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Keeping Gemma

Page 3

by KB Winters

  I grinned over at her. “Is this where I should say I came here to find a woman like you?”

  Talia laughed, tossing her dark hair back. “I highly doubt that, but if you want to be elusive, that’s fine by me. Life is better with a little mystery, don’t you think?”

  Who the hell was this woman? I didn’t know if she was real or a fantasy. Her warm hands on my arm told me she was real, but her oozing confidence, sex appeal, and devil may care attitude was like something from a dark fantasy world.

  As soon as we got into my car, Talia let her hands wander. Before I’d even pulled onto the street, she had her hands traveling high up my thigh. I did my best to keep the wheel straight and my heart from lurching out of my chest when she gripped my cock through my slacks. “Mmm. This is going to be fun,” she purred.


  I couldn’t drive fast enough. Street names whizzed by and I was silently thankful that I’d stayed at my hotel once before and wasn’t completely driving blind. There was no way I could have focused on a GPS when Talia’s hand was giving me a fuckin’ hand job from the passenger seat.

  I’d checked into the hotel before going to the auction, so we cut a quick path to the elevators, and I tried to not care that I was sporting a huge woody as we got in. Fuck, the people around us had eyes. I was convinced any man who laid eyes on Talia’s perfect tits and ass would have the same reaction.

  On the twenty-first floor, she followed my lead off the elevator, and with one swipe of a keycard, we were alone in my hotel room. Talia crossed to the large windows to assess the view. I stayed behind to do the same.

  Her ass was perfect enough to make a grown man cry.

  In the moonlight pouring in the window she looked sexier than she had under the lights of the club. The soft light hit every curve and I couldn’t hold back any longer. I crossed to step behind her and pressed my still erect cock into the curve of her ass. She sighed and leaned back against me. I let my hands wander down her sides, lingering on her hips.

  “I want to see you naked,” I said, reaching for her zipper.

  She didn’t answer but swept her hair out of the way so that I could remove her dress. Once unzipped, I slid it down her body. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but she did wear a thin pair of lace panties. I slid them down her thighs and left them in the puddle with her dress.

  “Fuck if you aren’t the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” I pressed a few kisses against the curve of her neck, where she’d pulled back her hair. Then I took a few steps back to admire the view of her naked body in the glow of the moon. “Perfection. Now, turn around. Slow.”

  Again, without a word, Talia did what I’d asked and spun around until she was facing me. She released her hair, letting it fall in loose waves around her bare shoulders. I sucked in a breath as I drank her in. Everything about her was perfect. Her breasts were natural and full. I salivated over her perky nipples, dying for a taste of the sweet buds. My eyes wandered lower, over her flat stomach, and flared hips, and then between her fleshy thighs to the bare pussy.

  “Come here,” I demanded, my voice getting horse from sheer desire.

  She stepped toward me, her steps deliberate, like a runway model moving in slow motion. She stopped when there was a foot of space between us and I reached out to run my fingers over her nipples, confirming my suspicion that they were rock hard. Talia shivered at my touch and dropped her head back.

  My fingertips moved down her body, and I slipped a curious finger between her pussy lips. “Mmmm. Ready for me?”

  She opened her eyes and I caught a twinkle of amusement and lust looking back at me. “Not quite yet. There’s something I’ve wanted to do since we got in your car.”

  “What’s that?”

  “This.” She reached for my fly and within a second, had my pants and belt loose and was pushing them down, as she sank to her knees in front of me. “You have an amazing cock, Aaron. I have to see what it tastes like.”

  “Holy shit,” I gasped as her breath hit my sensitive skin. I unbuttoned my shirt, my fingers hitching with my breath as she applied her lips to the tip. I forgot about the rest of the buttons and dug both hands into her thick hair. She took my full shaft into the back of her throat, and I nearly exploded with each move she made.

