Book Read Free

Heart Beat

Page 14

by Pratt, Lulu

  “That’s not a fair question.” She twisted, but didn’t pull her hands from mine.

  “Why isn’t it?” I shot back, pulling her closer. I needed to feel her body against mine, but it was the worst of settings. There were so many people around, but thankfully I didn’t see anyone with a phone, openly recording. The last thing I needed was to end up on a gossip blog, ruining everything before I could get it started.

  “Because the noise does exist. Your sister is a major factor in your life and your career, and honestly, I wouldn’t want to date you if she didn’t approve. I don’t want to be at odds with your sister, forcing you to choose. And the label? That’s like my employer. How could I not care what they think? That’s my livelihood. I don’t want either of us to lose a professional opportunity we both want.”

  “Babe, I won’t let anything hurt your career. I know how much you value your craft. It’s one of the many reasons we work so well together.”

  Sadie smiled, looking down at her hands lying in mine. “And what about your sister?” She looked up to ask this. I could see the sincerity in her eyes. She cared about my sister, not wanting to cause trouble with our relationship. I thought it was endearing, though unnecessary.

  “Billie is being a brat. I’m sorry about that. She has things confused, thinking that you’re secretly crushing on me, when it’s me who’s going mad about you.” I felt myself blushing while speaking words that had never fallen from my mouth.

  It was unlike me to be in this position – begging. Sadie had done everything to show me she was no longer interested in me. She’d told me from the beginning that she wouldn’t let anything between us mess up her career, but I wouldn’t listen. I couldn’t.

  When it came to Sadie, I was defenseless, unable to control the urge that pulled me to her like a magnet. I’d never felt so strongly for a woman, but with Sadie all I wanted was to make things work.

  “If she ever finds out about us, she will be much more than a brat, and you know that,” she said. Running her fingers through her long blonde hair, I could feel her fighting what felt so natural – us.

  “I’ll handle my sister, Sadie. If she does ever find out, I won’t let her get out of line. I wouldn’t ever let anyone disrespect you. When you left the studio, I had it out with her. Turns out, she wasn’t mad at you, but me. She thinks everything with our group revolves around me. And I guess I can’t deny that; I just never thought she cared much.”

  I began telling her everything, realizing how much I’d missed being able to talk to her. She was the only person I trusted to hold my secrets and keep my most intimate details to herself. Sadie didn’t care about the fame or success of my music. She saw me as a man and nothing more.

  It was refreshing to lose the titles and be myself, even if it was only temporary. Sadie gave me that freedom, and there was no way I would let her get away. She meant too much to me to let her slip through my fingers over trivial disputes.

  “I don’t want to cause a problem with your sister, Wyatt. You know that,” she spoke softly. I wanted so badly to take her in my arms, burying my nose in her hair to take in her scent. It had been far too long. But there was no way I could display any more public affection than I already was.

  Holding her hands in mine was the most affection I’d ever shown a woman in public. When it came to Sadie, all rules were broken, all expectations reset.

  “Do you trust me?” I asked, pulling at her hands so that she leaned in.

  “Yes.” She didn’t hesitate, and I liked that.

  “Then please trust that I am not going to let anything get in between us.” I paused, searching for the words to express how important she was. “I need you, Sadie. I need us.”

  Her eyes lit up, and I knew that she finally understood what I had been trying to convey. This wasn’t a fling for me. I was willing to sacrifice and risk everything for her. Since I’d already crossed the boundaries I’d set for myself, I figured I should lay it all on the line.

  “I’m not going to worry about what’s on brand when it comes to us. The label doesn’t make a difference for me. If they have a problem with our relationship, they can fuck off. I understand keeping things quiet for now, and I will respect that. But eventually, we’ll let everyone know. There’s no reason we should hide something this special.”

  “This is torture, Wyatt,” Sadie said, looking down at our hands once again.

