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Saving Graves: A Club Irons Novel

Page 9

by Drew Sera

  The rest of my senior year went like a blur, and before I knew it, I had graduated. My dad and I had been talking about colleges, and both of us agreed that it’d be best if I stayed in the Bay Area. My dad helped me get a brand new truck, and an apartment near the campus of UC Berkeley where I was going to enter the fall semester as a business major.

  Chapter Nine

  October 1993

  I was midway through my second year at UC Berkeley, and things were going ok, though I found myself restless often. I had special permission to take an extra class each semester to help keep me focused and that helped keep me busy.

  Friday was finally here, and a couple of guys invited me over to their place for a party. I usually spent my free time alone but decided to go along this time. It wasn’t that I was anti-social, I just felt better alone.

  When I arrived, the party was in full swing, and one of my friends quickly put a plastic cup in my hands and slapped my back.

  “Hey man, I owe you for helping me with my chemistry project last week. Any liquor you want, you just tell me and the cup will magically appear.”

  I gave him a nod and set the cup down. I wasn’t touching the shit. My mom and Bruce fucking drank, and they nearly killed me in their drunken rages. I roamed around for a while, and a couple of girls hit on me. While I was in the kitchen, each were on one of my arms, rubbing on my biceps and touching me. Since I started working out a few years ago, I was filling out nicely, and women of all ages often looked me up and down.

  I was clearly at a disadvantage. I missed out on this part of my high school years. I was just trying to survive and never so much went near a girl. They continued to rub on my chest and crotch, and before I knew it, I was in one of the back bedrooms with both of them.

  Making out with two girls at once was truly an excellent event and feeling them up was even nicer. I leaned against the dresser in the room as the girls took turns sucking my dick; this was a first for me. While I can say that I enjoyed it, my mind was occupied. It was a weird feeling, and I began to worry if everything from my youth would have an impact on my sex life.

  “Your ball sac is so big!”

  While one of the girls sucked my dick, the other licked and sucked on my balls. Fuck, it felt good. I wanted to move the girl away from my dick and just concentrate on the feelings from the girl on my balls. They kept going and I felt it building until I knew I was moments away from exploding.

  The girls perched themselves on the bed and waited for me to shoot my cum on their tits and in their open mouths. When I did, they giggled and then rubbed my cum over one another. Leaving them in the room, I went to find something to drink and some air. I felt like it was something to celebrate; my first blow job by two pretty girls. But it also felt awkward. I didn’t like looking them in the eyes though. I can’t quite put my finger on what it was that bothered me exactly.

  While I was sitting outside, a magazine caught my eye. It was on a wicker table, mixed in with Hustler and Playboy. Neither of those magazines did much for me, but the other one piqued my interest. The cover had a woman on it, bound by rope, her mouth gagged and the headline read, “Spank Me, Sir!”

  This image sparked my interest and without picking it up, I tilted my head to read more of the cover. Other article titles popped off the page at me like, “How To Get The Bottom To Behave,” and “The Disciplinarian.”

  What the fuck? My eyes kept going back to the beautiful girl bound in rope.

  “That shit turn you on, man?”

  I looked up at the guy that was outside on the patio with me as he lit up a cigarette. I wasn't sure what he was talking about exactly. He offered me a cigarette, and when I declined, he blew his smoke to the side of him and out of my direction.

  “Does that kind of kink turn you on?” he asked again.

  “I don't even know what it is,” I said and laughed at my own ignorance.

  My eyes returned to the beauty in the rope. The guy sat down next to me and pulled the magazine out from under the Hustler magazine and set it on top of all the other ones. It was called Kink and when the woman came into full view, I could feel myself harden.

  “It's a type of fetish, or kink, in the BDSM lifestyle.” He held the magazine out to me and I carefully took it. “Have you heard of BDSM?”

  I risked a glance at him and shook my head. He laughed and smiled at me. I didn't take him for being an asshole, though.

  “I’m James,” he said and held his hand out for me to shake.

  “Anthony,” I said to introduce myself as I shook his hand.

  “Go on, open it. It's not going to bite.”

  Eagerly, I flipped through the magazine, just glancing at pictures. This was very different. My eyes couldn't even talk to my brain to process what I was seeing. By the time I paged through the magazine, I was harder than stone.

  “Like what's in there?” James asked and took the magazine from me.

  “Yeah,” was my reply.

  My mouth was dry and I needed to get out of here and go jack off. James pointed out some things in the magazine, but I only caught bits and pieces of what he was saying.

  “Here, take it home with you. You may have found a new hobby.”

  James smacked my chest with the magazine and I glanced at the cover again. The subscription label confirmed that it was his magazine. I thanked him for the magazine and he gave me his phone number to call him if I had any questions.

  “If you decide that you like what you see, I'm going to a private party tomorrow night and I'm permitted to bring a guest. You can come with me if you'd like.”

  I raised my eyebrows at him and looked at the magazine.

  “They have this kind of stuff at the party?” I asked, surprised.

  “Yeah, it's all BDSM stuff.”

  We both turned our attention to inside while some girls playfully screamed while some guys chugged beer.

