Air Kiss

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Air Kiss Page 4

by L.H. Cosway

  Up until now, I was almost certain Leanne didn’t fancy me back. But the way she was looking at me tonight, I was sure if I so much as crooked a finger, she’d come. Deciding the best course of action was probably to get everything out in the open, I took the seat on the other side of the table and clasped my hands together.

  I looked her in the eye. “You mind if we talk?”

  She shook her head. “Not at all. What’s on your mind?”

  “I’m attracted to you,” I said and she sucked in a nervous breath before lowering her eyes to the table. I wished she wouldn’t do that. I loved her eyes.

  “You said that back at James’ place,” she muttered shyly.

  I reached across the table and took her hand in mine. “Leanne, look at me.” Her gaze flicked up. “I wasn’t lying. If I had my way, we’d both be naked in my bedroom right now.” A flush coloured her cheeks as the visual obviously got into her head. Christ, this was harder than I expected.

  “Right,” she said, embarrassed.

  “But I don’t want to fuck up the show. What the five of us have is too good. I know you feel it, too.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty spectacular when we run,” she agreed.

  “And with that dynamic, the show is going to be amazing. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, I want you and I think you kind of want me, too, but we shouldn’t act on it.”

  “No, I agree,” Leanne nodded profusely, biting her lip. “This…thing between us, it’ll pass.”

  I let out a shaky breath, and nodded back, hoping to convince myself she was right. “Yeah, of course. So, we’re good, right? Let’s try not to have any more weirdness between us. I just want to focus on the show.”

  I watched as she swallowed. “Me, too.” A pause as she glanced at me. Those fucking eyes. “So…friends?”

  I mustered a smile, even though there was an uncomfortable twist in my gut. “Yeah, friends.”

  Just as I expected, the five of us were on fire when we started filming. Everyone was convinced the show was going to be a massive hit when it went to air, and I couldn’t disagree. I could already visualise the swanky new flat I was going to buy as soon as the money started rolling in. Mum would be living it large in no time. No more arseholes like Mr. Greenhall to bully or push her around.

  Our director, Barry, had set us up with our own private gym in Shoreditch, kitted out with ramps, walls of varying heights, pillars and even a half-pipe. It was a dream to work out in and we were all there most days practicing. Usually, the film crew would hang about to catch footage, but they were off today since it was Sunday.

  I could hear someone going at it on the punching bag when I arrived and thought it was probably Trev. The bloke worked out every single day to the point of obsession. However, when I came around the corner it wasn’t Trev I saw, but Leanne.

  Fucking fantastic.

  Ever since our agreement to keep things friendly, life had been interesting. Real interesting. I swear, now that I knew she fancied me back, my attraction to her was even more out of control. The last two months filming had been insanely frustrating. Watching her run, work out, jump, hell, even her sweat was sexy. Somewhere along the way, my attraction became an obsession. She was all I ever thought about.

  I had dreams about her.

  When she was close, I fantasised about reaching out and touching her.

  “Oh, hey,” she said when she noticed me standing there. She was breathless, chest heaving from her efforts on the punching bag. She wore a sports bra that cupped her tits to perfection, and a pair of workout shorts that showed every inch of her toned, shapely legs. I stared for a touch too long, transfixed.

  “Hey, uh, are you the only one here?” I asked, swallowing tightly.

  Please say no. Please say no.

  Trev, fitness freak that he was, had to be around somewhere.

  She grabbed a towel to dab the sweat from her neck. I was officially jealous of a towel.

  “Yeah, the others decided to go to the cinema. There’s a new Jason Statham film out.”

  “Ah, right,” I replied and turned in the direction of the locker room. “Well, I’m just going to get changed. Give a shout if you need me.”

  She nodded. “Sure, will do.”

  Instead of going to the locker room, I made a detour and headed straight for the showers. Once I was under the icy cold spray, I closed my eyes and thought of every unsexy thing I could imagine. Then I thought of all the reasons why having sex with Leanne was a bad idea.

