Wrapped in Chains (Kings Reapers MC Book 3)

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Wrapped in Chains (Kings Reapers MC Book 3) Page 8

by Nicola Jane

  “Of course,” says Anna. “We wanted to make it special.” These girls and Gia are the only people who know how heartbroken I’ve been these last few weeks.

  “I don’t think banners are needed. I’m twenty,” I say with a smile.

  “Don’t be a party pooper. How was last night?” asks Eva.

  I fill them in briefly and they exchange a pitying look. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry, we know how much you wanted to like him. At least you’ve tried,” says Eva. “Are you going to stay with him?”

  I shake my head. “I’m going to tell him tomorrow. I didn’t have the heart to do it today—he’s really looking forward to the party.”

  Gia arrives an hour before the party is due to start. She’s amazing at styling hair and when she offered to do mine, I gratefully accepted. I tell her about Ryan and she visibly cringes. “So, nothing like your experience with Chains?”

  “No. I mean, that’s good in some ways. Ryan was a sweetheart but—”

  “But he didn’t get you going? He didn’t set you on fire?”

  I shake my head. “I feel bad. I’ve used him to forget Chains.”

  “And it hasn’t worked,” she points out. She’s right—I can’t forget Chains no matter how much I want to. “My brother is always available,” she adds and I laugh.

  “Riggs would kill me,” I say. “I think I need to be single for a while. Wait for my knight in shining armour.”

  “Like they fucking exist,” says Gia, rolling her eyes.

  An hour later, we head downstairs. The club is packed out. Members and their families as well as some of my college friends fill the room. Anna hugs me and smiles. “Happy birthday.” It’s not my birthday until tomorrow, but she hands me a small gift-wrapped box. “We wanted to get you something pretty,” she says and smiles as Riggs approaches us. He kisses my cheek and I open the box. It’s a delicate diamond bracelet. “Wow, it’s beautiful,” I say. Anna takes it from the box and places it on my wrist. “We love you.”

  Ryan joins us and Riggs scowls. It’s taking him some time to accept that I have a boyfriend, but Ryan doesn’t seem to notice any of Riggs’ hostility. “Happy birthday. I’m saving your gift until tomorrow.” He smiles.

  “You really don’t need to get me anything,” I say, guilt creeping in.

  “Bellissima,” comes a deep voice from behind me. Vinn swoops over my shoulder and kisses my cheek. “You look stunning tonight, Leia,” he says, taking me by the hand and twirling me around. He shakes Riggs’ hand and kisses Anna on the cheek. He ignores Ryan. “Is she allowed to date me now that she’s twenty?” he asks Riggs.

  Riggs eyes Ryan. “I won’t rule it out,” he mutters, clearly favouring Vinn over Ryan.

  “I have a gift,” says Vinn, taking my hand. “I’ll return her shortly,” he adds to Riggs. I let him lead me away, mainly because I feel awkward that everyone seems to be ignoring poor Ryan.

  Vinn takes me outside to the parking lot of the club. He nods at his driver, who opens the back door of his car. He indicates for me to get in, which I do, and he slides in beside me. “I hope you like it.” He smiles, carefully pushing a box towards me. “Gia suggested it.”

  I stare cautiously at the box. “It’s a big box,” I say.

  “Put me out of my misery and open it,” he insists.

  I smile and then carefully lift the lid. Inside, in the corner of the box, sits a small black puppy with a red bow around its neck. I gasp. “You got me a dog!”

  “Gia thought it would make you smile,” he says. I reach in and take out the little fluffy bundle. “It’s a boy,” he adds as I cuddle the puppy into my chest.

  “Vinn, I really don’t know what to say.” I smile. “I love him.”

  “It’s nice to see the sparkle back in your eyes. It’s been missing the last few times I’ve seen you.” I nod sadly. He isn’t the first to notice my sadness. “Dump the nerd,” he adds. “Let me show you what a real man is like.”

  His words remind me too much of Chains and I shake my head. “I’m taking a step back from relationships, men, commitment.”

  “I’m not going to give up.” He smirks and I smile.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less. Let’s go back inside. I want to show off my new baby.”

