Book Read Free

Omega Magic

Page 15

by Maggie Hemlock

  “Can we go home now? I’m hungry.”

  “Of course, mate,” Jessie said wiping away the ultrasound jelly with a wet wipe.

  “I’ll grab your ultrasound photo,” Doctor Bane said. “You’re going to be hungry a lot while you’re pregnant. Just take it easy, because extreme morning sickness is common throughout a draconic pregnancy.”

  “Yay me!” I rolled my eyes. “I need to call the dean.”

  “I don’t think he’s going to give Bane detention for handing out medical advice,” Jessie laughed.

  “I’m pregnant. I have to go on carrier leave right away. I can’t go to work like this. Besides, omegas in my family go on leave as soon as they find out.”

  “I’ll let him know,” Jessie kissed my cheek.

  “Thank you, Alpha,” I grinned at him.

  Soon we were going to be parents. It didn’t really set in until the drive home. We’d made a baby. A little person was growing in my belly and we made him or her.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  When we found out Logan was pregnant our world changed. No longer was the house just a love nest. There was plenty of love, but now that a little one was on the way it was a family home. In the first week alone, Logan moved all of his stray alchemy supplies back into his lab.

  “There just too dangerous to have laying around with a baby on the way. Do baby dragons breath fire?” He mused trying to lug a heavy box upstairs.

  “Give me that,” I laughed. “No heavy lifting and it depends on the dragon.”

  “Did you know Sky when you were younger?” He followed me to the lab.

  “No,” I shook my head turning into the alchemy lab. “He was gone before I was even thought about. He left home as soon as he was old enough. He didn’t even attend Hemlock Academy.”

  “Have you ever met a dragon?” Logan mused with his hand on his belly.

  “No, but I’m related to a few living dragons. Well, Sky and the cousin Bane mentioned at the ultrasound.”

  “You forgot one,” Logan grinned.

  “No, I didn’t,” I smiled and leaned down to kiss his belly. “They are still inside an egg. They’re a baby not a dragon.”

  “A baby dragon,” Logan laughed. “I still can’t believe I’m having a baby dragon.”

  “I can. That’s a little Hemlock inside of you.”

  “And a Fox,” Logan chuckled as we returned to gather more of his alchemy supplies. “Are all dragons Alphas? I mean, I’ve never heard about an omega dragon.”

  “No, they’re not,” I shook my head. “There’s a few omegas in Hemlock lore. They’re on the family tree but didn’t do anything great enough to have ballads written about them.”

  “That’s sad. They’re should be more ballads about omegas,” Logan frowned.

  “Shush, before Zoey here’s you all the way at Ross’s and suggests we hire the Giggling Howlers to write one.”

  “Oh, no,” Logan laughed. “Anyone but them! Gosh! Not again!”

  He covered his mouth with his hand and ran to the bathroom.

  “See, they’re nauseating!” I chuckled and followed him only to have the door shut in my face.

  As the days morphed to weeks the house wasn’t the only thing to change. Before, the breeding farms disgusted me, and I wanted the bastard behind them dead. Now, I needed him dead with his head on a pike as a warning to any other asshole who might trespass against omegas in Hemlock territory.

  Only since Tony and the others he’d lain low. Too low. When fuckers like him lay low it means they’re getting ready for something big. It’s my job to stop them before they pull it off.

  Jake and I alternated nights of searching Hemlock Territory like a grid. Sometimes we were gone for more than a night, but we were searching further and further out. We never left Logan or Gary at home overnight alone. They were shuffled around along with Baby Rose to wherever was the safest for the night. Now that Jeb brought guns into play an omega alone might as well have a bullseye painted on their chest.

  Hemlock Academy was under a strict six o’clock curfew. If it wasn’t security business no one was allowed in or out between the hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.. No exceptions. Omegas were to be inside by six unless accompanied by an Alpha. All students were to be inside unless they worked security.

