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Omega Magic

Page 9

by Maggie Hemlock

  “Jessie!” A tall bear shifter waved as I rounded the corner.

  So much for sneaking in and dragging her out silently.

  “Bastion! Still working here? Thought you’d move up in the world by now?”

  “Nah,” he shook his head and smoothed out his dark chest length hipster beard. “Met the owners grandson and never looked back.”

  “True or chosen?” I didn’t really care, but it was the polite question to ask in shifter society.

  “True,” he smirked.

  My job just got a little easier.

  “Could you do me a favor then?”

  “Tickets are sold out man. We have a full house tonight. Those teen omegas and their carriers go crazy for these pretty boys.”

  “I’m not here for the show, but I do need to get in. Little Zoey snuck out tonight and we’re pretty sure she’s here.”

  “She snuck out? What is she like twelve now?” Bastion laughed and took a long drag from his cigarette.

  “Sixteen going on five-hundred,” I said.

  “Did she have a ticket?”

  “Dunno,” I shrugged.

  Jake slipped around the opposite corner unnoticed by the smoking bear.

  “No one gets in without a ticket man,” Bastion shook his head. “If she didn’t have a ticket she’s not in there.”

  “Could you let me in as a favor to a friend?” I asked.

  Jake slipped through the door leaving Bastion none the wiser.

  “Sorry, man, there’s protocols for stuff like this. The Howl Room and its pretty boy bands puts food on the table for the cubs,” Bastion said.

  “How many do you have now?” I asked.

  “Six. Though, Vinnie wants two more soon. He was an only child which is a sad thing for a rabbit shifter.”

  “A bear and a rabbit,” I laughed.

  “Shut the fuck up, man. I’m sick of hearing shit about,” Bastion took another drag of his cigarette.

  Music blasted through the walls of the building.

  “Shit! Some dipshit turned off the sound barrier. Your fucking brother’s gonna fine our balls off!” Bastion turned to walk inside.

  Distracted, he didn’t notice me on his heels. I slipped passed him in the second hall cringing at the crooning voices and pop melodies filling the building.

  “I lost sleep watching you dream. Were you dreaming of me when you smiled in your sleep?”

  I headed for the security hub. The cameras would be a lot quicker than Jake and me searching over one another.

  “Bastion,” a fox beta said without looking up. “The sound barrier is down. We don’t know what happened. It won’t come back up.”

  “This girl,” I laid a photo of Zoey down on his table. “Find her.”

  “You can’t be here,” he swung his chair around.

  “Official Hemlock business. Interfering only means the Howl Room shuts down for an official investigation,” I said.

  “Man, I got two kits at home. I can’t afford…”

  “Then shut up and look,” I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

  “She’s not down there,” Jake said entering the security hub.

  “Let’s search the rest of the building.”

  “For who dear?” A white-haired woman walked into the room.

  “Mrs. Hall,” I smiled.

  Mrs. Hall was the widow of the first owner of The Howl Room. Most omegas didn’t carry on running businesses without their Alpha mates, but she kept the place up and running.

  “Zoey, my baby sister,” I said as the older rabbit shifter pulled me into a tight hug.

  “She was here earlier or at least she tried to get in,” Mrs. Hall stepped back from me and looked up. She was a tiny woman barely clearing five feet.

  “Did you send her away?”

  “Now, don’t be mad at me. You were always my favorite employee and I’ll be forever grateful that you Hemlocks took me and Roger in. Security called me down when a little Hemlock Omega wanted in and didn’t have a ticket. I was going down to invite her into my viewing box, but as soon as she scented me she threatened to eat me if I didn’t let her in. I don’t put up with that nonsense. So, I sent her on her way.”

  “I’m sorry my sister’s a brat, Mrs. Hall,” I patted her gently on the shoulder. “Did she say where she went?”

  “I didn’t stick around to find out. The show was starting, and I just love this band. They’re so sweet. It’s hard to find sweet Alpha boys like them these days. I think you’d make good friends with them.”

