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Violent Ends

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Emma, I see what you want. Why don’t you ask me? Or tell me?”

  “I can’t do that.” She pulled away, but he didn’t let her get far.

  “We’re married for life. I’ll never divorce you, so you might as well help me out here. Tell me what you want.”

  She looked toward him. He held her wrist and moved to lock his fingers with hers, holding her still.

  “Can you … go again?”

  “Go again?”

  “Ugh, why are you being so difficult?”

  “The same reason you’re being so cute.” He lifted up, and she looked for any signs that he was in pain but he didn’t show any. “Why don’t you come out and say it?” He kissed her head. “Say, ‘Gideon, I want you to fuck me. I want to feel that big cock of yours sliding inside my pussy. In fact, I’m already addicted. Show me just how good it can be seeing as we got my pesky virginity out of the way.’”

  “I can’t say that.”

  “I want to hear you say it.” He kissed her head again. “To know my woman is willing to demand what she wants. My body, Emma, belongs to you, just as yours belongs to me.”

  His kisses were distracting. With his other hand, he stroked over her nipple, making her gasp.

  “Come on, baby, let me hear you say it.”

  She bit her lip as his lips went to her neck. Heat flooded her pussy.

  Could she say it?

  Did she even want to say it?

  It was impossible to know what to do.

  She cried out as his tongue licked across her nipple before sucking it into his mouth. The pleasure was so intense.

  “Gideon, please, fuck me.”

  He moved so suddenly that she gasped as he put her on her knees on the bed. His lips trailed down her back where he stood. One hand was on her hip as the other cupped her pussy. His finger slid through her folds, touching her clit before going to her entrance.

  She moaned his name as he began to work two fingers inside her. The pleasure was instant as he played with her.

  There was a slight pain, but she wanted to feel him so badly that the pain didn’t mean anything to her. All she wanted was him.

  He added a second finger and started to stretch her walls.

  She wanted him touching her clit, but he didn’t give in to her needs.

  He pulled his fingers from her pussy, and in the next second, she felt the head of his cock as it teased her entrance.

  Slowly, inch by inch, Gideon sank his dick inside her. She was so wet that he fit in easily, going deep. Both of his hands were on her hips as he was inside her a couple of inches.

  This felt different, the way he held her, the position, the force as he filled her. She loved it, and as he slammed in those last few inches, he felt deeper.

  She was lost in a wave and heat of pleasure.

  All she could think about was him.

  “Fuck, that is a pretty sight. Seeing your pussy wrapped around my cock. So ready to take me. So pretty, Emma. I don’t know how I’m going to do anything else but fuck you.”

  “Please, Gideon.”

  “You want me to fuck you? To make it good?”


  He didn’t disappoint. He pounded inside her, fucking her harder.

  He moved her so that she could grip the headboard as he used all of his power to fuck her, driving inside her.

  Gideon ran his hands up her body, cupping her tits as he rode her. There was no slowing down, and as he cupped her tit, he worked down to slide his fingers through her slit. Over and over, he stroked her clit, drawing out her pleasure, making her scream for him, beg for more. She didn’t want him to ever stop.

  The power he held over her was intense, the pleasure going to the next level.

  “Fuck, I love you, Emma. I love you so much.”

  She came hard, and Gideon never once let up. He brought her to orgasm then held her hips as he pounded away inside her, filling her with every inch of his cock. The feeling drove her so hard as she came again.

  This time, Gideon’s groan filled the room.

  She felt his cock jerk within her as he pumped his cum deep inside her.

  Afterward, he didn’t pull out, but they sank to the bed. He held her close, and she loved his hands wrapped around her.

  She didn’t know if she loved him completely, but these feelings were intensifying with every passing day. She’d faced his father, threatened his woman, all of their women, and even as it was the stupidest thing she’d ever done, she didn’t regret it.

  They were hurting Gideon, and all she could think to do was save him. Living her life without him was no longer an option.

  They were bound together, and nothing was going to take him away from her.


  Arriving back at the Denton house, Gideon looked up to see his father already waiting for them.

  He was a married man now.

  Emma belonged to him.

  Staring at the man who fathered him, and who’d been a pretty decent guy for most of his life, Gideon saw the change within him, the hardness in his father’s eyes.

  Moving around the car, he helped Emma out of the vehicle. Her hand shook, but he didn’t let it show that she was nervous.

  Neither of them wanted to return here, but Maddox had insisted on it.

  This man wasn’t his father anymore.

  As far as Gideon was concerned, he put his hands on Emma, that meant they were no longer father and son.

  This man was his enemy.

  “I’m so pleased you could make it. Gabriel already called ahead to tell us the good news. The family are all here,” Maddox said.

  He also saw no sign of his mom.

  Maddox stopped them at the door. “It was a good honeymoon?”

  “Go on inside, Emma. I’ll be in in a minute.”

  She tightened her grip on his hand, but he let her go.

  It tore him up to see her so afraid. They were entering the enemy’s den. Kissing her lips, he released her.

  He must have convinced her that he was all right because she reluctantly left.