  Stepping out of the shower, I dried off, threw on my workout clothes and headed for the half-pipe. I ran the length of it, back and forth, up and down, without even warming up. Leanne was on the treadmill and I promised myself I wouldn’t look at her. Looking at her only made things worse.

  In my pants.

  Man, this was bad. I’d been reduced to cheesy innuendos. Though if I couldn’t express my desire physically, then at least I could be dirty in my own head.

  I glanced to the side and saw she’d stopped running to readjust some part of her sports bra. Good. God. I caught sight of some side boob and tripped over my own two feet. My fall made a loud bang and Leanne came running over.

  “Cal, are you all right?”

  I loved how she’d started calling me Cal.

  I sat on my backside, inspecting the ankle I’d just busted, when she climbed onto the half-pipe, her expression concerned.

  “You fell,” she breathed, sucking in a harsh breath when she saw the damage. My ankle was red and throbbed like a bastard.

  “Yeah,” I said, voice strained. “But I don’t think I did any permanent damage.”

  Her pale, delicate hands lifted my trouser leg, folding it up so she could get a proper look. “It’s swollen. There are some ice packs in the fridge. Stay here while I go grab one.”

  Before I could tell her it was fine, she was gone. About a minute later she returned, her features drawn in concentration as she pressed the ice to my ankle. She was so naturally gorgeous, it was almost hard to look at her this close. And if she bit that lip of hers one more time, I was seriously going to kiss her.

  Fuck the consequences.

  “How does that feel?” she asked, glancing up at me.

  “Better. You’re beautiful,” I blurted and her cheeks coloured instantly. Great, now she was making me babble.

  She looked away shyly, focusing back on the ice pack. “The pain must be making you delirious,” she said quietly.

  Nah, that’s just you.

  “Actually, I’m completely lucid,” I countered and reached out to caress her cheek. She went utterly still, her breathing choppy, and I knew by the look she gave me that she was turned on.

  Without thinking, I asked a very, very stupid question, “Do you want to fuck me, Leanne?”

  Chapter Five


  “Do you want to fuck me, Leanne?” Cal asked and I swear to God I stopped breathing.

  I was kneeling in front of him, but all of a sudden, he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me astride his lap. “This is a bad idea,” I croaked as he ran both his hands up my spine to curl around my shoulders. His palms were warm as he started to dig his fingers into my tight muscles. I resisted the urge to moan.

  “Such a bad idea,” he agreed, leaning in to nip at my lower lip. “But let’s do it anyway.”

  “W-what about the agreement?”

  “Eff the agreement,” he swore, his voice a husky rasp. Quick as a flash he flipped us so I was on my back, legs spread wide as he nestled himself between my thighs. I could feel his pants stiffen, the length of his cock hardening against me, and swallowed down a gulp.

  This was actually happening.

  Ever since filming started, Cal had been testing my willpower with his subtle flirting and little touches. Sometimes he’d help me down off a wall, even though I was perfectly capable of getting down on my own. His hands on my waist would practically burn through the fabric of my clothes. Other times he’d get too hot
and sweaty during a workout and pull off his top, revealing toned muscles and miles of inked skin.

  I’d become obsessed with memorising all of his tattoos, from the Virgin Mary on his right arm that looked almost like stained glass, to the anchor that said “Mum” on his inner wrist, to the black demon skull that spanned the entire width of his shoulder blades. Every time I looked I noticed something new.

  I stared into his eyes, imprisoned in their sea-green depths, and wondered how I even managed to last this long. He was too beautiful for words, and though he often enjoyed riling me, he was a good person. Flawed yes, but still good. Cal was loyal to the ones who deserved it, but an all-around prick to those who didn’t. I had to give him his props though. At least he was brave enough to call people on their bullshit.

  “I think about you all the time,” he went on and my breath caught again. “I dream about you. You’re under my skin so much you might as well be one of these bloody tattoos,” he laughed, a sexy, intimate sound.

