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Out of Uniform Box Set: Books 1-3

Page 10

by Kennedy, Elle

  “She’s a psychic,” Will finally admitted. He glanced over at Carson as if gauging his reaction.

  Having never been a big believer of paranormal junk like psychics, Carson had to swallow back his incredulity. This woman was obviously important to Will, and he didn’t want to step on any toes. So instead he kept his eyes on the road and said, “Is she the real thing?”

  “Unfortunately. So what’s the deal with you and the waitress from the wedding?” And that was it. Subject dropped. Will was very good at that, changing topics before you could blink.

  Carson turned on Harbor and onto the Coronado Bay Bridge, driving in the direction of Will’s house. Will was the only member of the team who lived this close to the base. All the other guys lived in San Diego. Well, except for Garrett, who’d been spending every night at Shelby’s Coronado apartment ever since the two had fallen madly in love.

  “There’s no deal,” Carson said as he came to a halt at a stop sign.

  Will grinned. “She refused to go home with you, huh?”

  He bristled. “Actually, I refused to go home with her.”

  “Why’d you do that?”

  “Because…” Before he could stop it, the truth rolled right out of his mouth. “Because I want to date her and she just wants a fling.”

  Will laughed. Jeez, two laughs in the span of ten minutes. Maybe he was drunk. “Since when do you date?”

  “Since now.”

  The other man nodded wisely. “Ah, so you realized it’s time to grow up.”

  “Something like that.”

  “And you like this girl?”

  “From what I know so far, yeah,” he admitted.

  Will gave a careless shrug. “Then have sex with her.”

  “Did you not just hear a word I said?” Carson said in frustration.

  “Sure I did. But the way I see it, it’s your in. Call her up, tell her you’re up for a fling, and then slowly work on her to try the dating thing.”

  “She was pretty determined to do the fling thing, man.”

  “Then change her mind. You’re a SEAL, she’s a cute little waif. How hard could it be?”

  Carson paused. Will did have a point. He wanted Holly, and he wasn’t going to get her standing around playing mini-golf. Maybe he should call her. Agree to sleep together for a while, and then turn up the seductive charm and convince her to give him a serious shot...

  “Definitely an idea worth considering,” he finally admitted, pulling up in front of Will’s small, non-descript bungalow. He put the car in park and turned to the other man. “Well, I’d like to say thanks for a good game of golf, but I can’t. Why? Because you hurled your putter at a clown and threw a hissy fit.”

  “I didn’t throw a hissy fit. I was only displaying my dislike for that sad excuse of a course. Next time you want to play mini-golf, call a third-grader. I only play adult golf.”

  “Adult golf? So you play naked while someone films you? Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

  Will gave him the finger and got out of the car.

  * * *

  Holly didn’t get home from the Grier wedding until past midnight, after spending the entire night serving drinks and fighting off the advances of the very drunk uncle of the bride. Her temples were throbbing as she got out of her bright yellow VW Beetle and headed up the flower-lined path leading to her building.

  Shoving her hand in her black leather purse, she fiddled around for her keys, found them and stepped toward the lobby door.

  “You’re home late,” a male voice drawled.

  She jumped, searching the darkness. She finally spotted him leaning against one of the pillars near the entrance.

  “What on earth are you doing here?” she demanded.

  Carson shot her a charming grin. “You’re not in the least bit happy to see me?”

  Happy? Try overjoyed. Just the sight of him, in faded blue jeans that hugged his muscular legs and a blue sweatshirt the same color as his eyes, made her pulse race. She’d been thinking about him ever since the wedding, hoping he’d call. She couldn’t even count how many times she’d stared at the phone last night, willing it to ring, but it hadn’t, and she’d forced herself to accept that Carson had meant what he said. He wasn’t interested in having sex with her again.

  But obviously he’d changed his mind.

  “How did you know where I live?”

  He shrugged. “Called the catering company and told the woman who answered that I’d found your cell phone and wanted to return it.”

  “And she gave you my address? What if you were a serial killer?”