  Talia was clearly experienced and I was thankful to whoever had taught her exactly how to please a man. She sucked me with heat and pressure that left me spinning. I worked her head at first, but then stopped, my hands still lost in her hair, as she took over. I watched her work and when she glanced up at me, the sight of her dark eyes and her full lips wrapped around my cock was enough to make me lose it.

  She sucked off every bit—and swallowed—as I went rigid and then loose inside of her mouth. She pulled away when I was done and licked her lips slowly as she looked up at me. “Amazing. Just as I thought.”

  Talia’s eyes wandered down my halfway bare torso and unbuttoned the remaining three buttons. I shrugged out of the shirt, tossing it aside, and stepped out of my shoes and kicked aside the pants that were still bunched at my feet. “Impressive,” Talia drawled, raking a fingernail down my abs.

  I grabbed her up and threw her down onto the king-sized bed. I wanted to get my mouth on her pussy. She had to be sweet. As sexy and experienced as she was, I had to get a taste—a mouthful.

  I craved her.

  She spread her legs for me and moaned when my mouth went between her thighs without warning.

  She was like honey and I wanted it all. Each gasp and moan spurred me on. As she bucked, she plunged her fingernails into my back, and with each cry and stifled scream, they dug deeper. I didn’t stop her. The teasing pain only added to my own pleasure as the rest of my senses melded together.

  When she released, she screamed out my name. I grinned up at her, and without missing a beat, crawled from the end of the bed, to hover my body above hers. We fit together with perfect synchronization, even though she was several inches shorter than me.

  Once I was on top of her, she bucked her hips against me, rolling her still slick pussy against my dick, urging me on. “What are you waiting for?” She teased, rocking against me again.

  I pulled away long enough to slide on a condom, and then I was thrusting into her. She scratched her hands down my back with each thrust, and I was just about to come when she pushed against me. In my split second of hesitation, she rolled me to my back and straddled me.

  She grinned down at me. “My turn.”

  I was immediately hypnotized as she rolled her hips, sliding her pussy up and down my cock, grinding against me. Each movement lit me up. She dropped her head back and her long hair swung in the rhythm and I got lost in her performance. When she brought herself to climax, she raised herself up and then slid back onto me, and I gripped her hips as her pussy convulsed and shuddered with the force of her release.

  When she went still, lying against my chest, I rolled us back over and thrust into her. Her eyes popped open and a wicked grin crossed her face.

  The woman was insatiable.

  Which was good news for me.

  When I finally finished for the second time, I sagged down and rolled off of her, working hard to catch my breath as my heart rocketed around inside my chest. As many women as I had been with, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been so thoroughly exhausted.

  Talia smirked over at me, her hair wild against the pillows. After a moment, she got out of bed, and I heard the bathroom door close.

  Before I even heard the water turn on, I was out.


  Talia, the dark haired beauty that I’d gone two rounds with the night before, was still on my mind when lunchtime rolled around the following day. Whenever that happened, I knew I needed another taste.

  I’d left the hotel in LA at six, and made the drive back to Holiday Cove, and went straight to work to catch up from playing hooky the day before. Weekends were always busy, and I had a back to back flight tours to keep up with to make the weekend vis
itors happy.

  When my assistant, Lana, finally nagged me enough to convince me to stop and eat something, I took my lunch into my office, propped my feet up on the corner of my desk, and dialed the number Talia had slipped me before leaving.

  It was on the third ring, when someone knocked on my office door, and I was forced to hang up.

  “It’s open!” I shouted, right before shoving a bite of sandwich into my mouth.

  Mmm, Lana got the good stuff.

  I was fully aware of Lana’s feelings toward me. She’d had a crush on me since the minute she’d walked in for the interview, nearly six months earlier. She cooked for me, baked me treats that almost rivaled Carly’s down at the coffee shop, and continually stayed late to make sure I was okay and didn’t need help with anything.

  She came into the office, clipboard in hand—she was kinda old school like that—and a flustered look on her face.

  “This is good shit,” I said, pointing at the sandwich in my hands, before stuffing another bite into my mouth.

