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Sweet Royal Beginnings: Jane & Mikal (A Royal Vow Novel Book 0)

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by Lizabeth Scott

  She put her envelopes away, along with all of her dreams, and pulled out her study guide. There was no way she was getting less than an A on her calculus test. No way.


  “This is all that you could find on her?” Mikal held the thin folder his head of security had given him. On the tab was written, Jane Smith. That really was her name.

  “Yes Prince.”

  “Thank you Alhem. That is all.” The door hadn’t closed before Mikal opened the folder to discover exactly who Jane Smith really was.

  It didn’t take him long to read through the information his men had gathered on her.

  Actually her life had been quite sad. Abandoned at birth. Went into the system and had four foster families. At eighteen she left the system and went to college on a partial scholarship. Her job history was impressive. She began working at a diner at sixteen. At seventeen she worked at a fast food restaurant. When she started college she worked at a restaurant, grocery store, and book store on campus. At twenty-one she began working at The Club and stopped working at the other three stores. It seemed The Club paid well. That would allow her time to devote to her studies. He flipped back to the front of the report. She was twenty-three now, so she had been working at The Club for two, almost three, years.

  He turned the page and found her college information. She was studying early childhood education. She wanted to be a teacher? He never would have guessed it. Her choice of career didn’t match with the rough persona she portrayed. The amount of money she had already paid to the college in tuition impressed him. Even with a partial scholarship she still owed well over twenty thousand dollars.

  Her grades were excellent. She almost had a perfect grade point average. Yes, Ms. Jane Smith impressed and fascinated him. He turned the last page in the report and flipped back through, not finding what he was looking for, he put a call in to Alhem.

  “Alhem, there is no information concerning Jane Smiths friends? I wanted a thorough report.”

  “Yes, Prince. We could not turn up any friends or close acquaintances. The only thing we could find even remotely close was her college entrance essay on why she wanted to become a teacher. A Mrs. Helen Dewsbury, her fifth grade teacher, made an impression on her and that was why she chose the profession. Mrs. Dewsbury died ten years ago, sir.”

  “No boyfriends or men in her life?”

  “No sir, nothing.”

  “I see. Thank you Alhem.”

  Mikal left his desk and walked to the window. Jane had led such a sad, lonely life. But he couldn’t come to grips with the exotic topless dancer, and the spitfire blonde that turned him down and the lonely little girl he read about in the report. Exactly who was Jane Smith? Maybe none of those were the real Jane.

  And he had to find out.


  “A full scholarship?” Jane couldn’t believe it. Dean Rutherford had called her into his office to personally tell her the good news.

  “Yes, Ms. Smith. A full scholarship and a housing allowance. As of now, your education has been completely paid in full.” Mr. Rutherford was almost giddy at delivering the news to her.

  “Now I will just need your banking information to deposit your living expenses into your account. It is quite a hefty amount I must say.”

  “But why?” She didn’t understand. “Who is the scholarship from? And why now, in the middle of the school year?”

  “It’s from a private benefactor Ms. Smith. You know how these rich folk are. They get it into their heads they must do something praise worthy for the world and the time frame makes no difference to them. Just enjoy your good fortune my dear. Now, your banking information, dear.”

  “I…I don’t have a bank. I’ve never needed one.” Really she didn’t keep money long enough to need a place for it to stay. Once she made it, it went right back out to pay bills.

  “Oh that will not do. No sir, that will just not do.” Dean Rutherford wrote something down and handed it to her. “Go see this gentleman tomorrow morning, first thing. He will help you to set up your account.”

  Jane looked at the card in her hand as she walked back to her dorm. Mr. James Griffith, First National Bank. Why would someone choose her for the scholarship? She wasn’t going to celebrate just yet. She had learned the hard way that if it seemed too good to be true, it usually was. She would go see Mr. Griffith tomorrow, but she wouldn’t be a bit surprised if he laughed her out of the bank. She checked her watch, she’d better hurry or she would be late for work.


  She felt him before she ever saw him. She was on her third set of the night, but this was the only one that gave her chills. With the lights blaring down on her it was impossible to see who sat in the audience, but she knew. He was there. Watching. She tried to get her mind back in the zone and stop thinking about him. But it was his blue eyes she saw in her mind as she released the snap of her top. And it was the memory his finger touching her breast that caused her nipples to pebble into hardened nubs. She knew what they would see when she dropped her top and she was helpless to stop it.

  She fought her way through the number and used her anxiety to pump her number up. By the end she was rewarded for her performance by the raining down of ones, fives, and tens. She took her bow and started collecting her money.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  She froze. That accent had starred in many of her most recent dreams. “I don’t drink.” She held the money in front of her as best she could. One nipple however was still peeking out no matter how she tried to adjust the money in her arms.

  “A cup of coffee then.” He was determined to have a conversation with her.

  “I don’t drink coffee.” He never looked lower than her lips. She had never felt as stripped bare as she did standing there in just a G-string talking with him.

  “You don’t drink coffee? Is that even possible for an American?”