  There was a twinkle in those ocean-blue eyes. “Do you really want to stand out here and talk about your company’s irresponsible receptionist, or are you going to invite me up?”

  Her pulse took off in a gallop. “You want to come up? I thought you didn’t do this kind of thing anymore.”

  “I had a change of heart.” He slanted his head. “Unless the offer’s off the table…”

  Holly grinned. “Oh, the offer is definitely still on the table.”

  “Good.” He grinned back. “So why are we still out here?”

  With a laugh, she unlocked the door to the lobby. Her apartment was on the second floor, but the elevator ride seemed to take hours. Carson edged close to her, sliding his hand down to fondle her ass while he bent his head and lightly nibbled her earlobe. She bit back a moan, enjoying the way he squeezed her cheeks and then dragged his finger up and down her crease. God, she couldn’t wait to get naked with this man.

  Finally the elevator doors opened. Impatiently, she pushed forward and practically sprinted to her door, unlocking it with shaky fingers.

  Carson stood behind her as she fumbled with the handle, chuckling as she struggled, then giving her ass a quick spank when she finally got the door open. The apartment was dark when they walked in, but Holly made no move to turn on the lights.

  Instead, she grabbed his hand and started to lead him toward the hallway. “Bedroom,” she choked out.

  “Someone’s a little eager,” he teased.

  “A little? Try a lot. I’ve been fantasizing about being with you again for an entire month.”

  “Fantasizing, huh?” His lips were suddenly on her neck, kissing the sensitive skin, sucking it gently. “Did you lie in bed at night and touch yourself while thinking about me?”


  He groaned against her skin. “That’s hot.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” She shuddered when his teeth nipped at her jaw. “Can we go the bedroom now?”

  “It’s too far away,” he said huskily, then pulled her toward him and captured her mouth with his.

  She didn’t know how long they stood there kissing. And she definitely had no idea how they ended up in the kitchen, the closest room to the front hall. But suddenly they were there, and Carson had dragged her toward the small island in the center of the room.

  His rough hands gripped her ass and then he was lifting her up onto the counter.

  “Ever done it on this counter?” he drawled, stepping closer and toying with the side zipper of her black skirt.

  “Can’t say I have.”

  Her thighs shook when she saw him lick his lips. Oh God. He looked about ready to devour her. “Can I be honest?” he asked.

  “Are you ever anything but?”

  “No, not really.” He smiled wolfishly. “And right now I honestly need to tell you that I’ve been dying to lick your pussy since the moment I met you.”

  A jolt of arousal thudded between her legs. Lord, if he kept talking like that, she’d probably end up coming before he even touched her.

  With a grin, he unzipped her skirt and slowly peeled the material down her legs, leaving her in a pair of white bikini panties. His grin widened when he saw the damp spot on her underwear, indisputable evidence that she was extremely turned on.

  He dragged his index finger along the crotch of her panties, brushing over her swollen sex, and she experienc
ed a burst of pleasure. “S-stop,” she managed to squeeze out, and his finger froze.

  “You okay?” he murmured.

  She squeezed her eyes shut. “No. I’m seriously seconds away from coming, Carson.”

  He burst out laughing. “And that’s a bad thing?” Without waiting for a response, he stuck his fingers under the waistband of her panties, lifted her ass and shoved the underwear down.

  “I want it to last,” she protested.

  Another chuckle slid out of his throat. “Don’t worry, I’ll go slow. Now be a good girl and spread your legs for me, Holly.”

  She swallowed. Then spread.

  The heat of his gaze slammed into her and pulsed through her body. He stared at her exposed pussy with piercing blue eyes, his gaze roaming over every hot, damp inch.

  A rush of vulnerability welled up inside her. She almost closed her legs, wanting to stop the moisture that seeped between them, wanting to put an end to the crazy shockwaves of arousal that made her clit throb. But she didn’t close her legs. No. Because Carson stepped toward her again, and he was licking his lips again, and his eyes glittered with raw, unadulterated lust, and…oh God, he was touching her.

