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Shadow Queen (The Dresha Fae Tales Book 1)

Page 5

by Bex Taylor

  “We’re going to be late,” Pin said into the silence.

  Kai glanced outside, not realising how quickly the time had passed. Maybe he had miscalculated the time of the sun when he had first arrived back at the Guild. It was probably a good job that Pin had come to get him. He would have fallen asleep and likely missed the meeting.

  Taking one last swig of water, he pushed his chair back and made his way towards the door, Pin right behind him. They walked in silence towards the meeting chamber, ignoring the students as they parted to let them through. Kai pushed open the large wooden door, stopping short as he took in the sight before him. Three of the fae he had expected, but the fourth was a surprise and not a welcome one. He could feel Pin tense next to him. He was no doubt wondering the same thing as Kia.

  Why was the emissary of the summer court here?


  Pin could feel the emotions rolling off his friend. A mixture of confusion and resentment. Kai was a summer faerie. But the times he had crossed paths with his people, they had looked down on him with disdain. It had never been pleasant for the warrior whenever he was forced to spend time with his kin. Pin had lost count the amount of times he had been forced to inject some of his cooling magic into his friend to sooth the flame that always simmered so close to the surface.

  Pin placed a hand on his leader’s shoulder, sending his power through him. Soothing that familiar flame of anger, Kai always bore towards the summer fae.

  “Easy,” he muttered.

  Pin felt Kai relax his tension slightly as he took a step towards the four fae who were watching them silently. Talia and Sana were leaning against the ancient wooden table, both had their arms crossed, eyes narrowed on the doorway. Neither looked like they wanted to be there. The emissary stood rigid, eyeing Kai warily. Even the Grand Master looked uncomfortable, Pin noticed, and that wasn’t like him. Normally Balderick was a mask of calm no matter what the situation. Pin shared a look with Sana, the autumn faerie shaking her head as if to say she did not know why the summer emissary was here. Pin assumed Talia didn’t either.

  “It’s good to have you back at the Guild, Kai. How was your journey?” Balderick greeted.

  “It was fine, I have nothing to report,” Kai replied sharply.

  Pin winced at the ice in Kai’s tone. He was not in the mood to make small talk with their Grand Master. Kai was the only one that could get away with being so short with Balderick. No other faerie would dare answer the Grand Master back, nor would they answer him with such venom in their words.

  “I hear you got into a bit of trouble with a high fae from the winter court. I would call that something to report,” the emissary spoke.

  The feral snarl that left Kia had Sana and Talia joining Pin at their leader’s side. Pin was grateful for the support of his sisters. They were both just as in-tune with Kai’s temper as he was. It had been a low blow from the emissary, and he didn’t blame Kai for reacting the way he had.

  “Is this true, Kai?” Balderick asked.

  “With all due respect, Grand Master, does it really matter? Kai told you he found nothing on his journey.” Sana answered.

  A look of frustration passed over the old faerie’s face. One that Pin had seen many times before when he was dealing with The Elite together. They fought, breathed and thought as one when they stood side by side. They had each other's backs, no matter how big or small the battle was. The battle that Kai was fighting right now internally, was felt by the other three, Pin knew that. So did the Grand Master. The emissary didn’t, as he watched the conversation between the four of them. Pin could tell he didn’t agree with the way they behaved around their peer. It was always the same with any fae that visited from the courts. They would never understand the equality that ran so deep amongst The Guild. Would never understand how warriors, such as the four of them, could mingle with the other students. How they treated the younglings with the respect they deserved, because one day those students could become some of the greatest assassins or warriors the Dresha army had ever seen.

  “We will talk about it later,” Balderick finally said.

  “There is nothing to talk about, Grand Master,” Kai bit out.

  Balderick held Kai’s glare with his own steady gaze. Balderick knew Kai’s temper, and he knew when to pick his battles and when to let them go. Pin hoped the Grand Master would let this one go. Pin stepped closer to his friend’s side. Kai's rippling power of fire causing a heat to form in the room. Pin was pleased to see the emissary shift slightly in discomfort, seemed he had learnt quickly not to underestimate them.

