boy his eyes lit up with friendly competitiveness.

  Travis interrupted the exchange, “Well come on in guys; we have a fun evening planned for the first night you are here. We made a great dinner, and afterward, we will go down to the pond to watch the sunset.”

  Dustin was excited as he looked around the beautiful farmhouse. He had never seen such a mansion of a place before. “This place is amazing!”

  Levi smiled at him, “Thanks, it didn’t use to look like this.”

  Skyler added, “Yeah I remember Travis sent me some pictures right after he purchased it.”

  He turned to Travis, “You have done wonders with this place, I remember not wanting to come down and help because it looked like such a big project.”

vis placed his hand on Skyler's shoulder, “Us Kennedy boys never give up on a project.”

  Skyler high fived the man, “You got that right buddy.”

  Levi was busy showing Dustin pictures in a photo album of what it looked like before they started remodeling. The boy watched in amazement at the slow transformation each photo showed as the house was being rebuilt. “You guys did all of this yourself?” he asked.

  Levi replied with a proud smile, “We sure did, we only hired a crew for a few things like electrical and plumbing, but all the carpentry work and things we did ourselves.”

  Dustin smiled, “Well it is absolutely beautiful.”

  He turned to Skyler, “and romantic.”

  They held each other’s gaze for a moment, and Levi stepped back slowly into Travis, looking at him knowingly. Sparks were flying, and Levi wasn’t about to get caught up in the inferno. He knew they needed this time together to reconnect and fall even deeper in love before they finally got married.

  Travis had explained to him earlier that when they met, things moved really quickly. Skyler’s need to not be alone anymore resulted in him asking Dustin to move in with him only a short time after meeting. But that was how Skyler was, he was headstrong and made decisions without thinking them through. To be related, Travis and him could not be more opposite. Travis liked to think things through thoroughly before making a decision.

  On the ride down, Skyler and Dustin barely spoke, Skyler’s busy work schedule often left Dustin alone at the cabin to bide his time. It was lonely sometimes with him being so young. Skyler insisted that the boy not work and just enjoy his newfound wealth, but in essence, Skyler had placed him on a shelf. Although he treated Dustin like a king rushing into a relationship so quickly had left them no time to discuss things or get to know each other better. That’s the whole reason Skyler planned this trip; he wanted to make up for jumping so quickly into their relationship.

  Dustin was a very understanding person, he knew Skyler was a great guy, but other than the fact he had lost a fiancé to a horrible accident, he didn’t know much else about his past or anything. The same applied to Skyler; he knew Dustin grew up very poor and did not have much life experience. This was their time to reconnect and learn more about each other. Skyler already knew he loved the boy and Dustin loved him. They just needed something deeper before making things final.


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