  That got a smile out of her. “I never acquired the taste for the nasty stuff. I can’t even stand the smell.” She crinkled her nose up in disgust.

  “I knew you were a one of a kind.” Still his eyes never moved lower, he was fascinated by her upturned pixie nose. “We can go wherever you want.”

  Jane had never been on a date. Really she didn’t know how to act with a man. She was a professional at discouraging attention, or ignoring rude comments but to seek out attention was foreign to her. Her method of choice was to fly low, under the radar.

  She had to admit that her curiosity about what it would be like to go out with him did pique her interest. And it would teach him a thing or two in the process, that he couldn’t buy or talk his way into every girl’s bed. She gave him a smug grin. What would it hurt? And that little nagging voice sitting on her shoulder telling her to go for it didn’t help at all.

  It was just one dinner. She may be crazy, or it may have been the atmosphere in The Club, or the way her body reacted instinctively to his nearness, but she was going to do it.

  “I know I’m going to regret this. But meet me out front in fifteen minutes.” She ran to cross the stage, pick up her top, and disappear behind the curtain.

  Mikal watched her go. The rear view was just as stimulating as the front. The snugness of his slacks became uncomfortable. What was it about her that fascinated him so? The movements of her dancing held him spellbound. When she removed her top he wanted to cover her from all eyes in the room gazing upon her full ripe breasts, her petal pink nipples hardened into tight nubs. He had spent no time with her, yet he felt protective towards her.

  What he hoped to gain from his time with her tonight he wasn’t sure. All he did know, was that it would be up to her.

  Chapter Three

  In less than the allotted time she walked around the side of the building looking just as lovely without the black wig and thick stage make-up. Her face had been scrubbed clean and her short blonde curls surrounded her face. The glistening gloss on her heart shaped lips was the only artifice she wore. He would love to kno
w the flavor.

  “My car awaits.” He motioned to the open limo door with the driver standing at attention.

  Jane eyed the limo, she had never ridden in one before. And she didn’t think it was a good idea to ride in one tonight. “Let’s walk.”

  “Of course, after you.” Mikal pause only a moment and nodded to his driver before taking his place by her side.

  “A prince huh?” They walked slowly down the sidewalk. The only sound interrupting the quiet night were their shoes tapping on the sidewalk. That late at night there wasn’t much traffic.

  “Yes, I’m afraid so.” He took her elbow to assist her onto the curb.

  No one had ever helped her to walk before. “Why do you say it like that? I mean, don’t you consider it an honor to be a prince?”

  “Of course, I feel honored to rule the people of my country one day. It is a great privilege.” They turned the corner and walked past a brightly lit store front. Mikal noticed Jane’s eyes went to the display of baby furniture and her steps slowed. Another piece of the puzzle that was Jane Smith.

  “But?” They stopped, she tilted her head towards him, listening for his reply as they waited for the light to change.

  “But, sometimes I wish I could just be a normal man whose every decision was not made for the better of the people. For once I would like to make a decision based on my desires and wishes.” He placed his hand in the small of her back as they stepped from the curb.

  “That must be…difficult to accept.” She felt the warmth from his hand through her thin T-shirt and all the way to her stomach. It wasn’t unpleasant, but she was unfamiliar with how to categorize it.

  “Tell me about yourself.” They stepped back onto the curb and his hand left her back.

  She felt the loss of his hand. “There’s not much to tell. I go to college at Western. One more semester and I graduate. Hopefully.” She smiled up at him.

  He returned her smile. “Oh I’m sure you will. What are you studying?”

  Jane had to look away, his smile was entirely too disturbing. “Early Childhood Education. I want to be a teacher.”

  “That is certainly a significant life-style change with entirely different moral codes.” He knew the moment he said it, it was the wrong thing to say. He could feel her body tense as she moved further away from him. “Please, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “No, you shouldn’t have.” She was disappointed. But could she really blame him? She did work as a topless dancer. Not many people could see past that. “Not everyone has opportunities just handed to them, like I am sure you did. Even though your life is directed by your position you have never known the struggle of living day to day. I’m not a dancer Prince SuMartra. I am a struggling student doing what I have to do to makes ends meet.”

  “I am sorry Jane. It was never my intent to insult or belittle your life. I think you are a strong young woman who has done an amazing job of providing for yourself.” He knew he had lost her, the disappointment evident in her eyes.

  “I think I should go. This is not going to work.” What had she been thinking? She started stepping away from him, putting just as much distance between them as their respective lives.

  “No, stop.” He reached for her hand to stop her from leaving. “Please, don’t leave. I…want to get to know you.”

  She looked at her small pale hand held by his large powerful one. So different. “Why Prince SuMartra?” She looked up at him. “Why would you ever want to spend time with a topless dancer? I’m not going to sleep with you if that’s what you’re after. I have never serviced any man from The Club.”

  Her words stunned and delighted him. “Because Jane, from the moment I saw you on stage you have been a complete contradiction to me. Your body said that you were a seductive temptress but your eyes showed me a frightened young woman, unsure of herself. I want to know who Jane Smith is. That’s all. Please may we continue to dinner?”