  The campus didn’t break into chaos but pulled into itself. Cliques mingled like never before and it wasn’t unusual to see Alphas helping omegas they didn’t even know make it home safely before curfew. The front gate was locked at all times. Everyone coming in and out needed to show verifiable identification. No exceptions.

  Back home on Hemlock Mountains the same rules were enforced, and single Alphas flocked from other parts of the territory to the omega sanctuary to act as around the clock guards. Other territories were on the lookout too. Jeb was out there somewhere, but he was better at hiding than we were at finding. At least, so far.

  With news of the breeding farms and Jeb spreading like a wildfire we waited for the feds to show up. Each day Darian had a team of diplomats ready to deal with government, but no one ever showed up. It’s like the federal government slipped quietly into the Other World without any of us noticing.

  “Wanna mess around?” Logan came out of the bathroom in just a towel.

  “Always,” I grinned my body tensing and responding to the tangy scent of his arousal before my brain even registered his words.

  “Recliner this time,” Logan sauntered across the room letting the towel fall from his sculpted ass before slipping into the chair and looking at me over his shoulder. With so much free time we’d made a game of christening every piece of furniture by mating on it. There weren’t many places left we hadn’t mated.

  “It’s like all I can think about is food, getting the house ready, and your huge knot inside of me,” he wiggled his ass at me luring me across the room.

  “Oh? Really?” I asked kneeling on the chair behind him allowing my now fully hard cock to press against his flesh through my clothes.

  “Really,” he turned just enough to show me his pouty parted lips were ready to be claimed.

  With one hand supporting his barely showing baby bump and the other exploring his chest and shoulders I kissed him softly. Since finding out he was pregnant Logan’s sexual appetite had mood swings. Some days it was “GIVE ME MORE BEFORE I EAT YOU!” Others, it was slow and steady lovemaking. Either way, I was happy to oblige the man growing my baby in his womb.

  “I’m already wet,” he pushed back against me. “I know at top secret Alpha meetings they talk about how much for play we need but if you tease me today I’ll bite it off. I swear, I will,” Logan laughed.

  “You’d miss it,” I bucked my hips against him.

  “Maybe, but you’d miss it even more than me.”

  “Calm down, mate,” I whispered in his ear letting my warm breath dance over his flesh. “Have I ever denied you?”

  “No,” Logan whined.

  “Then why would today be any different.”

  “Because you still have your pants on.”

  “Let’s fix that then,” I kissed up and down his throat before standing up.

  He watched me strip off my clothes and as soon as I was naked he reached out for me again.

  “Too far away, Alpha,” he said.

  I took his hand and rejoined him on the recliner. Pressing the front of my body against the back of his, I claimed his mouth again hungry to claim him and feel every moan of pleasure I coaxed from his beautiful mouth.

  “I can’t kiss very good at this angle,” Logan whined. “It hurts my neck.”

  “I can kiss somewhere else,” I kissed across his shoulders.

  “No,” Logan slipped from the recliner. “Just sit down, Alpha.”

  “Are you okay?” I stood up to wrap an arm around him.

  “Yeah, I just want you to sit down,” he rose to his tiptoes to steal a kiss. I sat down in the recliner and he climbed into my lap.

See, it’s easier to kiss this way,” he said, and we kissed again.

  Reaching between our bodies, we stroked each other finding a slow steady rhythm which made our heartbeats sync up. With our foreheads pressed together, I watched passion dance through his eyes flickering in shades of blue and gray and soothing the wolf within.

  Shifting his weight, Logan moved over my hard-throbbing cock sliding my tip against his soft wet omegahole. Our hungry mouths met in a hard-slow kiss as he slid down consuming my length into his body. Moving one hand to the back of his neck, I continued to stroke him in time with his gentle movements over me.

  “I want to stay this close to you forever,” Logan whispered his words morphing into a moan as they danced over his soft lips.

  “After everything is said and done, we’ll never be apart again. I promise,” I answered him with a kiss.

