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Tales of the Queendom of Maadre

Page 2

by Barbara G. Tarn

  "In your cabin, sir?" the other man asked teasingly.

  Kyrio nodded and shooed him off. The man grinned at Smeraldo and said, "Follow me."

  Still puzzled, Smeraldo obeyed.

  The man let him in a small cabin with a big bed and a big desk as sailors shouted and the ship slowly rolled out of the harbor.

  "Welcome on board! My name is Jack, but I was born Bruno somewhere near Joyce some... thirty-something years ago." The other didn't seem too keen to say his real age, but it was obvious now that he'd been born in the Queendom of Maadre too. "The captain rescued me from this wretched country that has no use for men, and ever since, I've been living wild adventures on this ship. I can tell you that being his property is completely different than being one back in Maadre. I mean, we're raised with the idea we're someone's property – mother, sister, whatever – but out here it's so different, you wouldn't believe it if I told you!"

  Smeraldo wanted to ask about the captain, but his voice still refused to come out. He had been told too many times to "shut up, you stupid animal".

  Jack raised his eyebrows, expecting questions, but when none came, he kept talking with a hint of sarcasm. "So, I understand why the captain wanted you on board, but you don't seem willing to tell me much about yourself. I'll assume you've had some kind of misadventure with one of our lovely women – trust me, the captain will look very sweet compared to them. Now don't look at me like you're shocked. You're aware of why you're here, aren't you?"

  Jack pointed at the bed and Smeraldo nodded reluctantly.

  "Good!" Jack grinned. "Make yourself at home. If you feel sick, come on deck, the fresh air will help. Otherwise just wait here, the captain won't be long."

  With a flourishing bow, Jack left. Still startled, Smeraldo looked around the cabin and went to sit on the bed.

  No attempt was made to touch him on the barge. Would things change now? Smeraldo looked for the Modesty Cloth and wrapped it around his body – as if it could protect him.

  But then, if he didn't show off his body, maybe the captain wouldn't try anything. Smeraldo sighed and lay back, staring at the wooden ceiling, listening to footsteps and voices, and wondering about his future.

  The ship's movement lulled him to sleep.


  Kyrio found Smeraldo curled up on the bed with his Modesty Cloth wrapped around him like a bedsheet, but his sleep didn't look peaceful.

  Having spent the nights on the barge observing his "purchase", he had noticed Smeraldo still had nightmares. The dancer was probably still in Amazonia's Apartment, even if no sound escaped from his lips.

  Kyrio sat next to him on the bed and caressed Smeraldo's cheek, seeing him wince. He decided to shake his guest awake to spare him further dream torture.

  Smeraldo's eyes snapped open as he panted. He focused on Kyrio and looked dismayed, trying desperately to say something that stayed in his throat.

  "Don't worry, I will not hurt you," Kyrio told him, lying next to him but not touching him.

  Slowly Smeraldo controlled his panic and took deep breaths to calm down. Finally he looked at Kyrio again, still worried, but also ready for whatever would come.

  Kyrio smiled. "I woke you up because you were having a nightmare. I will not force myself on you. When you're ready, you'll come to me."

  Smeraldo exhaled with relief, but didn't look totally convinced. Kyrio shoved both his hands under the pillow to avoid taking the dancer in his arms to cuddle him.

  That heartless queen has really ruined this poor boy, he thought.

  "Would you like to eat something before going back to sleep?" he suggested.

  Smeraldo slowly nodded, still a little wary. It would take time until the dancer could trust the foreign captain.

  Kyrio jumped to his feet and went to the door. "Jack, dinner for two!" he called.

  Smeraldo untangled himself from the Modesty Cloth as Kyrio made room on his desk, piling maps and journals to one side.

  Jack knocked with his foot and Kyrio signaled Smeraldo to get the door. Jack brought in a tray of warm food and put it on the desk, leaving with a mock bow.

  "Sit." Kyrio shared the bench with Smeraldo. "I'm afraid Jack is the only one who speaks your language where we're going and his sense of humor is... a little twisted. But you don't have to listen to him if you don't want to. He'll be with you to help you communicate every time I'm not there, but that's it. I'll be with you most of the time anyway."