  The women inside gush over the new puppy. Riggs glares at Vinn and then takes him off to his office. I assume he’ll warn him off. Ryan pulls me to one side. “Can we talk?” he asks.

  “Sure.” I hand my new furry friend to Anna and follow him outside.

  “Are you sleeping with that gangster?” he asks and I smile at his reference to Vinn.

  “No. He’s kind to me. I think he feels sorry for me,” I say.

  “Or maybe he wants to get in your knickers,” he huffs.

  I decide I need to be honest with Ryan. It’s not fair for me to drag this out any longer. “Ryan, I’ve decided I need to be single for a while.”

  He stares at me. His mouth opens and closes like a goldfish. “Why?”

  “It’s not you. I know that sounds cliché, but it really isn’t. I’ve got my final exams coming up and my placement starts on Monday. I have so much going on that I don’t have time for anybody else right now.”

  “Did I push you too much?” he asks. “Was last night too much?”

  “No,” I say, taking his hand. “You were really nice. I’m glad my first time was with you,” I lie. “Maybe in a few months, we can get together and see where we’re both at, but right now, I can’t be with you.”

  Ryan nods sadly. I feel an instant relief when he walks away. The guilt lifts and I head back inside.

  “What can we name the puppy?” slurs Eva. She’s been sneaking shots when Cree’s back’s been turned and now she’s drunk.

  “Diesel.” I smile. “I’m calling him Diesel.”

  “Ladies,” comes Brick’s voice. We all look up at him from our position on the couch. He’s with a man the size of a wrestler. He’s huge. His muscles bulge and his piercing blue eyes are like crystal. “This is Blu. He’s joining us for a while as our enforcer.”

  Gia stands and smiles. “I’m Gia,” she says, holding out her hand. He stares at it but makes no move to take it.

  “I thought you were supposed to be here weeks ago?” asks Anna.

  “Had some business,” he growls.

  “That’s rude,” Gia butts in. “I was being nice.” Blu glares at her. “Shake my hand,” she hisses. I hide my smirk. She looks set to stamp her feet.

  “I’m not nice,” he growls. “And I don’t shake hands.” He turns and walks away, followed closely by Brick.

  “What an ass,” snaps Gia. “Did you see how rude he was? Who the hell does he think he is?”

  “You totally want to bang him,” laughs Anna.

  “I totally want to bang him,” agrees Gia and we laugh.

  I get into bed with Diesel by my side. I notice a message on my phone and open it.

  Chains: Princess, have the best birthday.

  I deleted Chains’ telephone number after he left which was pointless because I’d already memorised it. My heart rate picks up. It’s the first time I’ve heard from him since he left. I snap a picture of me and Diesel and I send it to him. Within a few seconds his reply comes.

  Chains: Riggs finally caved and got you a puppy?

  Leia: No. Vinn.

  I wait for a reply, but it doesn’t come. I contemplate texting to explain there’s nothing with me and Vinn but then talk myself out of it. It’s none of his business, and why would he care? He’s got an ol’ lady now.

  I’m woken by a knock at my door. It’s ten in the morning. Diesel whines and I put him on his puppy mat so he can pee. Opening the door, Gia almost knocks me down as she pushes past me. “I have a situation,” she whispers. She opens a bag and shows me four pregnancy tests. “I did three, two came back negative, but the first had a very faint positive. I feel sick and I missed my period. So, I got four more tests.”

  “If two say negative, then
that’s a good thing, right?” I ask.

  “Pee on one for me to check they’re working,” she suggests.

  “I’m not taking a test.” I laugh. “You did two negatives. They must be working.”

  “Please, I’m freaking out.”

  I snatch the bag from her and she follows me to the bathroom. “Who have you slept with?” I ask as I concentrate on peeing. “You never said you were seeing anyone.”

  “That’s because I’m not seeing him. It’s Vinn’s head of security,” she mutters.

  “Christ, Gia, talk about living dangerously.” I pee and place the test on the side.

  “I know,” she groans and covers her face. “I have to stop going for assholes.”