  Jake swallowed a laugh and I shot him a warning look.

  “I remember all those scared lost omegas you helped when they wondered off to the bathroom and couldn’t find their way back,” Mrs. Hall grinned up at me.

  Jake stepped out of the room to laugh.

  “Being kind isn’t anything to be embarrassed about,” Mrs. Hall squeezed my hand. “Are any of your brothers as sweet as you and looking for work? Or any of your Alpha sisters? It’s hard for me to keep up with Hemlock births. They happen so often.

  “Sorry, Mrs. Hall, I’m afraid not.”

  “That’s too bad. With all this nasty business going on I’ve had to ban vampires from the concerts. This evening I had the sweetest little red-head balling his bloody eyes out because he couldn’t come even with his ticket.”

  Wasn’t the omega in Ross’s vision a redhead?

  “Red head?” Jake stuck his head back in asking the question I was about to.

  “Yes, he was such a sweet boy, but I couldn’t let him in. Bastion tried to hide it, but I read Darian’s memo to the security team here. It’s an omega vampire luring all those poor omegas to those dirty places.”

  “Did the camera catch him?” I squeezed my hands into fists and ignored the hair on the back of my neck standing on edge. There was no need for Mrs. Hall, the sweet old rabbit shifter, to know just how close she was to the omega involved in the breeding farms.

  “I’ll have, Bruno here,” she patted the fox on the back, “find him and e-mail his photo to you. Will that be okay, dear?”

  “Of course, Mrs. Hall. It was nice seeing you again, but I’m afraid I have to go.”

  “Will your friend turn our sound blocker back on?” She asked.

  “Sorry,” Jake flashed a sheepish grin. “I’ll turn that back on before we leave.”


  While Darian convinced Mrs. Hall not to fire the toucan snouted bouncer for not letting him inside I called Bane. I needed someone to check in on Logan and he was the only one of us not out searching for Zoey. With the Omega Liberation Front searching for her there wasn’t many places she could hide. The stakes were higher with the red head running around, but Ross told her about the vision and I didn’t think Zoey was stupid enough to go with a vampire knowing the facts.

  “He’s here with me and Wrynn at Darian’s house,” Bane answered his phone. “I rounded him, Gary, and Ross up earlier and drove them and the kids over there.”

  “Thanks, she’s not at the concert and the bastard might be in the area.”

  “All’s good here,” Bane said. “They’re shaken up, but considerably in better moods since I gathered them all up in one place.”

  “I gotta go,” I hung up the phone.

  “Darian let her fire Toucan Bob if she wants to,” I grumbled. “We need to get a move on.”

  “Go west. Jake east,” Darian said. “I’m going to stay here. If they’re on the prowl tonight he may come back here.”

  “Oh, dear, I hope not. When vampires cry blood it frightens me something awful,” Mrs. Hall said.

  Shifting, I left Darian to deal with the shaken rabbit shifter and headed west with my nose to the ground. At a quarter till midnight, the streets were still full of people. I searched out Zoey’s scent, but it wasn’t there. There was the coppery smell of a vampire. I followed it still searching for Zoey’s scent.

  The vampire’s scent led into a car garage and back out before vanishing three m
iles up the road. The speed a vehicle travels can diminish scent.

  I stayed on the main road the vampire’s car vanished on and followed it to the next town. The sun was peaking over the tops of the small buildings in the little town of Sycamore before I found Zoey’s scent. As it grew stronger I shifted back and walked into a little all-night diner called “Mama Dragon’s.” It was a popular hangout when we’d stay out all night back when I was a student at the Academy.

  The smell of eggs, bacon, and hash browns filled the air and my stomach growled. Her running away escapade cost me dinner as well as mating. Zoey was nestled in the back booth we used to hang out in along with three other omega girls.

  “Zoey Hemlock!” I growled.

  The girls startled.

  “You’re a Hemlock?” A blonde fox omega yawned.