  He tensed over me his whole body tightening around me until I couldn’t think about anything but how glorious it felt to be inside of him.

  “Close?” Logan whispered.

  “Always when I’m around you,” I kissed him hard as we let our passion take over.

  Holding to his hips, I bucked up hard meeting his downward thrusts evoking moans and tiny sounds of pleasure from him. Pleasure vibrated through us. Somewhere in the middle of all the bucking and riding the chair reclined, but we didn’t stop. A broken chair could be fixed later. This moment was ours and ours alone. Broken furniture be damned.

  Howls filled the air as our bodies broke over the edge of relief together. Anyone walking by would have heard and known just how happy our little home was.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “He’s asleep right now, Zoey,” Jessie whispered at the front door.

  I hadn’t heard anyone knock, but since getting pregnant I slept like the dead.

  “What time is it?” I yawned.

  “And he’s on carrier leave. So, no class today.”

  “But Darian said he called and we were having class today,” Zoey whined.

  “Alpha!” I whined, and Jessie closed the door.

  “I got rid of her,” he grinned.

  “Then go get her back. I need help making more colic potions and she needs to learn.”

  “What about carrier leave?” Jessie arched a brow.

  “I’m at home, aren’t I? Go get her but keep her outside until I’m dressed.”

  “Okay, but if she irritates you I’m tossing her out on her tail,” Jessie said.

  “I’ll be okay. I’m pregnant, not dying,” I said.

  Though, some days it feels more like I’m dying. I eased out of the recliner testing the state of my stomach. Stable. No lurching. No butterflies. No nausea. That could change in a second, but for now I was good.

  I took a quick shower after I wiped down the recliner to erase any signs of our mating there hours before. Afterwards, I made sure all loose clothing was in the hamper and then I met Zoey on the porch.

  “Are you okay?” She asked when I opened the door.

  “Got sick. Had to shower,” I lied.

  “We don’t have to have class today if you don’t feel up to it,” Zoey looked down at her feet.

  We only had a few classes since the night she ran away in an attempt to attend the Grim Howlers’ concert.

  “I’m alright. Besides, I need your help. The omega sanctuary needs more colic potions and I need some help making them. The smell of it brewing sets off my all-day sickness,” I laughed.

  “Okay,” Zoey nodded.

  Since the runaway incident Zoey was quieter than usual. I wasn’t sure whether she lost her spark, or she was just biding her time. Neither was a good thing.

  “Are you still mad at me?” She asked as we prepared potion ingredients.

  “I was never mad at you. I was worried and scared for you, but not mad.”

  “Everyone else is still mad at me. They have me under constant surveillance like I might runaway again at any moment.”

  “I think it’s more about what’s going on in the world than you personally,” I sighed.

  I wasn’t in the mood to give her a pep talk, but she looked so pitiful cutting up mandrake root that someone had to.

  “I’m not going to get myself killed. I’m not stupid. I just want to see the band that breathes life into me! They’re having another concert next month. But Darian isn’t budging on his stupid curfew.” she rolled her eyes.

  “Don’t roll your eyes at me. I’m pregnant, grouchy, and trying to help crying miserable pups and their parents. You can be frustrated with me, but it doesn’t mean you have to be disrespectful.”

  “Sorry,” she curled her lip. “Didn’t know I walked into the hormone mansion.”

  “I’m sorry too,” I stood up. “I’m sorry that people are out there dying and being kidnapped and impregnated against their will and it’s inconveniencing you so much, missy!”

  “You thought curfew was stupid before!” Zoey retorted. “What happened? Did you get pregnant and forget you had the right to do what you wanted?”

  “At least my brain didn’t fall out the first time I heard a boyband!” I growled.

  “Zoey, out!” Jessie opened the door.

  “What? I didn’t do anything! He started it!” Zoey squeaked.

  “Home! Now!” Jessie growled.

  “Fine! I’m leaving! Don’t expect me to come help again!” She stomped out of the room.

  “Tell Ross this was your last alchemy class until you pull your head out of your tailhole!”