  My heart sank, fearing she didn’t feel the same. Was it possible she still wanted to turn me down after I’d professed my true feelings? I hated to think she could still want to keep things professional, because my body yearned for hers. I waited on quick breaths until she finally spoke.

  “I want to kiss you,” she leaned in to whisper in my ear. My body reacted to the touch of her cheek against mine.

  We smiled for a second, our hands still together, and then I leaned to whisper in her ear. “How about you come to my place tonight? You can give me that kiss then.”

  “That’s a date,” Sadie smiled.

  “Okay, I’ll let you get back to your shopping. I’ll see you tonight. Around seven?” I asked, pulling my hands from hers, shocked by how difficult it was to release her.

  “See you then.” She bit her bottom lip to contain her smile.

  When I glanced back, Sadie was watching me walk away. I felt like a young boy, nervous and excited for a date. Walking through the crowds, I felt a tinge of guilt, wishing I could bring Sadie to places like this without worrying about being spotted and exposed.

  I had to find a way to take our relationship from the depths of secrecy to the surface of my life where it deserved to be. For now, I would follow Sadie’s rules and keep things professional in the studio, but I wouldn’t let that last long. Everyone needed to know she was mine, and that included the label and my sister.

  Chapter 29


  I’D SPENT EXTRA time preparing for my night with Wyatt. It had been a while since we were alone together, and I wanted it to be special. My hair was styled in waves, positioned to fall on one side of my face. I’d even added a bit of blush in addition to my usual mascara and lip gloss.

  Unsure of what the night would entail, I wore a black fitted dress, opting for a pair of low heels as opposed to my regular Chuck Taylors. Something about our reunion felt special to me. So, I walked to Wyatt’s front door with excitement pumping through my veins.

  “Hello,” a mysterious man dressed in a tuxedo answered the door.

  After our conversation at the flea market, I thought Wyatt and I had agreed to keep things between us under wraps. We couldn’t risk anyone finding out about our relationship, so I wasn’t expecting anyone else to be at his house.

  “You must be Miss Sadie,” he continued when I didn’t respond.

  “Yes,” I said, finally finding my voice.

  “Mr. Hart is expecting you.” He moved to the side, extending his arm as he said, “Please, follow me.”

  Walking through Wyatt’s house, my nerves intensified, knowing I was only seconds from seeing him. As I passed through the kitchen, I couldn’t help but to notice the commotion. One man moved about, arranging plates, while a woman chopped a vegetable with exceptional speed and precision. Each of them wore chef coats like they were in a restaurant.

  “This way, miss,” the man in the tuxedo announced as we reached the back door.

  The screened-in porch had been completely transformed since the last time I’d seen it. A string of dim lights draped around the ceiling of the room. It was a beautiful frame to what appeared to be the centerpiece – a small round table covered in a white tablecloth, set for two.

  “Please, have a seat.” The man pulled the chair as I stood frozen, taking in all the details.

  I felt strong arms snake around my waist, and the scent of patchouli and sandalwood filled my nose. “Since I can’t take you out on a romantic date, I figured I’d bring the restaurant to you,” Wyatt’s voice was warm against my neck.

  I turn
ed to greet him, pressing my lips to his before he could begin another sentence. It was the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for me. I was grateful I’d decided to dress up, because even Wyatt ditched his regular uniform, opting for a black button-down shirt and black slacks.

  “Slow down, baby,” Wyatt smiled as he pulled away.

  The man in the tuxedo quickly excused himself. With my hand in his, Wyatt led me to the table, helping me sit before taking the seat across from me. He was even more handsome with his body under wraps. It was like a present I’d been praying for, his numerous tattoos hidden beneath the wrapping of fine fabric.

  “This is so nice,” I said, breaking the comfortable silence between us.

  “I hoped you would like it. I picked the menu for us. I hope you don’t mind,” Wyatt said, looking a little unsure for a moment.