  Smeraldo nodded, thoughtful, eating sparsely.

  "Sorry, the cook isn't very good, the food will be better when we reach home," Kyrio apologized.

  Smeraldo seemed to realize he was being slow and ate quicker to prove he was hungry and the food wasn't that bad.

  Kyrio chuckled. "Relax, Smeraldo. Nobody will hurt you on this ship or in my house!"

  They finished their dinner and Kyrio put the tray with the dirty dishes outside the door. He switched off the lamp on the desk, leaving only a candle by the bed.

  "Can you find the bed?" he asked Smeraldo, who seemed frozen.

  Slowly the dancer got up and went to lie on the bed. Kyrio lay on his back next to him after plunging the cabin in darkness. As his eyes adjusted, he listened to Smeraldo's ragged breath.

  "Sweet dreams," he said, rolling on his side to give his back to Smeraldo.

  The shadows in the cabin played with his eyes. He tried to imagine Smeraldo's smile, to no avail. He listened as Smeraldo's breath slowed into a peaceful sleep.

  He smiled to himself and closed his eyes, drifting off too.

  The next morning, Jack awoke him from his light sleep with a loud clearing of his throat. His back was very warm and Jack's mischievous smile made him realize Smeraldo was curled up against him with one arm around his waist, still fast asleep.

  "Urgent. On deck," Jack mouthed.

  Kyrio shooed Jack off. He tried to roll to face Smeraldo without waking him, but failed. The dancer pulled away, startled awake, wondering how he had gotten so close to his master. He had probably felt safe holding Kyrio – as he'd slept without nightmares.

  Kyrio smiled reassuringly at him. "I need to be on deck. Come and join me when you want. Breakfast is served there. Did you sleep well?"

  Smeraldo nodded. Kyrio hoped the wariness on the beautiful face would wear out soon. He touched Smeraldo's stubble.

  "Can I trust you with a razor?" he asked. "Or will you try to kill yourself?"

  Smeraldo blinked and averted his eyes.

  "My barber will shave you when we get home," Kyrio decided. It wasn't too bad if facial hair hid those gorgeous features until they reached the mansion. Although he still wanted to kiss those silent lips.

  He got out of bed and left his cabin to join the crew.

  "Did you score, captain?" Jack asked, offering him a mug of tea.

  "No." Kyrio shook his head. "He is worse off than you ever were. The Queen herself laid her claws on him."

  "Oh! Oh, I see." Jack looked impressed. "Good luck, then. Will you rename him like you did with me?"

  Kyrio sipped his tea, staring at the sea and watching the coast of Amazonia's country slide by. "I guess I should," he mused. "Men change name every time they change owners in the Queendom of Maadre, don't they? Well, he's a loan, more than a purchase, but he's not really a slave... I mean, I want him to think of himself as a human being and not an animal."

  "A gorgeous animal," Jack said absentmindedly as Smeraldo emerged from the lower deck. "I mean, a gorgeous young man, captain!" he eagerly corrected himself, realizing what he'd just said.

  Kyrio shook his head with indulgence. Jack had never fully recovered from what had been done to him, and Kyrio was used to his quirks by now. Jack had proved to have good sailing skills and was fluent in both his mother tongue and the Lekisha Kingdom's language by now, so Kyrio always brought him onboard. And his men were servants or hired hands, not slaves – and he certainly never treated anyone like a beast. He respected all human beings in the same way, even if they work
ed for him.

  But Smeraldo was different from Jack. More deeply wounded but also younger than Jack had been when Kyrio had bought him. Smeraldo might recover – Kyrio had one year to heal him, or he'd lose him. Which didn't sound too bad if he couldn't put a smile on that haunted face.

  Smeraldo joined him and waited, eyes low. Kyrio offered him a warm drink and dry biscuits.

  "I've been thinking," he told the dancer. "I should rename you. I believe it's tradition in your country, so I hope you don't mind."

  Smeraldo shrugged. Of course, he knew he was a piece of property who had worked in a Public House for most of his life – although he had probably never changed names. Well, unless Amazonia had called him something nasty such as Beast or Stud.

  "I like your name, but it's quite long, and I'd rather call you something with no meaning," Kyrio continued. "I mean, you do have wonderful emerald eyes, but how about I call you simply Aldo? It's shorter, means nothing, and is simply a male name in some countries."

