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Wolf Leader (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 5)

Page 4

by Marie Fraser

  Agnus looked away, her gaze fixed at a distant vacant point as she considered. After a few seconds, she spoke, “When I was a little girl, it was my favorite hobby to go up to the roof of the house every evening, and wait till it was completely dark. I would roll a sheet on the floor, and lie on my back – stargazing for long hours. Later, Mom discovered this habit of mine, and she bought me binoculars for my birthday. I would spend hours and hours studying constellations and deriving their meanings. You can say, I almost become obsessed with the sky. And when I started painting, it was the very thing I painted – a night sky full of stars.”

  Steve listened to her attentively, and Agnus continued, “But there was no sky as perfect as Van Gogh’s, and so I mimicked it. It was a gamble of course, as I desperately wanted to do it right. I spent many months on it, trying to make it perfect. And…well, here we are.”

  “You’ve done a fantastic job, you know,” Steve said. “I mean I’ve seen a lot of mimics of ‘Starry Night,’ but yours is really close to the original. As close as it can be.” He grinned.

  “Do you know why those yellow lights are ringed in the painting? Like large blots?”

  Steve smiled. “He painted the sky from behind his prison window. The lights appeared as blots on the window pane.”

  Agnus nodded, smiling, “Man, you’re good at this, huh.”

  “Not so good with the brush though.”

  Agnus shifted her gaze skyward, a hearty smile painted across her lips.

  “Hey, hey,” Steve said, gently caressing her jaw to face him, “I want to make up for last time. Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?”

  Her cheeks had turned into a web work of delicate crimson veins. Agnus gave him a toothy grin. “Nothing would be lovelier.”

  * * * * * * * *

  Agnus suggested they go to the ‘Wild Thyme Café’ at the end of town. Steve was glad to hear of it, as this meant that they would be going on a long ride. Agnus settled in the front seat next to him. And Steve hit the engines, causing the car to speed down the sparsely crowded highway road.

  Beside them, the city shifted in colors of faint yellow and white light. The cold air condensed on the window panes, blurring the sight outside. After long moments of silence, Agnus was the first one to speak,

  “Would you mind if I ask who that girl in the cafeteria the other day?”

  Steve screwed his eyes, thinking. “Anika?”

  “Yeah, who is she?”

  “Oh, she – she’s just someone I dated, Agnus. It was for a very short period, really.”

  “Why? Who did you date afterward? I’m sorry I don’t mean to pry, I’m just asking casually. It’s alright if you don’t want to talk about it.”

  Steve gulped. This was the point he had been trying to escape desperately. He didn’t want Nancy’s topic to come up and together with it, all of the related complexities. Instantly, he tried to shift the scope of their conversation.

  “Oh, I just snapped out of that dating period. I wanted to focus more on basketball and studies,” he said, offering a quivering grin. “I’m sorry, Agnus, about you and Mark. Lucy told me you guys called it a day.”

  Agnus pursed her lips, and pretended to look past the foggy glass at the city outside.

  “It wasn’t working out. And to be very honest, it wasn’t Mark’s fault. I don’t know why but I couldn’t stay with him any longer – it was suffocating and…god, I don’t know. I’m just glad I’m out of all that shit.” Her eyes were still fixed at the window pane, and Steve pressed her hand gently.

  “Hey, hey, it’s okay, alright? Everything will be fine, don’t worry.”

  Agnus smiled, and a strange sense of warmth spilled into Steve’s heart.

  Soon, the ‘Wild Thyme Cafe’ loomed into view. It was a cozy café, flanked by lanky conifers that were lit by fairy lights. Steve parked the car and together, they made their way to the restaurant. Inside, the café was much warmer, and was brimming with people. Steve and Agnus took a seat at the very far corner. Steve took the menu and handed the brochure to Agnus, grinning,

  “Tonight’s going to be completely your way.”

  Agnus shot him a nasty smile. “Well, then you must know that I have bad habit of experimenting new things.”

  Steve groaned amusedly, while Agnus laughed.