  It was still unbelievable that I could make Wyatt Hart nervous. The way he looked at me; the words he had spoken when he thought I could ever walk away from him. He’d told me he needed me standing there in the flea market. I’d replayed those words many times in my mind.

  “I’m sure you picked well,” I said.

  “I guess we’ll see now,” Wyatt smirked as a new woman I’d not seen earlier approached with two plates.

  “I have the first course of the evening for you,” she said. “A fresh green salad of arugula and spinach, topped with gorgonzola crumbs, Medjool dates, green onions, and cherry tomatoes. The dressing is a house-blend honey vinaigrette.”

  She placed one small plate of the impressive salad in front of each of us as the butler returned to fill our glasses with a white wine she said paired perfectly. “I do hope you enjoy it,” she said. Both Wyatt and I thanked her before seeing her on her way.

  “This is delicious,” I said to Wyatt after one bite. The flavors worked as well as the contrasting colors. The sweetness of the dates balanced well with the bitterness of the gorgonzola. It was something I would never order for myself, but I was glad Wyatt had picked it.

  “I picked the salad that sounded the fanciest,” he smirked before sipping the white wine.

  “Well, I’m impressed.”

  I’d never been on a fancy date before. I liked having firsts with Wyatt, making memories together that we would each treasure. Despite our relationship being forced to secrecy, I did dream of what it would be like to date Wyatt openly.

  Of course, we would have to wait until I was no longer employed by the record label to work on his album. I wanted to be sure to fulfill my contract with extreme professionalism. It was the beginning of my résumé in the music industry, so I had to take it seriously.

  “What did you buy at the flea market?” Wyatt asked as we finished the first course. Before I could set my fork down, the waitress was back to retrieve the dishes.

  “I got some funky colorful socks as I’ve had to throw out two pairs this week, and I found a brooch for my mom,” I said, thinking of how excited she would be when she opened her gift.

  “Tell me a little about your family. What’s your mother’s name?” Wyatt asked, taking another sip of the wine.

  “Patricia,” I said. “Patricia Westaway. And my father is Tom Dane.”

  “What do they do?”

  “They’re both in medicine. My mom is a psychiatrist, my father is a general practice physician. They both still want me to follow in their footsteps and go to medical school, but I could never see myself working their jobs.”

  “Have you always wanted to be a musician?”

  “For as long as I can remember. What about you?” I wondered. Wyatt was so passionate about music, I always imagined it was a lifelong dream.

  “I’m not sure. I think singing was the first thing I was interested in, and I raced after it full speed. Sometimes I wonder if I’d found another interest sooner, would my life be completely different, ya know? Maybe if I’d been introduced to baseball I would have gone to college, and if I’d had the same drive I have for music I would have headed to the majors.”

  Wyatt’s brows furrowed as if in deep thought. It was clear that he truly believed his life could have gone in another direction, but I didn’t.

  “Wyatt, when I see you create, I can’t imagine you ever doing anything else,” I explained. “You’re so talented, and it seems to come so naturally. Don’t you think it was your destiny?”

  “I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I was so young. At the time, it was just for fun,” he recalled, referencing the viral YouTube videos that had launched him into stardom. “And then it kind of took on a life of its own. I can’t be sure if it was a true passion from the beginning or if it grew into one.”

  “Could you ever see yourself doing something else?” I asked, just as the waitress reappeared with two new plates.

  “The second course is pan-seared salmon with garlic mashed potato and fresh asparagus grilled with portobello mushrooms.” She placed the plates in front of us as the butler poured a new wine for the dish.

  They both left us as quickly as they appeared, and Wyatt picked up right where we left off. “I could see myself being a family man.”

  “What?” I blurted out in disbelief.

  “I know it’s crazy,” he chuckled. “But I can see myself with a family, being a sports dad and everything. My parents were always very involved in my upbringing and Billie’s. I’d like to do the same someday.”