  Smeraldo looked puzzled. He frowned in concentration, processing the information, then slowly nodded.

  "Good!" Kyrio clasped his shoulder with a grin. "Then I'll introduce you as Aldo. And even if you're technically my servant, I'd like to consider you a friend. You have no duties on this ship, but when we get home I hope you'll grace me and my family with some of your traditional dances. Jack can play the accompanying music if you want. Will you do it?"

  Smeraldo kept staring at him and nodded again. Kyrio let go of the dancer's shoulder before he gave in to the urge to pull him into a kiss.

  Smeraldo exhaled in relief.

  "Good, we're all set, then," Kyrio said cheerfully. "Feel free to wander onboard. We should reach the Lekisha coast in a week."

  Chapter 3

  Smeraldo's confidence grew slowly. His new master had renamed him, as was customary, told him his duties – none at the moment – and hadn't touched him – although he could tell Kyrio wanted him.

  But Kyrio wasn't lustful like the Queen and treated him like a human being, which was what helped him to relax and enjoy the journey. Actually, everybody treated him like a person, even if most sailors and the first mate knew barely a few words of his mother tongue.

  Jack's conversations were quite random – long monologues about his life both in and out of the Queendom of Maadre. As Bruno, he'd been a slave almost worked to death in a farm near Joyce. As Jack, he was a happy-go-lucky sailor and world traveler who had seen things Smeraldo could only imagine.

  Jack had seen the island where Kyrio's mother had been born. He had seen a land where people had such dark skins that they were invisible at night. He had seen big islands where people had almond-shaped eyes. And he was happy to follow his captain wherever he took him, enjoying the freedom his new life had given him.

  Smeraldo didn't know how he felt about the foreign merchant who had sort of rescued him from the Queen's clutches. The tall and dark-haired man's calm impressed him. He felt safe near Kyrio, in spite of the obvious attraction the man had for him. But the captain had kept his word and hadn't touched him yet.

  Smeraldo didn't know what "freedom" meant yet. He had grown up obeying to women's orders and wasn't sure what he should do with himself now. He observed the other men, listened to their laughter and their songs and wondered. He couldn't see himself among them – but then, maybe Jack was like him at the beginning. Smeraldo guessed he needed time to adjust to his new condition – whatever it was.

  Then they reached the Lekisha Kingdom, disembarked, put the captain's luggage on a wagon, and the crew was dismissed for a few months. Kyrio sold his goods in town, then climbed on the wagon with Smeraldo and Jack, heading for his family house.

  Sea and coast became forest and hills until they reached a big building at the base of the mountains. Built with gray stone – and square except for a round little tower at the top – the two-story building looked almost like the houses of Maadre. The climate also seemed similar, although the mountains were a lot farther from Amazonia's capital and Maadre was a big town at the crossing of two rivers.

  The main building hid a lower one used as a stable and a round granary. A stream gurgled nearby and a homestead was at walking distance. Farther down the unpaved road there was a small village with a temple for a local god.

  A covered well stood at the center of the main courtyard, which was paved. Smeraldo caught a glimpse of a garden outside the mansion's walls, and a forest loomed over it from the mountainside.

  Servants and relatives welcomed Kyrio – unable to understand their language, Smeraldo couldn't tell who was who. Kyrio didn't introduce him and got rid of the others as fast as he could so he could lead Smeraldo to the upper floors.

  Kyrio stopped in a corridor on the second floor. There were many doors at different intervals, but two were almost in front of each other.

  "This is my bedroom," Kyrio said, putting his hand on a door handle. "You can have that one." He pointed at the other door on the opposite side of the corridor. "I will not come to your room, but feel free to come into mine if you don't want to sleep alone. I usually summon whoever I want to spend my night with, but you are free to do as you please. A bathtub will be brought to your room soon, and then the barber will come. I'll see you downstairs for dinner so I can introduce you to everybody."

  Smeraldo nodded and entered his new room. It was bigger than the one at Melania's, with a double bed that made him shiver – reminding him of the Queen's Apartment. But the big bed had no poles and no curtains, so it looked safe.