  “Only by birth, Lotus. Only by birth,” Zoey growled. “Go away, Jessie.”

  “Home, now,” I growled.

  “No! I didn’t even get into the concert! Why should I have to get into trouble? We’re going shopping as soon as the mall opens up.”

  “We’ve been waiting for the mall to open up since we all met pressing our ear against the back wall trying to here are boys,” Lotus pouted.

  “Sorry, Lotus, but Zoey’s in trouble.”

  “Does she have to be? I’ll buy you breakfast? I have a credit card! It’s my birthday! Or at least yesterday was.”

  “Finish your breakfast, ladies,” I yawned and slid into the booth next to Zoey. “I’m done yelling. That’s Darian’s job.”

  I ordered breakfast and called for a car. I was tired from running and didn’t think Zoey’d survive the run back anyway. And I needed to make sure Lotus and the others got home safely. Just because I didn’t scent a vampire here didn’t mean anything. Pheromone blockers work just as well for them.


  Back home we found all the omegas curled up in Wrynn and Darian’s bed with the pups. Bane was passed out in Darian’s recliner. I didn’t want to wake any of them up, but only one of us had seen the omega vampire first hand. Ross’s omega sight showed him the poor wretch being dragged around by the guy we were pretty sure ran the breeding farms. He was the only one who could confirm the photo on my phone was the omega vampire in question.

  “Wait,” Darian whispered. “Let me snap a photo first. They’re adorable all snuggled up together.”

  “Send me a copy, Alpha,” Monta said.

  “Me too,” I grumbled annoyed that Monta had said it first.

  “I’ll send them to all of you guys.”

  The snap of the photo woke them all up.

  “Did you find her?” Wrynn yawned.

  “She’s here. I can smell her,” Logan sat up carefully crawling over limbs and sleeping pups to reach my arms. “You look dead on your feet.”

  “I’m okay,” I pulled him in for a hug and didn’t let him go.

  Ross quietly slipped out of bed.

  “Woah,” I put my hand on his shoulder before he could leave the room. “Before you tear her a new one there’s something I need you to look at.”

  “Coffee before I even see the brat,” Ross yawned.

  “I’ll put it on,” Wrynn pattered out of the room.

  I filled Ross and the others in on what happened while searching for Zoey.

  “Show me,” Ross yawned.

  I did. Ross held my phone and tilted his head back and forth.

  “That’s him. He’s always crying, isn’t he?”

  “I guess so,” I shrugged when Ross handed my phone back. I forwarded the photo to Jake and Darian before taking Logan’s hand.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here before Ross starts yelling at Zoey,” I managed a tired smile for him.

  “Go to bed,” Darian said.

  “Nah, I’m going to get him to work and get back out there. Now that we know what he looks like it’s the best time to find him.”

  “Now that we know what he looks like we can have others searching. Get some rest. If they’re spotted I’ll call you,” Darian said.

  “I’m going to warm up the left overs,” Logan said.

  “Hang on, I’ll get the car,” I said.

  “I can walk,” Logan said. “You two work this out.”

  “Spend time with that man,” Darian said. “Before he eats me for bursting into his house and. . .”

  “I’d forgotten about that until now,” I yawned. “I should slug you.”

  “Here, take his spare key,” Darian handed it to me.

  “Good, because if you do that again I’m going to tell Mom who really broke her ancient Chinese vase,” I said and left before Darian could reply.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Sorry it’s just leftover pot roast,” I yawned when Jessie joined me on the back porch for breakfast. Unlike the front yard, the back yard had tall privacy fences with a wooden gate that padlocked shut.

  “It smells delicious,” he picked up his plate.

  “You look dead on your feet, Alpha,” I scooted closer to him. Along with Wrynn and the other omegas I spent the night worrying what might have come of my newest student. Now with the photo of the omega vampire circulating through the Hemlock Pack and their allies it was just a matter of time before we caught the Alpha behind the breeding farm. I just hoped we caught him before he hurt anyone else.