  He saw entirely too much. Nobody had ever picked up on her insecurities. Everyone thought she was the tough girl. And that was what she wanted them to think. But this man was doing strange things to her mind and body. Did she want to open herself up to that? Would she allow him to eventually hurt her? Because that was the only way this could ever end.

  The answer was in her eyes before she turned and walked away. He looked around and spotted his bodyguards. “Alhem, it’s late, follow her and make sure she gets home safely.”

  She may think they were over, but they had by far, not even started.


  Jane tossed and turned most of the night. Her dreams were filled with a blue-eyed devil tempting her to follow him. She struggled against him but in the end she couldn’t resist any longer and gave in to his demands. She woke frustrated, covered in sweat, with the sheets twisted around her body.

  Leaving him last night had been the right decision. Nothing could ever come from a relationship with him. She would only be leading herself down a path of hurt. She was too close to achieving her goals to let a man sidetrack her. No matter how he made her feel, by just a touch of his hand, or a look from his midnight blue eyes, it meant nothing. It was just her body talking and she was not going to listen to it.

  Pushing her feet over the side of the bed she checked her clock. She had exactly thirty minutes to meet with the man from the bank before her first class. Why she needed to, she still didn’t understand.

  “Fifty thousand dollars?” Jane kept repeating. The receipt in her hand showed a deposit into her newly opened bank account in the amount of fifty thousand dollars. “Fifty thousand dollars?”

  “Yes, Ms. Smith. The deposit has cleared. You have that amount in your account.”

  “Is this for my tuition payment?” She asked, still in shock.

  “Oh no ma’am. Your tuition was paid separately. This is for your personal expenses. You may choose to spend this money in any way you see fit. Perhaps an apartment off campus, or a car.”

  No, she wouldn’t spend this money on either of those things. She liked living on campus and she had no idea how to drive so she wasn’t interested in a car.

  “So I can do whatever I want with it?” With the money she set aside for her tuition payment plus the fifty thousand dollars in her new bank account her home fund was almost at an obtainable amount. She was too afraid to hope.

  “Yes ma’am. There were no stipulations on the money.”

  “Thank you Mr. Griffith.”

  Plans rolled around in her head. She needed to make a few phone calls but she couldn’t wait to put her plan in place. After class she had a party to organize.

  Chapter Four


  Jane walked out of the back door of The Club and heard him call her name. She turned and watched as he walked closer, her body doing the same shivery things it always did when he was near. She didn’t know how she felt about seeing him again. It had been a week since their almost dinner. “Prince SuMartra.”

  “Mikal, please call me Mikal.”

  “Did you come for a show? Elsa is on in ten. If you hurry, you can still make it.”

  “No, I came to see if you were still mad at me and hopefully talk you into going for something to eat.”

  “Well Mike, that’s not going to happen. Don’t you think one disaster was enough?” She got a little delighted thrill at his grimace over the butchering on his name.

  “The only disaster was my inconsiderate words. Please, allow me to at least drive you home.”

  “In that?” She pointed to the long black limo, his driver now stood beside the rear passenger door.


  “What the heck, I’ve always wanted to ride in one of these. But don’t make me regret this Mike.” He flinched again, but he never corrected her.

  The driver opened the door and she slid into a smooth black leather seat. The inside of the limo even smelled of money. Everywhere she looked oozed money, from the double stitching on the upholstery to the plush carpet
under her feet. This was how the other half lived.

  “How are your classes going?” he asked, trying to get her attention away from the limo and focused back onto him.

  “Oh, just fine. I will start student teaching soon. I’m really looking forward to that.” She sat back and crossed her ankles. She would love to take her boots off and sink her toes into the carpet. But, that would probably gross him out.

  “Was there a reason you chose teaching as your profession?” His hand brushed by her leg as he reached to adjust his suit coat.

  “Yeah, I um…had a teacher once that really connected with me. I want to do that. You know, make a difference in some child’s life.” She could still feel the path his hand had taken on her thigh and trembled.

  “Very admirable of you. I am sure you will.” He was secretly delighted with her reaction.

  “Are you going to be in the States much longer?” She needed him to leave soon because she didn’t know how many more of his visits she could take before she threw caution to the wind and satisfied her curiosity about what it would feel like to kiss him. The corner of her lip went up at the thought.

  “I haven’t decided yet.” The length of his visit depended solely on her. He should have returned home a week ago.

  “What have you been doing?” She asked, interested to know what a rich prince was doing in the States.

  “Oh, just meetings. Boring, long meetings where men act like peacocks puffing their chests out to prove their importance.”

  She couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as she pictured his words in her mind. “That sounds rather colorful.”

  He couldn’t help but stare at her hazel eyes. They couldn’t be described by a single color. Blue and green mixed together with flashes of gold was the best he could do. “I like when you laugh. Your eyes sparkle and your nose crinkles up. Cute, very cute.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles while never breaking contact with her eyes. He then reached up and brushed a stray hair from her face.


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