  Since Mexican food was that restaurant’s specialty, they ordered a steamy bowl of Chili Con Carne, tacos and Mexican garlic bread. The tantalizing aroma that rose off the food was enough to water their mouths, and both of them instantly dug in. It was a smart choice on Agnus’s part to order a warm spicy stew. Steve had never tried Mexican food before, but now that he did he found it rather delicious, and so made a mental note to check out the place some time again later.

  Steve watched Agnus across the table, and smiled. She looked much happier now than before. Steve was glad that he’d been able to influence such positivity in her. Besides, she needed this more than ever, considering the fact how glum she had been feeling these days reminiscing her mother’s death. And even her father was away. He had a strange yearning to comfort her in every way possible.

  * * * * * * * *

  Agnus chatted all the way back. She went on and on about little childhood memories with her friend, Lara. And Steve rather enjoyed listening to them. There was a sudden transition in her mood, and it brought out the very best in her. There was freshness in her face, and her smile was more heartfelt. Seeing her so happy unlocked a sensitive chamber inside Steve’s heart, whence flowed warm rich liquid that soothed his senses.

  And then, it struck him again.

  He had never experienced this with anybody. Never felt so peaceful in anyone else’s presence. What if - what if Agnus really was his wolf mate? Would the curse apply on her on her too?

  It seemed that Steve had to visit the witch of Dasia again to find out.

  They pulled over at Agnus’s house, and Steve bid her good night.

  “Just come and have a drink, please? Only a few minutes, I promise. Please.” She requested him with such doe eyes that Steve was eventually forced to give in to such an innocent plea.

  Agnus’s apartment was cloaked in darkness. She switched on a tiny bulb, while Steve shut the door behind him. A chillness grappled them. Steve sank into the nearby couch with a groan. Tugging his loose tie off his neck, he tossed it aside.

  Outside, the city was sleeping. Faint yellow light leaked through the large French windows at the wings of the room, filling it with a peaceful quietude. Steve ambled languidly towards the fireplace, while Agnus took out two beer bottles from the fridge. As he lit the flames in the grate, the orange light danced across the slender scars meandering across his bare neck. He cast a lazy glance toward Agnus, and felt his heart skip a beat. She’d taken off his leather jacket, and was now in her tiny dress from the evening. Her pearly white skin gleamed under his eyes, and Steve was hit by a wild yearn to hold her, to run his fingers across that bare, soft skin. To kiss every inch of it.

  No, he told himself firmly. He couldn’t risk it. Only because of that damned curse. And, instantly he looked away, his gaze falling back to the flames.

  Agnus returned with two beer bottles. She settled herself beside him, legs drawn up to her chest. Uncorking the bottles, both of them pressed it to their mouths, hungrily gulping down the liquid. Agnus inched closer, until their hands were touching. Steve sensed the intoxication grow on his mind, and as his gaze slipped to her chest, to that explicit display of cleavage, he felt his heart squirm. And Agnus must have noticed the passion fill his eyes, as she slammed her mouth to his. She pressed her lips hard, tongue locking with his and Steve kissed back. If Steve had enjoyed the last time they kissed, this time it was even better.

  Agnus shifted in her seat, and opened her legs curling them around Steve’s waist. Steve couldn’t hold it back. She was too soft, too beautiful, and too perfect to refuse. Her legs tightened their grip, and her hands held his jaw, kissing his mouth. She placed his palms on the e
dge of her dress, daring them to play the move. Agnus’s dress was already sexily short, and as she fidgeted, it climbed even lower, that Steve caught a glimpse of her panties. Steve sneaked his fingers beneath her dress, his fingers traveling the length of her silky smooth skin. His fingers brushed across her bra, and he traced the outline of her breast. Agnus gasped, and he shot her a hesitant look. She nodded, and tore open his shirt. He flung it aside, as she ran her fingers across his bare chest.