  There were also a couple of narrow windows with benches underneath so one could sit and watch the landscape, and a chest for his clothes. A basin, a chamber pot, a small table and a stool completed the furniture.

  Smeraldo dropped his travel bag on the bed, looking around once more. No carpets, no curtains. This was his room. He could be a free man here – again, whatever that meant. He could dance or brood or explore. Nobody would force him to have sex, or drug him, or whip him unconscious.

  A knock on the door startled him and he answered it. Servants brought in a big wooden bathtub and filled it with buckets of warm water. They gave him soap and a towel, and left with bows and smiles on their faces.

  Still puzzled, Smeraldo undressed and immersed himself into the bathtub. Servants of both sexes smiling at him? Was he really a guest in Kyrio's house?

  He washed away the dust and the salt of his long journey, then another knock announced the barber, who came in with Jack.

  "Just in case you need an interpreter," Jack said cheerfully.

  Smeraldo half-smiled and sat obediently to be shaved, barely listening to Jack's chatter.


  Kyrio held his breath when Smeraldo entered the great hall of the mansion. Clean, new tunic, his face suffused with melancholy, Smeraldo was even more beautiful than the day Kyrio had first seen him in the Temple of the Goddess at Maadre.

  The dancer, with his shy demeanor, followed exuberant Jack, and Kyrio smiled.

  "Welcome," he told his most revered guest before introducing him as Aldo to the servants and family members present.

  His extended family was still mostly trading around the world, but soon they'd be reunited by the Winter Celebrations. His favorite sister, Karalee, with whom he had no secrets, nodded her approval for his choice with a smile. Except his latest choice of a lover was still reticent about being touched and Kyrio couldn't blame him.

  Karalee was married to Benjamin, who also smiled at Smeraldo, hopefully making him feel welcome. They had three children who weren't bothered by the fact that their uncle had always men by his side. Actually the firstborn – who was now a girl of thirteen – stared adoringly at Smeraldo. Kyrio noticed also that Rossella's necklace had temporarily moved from the mother's neck to the daughter's.

  Karalee and Benjamin stayed at the mansion all year, but the others would soon be back too – Kriloy, who had married Brienna and had given their father two heirs to the family name, and Kikki, who h
ad married a shoemaker from the capital but always spent the Winter Celebrations with the rest of her family.

  Both Kyrio and Smeraldo noticed the open hostility of Calvin, a house servant who had been Kyrio's lover during his last stay and who obviously hoped to be his bed partner again – except even Calvin couldn't deny Smeraldo's charm. Smeraldo handled the envy with a little shrug – he had too many names and faces to memorize to worry about a single jealous young man. Kyrio invited the dancer to sit next to him at his table and food started coming in.

  Being traders' offspring, Kyrio's sister and brother-in-law could speak Amazonia's dialect, so after dinner they tried to talk to Smeraldo, but met only silence, nods or a shaken head. Karalee glanced at Kyrio, a little puzzled, and quickly adjusted to questions that required yes and no answers instead of trying to start a real conversation.

  "He's not deaf," Kyrio assured them. "And he's an excellent dancer. Hopefully soon he'll grace us with one of his performances."

  "Poor thing must be shaken from the long journey," Karalee said. "When you want, dear!" she told Smeraldo, who nodded.

  "I am quite tired too, so I'll retire early tonight," Kyrio said. "We'll talk again tomorrow."

  He signaled Smeraldo, who followed him out of the great hall. They stopped in the corridor outside their doors.

  "Sweet dreams," Kyrio said. "If you have nightmares, I'm here."

  Smeraldo nodded and averted his eyes, heading for his room. Kyrio's eyes followed him, and he sighed when the other door closed.

  "New playmate is unwilling to play?" Calvin's voice startled him. The young servant sounded sarcastic.

  Kyrio turned to face him. "He's not a playmate, Calvin. He is a young man who suffered much and needs all your respect."

  Calvin scoffed. "Another one of your lost causes, like Jack?" he asked.

  "Maybe he's not completely lost. We'll see. You'll have to keep your jealousy in check if you don't want to be sent back to your family."

  "He's handsome, I'll give him that. But if he doesn't come to your bed... can I still warm up your nights?"


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