  Alone with his father, Gideon dropped the act. It would be back in place once they were inside, but for now, he wasn’t even going to pretend.

  “You’ll stay away from Emma.”

  “I really did make it too easy for you to marry her.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “You think because you can stand there throwing bad words my way that it won’t come back in some form of punishment.”

  Gideon smiled. “You’re right. I’m showing you respect when you don’t deserve any. You think because you’re a Denton, the king in our world, that you can do whatever the fuck you want. The truth is, you can’t. You touched my woman. You wrapped your fingers around her neck, and you think that’s acceptable. You want to grab my brothers, have them beat the shit out of me, fine. I don’t care. Going after my woman, now that is fucking low, and I bet if they ever find out, your ass would be on the firing line.”

  “Your woman crossed the line when she threatened me.”

  “My woman has made it clear to all of the women that she was afraid for me. That’s right, Dad. She called them from our hotel room. They already know what happened. She’s not going to hurt them.” That he couldn’t guarantee, but he was good at lying. Emma was a woman not to be fucked with. “Now, why don’t we go in and pretend to be a loving family.”

  He slapped Maddox on the arm.

  He turned his back on him, showing him complete disrespect.

  Maddox Denton had crossed the line. Tensions were always high in their family. Emma only added to that being a Colton.

  He checked to make sure his woman was safe. She was surrounded by all of his sisters-in-law, mother, and sister. He left her alone as she smiled warmly at him.

  Making his way to Landon’s room, he entered to see him still watching television.

  “You know, if you keep this up, you’re not going to be able to fight us and we can just leave you h
ere to rot.”

  “Love you too, brother.” Landon held up his chained wrists. “Still a prisoner so I can’t tell you congratulations.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “Tamsin, who else?”

  “She’s a sneaky little shit, isn’t she?” Gideon said.

  “Yep. She’s been keeping me up to date on everything. From the dinner happening tomorrow night with the Savona family. I also know that the son of a bitch we call a father is going to try and marry me off as well.”

  “I wish I had better news for you.”

  “It is what it is. Let’s face it, Dad’s never been the one to let us live in peace. I should have seen it coming. With … Sarah … gone, I’m suddenly no better than a female pawn. Someone he can marry off so he can further the Denton name.”

  The pain was there still, but it wasn’t as … intense.

  “You know if you prove you’re not going to kill yourself, you’ll be let out of the handcuffs and allowed to live.”

  “I can’t guarantee that.”

  “You don’t sound in pain.”

  “I’m dealing in my own way. Make no mistake, I miss her.”

  “I don’t doubt it. Dad’s making mistakes.”

  “Oh, you mean with hurting you and then threatening your woman? Emma’s got balls. I did always think there was more to her than what she let us see. You must admire her. Going toe to toe with Dad, that took some balls. She fucking you?”

  “Fuck off, Landon. He’s going to kill her.”

  “He won’t.”

  “I know he will. He wants her dead because she humiliated him.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “See what game he’s playing. I can’t do this without you though.”

  “I’m not in the mood to tear this family apart, Gideon. Right now, I’m only just holding it together.”

  “But you are.”

  “I can’t guarantee that I won’t hurt myself or him. He wouldn’t let me go to her funeral. You know he doesn’t even come to see me. Mom does. She tells me to snap out of it. Dad doesn’t visit.” Landon shrugged.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. If I’m ready, I’ll help you with whatever you have planned. I won’t hurt my brothers though, Gideon. That’s the trouble you’ve got. Who will follow anyone else but Dad?”

  “I’ll figure it out.”

  “You do that.” Landon looked at the screen. “This is so fucking funny.”

  He moved from the chair to sit near the bed.

  He wasn’t carrying any weapons on him, so he watched the show. Landon rested his head against his shoulder, and he allowed his brother to get the comfort he needed.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tamsin hated the dress.

  It was so revealing.

  Black, of course, and she’d been forced to wear high heels. They were hell and killing her feet. When her mother tried to put makeup on, she’d drawn the line and made it so incredibly difficult for her, her mother had given up.

  She tried to walk down the corridor, but the shoes were a death trap. Kicking them off, she picked them up and entered Landon’s room.

  The house had been tense since Gideon and Emma arrived.

  Knowing what Emma had done, the threat she’d delivered to her father, Tamsin felt so happy with her. Emma had moved into position of being her bestie. It wasn’t like she was going to have anyone else be her bestie. The only people she was allowed around were her family.

  Landon sat against the wall, hands still cuffed, and he’d lost too much weight.

  “I remember a time you’d show off those impressive muscles of yours. What happened to them?”

  “I fail to give a fuck because the love of my life is dead.”

  “Fair enough. What are you watching?”

  “I don’t even know anymore. Why are you dressed like that?” Landon asked, finally looking at her.

  “My mom wants me to look like a whore for the perv they intend to sell me to. What do you think?”

  “I think he’ll only find you attractive if he has some weird pedo vibes,” Landon said. “What is Dad thinking?”

  “I don’t know, but if you saw him in action just lately, you wouldn’t like him.”

  She turned toward the door as she heard the bell, letting her know that their guests had arrived.