  Steve couldn’t resist it. And he unhooked her bra. It slid to the floor, and Steve cupped her round breasts gently. Agnus had moved to his pants now. She unzipped his fly, and Steve helped her. He tossed his pants aside. He took her in his arms, and carried her to the bed. Agnus wrapped her slender body around him. Steve’s fingers meandered around her panties, and as Agnus kissed his neck, he pulled down her panties. Agnus eased out of her dress and her naked body gleamed white on the silk sheets. Steve pinned her beneath him, and before he touched her further, he took a moment to drink the beauty of her body, the curves of her heavenly figure. He caught her blushing and a nasty smile licked his lips. Then, he began kissing her neck.

  When Steve broke away, his breath spilled from his lips in jagged silvers.

  “Don’t stop,” Agnus said between short breaths.

  His response was a wicked smile. Wordlessly, Steve rolled again, pinning her beneath his mouth, covering her with his body. He slid lower. Watched her face as he blew a cool stream of air across her bare stomach. A thread of molten amber raced down her spine. When Agnus trembled – sparks dancing across her skin – Steve laughed softly. Then he kissed her again, and it was a controlled fire on her tongue. The type that threatened to burn into a crashing, thrashing ache. He traveled his mouth downward, to her breast, where his tongue sucked her skin for quite some time.

  Agnus wrapped her arms around his neck, as he pressed at her soft breasts. She was panting now. She stretched her legs in bed and opened them wide enough, fitting them between his legs. But before she could stick his penis to her vagina, Steve pushed aside.

  “Steve,” she whispered, kissing his neck from behind, “it’s alright, I don’t mind. I want to live with you now. You’re all I want.”

  Steve stilled at those words. If only she knew…. No, he couldn’t do it. The risk was too big.

  Before Steve could respond, his phone began buzzing on the counter. He slid out of bed instantly, and pressed the phone to his ear.

  “Steve.” It was Terry, his subordinate on the line. “There has been a murder at the docks. It is very similar to the ones we’ve been noticing these past weeks. You’ve to come immediately.”

  “The Sauk County Docks, right?”


  “Alright, I’m on my way.”

  With that, Steve hung up.

  “Where are you going?” Agnus asked, as Steve got into his pants hastily. He buttoned his shirt, tousled his hair, and grabbed his jacket from the couch.

  “I’ve something important to attend to.”

  “Something important at midnight?”

  “Yes, Agnus, I’m sorry I can’t explain. I’m in bit of a hurry right now. Don’t worry; I’ll explain everything to you later. I promise,” Steve said. Another lie.

  “At least tell me where are you going?” Agnus blocked his path, and Steve let out a faint groan. God, how could he tell her?

  “I’ll tell you, Agnus. It’s urgent.” He made his way to the door.

  “You’re not gonna take the keys?”

  “Uh, yeah, sure. Sorry, it slipped out of my mind,” Steve said, catching the keys from Agnus.

  With that, he headed outside, the door of Agnus’s apartment shutting close.

  Chapter VI:


  Agnus wasn’t convinced. There was a strange shift in Steve’s demeanor right after the call. Like he was anxious about something. She had a strong feeling that he was hiding something from her, something big – but why?

  Whatever it was, Agnus resolved to find it out. She was tired of all these suspense games, of him leaving the class out of the blue, and coming the next day all bleary-eyed and refusing to say anything about it. Agnus knew something was up. And it had been going on since a very long time. And this time, she wouldn’t just let it go.

  Agnus quickly pulled over a shirt, trousers, and a thick leather jacket. She wrapped a muffler around her neck, and put on her Ray-Bans to make herself less recognizable. Grabbing her keys, she rushed outside, determined to find Steve and force him to confront her about everything.

  When Agnus searched the streets outside her flat for Steve, she couldn’t find him anywhere. She got into her car, and hit the engines. Steve had mentioned the Sauk County’s Docks on the phone; Agnus had a strong feeling that that was where he was headed. Agnus’s car sped into the night, as she desperately hoped that she was right for trusting her instincts.

  The Sauk County Docks was far, far away. It was an isolated region at the very end of the county. Agnus was getting tired. Exhaustion pulled at her muscles, and she yawned. Perhaps, it was an incredibly foolish idea. Agnus hated herself for being so impulsive. It was extremely unlike her to sneak out at one in the morning, alone. And then horrible ideas began spilling into her mind. What if there were thugs on the way? Criminals and vagabonds. Agnus was chilled to the bones. She felt her limbs turning numb at the reality of such horrifying possibilities.