  “The party tomorrow has none of this shit, Anthony. It's all very grown up.”

  “I'm in.”

  I gave him my address and he confirmed that he was going to pick me up at 7:00 tomorrow night. I left the party the same time James did and when we got outside, he told me he'd bring me some of his prior issues of the magazine that he’s already read.

  I sped back to my apartment and went straight to my bedroom. Once I was comfortable on the bed, I began my thorough read through of Kink magazine. I was mesmerized and unbelievably hard. My cock has never been this hard. I came twice before I even made it halfway through the magazine.

  The beautiful rope work that I found my eyes were drawn to was called Shibari. I also learned about some technical terms and found out what BDSM stood for: bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism. I liked the bondage. Fuck, that shit is hot.

  I woke up in the middle of the night to a fucked up dream, but instead of turning on the TV, I grabbed the magazine and read the next article. Within minutes I was hard and blowing my load on my stomach and chest.

  I slept in and decided to go to the bookstore to see if they had a newer edition of Kink. I was disappointed, but as I started to leave, it caught my eye hiding behind the register. I had to show my driver’s license to get a copy to prove I was old enough. While it was so tempting to pull the plastic wrap off the magazine and begin pouring over it in the car, I needed to go to the gym. I have been diligent in doing so since my dad signed me up and I was sticking to it.

  I went through my routine five minutes faster than I normally do. I was anxious to get home and see what the next issue held for me.

  While I drank my Gatorade in my kitchen and ate a banana in three bites, I pulled the plastic off the magazine. Staring at me was a gorgeous blonde girl with pierced nipples, legs spread and a Dominant standing over her holding two floggers. The headline read, “Find The Best Flogger To Get Your Point Across.”

  I reached inside my shorts and grabbed my hard shaft as I turned some pages. Before I knew it, my shorts were down and I w
as stroking myself vigorously.


  I was staring at a girl tied up in what they call a “hog tie.” It was so fucking hot to me and got my heart pounding. After I came, I pressed my hand over my chest to settle my pounding heart. I had to take care of this thing.

  “This party isn't going to be like the one we were at last night. It's a different crowd completely. More mature and an older crowd.”

  As I walked to his car, I couldn’t help but wonder if my attire was right for the party. James wore black dress pants and a button shirt, and I just had on jeans and a black t-shirt. Since we were still at my place, I decided to ask while I had the opportunity to change.

  “Will I be underdressed?”

  “No, you're fine. You'll be the youngest there.”

  I stopped in my tracks.

  “What? Won’t there be other college kids there?”

  “No, man. I told you that this is a different crowd.”

  On our way to the party, I learned that James was in his last year of law school and eight years older than I was. He has also been in the BDSM lifestyle as a Dominant for the past four years.

  “Regular sex just wasn't doing shit for me, Anthony.”

  I nodded as I listened to him talk about how he found the lifestyle. There was a club that he frequented in San Francisco that held classes and seminars and he suggested that I look into educating myself if I enjoyed the party tonight.

  “So how about you, Anthony? Regular sex not doing anything for you either?”

  Suddenly my heart began to pound and I found myself reaching for my chest. This was awkward.

  “How many girls have you fucked?” he asked.


  “What? Fuck, seriously?”


  “Good looking guy like you hasn't banged a girl every weekend?”

  “No,” I said firmly.

  “Are you a church guy? Saving it for marriage or something?”

  “No, nothing like that.”

  “Alright, so you haven't found one worthy of your dick. Things look different in the BDSM world versus the vanilla, or plain, world. You'll learn that. And maybe we can find a nice little submissive bottom for you to bury your dick in.”

  I nodded and told him that it sounded great, it really did. I was ready to abandon my virginity. I think I was a virgin—unless the other stuff counted. I thought about that for the rest of the way to the party.

  When we arrived, I knew instantly that I was going to love this party. There wasn’t loud music blaring, or girls running around screeching, or guys daring one another to drink deer from a stupid hat all in the confinement of a cramped dorm room.

  The people were much older than college-aged kids and probably established in their lives and jobs. The house was huge and had windows everywhere. Instrumental rock music was playing quietly overhead from ceiling speakers.

  I had been introduced to the host and homeowner of the party, Roger. James told him that I was new to this, but Roger was really nice about it and hadn't looked down on me for not being avidly in the lifestyle yet. I would be though.

  “Anthony, nice to meet you and welcome. Mingle, watch, whatever feels comfortable to you. A friend of mine is going to be doing a fire cupping scene tonight out by the pool.”

  Roger motioned for me to join him for a walk as James went off somewhere.

  “So, how old are you and how did you become interested?”

  “I’m twenty. Last night I was at a party and I saw a copy of Kink Magazine. And since last night, I've been hooked. I went to a bookstore this morning and got the latest copy of Kink.”

  “Anything in particular entice you?”

  “The rope. I love the rope pictures.”

  Roger nodded and looked around the huge living room.

  “Let me show you this little rope bottom.”

  Rope bottom?

  I followed him to a room where a naked young lady wrapped in rope was tied to a large piece of framework, and some guy was lashing her with some kind of whip. The man was shirtless, and his pants were unzipped, and his erect dick poked out of the opening of his pants.