  He moved his finger along her folds, up and down, the gentle, teasing caress nearly causing her to topple off the counter. “Tell me what you like,” he said roughly.

  “I like everything you’re doing so far.”

  Sliding over her clit, he rubbed the swollen nub for a few moments before moving lower and toying with her wet opening with the tip of his finger. “And this?” he prompted.

  “Also good,” she croaked.

  Before she could blink, that talented finger pushed into her, deep inside, drawing a moan from her throat.

  Carson grinned, and then she blinked again and he wasn’t looming over her anymore. He’d sunk to his knees, his finger still buried inside her, his gorgeous mouth now inches from her thighs.

  “So,” he said thoughtfully. He moved his finger in and out, a slow torturous rhythm that had her squirming on the counter. “How close are you?”

  “Um, really close.”

  “Yeah? So if I put my tongue here…” she gasped as he lightly flicked his tongue over her clit, “…you’ll explode?”

  “Any fucking second,” she said hoarsely.

  He laughed again, and Holly felt a flicker of annoyance at his amusement over his situation. Didn’t he realize she wasn’t kidding? Little flutters of orgasm were already floating through her body, waiting to crash to the surface, her clit ached so badly it hurt, and he was laughing at her.

  She opened her mouth. “It’s really not fun—”

  He withdrew his finger and replaced it with his tongue.

  She closed her mouth.

  Pleasure swarmed her body. Carson’s beard stubble scraped against her hyper-sensitized thighs, his mouth hot and eager as he pressed it to her aching pussy. And his tongue…oh lord. His tongue lapped her up in long sensual strokes that stoked the fire in her belly and made her toes curl and—yup, she was going to come.

  Holly bit her lip, closed her eyes, and desperately tried to tamp down the rising orgasm. But his mouth felt so good and…oh yes!

  The orgasm ripped through her, stealing the breath right out of her lungs while shards of bright light distorted her vision. She gave a desperate moan, pressed her hands to Carson’s head and brought him closer, milking all the pleasure she could

  When the agonizing ecstasy finally abated, she opened her eyes to find Carson grinning at her again. He wiped his chin and gave a small chuckle. “Um, okay, so you weren’t bluffing,” he said ruefully.

  “I told you.” She cleared her throat when she heard how husky her voice sounded. “I couldn’t help it…it was…too good.”

  “Don’t apologize for coming, sweetheart.”

  She started to shift off the counter, but he quickly reached up with two large hands and kept her in place. “And don’t even think about getting up. That orgasm was just to take the edge off. Now I can really get started.”

  Huh? Before she could ask what his definition of getting started was, he’d already pressed his lips back to her clit.

  “Carson, you already—” Her voice died in her throat as he swirled his tongue over her.

  Okay, so this man was obviously more than just a skilled soldier. As his mouth worked its magic on her again, Holly decided Carson Scott was her new hero. She also decided she would be a complete moron if she argued with him about this.

  So she simply leaned back on her elbows, closed her eyes and lost herself in his sexual ministrations.

  “You taste like heaven, sweetheart.” He slid his tongue over her pussy and groaned. “I could stay here for the rest of my life and never get bored with this sweet cunt of yours.”

  She added extremely good dirty talker to the growing list of Things Carson Excels At.

  Another moan slipped out when he suckled her clit between his warm lips. Her entire body throbbed with restless arousal, as if the orgasm he’d just given it wasn’t enough. And no, it wasn’t enough. She wanted more.

  Her nipples pebbled against her bra, demanding some attention of their own. She reached up to touch her breasts, then lowered her hands, feeling embarrassed.

  Carson lifted his head and rolled his eyes. “I saw that. Now bring those hands right back to those gorgeous tits of yours and make yourself feel good.”

  “Do it for me,” she taunted with a tiny smile.

  “I’m busy.” And then his head dipped between her thighs again and his mouth resumed feasting.