  She blushed slightly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m glad you like it.”

  I knew I should feel bad, that I shouldn’t let her go on thinking she had a shot when the reality was that I didn’t have the slightest interest in her. She was a kick-ass assistant and I appreciated her, but there was zero chemistry between us. Mostly just a lot of nervous energy—on her side, anyway.

  I washed down the bite with a sip from my can of energy drink that was bordering on too warm to be drinkable. I’d cracked it open earlier in the morning before going out to work on an old soviet plane I’d picked up cheap. I tended to get lost in my work and forget about everything else. “What’s up?” I asked Lana.

  “The tour group is here.”

  I flicked a glance at the metal clock on the wall and cursed under my breath. I set the rest of the sandwich aside and brushed my hands on my dirty jeans. “Tell them I’ll be right out.”

  Lana nodded but stayed in place.

  “Is there something else?”

  She shifted from one foot to the other. “Do you know who booked the tour?”

  “No,” I replied, shaking my head. “That’s your department.”

  “It was booked under his assistant’s name.” Lana paused to lick her lips. “But the tour is actually for Henry O’Keefe.”

  The name flickered in the back of my mind as I searched my memory, trying to remember where I’d heard it before. Like lightning it hit me and my face dropped. “Oh fuck!”

  “Yeah,” Lana nodded, as though she understood my outburst.

  “Wait, how do you know who that is?” I asked, bewildered over her recognition. I hadn’t told anyone about my altercation with Mr. Douche in the Second Row at the auction. Yet, Lana was acting like she knew this was about to get nasty.

  “Um, everyone knows who that is,” she fired back, her tone biting with an edge of annoyance.

  “They do?” I held up my hands. “Okay, wait, wait. Who is he?”

  “He’s the CEO of the land development company that built the resort up in Stallion Bay. Now, he’s in talks to come here, to Holiday Cove, and do the same thing. There’s a big legal battle and it’s been all over the news. He’s the big shot, the billionaire behind the whole thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was taking the tour to scope out the town.”

  I scrubbed my hands down my face. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it too much, Mr. Rosen,” Lana said.

  I peeked out from behind my hands and looked into her innocent, wide eyes, and debated whether or not I should tell her about the part where I’d been two seconds away from kicking the shit out of him in the parking lot of a high end charity auction.

  I decided against it.

  “All right,” I said, standing from my chair. “I’ll be out in five. Give them a tour. Keep them busy.”

  As soon as Lana had scurried away, I sighed, forcing every ounce of air from my lungs. He obviously wasn’t here to serve me with a lawsuit—he would have sent one of his cronies. Men like him always had cronies. Was it really about land development?

  Stallion Bay, a beach side town a few hours up the coast, had started out as a small, quiet residential beach. Just like Holiday Cove. However, a year or so ago, thanks to a feature in a prominent lifestyle magazine, the entire area had been bit by the tourist bug and blew up overnight.

  What had once been a collection of small, beach bungalows, had been bulldozed over and a five star, luxury resort was built in their place. In no time at all the place was crawling with hoity-toity rich people with their million dollar yachts, highbrow wine, designer everything—including their dogs—and outrageously expensive sports cars clogged up the 101.

  If a similar effort was completed in Holiday Cove it would mean a huge jump in the museum’s revenue, but it would also destroy the quiet, serene atmosphere of the quiet town. It had been nearly two years since I’d taken up ownership of the museum, and with the improvements and advancements I’d made, the business had grown into a lucrative endeavor.

  I was floored by how far things had come along. Although I wouldn’t turn down a spike in visitors and revenue, I found it hard to get excited about a bunch of tourists invading the town I called home.

  Luckily, the other citizens of Holiday Cove had taken up the fight and protested to keep the resort from being approved. However, if O’Keefe was really the guy behind the project, and he was here now—did that mean something had changed?

  “Fuck.” I sighed and got out of my chair. I guessed it was time to go and find out for myself.