  “Why is the Summer court emissary here?” Talia asked.

  Pin fought back a smirk at the bluntness of the spring faerie. Talia had never cared for status. The emissary being here was a threat to her home and people. She would show him no mercy until she was certain he would not hurt them.

  “I need to speak with Kai. I had hoped to speak with him alone, but your Grand Master had insisted that you three be here too.”

  “That’s because Kai would tell us what you talked about, anyway. We are The Elite, we keep nothing from each other,” Pin informed him.

  “What is your name?” Kai asked.

  “Yas, my Lord.”

  A tense silence settled round the room at the use of the title. Pin watched confusion flicker across Kai’s face. The fire faerie hated the use of titles, but to have it directed at him for no reason would mess with his head. Truths were about to be unravelled, and Pin wasn’t sure he was ready to brace the aftermath. Not when Kai would find out that he had known for a long time who his leader really was.

  “I am no Lord,” Kai said simply.

  Yas turned to Balderick, who shook his head slightly. Pin didn’t miss the look that passed between them both. A secret conversation that they weren’t allowed to be part of. Though Pin was fairly certain he could guess what was spoken between the two elder fae.

  Talia cleared her throat, breaking through the tension.

  “Does someone want to tell us what’s going on?”

  Balderick inclined his head slightly to the emissary, encouraging him to speak. He looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up. Pin knew the four of them were intimidating, but he forgot how much they affected those that weren’t used to being in the same room as them. Especially when there were wisps of smoke licking at Kai’s ankles as his temper simmered internally.

  “I have been sent here by King Oran. He has requested that Kai return to court-”

  “I have never been to the summer court, why would I be requested to return?” Kai interrupted him.

  “But you have, my Lord. You wouldn’t remember it because you would have been only hours old.”

  “I don’t understand what you are saying. You must be mistaken, or the Summer King has finally gone mad. I mean, let’s be honest, we all knew it was going to happen, eventually. Ever since the unseelie uprising, Oran has been slowly sinking into a darkness no-one can reach. We hear the rumours here, but they aren’t rumours, are they, Yas? You’re here to tell us he is truly mad,” Kai said.

  The emissary turned to Balderick; a pleading look in his eye. Pin watched the Grand Master consider the plea. Pin knew what was coming. He was the only one that did. He had guessed it a long time ago. He had pestered the Grand Master to tell him the truth under the promise he was not to utter a word of it to Kai. Pin had kept his promise. Standing next to Kai, sensing his friend’s power grow stronger as he prepared for whatever was about to be said. As Kai put his defences in place for whatever he would need them for, emotionally or physically. Pin felt fear settle inside him, not for what Kai could unleash physically, but what he would do to Pin when he found out that his best friend had known. When he knew Pin had betrayed his trust. Balderick sent Pin an almost apologetic look before fixing his attention on Kai.

  “I have never been honest with you, Kai. But before I tell you the truth of who you are, I want you to understand that I kept this from you to protect you
, and because your father begged me to.” Balderick said.

  Kai said nothing. He stood so still he looked like a statue, only the growing wisps of smoke and the flames of red that started dancing in his sea-blue eyes, showed he was still breathing. Pin glanced at his sisters. They both had the same concerned look on their faces as they watched Kai closely. Waiting to jump to his defence, or should they need to stop him unleashing whatever was burning within. The emissary took a step back, moving slightly behind the Grand Master, his eyes never leaving the fire faerie’s, whose gaze was fixed completely on Balderick. Balderick weathered Kai’s glare. He was used to Kai’s temper. Realising that Kai would not speak, Balderick continued.