  Shockwaves of pleasure rocketed through her. His tongue flicked over her clit with just enough pressure that she could feel the faint quivers of another orgasm. Her hands trembled as she reached for her breasts again, but this time there was no hesitation. So what if she fondled her own boobs? Carson obviously enjoyed it.

  She pulled her shirt over her head and unclasped her bra, tossing both garments aside. Her nipples were painfully hard when she touched them. She’d always had sensitive breasts, but Steve never gave them the attention they craved. She wanted Carson’s tongue on them, wanted him to suck each rigid bud deep in his mouth, to lick her and bite her and make her scream with pleasure. But like he said, he was busy, and she was definitely enjoying his other task.

  He sucked on her clit again and then shoved two long fingers inside her. She was so wet she could feel her wetness trickling down her thighs. How was that possible? She and Steve had always needed a tube of lubrication when they’d had sex.

  Don’t think about Steve.

  Right. She seriously needed to quit comparing her ex to the man between her legs.

  Not that there was even a comparison to be made.

  “Are you going to come for me again?” Carson muttered, adding a third finger into the mix.

  She whimpered and managed a strained, “Yes.” Then she pinched her nipples and the whimper became a moan. She was close. Pleasure built up inside her. All it would take was one more stroke of his tongue, one more thrust of his fingers…

  Carson pressed his fingers hard against her G-spot, sucked harder on her clit, and she exploded.

  The climax was just as intense as the first, just as fierce and all-consuming, and this one didn’t end. It just roared on, rippling through her body while bursts of bliss sparked her nerve endings.

  “Carson,” she moaned, fighting for breath. “It’s too much…it’s…”

  Rather than release her, he continued to tongue her, his fingers sliding in and out with long, deep thrusts until she was coming again. Or maybe she’d never stopped coming the first time. Who knew. Who cared. Holly’s pulse shrieked in her ears, her breasts throbbed beneath her trembling fingers. And the pleasure…it never ended. The dam had broken and a rush of pure ecstasy poured through her in waves.

  “Oh yeah,” Carson groaned, lifting his head after planting one last soft kiss to her clit.

  She gasped for air, her body so sated and numb she couldn’t m
ove a single limb or muscle.

  He rose to his feet and pushed her hands off her breasts, quickly replacing them with his own. His palms cupped each mound, his fingers stroking. Bending his head, he tasted her, covering one nipple with his mouth and sucking gently. He groaned again, then moved away from her breast and captured her lips in a hot kiss.

  She kissed him back eagerly, enjoying the warmth of his mouth, the taste of herself on his tongue. Lifting her arms, she twined them around his strong, corded neck and pulled him closer, needing to feel his rock-hard body pressed against her. He stepped closer and she widened her legs, allowing him to push his jean-clad lower body into the junction of her thighs.

  “You’re so hard,” she whispered into his mouth, rubbing herself against the long erection bulging at his crotch. The denim scraped over her naked sex, but the slight abrasion only turned her on even more.

  “Hold on a second,” he choked out. “All that rubbing is too distracting.”

  She quit moving and waited for him to grab a condom from his pocket. Shoving his jeans down, he sheathed his cock and offered a faint smile. “Okay, do your worst. Or best, actually.”

  Holly circled his heavy erection with her fingers and guided him to her opening. They released simultaneous moans as he slid his entire length into her wetness. The feel of him inside her was so good she almost fell off the counter, but Carson grabbed her hips and steadied her, thrusting a couple of times before letting out another groan.

  “Damn. I won’t last long,” he rasped.

  “Then come. You know, to take the edge off,” she said, mimicking his earlier words. “But next time, I expect at least a full hour of serious thrusting and pumping to make up for this debacle.”

  Laughing, he bent down to kiss her, then set out in a fast, hard pace that had her gasping against his lips. He pounded into her, all the way to the hilt, and each stroke brought her closer and closer to the edge again. When she heard Carson’s low groan of pleasure, she let herself go, squeezing her inner muscles against him as his cock pulsed with release inside her.

  When the waves of orgasm finally subsided, she found Carson watching her with something that resembled awe.


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