  “It’s a good thing you lost that bet, or I actually would be.”

  His smile was affectionate. “You never did get your solar system.”

  “Haven’t found the right m-moment,” I said and whimpered when he pushed his hips in so that his erection was flush against me.

  His hand cupped the back of my neck, fingers digging into the base of my skull and sending electric shocks all down my spine. My mouth opened on a gasp and his attention went to my lips. He stared at them with all the focus of a neurosurgeon when he bent forward to brush his mouth over mine, featherlight.

  “I’m going to kiss you now.”


  I barely got the word out when he crushed his mouth to mine with a hunger that was startling. His tongue dove in, no preamble, and explored every inch of my mouth, sliding along my tongue all hot and wet. I moaned into the kiss and squirmed beneath him. His deep, rumbling groan set a fire low in my belly and he reached down to slip his hand inside my workout shorts.

  He cupped me right between the legs and I lost the ability to function. I simply lay there, allowing him to kiss and touch me, his fingers skilled and sure. When they dipped past the barrier of my underwear to touch me bare, my eyes rolled back in my skull.

  This was weeks of foreplay coming to fruition.

  Reluctant attraction finally finding an outlet.

  I needed him so bad I ached.

  “More,” I begged, gasping as I broke our kiss. His eyes were open, watching my every reaction while he fingered my clit.

  When I came, it was with a loud cry of pleasure that I barely managed to stifle. Something came over me as I fumbled for him, tugging up his shirt and practically yanking down his pants.

  We were all instinct, completely mindless for each other.

  I guess that’s why you shouldn’t deny yourself sexual pleasure when you want someone as badly as I wanted Cal. Because then you did silly, stupid things in the heat of the moment.

  I gripped his firm, muscular arse as he positioned himself then pushed inside me. His thrusts were hard and fast, and I was too lost in my need for him to even realise he wasn’t wearing protection. I saw him experience the exact same moment of realisation when he paused mid-thrust and stared into my eyes; panic, horror, and apology all in a single look.

  I reached up to cup the side of his face and pulled his mouth down to mine. “It’s okay, I’m on the pill,” I reassured him, half of me knowing I was being reckless and the other half too lost in pleasure to care. Besides, since meeting Cal I’d never seen him with another girl, and we’d gone on nights out during filming. Sure, women flirted with him, but he never went home with anyone.

  Believe me, I noticed.

  And wondered.

  Was he just not the one-night stand type? Or was he too pre-occupied with our weird connection to pay attention to other women?

  “Are you sure?” he asked, breathless. He looked so handsome and sexy right then, strong arms braced as he held himself above me. I’d never been much of a submissive type, but I certainly didn’t mind Cal being the one in charge.

  I pressed a soft kiss to his lips and whispered, “I’m sure.”

  Those two little words were like a red rag to a bull. He pushed into me, building an impressive rhythm as I gasped for breath. I’d never had sex like this before, so passionate and reckless.

  Someone could walk into the gym at any moment.

  Luckily, they didn’t.

  Cal came with a rough groan and buried his face in my neck. It was such an affectionate gesture that my heart gave a quick, lung bashing thump that said, Oh Leanne, we’re in sooo much trouble here.

  I stroked his hair away from his face as he wrapped his arms around my middle and held onto me tight. His eyes were closed, his breathing deep and content as he just lay there and held me.

  My brain was still scrambled by the sex when I felt him press a kiss to my neck and murmur, “We should go get you that tattoo.”

  I arched a questioning brow. “What? Right now?”

  He smiled devilishly. “No time like the present.”

  Before I knew it, we’d cleaned up and dressed. Cal dragged me from the gym and outside to his motorbike. He helped me on with the helmet, just like he had that night we went to his flat to check on his mum, forgoing his own safety to ensure mine. It was one of those little gestures that endeared me to him.

  “Just out of curiosity, how the hell can you afford this thing?” I asked, knowing the bike must’ve cost a pretty penny.