  I wash my hands and then leave the bathroom. “I wouldn’t worry. Tests are usually accurate, and I’ve heard of false positives before, but if you had two negatives, then I think you’re in the clear. Take another to be certain.”

  “Erm, then maybe you should do another one,” she mumbles and I turn to her. She holds up my test. “This says pregnant and the time’s not even up yet.”

  I snatch it from her and stare at the two lines. “Get me another test,” I snap, snatching it from her and marching into the bathroom.

  Three tests and three positives. I slide down the wall until my ass hits the floor. “Shit, Leia. I’m so sorry. I didn’t think for one second that would happen,” says Gia, holding her fourth negative test.

  “Maybe they’re all wrong,” I groan.

  “Three positives, I don’t think so.”

  “Fuck, Gia. What the hell am I gonna do?”


  I glare at Dolly as her head bobs up and down in Scotty’s lap. His head lolls to the side and he grips her hair tight. “That’s it, take it all,” he groans.

  “You done?” I growl and Dolly’s guilty expression pales as she scrambles towards me. She’s off her head on drugs. Her eyes give it away. It seems to be the thing here in the Manchester club—sex and drugs.

  “Shit, Chains. He made me,” she cries and I shove her away from me.

  “Fuck off,” I snap. “You’ve been making eyes at him for days. I’m not stupid. They got me out there shovelling shit and you’re in here sampling coke and fucking like the club whore you are.”

  “I’m sorry,” she wails.

  If this happened in the London charter, I’d be within rights to kill Scotty. The unwritten rule is once a club member claims an ol’ lady, she’s off the market for the rest of the guys. But I’m not in London. Here, I’m pretty much being treated like a prospect and there ain’t shit I can do about it. I wanna keep my head down so I can get a good picture of what’s going on cos it sure ain’t legit shit. Not that London is either, but these fuckers seem shady and Riggs will wanna know about it.

  I leave them to it. I can’t stand Dolly anyway. These last few weeks have shown me how miserable having an ol’ lady makes me. She’s never happy and spends her days bitching and complaining.

  I’m collecting up her shit from our room when Raven comes in and flops on my bed. We’ve become close, but not in a sexual way. She’s cool. I can talk to her and she hates being here just as much as me. “Whatcha doing?” she asks.

  “Getting that bitch outta my bed,” I mutter. I gather the heap of belongings and pile them up outside the bedroom door. Going back inside, I lock it and lay next to Raven. “What about you?”

  “I spent the morning being thrown around the bed by Tank. That motherfucker is a beast.” She sighs, lifting her top and showing me the bruising on her midriff. “He seems to think he’s the enforcer. Isn’t that why you’re here?”

  “It was, but I think Cobra wants me to prove my worth. I can’t be bothered with that shit. I think I’m gonna stay another week or so, then move on. I haven’t got anything to take back to Riggs. They play their cards close to their chests here,” I say.

  “Maybe tonight will bring you something,” she says and shrugs. Tonight is a big party for the prospects who are patching in. It’s a big deal, but I’m concerned the two guys they’re patching haven’t been prospects for long enough. Sometimes guys prospect for years, but in this case, it’s been two months. From what I can gather, none of them have links to any members— they simply walked off the street and offered to prospect. They could be anyone, and now they’re getting patched in and they’ll have access to everything club related.

  “Did you send a text to Leia?” asks Raven.

  I nod. “She got a birthday puppy,” I say, pulling out my phone and showing her the photo Leia sent me last night. “From a mob boss,” I add, and Raven’s eyebrows rise.

  “She with him?”

  I shrug. “I doubt it. Riggs wouldn’t allow it. But he’s giving her thoughtful gifts, so maybe he’ll worm his way in there.”

  “I don’t know why you just don’t go back there. March on into that club and tell them Leia is yours and you’re gonna keep her forever.” She smirks and I roll my eyes. If only it was that simple.

  The party is out of hand. I can see that, so I sure as hell don’t know why Cobra can’t. There’s wall to wall pussy and bikers getting their fill like one massive orgy. There’s drugs laying around. If the police raided this place right now, they’d make their bonuses because I ain’t ever seen this much white powder at a club party before. How the fuck are they making any money?