  “Mate,” Jessie put his hand on my shoulder.

  “I mean it! I’m not teaching that insufferable…” I never finished the thought. A fresh wave of nausea swept over me and I had to dash for the bathroom.


  After my third shower of the day I crawled back into bed wearing Jessie’s robe. Wrapped in his scent I shut my eyes and tried to forget about my fight with Zoey. Usually, I wouldn’t argue with a pup, but today she went too far, and I was too pregnant and too afraid of everything happening with the breeding farms to shut up and not say something. My mate, her brother, had been shot!


  Jessie was shot for the love of Frost and Juda above me!


  And her biggest problem was she couldn’t go to some stupid crappy concert.

  “Mate,” Jessie cooed as he crawled into bed with me.

  “I didn’t mean to be an asshole, but she wouldn’t stop it,” I swallowed down the tears threatening to fall.

  “No, she deserved it. She’s been protected all of her life and doesn’t know what’s really out there. It’s all something that will be solved by morning to her. Because in the past most things have.”

  “She’s going to get herself killed and I can’t stop her,” I blinked away more tears and rested my head against Jessie’s chest. His heartbeat lulled me into silence slowing down mine to find his slow steady rhythm.

  “Can we talk about something else, Alpha?”

  “Anything you want,” Jessie kissed the top of my head.

  “How’d you become a tracker?” I asked him.

  “The same way any Hemlock does. I passed the test,” he grinned.

  “I mean, when did you realize you wanted to be a tracker?”

  “Back home, all of us take the test when we turn five. It’s like a scavenger hunt where your nose is your best clue,” Jessie said. “Then those who pass go on to train to be trackers. I took it back when my grandad was still alive. He was a tracker too. One of the best. They don’t make us become trackers just because we pass the test. It’s not like that. As a kid, I just wanted to be like him, but as I got older I realized how much work it was to keep a pack as big as ours safe and I wanted to be part of that.”

  “I love you. You’re so sweet and strong and if our kids have half your heart and courage they’ll be a million ballads written about them,” I blinked away tears.

  “If they’re like you they will,” Jessie wiped away
a stray tear from my eye. “But I hope they grow up in a world where there’s no battles to fight and the only ballads to be made are about the pack coming back together and how many pups are in our family.”

  “Me too,” I nodded. “This is going to end soon, right?”

  I asked him an impossible question. He didn’t know the future. None of us did. Even Ross’s omega sight was hit and miss.

  “Yes,” he nodded. “It’ll be over soon.”

  “It has to be before Zoey gets herself killed or someone we love…”

  Jessie pressed a finger against my lips to stop my rambling.

  “You are safe. Our families are safe. Soon, this will be over, and our biggest problem will be if your older brother approves of our match.”

  “He does. He doesn’t really get a choice,” I laughed. “You’re good to me. You make me happy. I love you. I couldn’t live without you. So, no one else gets an opinion except for me and you.”

  “I’ll text Darian in the morning and tell him to add it to pack law.”

  “Good, you better,” I managed a small smile.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  “I think it’s almost time for another ultrasound,” Logan pulled up his shirt to show off his small baby bump. “I know we won’t see the sex of the baby, but I just want to check on them. Everything feels alright, but I can’t know for sure. I’ve never been pregnant before.”

  “Everything is perfect,” I leaned over and placed a kiss on the center of his baby bump.

  Weeks passed without us hearing anything else about Jeb, Lee, or their makeshift camps. None of the vampire covens or other packs reported anything either. It’s like they disappeared off the face of the earth. Except that was impossible. Jeb was out there somewhere laying low and waiting for his moment and most likely making Lee miserable in the process.

  “What movie do you want to watch tonight, Alpha?” Logan curled into my side. A movie a night had become our ritual. In the beginning, we alternated who picked every other night, but I ran out of movie suggestions quickly. I never got into movies or video games the way most of my siblings did.

  “Anything you like, mate.”


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