  I took another hit from my lukewarm energy drink and stalked out of my office.

  When I reached the front desk, it wasn’t the cold, taunting eyes of the pompous billionaire that I encountered…

  They were the dark, mocha brown eyes of Talia.

  What the fuck was going on? Was this some kind of prank?

  “There you are,” Lana stepped between Talia and me, smiling as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening. “This is Talia Soto, she’s Mr. O’Keefe’s…”

  Lana looked to the dark haired beauty, floundering for a title. “Girlfriend,” Talia filled in, not so much of a waver to the word. She took a smooth step toward me, as though the ground beneath her was made of ice, rather than pockmarked cement. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Rosen,” she purred, her voice dripping with seduction.

  I couldn’t unlock my eyes from hers, but heard Lana clear her throat. “Um, anyway, Miss Soto would like to go on the tour as scheduled.”

  “Henry had to go make a business call,” Talia explained, not breaking her hold on me to acknowledge Lana’s comment. “So, it looks like I’m all yours for the afternoon.”

  It was hard to get a full breath when her eyes wandered down to my lips. If I was the player, then this woman was the game master. Every glance, purse of her lips, syllable of her words, was laced with sex.

  And I was more than willing to fall right into her hands.

  “Excellent,” I reached for her hand, keeping up the pretense that we’d only just met, and hadn’t been together, tangled in hotel sheets less than twenty-four hours before. “Well, I’ll be more than happy to entertain you.”

  Talia raised a brow and her smile deepened.

  Lana, as though finally picking up that she was out of the loop, gave another disgruntled throat clearing sound. I turned to her and flashed a smile. “Thank you, Lana. Could you call the transport company and see where the F-4 is? It’s scheduled to arrive tomorrow morning and I need the precise time.”

  She jerked a nod, still unsmiling, and stalked away.

  Talia watched her go and then dragged her eyes back to me. “I don’t think she likes me very much…”

  I shrugged. “You ready to fly?”

  She answered me with a wide grin. “Absolutely.”

  I started to lead the way, placing a hand at the small of her back as I guided her through the warehouse. She was wrap
ped in a black dress made from some kind of clingy fabric that displayed her ass to perfection. I also had a feeling it would be no problem to push it up and out of the way.

  If the occasion allowed—and I was sure it would.

  “So, I feel a little out of the loop here,” I said as we entered the hangar where the planes I kept flight worthy were housed. I flicked on the overhead lights and paused as the rows came alive, one after the other, to brighten the space. “Last night, you didn’t mention anything about a boyfriend. And I got the feeling, from my brief encounter with him, that Henry isn’t exactly open to sharing.”

  Talia smiled down at her feet, her dark hair falling to partially hide her face. She glanced back up at me and tossed the loose strands back. “Henry has his fun, and I have mine. I didn’t mention him because he wasn’t important at the time.”

  “And is he important now? I hardly think it’s a coincidence you showed up here today,” I kept my tone light. I didn’t want her to think I was running an interrogation. But she was telling me just enough to answer my questions without really saying much of anything.

  She smiled and traced a finger up my forearm. Flames danced over my skin, up my arm, and my cock stirred to life, remembering the way her mouth had fit over me. “Henry was very upset over losing the plane at the Edwards auction,” Talia explained, her eyes still full of heat as she dragged them over my body, as though only halfway paying attention to what she was saying. It was obvious that her mind was elsewhere. She licked her lips slowly before bringing her gaze back to mine. “He insisted we drive out here today. When he finds something he wants, he wants it immediately. He’s going to make you a deal.”

  “A deal?” I scoffed, shaking my head. “No, I’m not interested. The F-4 isn’t for sale.”

  She shrugged. “You can tell him that. Henry’s world is one where everything has a price. Everyone has a price.”

  I stared at her for a moment, trying to separate myself from the heat and desire she was sending over my body. I needed to untangle the meaning of her words, but it was damn near impossible when she stared at me, her red lips parted like that…


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