  She wanted to turn back. To go back home. Was the answer to Steve’s mysterious disappearances really worth enduring all this dread? Agnus had almost given in to his fears, when deep, raspy voices alerted her senses. Agnus hit the brakes instantly and brought her car to a halt.

  She was on the edge of a thick forest. A few miles ahead a group of men were huddled together. Beside them, the trees stood tall, and shrouded in darkness. Their voices were faint, and Agnus couldn’t exactly make out what they were saying. She got out of her car, and carefully tiptoed into the forest. Agnus rested her back against the trunk of a tree that stood nearest to the group, and listened carefully,

  “Last week, a similar, middle-aged man was killed, sire. There have been more deaths associated with this one-”

  “-however, the number of deaths has been lesser than the number of disappearances. Marcus and I have recorded up to fifteen disappearances. All of teenage boys.”

  “Which region?” This was Steve’s voice. Agnus’s heart leaped.

  “The Tanuk Village, Sire.”

  Sire? They were addressing Steve as sire? But why? Was Steve their leader or something?

  “This cannot be a coincidence. So many deaths all in one week. I am confident there is a connection, sire. We must do something about it.”

  “Yes, of course. I’ll conduct an investigation tomorrow in the Tanuk Village. We’ll act according to the details I’m able to gather,” Steve said. “Now, Terry, tell me about this man. When did you find him?”

  “Found him dead an hour ago. His body was still warm, so I assumed the killer must be near. However, I searched the entire vicinity but there was not even single soul haunting this forest except us.”

  “Did you find any ID in his pockets?”

  “Sire, we haven’t searched the-”

  “Search him.” Agnus was stunned by the huge transition in Steve. His voice was anything but soft. His tone was authoritative, and his crew fulfilled his orders dutifully.

  The men lit their torches. After a split second, one of them gasped. Instantly, Agnus peered behind her. And right there, on the trunk above the dead man’s chest was a message carved in the wood:

  ‘This is for my brother –B’

  Agnus caught Steve staring at it, his body unmoving and face in shadow. Due to the thick darkness, Agnus was unable to discern his face completely. Around him, everyone maintained their silence. In that moment, Agnus felt the cold, dead and quiet nature of nights in forests. Every tiny sound was suddenly amplified.

  After a long moment, Steve spoke, “Did you find any ID?”

  “Yes, sire,” the man named Terry said, “the man is originally from Michigan. Transferred to Sauk only a month ago. Name’s Charles William Stone.”

  The world crashed around Agnus. All air spilled out of her lungs. Her body had become deathly still. Her mind buzzed with impossibility, brows furrowed in confusion, eyes blind to the impossible sight that scorched them. She knew there’d been some mistake. This wasn’t true – couldn’t be true. Agnus spun on her heels, her outrage and raw shock leading her to the dead body. But as soon as she started, she stopped. No, the discovery of her presence might prove to be lethal for Steve. Clearly, this was some secret organization that Agnus wasn’t supposed to know about.

  But Agnus just wanted to catch a glimpse of him…just wanted herself to be wrong this time. She couldn’t lose her Dad, not him too. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and no matter how much she tried to control herself, tried to push this horrible possibility out of her mind – she utterly failed every single time. Her lips quivered, and the voices grew muffled around her. She no longer paid heed to their conversation; it didn’t matter anymore.

  Agnus waited for them to clear out, to leave the body and just go away. So that she could have at least one look. But the men stayed, and so did Steve, discussing tactics and strategies to employ in their investigation. When she grew wary of waiting, she decided to head back home.

  And then, an idea struck her.

  A man named Terry had mentioned about the disappearance of young boys in Tanuk Village. If what Terry said about the murders being related to each other – of being a part of some elaborate scheme - was true, then whoever was behind those disappearances was also behind her Dad’s murder. Agnus felt an uncontrolled rage rise in her chest. There was no way she was going to let this pass.

  I’m going to avenge your death father, she told the dark shadows still mingling in her mind.


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