  I ate my meal, savoring the image of Wyatt as a father. Strangely enough, I could see it. He was so calm and patient, especially when it came to teaching me something in the studio. I imagined him having the same patience with children, and it made my heart smile.

  “Tell me,” Wyatt asked softly. “Do you want kids?”

  I sipped the wine before answering. Perhaps it was the wine, but I could feel my cheeks redden slightly. “One day, far down the line, when I’m happily married and settled.”

  “Right,” Wyatt nodded, reaching for his glass. “Of course.”

  It was a rare period of silence as we ate the rest of the main dish. I wasn’t sure what Wyatt was thinking, but my thoughts were clear. I wondered if he too wondered if I could be the one to fulfill his dream, because that was where my mind drifted.

  Could Wyatt Hart be my happily ever after? I’d never considered it, but sitting across from him on this wonderful date he had planned, I saw a new side of him. He was thoughtful and romantic, going above and beyond to make me smile even when we couldn’t bask in the newness of our relationship as I would want.

  I was beginning to rethink everything I knew about him, as well as the possibilities for our future. Wyatt was showing me that he valued our bond, and I wanted to make sure he felt the same from me.

  Chapter 30


  “THANK YOU VERY much,” I thanked the chef, placing a folded hundred-dollar bill in his hand. He was expensive, but worth every penny.

  Sadie had enjoyed the dinner even more than I expected. We’d spent the final two courses laughing and discussing ideas for the album. I told her about my ideas for video treatments, and Sadie was convinced they would be a hit. As always, she supported my vision, something I hoped to never discount.

  “If you ever need us again, you know the number,” Jon said. He was the one responsible for the service, the mastermind behind the operation.

  “You know I will.” I shook his hand, tipping him one hundred dollars as well.

  After ushering everyone out of the house, I returned to the living room to find Sadie skimming through my record collection. I’d arranged them alphabetically, with soundtracks and compilation albums at the end, and then sub-arranged them chronologically by release date, all together in boxes far more impressive than the wooden crates I used at home.

  “Did these come with the house too?”

  “Hell no!” I answered, making my way to sit beside her on the floor. “These are all handpicked by me. I bring them with me everywhere.”

  “Wouldn’t an iPod be easier?” she asked.

; “I love the weight of a record, the crackle before the first song starts,” I said, looking at the copy of Blondie’s Parallel Lines in her hands. “The trouble the artist and label went to with the cover art and the liner notes.” I looked up and saw Sadie smiling.

  She was teasing me. She got it. I didn’t really need to explain it.

  “Good. I know I can figure out all I need to know from your music collection,” Sadie said seriously as she flipped from one record to the next.

  “Do you even have a record player?” I quizzed, trying to remember if I’d seen one in her place.

  “Of course! Don’t disrespect me as a musician!” she playfully snapped. “It’s in my bedroom, but I have to admit I don’t have this many records.”

  “No? I’ve been collecting a while, and some my mom and dad gave me,” I explained, scooting close so I could look over her shoulder as she examined each vinyl record.

  “My dad has a big collection too. He would give me any he found that he already had,” she smiled.

  “I would have taken you for the iPod type,” I teased, expecting the elbow to my side.

  “Get out of here! I don’t even have an iPod!” she squealed, playfully shoving me. “Ooh! You have the Velvet Underground?”

  “The Velvet Underground & Nico is one of the best albums ever made!” I said, reaching for the square cover. “Of all my records, I think this one might be the only one with a little damage. I’ve played it too much.”

  Sadie was barely listening, already back to flipping through the records. I watched as she paused, tilting to see the covers, and smiling with recognition at others. We went through one by one to find the titles we both shared.

  Songs in the Key of Life by Stevie Wonder really impressed her. She told me a story about her piano instructor being a huge fan, and so much of her early lessons were centered around the masterpiece.

  “I think you have about half of my records,” she said. “And to be honest, I’d like to have your entire collection. However, I did not expect to find this.” She looked at me with surprise as she pulled an album from the pile.


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