  “Raven,” yells Cobra. “Get over here.” Raven gives me a wary look then dutifully goes to where Cobra is seated on a throne-like chair overlooking the room. I don’t hear what he says to her, but she kisses a brunette who is kneeling by his side as Cobra strokes Raven’s hair like she’s his pet. I shudder.

  “Hey, brother,” says Kaine, fist bumping me. “You know anything about the afterparty?” I shake my head. “Shit, you gotta come. It’s a night to remember.”

  “Yeah?” I ask.

  “It’s in the basement at one a.m.,” he says with a wink and then he wanders away. I check my watch. It’s half past midnight already.

  Raven’s putting on a show for Cobra, but I can tell by the way her fist clenches that she’s hating every minute. The brunette has her face buried between Raven’s legs. She’s not a lesbian or in the least bit bisexual, and she’s told me before how she hates doing this sort of thing. Cobra bites Raven’s breast and she cries out. He leaves an indent and I take a few deep breaths to calm myself. I hate this shit.

  My phone vibrates and I see Leia’s name flash up, but I cancel the call. I don’t need to hear her voice when I feel like this cos I’ll climb on my bike and head straight back to her.

  At one, Cobra shouts me over. “Tonight, you’re gonna prove your loyalty to me,” he says. It pisses me off. I helped create this charter and he’s treating me like I’m a fuckin’ prospect. “Come with me.”

  I follow him to the basement where there’s at least eight other members. The two prospects are sitting in the middle of the room. “It’s their final initiation,” Cobra tells me. I take a seat to Cobra’s left. “Bring her in,” he orders and one of the men goes to a door at the back of the basement and unlocks it. A frightened looking woman falls into the room. She’s naked and dirty, like she’s been dragged around and dumped here. Her eyes dart around at the men all smirking in her direction.

  “What the fuck’s going on?” I ask.

  “This bitch stole from us. While one of our brothers slept, she took his wallet and stash. Over ten grand worth of coke,” explains Cobra. “Now, she’ll pay.”

  “Why did he have that much stuff on him?” I ask.

  “That don’t matter,” growls Cobra. “We do shit different round here. Now you’re here, you need to learn our ways.”

  One of the prospects has the woman by her arms. She’s fighting, kicking out and trying to bite him. “This is fucked up,” I growl, standing. Cobra also stands. “Let her go,” I demand.

  Cobra roars with laughter. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Kings Reapers don’t condone rap
e. This . . . ” I point to the woman who is now pinned to the floor by the other prospect. “Is not happening. I’ll kill both of them and then you,” I snarl.

  “You need to forget about fuckin’ Riggs and his bullshit nice manners. We’re bikers, not pussies. Now, my boys are gonna hold that bitch down and you’re gonna fuck her until she remembers not to fuck with my club.”

  I laugh and then swing my fist into his face hard. He stumbles back and lands on Iron’s lap. Bikers come at me from all directions and I do my best to fight my way against each and every one of them. I throw punch after punch and eventually reach for my knife, sticking it in anyone within reach. I back out of the room, grabbing the hand of the woman as I go. The other men stand back warily, some injured, others poised, ready to attack if I make another move toward them. I get out of the room and pull the iron door closed, sliding the lock across and falling back against the wall, panting.

  “You’re bleeding,” cries the woman, holding her hand up to show me blood. I glance down to my side and see blood soaking my shirt.

  “It don’t matter. We gotta get out of here before they alert everyone else,” I say. “There’re

  members still partying upstairs.”

  I’m sure everyone is too preoccupied with fucking and drugs to notice me, but I pick the woman up and wrap her legs around my waist just in case. “I’m gonna kiss you as we make our way through the room,” I whisper. “They need to think we’re sneaking off to fuck. But I promise that you’re safe with me. I won’t hurt you and I won’t let them hurt you anymore.”

  She nods her head and some of the worry in her eyes, eases. We kiss and she grinds against me as I carry her through the room. She’s not the only naked woman in here, so apart from being dirty, she fits in. I break outside. There’re still a few brothers hanging around out here smoking and Raven, who glances up and frowns at me.


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