  “Payment plan,” he replied, like it was obvious.

  I chuckled. “I thought you might have some story about how you got it on the cheap and fixed it up. I like the idea of you in a greasy T-shirt working on an engine.”

  He turned his head to me and reached out to give my thigh a light slap. “I bet you do, you dirty bird.”

  I chuckled again and wrapped my arms around his middle as he started the engine and sped off. About fifteen minutes later, we arrived at a tattoo parlour that looked like it was about ready to close for the evening. Cal led me inside, where there was a heavily tattooed bloke sweeping the floor. He was tall and muscled, and just looking at him made me nervous. I’d never been particularly scared of needles but being faced with the immediate prospect of some intimidatingly inked up bloke repeatedly sticking one in my arm had me breaking out in a cold sweat.

  “Hey, Cal, how’s it going? You’re not in for a new piece already, are you?”

  “Hey, Kev. No, actually. This is my friend, Leanne. She wants to get her first tattoo and I couldn’t take her to anyone but the best.”

  Kev grinned at me with a gleam in his eye, like he enjoyed the prospect of untouched skin. “Well, you’ve certainly brought her to the best. What you got in mind, hon?”

  I gestured to my inner forearm. “I want to get the solar system here, but I have no idea about colours or style.”

  “Let’s have you look at some artwork and see what you like then,” Kev said, motioning me over to a stack of folders.

  Almost an hour later, Kev had sketched an original piece for me and I was sitting down to get my very first tattoo. The needle was sharp and uncomfortably stingy at first, like it was dragging and pulling at my skin, but after a few minutes, it became bearable. Kev sat on one side of me, diligently working on my arm, while Cal sat on the other, taking it all in. I swear he was getting an odd sort of enjoyment out of this, though judging from the amount of ink he had, he had to be just a little bit obsessed with tattoos.

  “Stop staring at me. You’re making me nervous,” I said, voice tight. Just because I’d gotten used to the needle, didn’t mean it didn’t still hurt.

  Cal shot me a dreamy smile and suddenly I was back at the gym, under him, completely at his sexy mercy. “Can’t help it. You’re gorgeous.”

  “Shut up,” I grumped, trying not to smile as Kev chuckled at our interaction.

  By the time he was done, I was a simmering pot of arousal, mostly from the way Cal
watched the entire process, his attention going from the needle and to my body then back to the needle. I stood and walked towards a full-length mirror, admiring Kev’s handiwork. The tattoo was beautiful, even better than I could’ve imagined. He took my vision and surpassed all expectations.

  “It’s amazing. Thank you so much,” I said, smiling at Kev. He didn’t seem half as intimidating now as when I’d first walked into the shop.

  I was busy reading through the care instructions and admiring my tattoo, when I glanced up and saw Kev working on Cal’s wrist. I’d been so engrossed in studying my new work of art that I hadn’t even heard Cal asking Kev to tattoo him as well. It must’ve only been a small piece, because he was almost done by the time I came over.

  “What did you get?” I asked, tilting my head to see. It was difficult to tell since Cal’s arms already had so much ink.

  Kev sat back, all finished, allowing Cal to hold out his wrist to show me. My mouth fell open when I saw the tiny crown with a swirly “L” inside the design. My mind backtracked to the night of James’ birthday and our bet, when I said if he lost he had to get “Leanne is the queen of everything” tattooed on him.

  This wasn’t exactly that, but it was still shocking. The L obviously stood for my name. What on earth was he thinking?

  “Is that…?” I whispered, trailing off as he levelled me with a serious expression.

  “Today was important. I wanted a reminder,” Cal said, like it was no big deal.

  “Callum Davidson, there are plenty of ways to remind yourself of special days. You don’t need to go and get someone’s name tattooed on you. That’s just…it’s…God, it’s insane.”

  “It’s not your name, it’s your initial. Besides, if you ever stab me in the back I can easily get a cover-up.”


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