  “I can’t believe Mom is even allowing this.”

  “She’s broken, I think. She’s lost that backbone that kept him in line.” She shrugged. “I’m not going to make it easy for them though.”

  “Good. You need to take a stand, sis.”

  “Oh, I will, believe me. Fifteen I may be, but this mouth is like a woman’s. It won’t shut up.”

  “You’ve got a plan.”

  “I’m thinking if I talk all night long and not shut up, it could help my cause. Who wants a constant talker in their life?”

  Landon laughed. “Sarah didn’t talk all that much.”

  “I’m so sorry about her.”

  “It’s fine. I don’t know. I think I’m starting to deal with it, you know. Handling it the way I can.”

  “You lost her. You shouldn’t have to handle it.”

  “Well, it’s not like I can say goodbye. She’s already been laid to rest.”

  “I heard Mom and Dad talking with Uncle Rick. The guy responsible for killing her has been jailed for some time.”


  “I know it doesn’t bring her back.”

  “It doesn’t help me either though, does it? Not if I want to kill the bastard.”

  “Hate to break it to you, but you can’t kill anyone like this. You can’t even hurt a fly. You’re chained to a wall. I’m about to go and meet my future perv of a husband, and you can’t even be trusted. How are you going to do anything?”

  Landon gritted his teeth. “Let me out.”


  “I mean it. I won’t let you down. You’re right. I’m sitting here rotting away. I’ve got no hope. No way of getting out. I can’t even see him. Look my dad in the eye and spit at him.”

  “You’d spit at our father?”

  “It would be better than carving out his heart. Please, Tamsin.”

  “If I let you out, you’re not allowed to kill yourself. You’re not allowed to go crazy.”


  “I mean it. If you do, I’ll be gone by my sixteenth birthday. I know it’s selfish of me, but I’ve got three years to come up with a way of getting out of the marriage. Please, don’t do anything rash.”

  She saw he’d been planning something, but at her words, he nodded.

  It was a risk, but right now, she needed all of her brothers. Landon was the one she was closest to.

  They’d spent so much time together growing up.

  Being without him wasn’t an option.

  So, she snuck into her parents’ bedroom and got the key.

  There were spares with her brothers, but she knew where this one was hidden. Her father always thought he was so smart.

  Going back to Landon’s room, she pulled out a pristine suit from his closet, putting it on the bed.

  Leaning over him, she unlocked the chains, watching as his hands moved away from them.

  Her heart pounded.

  She had totally broken the rules just then.

  He didn’t rush to the television.

  Turning her back, holding the chair, she gave him the privacy he needed to get changed.

  What the hell have I done?

  Please don’t screw this up, Landon.

  “You can turn around now, Tam,” he said a few seconds later.

  Landon no longer looked like a lost little boy. There was a hardness to him, but the suit fit him perfectly. Most of the time he always looked too big for the suit. It finally fit him, and he looked deadly.

  “You ready for his?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  “One thing.” He took the heels from her
and tossed them onto his bed. “You don’t need them. Come on, let’s go and put on a show.”


  Tamsin didn’t like Mason Savona from the moment she saw him. There was nothing wrong with him. He looked handsome. He looked dangerous, deadly, and scary. Their mother was pissed with her.

  The moment she came downstairs without her heels and holding onto Landon, she saw her parents were close to exploding.

  It would teach them a fucking lesson. They seemed to think that because they were the youngest, they could walk all over them, and she wasn’t going to allow them to do that.

  “So, Tamsin, I hear you’re a bright girl,” Paul Savona said.

  She stared at him.

  “Tamsin’s shy,” her mother said.

  This time Landon chuckled. “Oh, please, Mother. Don’t lie to the guy. We all know Tamsin is far from shy.”

  She watched her brother.

  “I’m not a bright girl because if I was, I wouldn’t be sitting here right now, pretending to give a shit,” she said.


  She rolled her eyes at her mother’s sharp word.

  From the look in Landon’s eyes, he was with her every step of the way.

  “So, Mason, you look forward to being married to a girl?” Gideon asked.

  This did surprise her. She thought Gideon, after everything he’d been through, would have been on their father’s side.

  Mason merely smirked.

  “This is so nice. The Dentons and the Savonas all in the same place,” Mrs. Savona said.

  Tamsin didn’t quite catch her name.

  There were five Savonas present in their house, the parents and three sons, Mason being the oldest son.

  Tamsin avoided his gaze because the truth was, she was so fucking embarrassed right now. Her parents had dressed her up like some kind of offering, and it rankled.

  With how her father was foaming at the mouth, she wondered if he’d finally take the belt to her and beat her.

  This family was tearing itself apart.

  Maddox Denton was clearly fucked in the head, and she had grown way past all of this.

  “I hear congratulations are in order,” Paul said.

  “Yes, Gideon and Emma, our latest married couple. I don’t imagine it will be long before they’re having children,” Maddox said.

  Tamsin watched her father move behind the couple. His grip on both of their shoulders was tight. She wondered if anyone else could see it. Emma was a good actress, and she didn’t give anything away.


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