  My voice caught in my throat. The girl was moaning in pleasure, and every now and then the man would stop lashing her, go up to her and stick his dick in her. He'd thrust a few times before going back to lashing her.

  Fuck, this was hot, and I was hard now.

  I watched this guy whip and fuck this girl until he came, then he released the girl from the rope bindings and gathered her in his arms. The girl snuggled up to him as he led her to a couch in the room. He examined her back as he held her in his arms and said sweet, encouraging things to her about how well she did. The girl looked completely happy and as though life couldn’t get any better. While he held her, he looked at me as I leaned on the doorframe, watching.

  He gave me an upward nod and smiled. I returned the smile and forced myself away from the doorway. I shouldn’t be watching them.

  I made my way out to the main living room and was heading to the backyard to see if I could find out where the fire cupping thing was going to be. I had no idea what the fuck that was, but it had a crazy enough term that I think I needed to experience this. On my way outside, a girl bound to a huge table in the formal dining room caught my eye.

  She was bound to the table by rope at her wrists and ankles. Her legs were spread wide, and I was able to see her pussy. Fuck. She was gorgeous all spread out like that. I hadn’t even seen her face, but the display of her body like that, just drove my cock wild. Glancing around, I didn’t see anyone in her immediate area, however, Roger was nearby and was talking to a few guys as they watched the girl.

  Roger made his way over to me but looked back at the girl on the table as he walked.

  “How did you like watching Mark and the little rope bottom, Anthony?”

  “I liked it a lot.”

  Roger laughed and returned his gaze back to the girl on the table, which is where I really wanted to look as well.

  “Is anyone doing anything with her?”

  “Yvette?” Roger pointed to the girl on the table, and I nodded.

  “I didn’t see a guy near her, so I didn’t know if she had been left like that or if someone was coming back.”

  “No, Yvette is the main event for many of the Doms.”

  I must have looked lost and confused because Roger continued to elaborate on Yvette.

  “At each of my parties, a different submissive is on the receiving end of a consensual gangbang. So, at the beginning of the party, the girl selected for that spends the evening open and bare for all to feast their eyes upon. The Doms that want to participate can, and those who don’t want to participate, don’t have to.”

  Fuck, I thought gangbangs were something terrible that took place behind dumpsters and shit. My expression must have given my thoughts away and Roger put his hand on my shoulder, and shook me a bit.

  “It’s all consensual, Anthony. She’s here because she wants to be and the guys that participate want to as well. We take good care of her afterward, and I see to it that the subs that volunteer, stay the night here where I can look after them. You were thinking something bad, weren’t you?”

  “Uh, yeah. Sorry. I didn’t realize a gangbang could be consensual. TV has rotted my mind,” I said.

  “Don’t worry, Anthony. I think you’ll find that this is a different world. As long as the adults are consenting, nothing is off limits.”

  “I’m seeing that a bit tonight. I really liked the rope thing I watched. The girl, she really seemed happy afterward, and the guy was nice to her. I wasn’t expecting him to take care of her after whipping her.”

  “Care is a huge part of it, Anthony. A Dom can puff out his chest and throw his weight around all he wants, but at the end of that scene, he’s got to exercise care. Otherwise, he’s just an asshole.”

  I heard what he was saying, and I think I understood it.

  “So, w
hen does the thing with Yvette happen?” I asked.

  Roger looked down at his watch and said in about an hour.

  “Anthony, you’re more than welcome to participate.”

  My heart slammed in my chest. I had never fucked a girl. I had no doubt that I could figure it out, but I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it in front of all of these other guys. All of which were far more experienced than I was.

  “No pressure, Anthony. You’ll know when it starts and you can decide then. If you want to, there is a basket on the wet bar with condoms in it.”

  He slapped my upper arm and went back over to the group of men he had been speaking with. I continued to stand there and gaze at the girl; mostly the rope and how it wrapped around the wrists and a specific fashion. I was glancing at the rope and how it attached to the table when another guy came up to me.

  “Hi, I’m Mark. I noticed you were watching my scene earlier.”

  I shook the outstretched hand and introduced myself.

  “I’m Anthony. Nice to meet you. I liked your scene, sorry for the intrusion.”

  “It’s all good, Anthony. If I had wanted privacy, I wouldn’t have left the door open. First time at one of Roger’s parties?”

  “Yes. Actually, it’s my first time at a party like this. I’m very new.”

  “Everyone starts somewhere, no shame in that. Are you checking out Yvette for later?”

  I shook my head and explained that I was mostly curious about the rope and how she was bound to the table.

  “Ah, rigger interests, huh?”


  “It’s the title given to a person who does rope bondage.”

  The fact that there was a title for someone like this made me feel as though it were common. Or at least common enough that there was a name for it.

  “Come here, take a closer look at the ties. They’re not your common household knots,” Mark said a gestured for me to follow him toward Yvette.

  Curiosity pushed me forward. Mark gave one of Yvette’s cheeks a pat and then held her hand as he pointed to the knot and rope work.


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