  “You are the crowned prince of the summer court, Kai. You were sent here by your father when you were born. Given to a nursing faerie to be brought up behind these walls. We were told to make you believe you were an orphan. To protect you. Before you ask, I don’t know from what. When the King of the summer court gives you an order, you obey it. No questions asked. As the decades passed, and you became older and stronger, I forgot you were ever a prince. To me you were and always will be one of the finest warriors the Dresha Guild has ever seen.”

  The room had gone so still, so cold, that even Pin shivered. No-one dared to move, barely breathing as all eyes were fixed on Kai. Kai’s gaze was still fixed on the Grand Master in a burning blaze of emotion. Pin knew there was nothing he could do right now. No amount of power was going to help settle his friend.

  “If this is true, then you had no right to keep it from me,” Kai hissed.

  “I was under orders not to, Kai-”

  “I thought you said there were no rules here. That we didn’t bow down to one particular court. You lied,” Kai interrupted.

  “I did it to protect you. There was obviously a danger so great out there that your father felt the only place you would be safe was here. Why should I risk inviting that danger in, just to spare you some pain?” Balderick asked.

  Kai’s eyes flashed dangerously. Flames danced on the tips of his fingers as smoke swirled around his entire body. Pin went to move, but Sana stopped him.

  “It’s too dangerous, Pin. He only sees Balderick. The Grand Master needs to deal with this,” she muttered.

  “That’s just the thing, Sana. I knew about it too.”

  Shock crossed her beautiful features before she schooled them quickly in case Kai glanced at them. But there was a silent promise in her eyes that they would speak about this later. Pin dipped his head slightly in understanding, not looking forward to that conversation. Though, it would not be as bad as the one he would have with Kai should he find out the truth about Pin’s knowledge on this.

  “Who else knew?” Kai demanded.

  “No-one, only me-”

  “Liar!” Kai shouted, flames flying from his hands, crashing into the table behind the Grand Master and the emissary. Talia cursed as she threw her own power at the flames, the water quick to turn them into smoke.

  “I can tell you are lying. Tell me who else knew,” Kai demanded.

  “I am not lying, Kai.”

  Kai’s lips turned up into a snarl as he stalked towards Balderick, his eyes now the colour of flames as his power threatened to consume him completely. The pain at finding out the truth about his past was too much for him to handle, and Pin knew he would lose control if something wasn’t done, if they didn’t stop him.

  “Tell me who else knows Grand Master, or I will make you. You owe me that much. Don’t lie to me anymore,” Kai demanded.

  Kai meant it. He would hurt the Grand Master until he told him the truth. Not much, Kai loved Balderick too much to hurt him greatly, but it would be enough to make him feel the emotions he was feeling in that moment. Pin glanced at where the emissary was watching, wide-eyed, at what his crown prince was doing. Pin wondered if he knew that this was only just a glimpse of what Kai was capable of, what all four of them were capable of. There was a reason they were The Elite. Shrugging out of Sana’s grip, Pin moved swiftly between Kai and Balderick. Stopping the fire faerie in his path before he could do something he would regret. What he was about to do would alter the trust in their friendship forever, but he couldn’t let his friend go down a path that would later haunt him.

  “I knew, Kai. I knew who you were.”

  Want to read more? Be sure to get your copy of

  Rise of Shadows (shadow & light duology #1)

  About Bex Taylor

  English born Bex Taylor is a new Fantasy author. Her characters are sassy, strong, cocky supernaturals all begging for their twisted stories to be told.

  When she isn’t putting her characters through turmoil, she can be found walking her two beagles in beautiful New Zealand where she currently lives. She can often be found with her head in a book, drawing inspiration from words ready for her next book.

  When she isn’t reading, writing or spending time with her beagles she can be found at her full time job as a Dog Day care supervisor.

  Also by Bex Taylor

  The Dresha Fae Tales

  Rise of Shadows (shadow and light Duology #1)

  Reign of fire (shadow and light Duology #2)

  Guardian of the Faewood

  Paranormal romance

  Anarchy of the archangel (Mobsters & Monsters shared world)




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