  “I’ll be okay. I’m just hungry,” Jessie said. “I got your key from Darian and he asks that you not eat him.”

  “He wishes I’d eat him,” I laughed and tried not to blush about what the dean walked in on the night before.

  “I’d gut him if you did,” Jessie laughed.


  “Hey, you started it,” Jessie said and popped a carrot into my mouth.

  “It’s going to take something bigger than that to shut me up!”

  “I got plenty to shut you up with,” Jessie fed me a chunk of potato.

  “I thought you said you were hungry,” I laughed after eating it.

  “I am, but I have a feeling you skipped dinner last night too.”

  “Uh-huh,” I shook my head. “None of us felt like eating, but Doctor Bane wouldn’t leave us alone until we ate. He ordered in from three different places to get everyone what they wanted.”

  “Still, you look hungry,” Jessie yawned.

  “I’m always hungry. Before she died my mom said I ate like an Alpha.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know that,” Jessie wrapped his arm around my shoulders, but didn’t pry for more information. Most people were kind enough not to, but others didn’t possess the tact of a dog who knows to go off in the corner before he licks his balls.

  “It was a long time ago,” I shrugged away the memories that always threatened to flood back whenever someone apologized for not knowing. “But you have to eat too, mister.”

  “I am,” Jessie laughed. “I’m just making sure my omega eats too.”

  “Well, eat up, because tonight I don’t care who walks in I’m not letting you leave the house without knotting me.”

  Jessie’s eyes shifted to his wolf’s and his nostrils flared. I didn’t need to look down at his lap to know his cock was hard and struggling against his jeans. His musky scent filled the air as if his pheromones sought me out like laser beams. I took Jessie’s plate and set it aside with mine.

  “Don’t worry, Alpha,” I grinned up at him. “I won’t run off and leave you all hard up.”

  I slid from the chair onto the wooden planks of the porch.

  “Out here?” Jessie smirked already undoing his fly.

  “There’s a privacy fence,” I blushed.

  Jessie stifled a yawn and stretched out his long legs as I settled in between them.

  “You just relax, Alpha. You did all your hard work last night,” I cooed to him. I sounded cheesy, but I was proud that it was my Alpha who found Zoey and brought her home safely.

  Not wasting any of our precious time together before I needed to b
e at work I quickly pulled Jessie’s hard cock free from his boxers. He throbbed against my palm warming my whole body with the slightest touch. A relaxed happy murmur bubbled over his lips and I smiled up at him.

  “It’s all yours, omega,” he flashed me a sleepy, but cocky grin.

  Squeezing, I stroked him reveling in the happy contentment that settled over him. Still stroking, I leaned down and licked my way up the underside of his smooth shaft to the tip.

  Jessie entwined his fingers in my curls as I worked my mouth over him building up speed and taking more of him each time I went down.

  “You should call in today,” Jessie said.

  His words morphed into a quiet moan as he spoke. Pressing my tongue hard against his shaft I slid my mouth slowly over him a few more times before pulling away to answer. A quiver of anticipation danced up my spine. Would he take me right here in the back yard with the naked air playing on our bodies as his knot filled me up? I pushed away the thought as my body gushed with slickness to prepare for mating that wouldn’t happen until later today.

  “Can’t, Alpha. It’s my first day back since the lab blew up. We’re so far behind,” I said.

  Before he could answer, I swirled my tongue around the smooth tip of his cock licking away the first drop of pre-cum of the morning.

  “That’s a damn shame,” Jessie moaned bucking his hips nudging his cock back to my lips. “If you could, I’d just slide you onto my lap right now, but if I knot up we might be here awhile.”

  A crimson blush washed over my face heating me from head to toe. I opened my mouth and rolled my tongue over the head of his cock before I could beg him to make good on his imagined scenario. I worked my mouth fast and hard over his tasty cock trying to fulfill the hunger buried deep inside of me. My body clenched with anticipation and my hips arched expectantly.


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