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Finding the Green Room (The Sutter Family Book 3)

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by Heather D'Agostino

  Worked- to wipe out and get thrown about while being held under by the wave.

  Chapter 4

  Jessica- age 16

  It finally happened. Someone noticed me, well not just someone. Philip Hoffman. I set out to reach this dream when I was six, and now it might just happen. I’ve been competing in surfing contests for the last year. Each one has been bigger and better than the last. I even convinced my parents to take me to California last month for the Blue Wave International surfing competition. I didn’t think I’d even place when I saw the lineup that they had, but I got second in the amateurs, and my first real sponsor. When Philip called my house last week, I thought for sure he had the wrong number. No way was he wanting to talk to me, but I was wrong. He offered to represent me, and said he already had several sponsors that wanted me, one being a huge sunscreen company. The only thing was, I had to move out there. My entire family and all my friends were here, but I knew I couldn’t pass this up.

  “I thought we were surfing today?” Ryan was sitting on the deck when I arrived at his parents’ house. He was holding a container of wax as he polished his board up.

  “We are.” I shifted on my feet. School had just gotten out for the summer, and we’d been surfing every day, not to mention we’d been dating for almost six months now.

  “What’s wrong?” he sighed as he stood up and set his board down. He moved to stand in front of me and clasp both my hands in his.

  “Nothing.” I bit my lip.

  “I know you, Jess. Something’s wrong.” He squeezed. “Whatever it is we’ll figure it out.”

  “You know last week when I told you that I got that offer from that agent?” I stared at the ground. I knew I couldn’t look him in the eye when I told him this.

  “Yeah. You said he wanted you to move, and we decided that it was too much and you should tell him ‘no’.” Ryan shrugged like it was all a done deal. That’s what made this hard. I loved him, and ripping us apart was not what I wanted to do, but he wasn’t giving me a choice.

  “You decided I should say no,” I clarified. “He called me back today. I told him ‘yes’.” I swallowed as I watched hurt and then anger wash over Ryan’s face.

  “You what?” He stepped back and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Why?”

  “I need to do this, Ry. He says he can make me the best in the world. He represents tons of big names. Tammy Parker, Abigail Justice, those ring any bells? He can put me on the map!” I stepped back and crossed my arms over my chest. I hadn’t gone toe to toe with Ryan in years. I’d pined for him, and we’d finally gotten our shit together only to blow up, apparently.

  “So what am I supposed to do while you’re off becoming a pro?” He flung his arms in the air. “I had that dream too, you know? My legacy was football and I pushed for surfing. I thought we were going to do it together.” He began pacing the deck.

  “We can. You can come with me,” I begged.

  “And be what? Your groupie? I’m not following you around like some dog. I’m better than that,” he scoffed. It stung, and he knew it. His barbs were cutting deep, and if I didn’t get away from him I knew we’d both say things that we’d regret later. “I’m gonna go home.” I moved toward the stairs as quickly as I could.

  “Yeah. I think that’s a good idea,” he sneered as he picked up his board from where he’d set it. “Go, run. You were always good at that. Every time I tried to push you, you’d run. Here’s something to help.” He turned and smirked at me. “I love you, Jessica Ryland. I’ve been waiting to tell you because I knew you’d get spooked, but I guess it doesn’t matter now. So, I love you!” He flung his arms out to the side and tears sprung to my eyes. He was saying it to be mean. He was pushing me away. Trying to hurt me before I could hurt him.

  I ran down the steps and straight for the beach. I’d run home, and hope that the pain would subside, but I knew it wouldn’t. Ryan Sutter had always had a piece of me. From the moment we met, we had a complicated friendship that seemed to only survive in the water. Every time we tried to make it work on land, we fell apart. I thought this last time was finally it for us. We’d finally found our green room, but I was wrong. We’d just been worked, and it was all my fault.


  Ryan- age 16

  I couldn’t believe her. She claimed that she had always wanted to be with me; that we were meant to be, and then she goes and does this. I sat out beyond the breakers just bobbing in the water as I watched her run home down the beach. Her long blonde hair waving behind her as her bare feet pounded along on the sand. I’d been a dick. I knew that, but I’ve been hanging around for her. Mom and Dad were pissed when I told them I didn’t want to go to college. I had planned to pursue surfing. I was going to make it, and she was going to come with me. Now that the roles were reversed I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t chase after her like some beach bunny. The fact that she made it and I hadn’t yet stung.

  I stayed out in the water most of the afternoon. I prayed that I’d be tired enough when I came home that I wouldn’t think about her. It hurt more than I wanted to admit. I wasn’t lying when I told her I loved her. I’d been holding on to it for weeks because every time Jess and I started to move forward, she would get spooked. We haven’t even had sex yet. I’ve been dying a little more each day when she shows up in yet another tiny little bikini. I’ve broached the subject multiple times, but she tells me no every time. I’m probably the only guy in my group of friends that’s still a virgin, and it’s killing me.

  My parents are having a get together tonight, and some of their friends are bringing their kids. It’s a swim/ cookout type thing. My sister is coming home, and I’m kinda hoping that among all the chaos I can sneak a beer or two past my dad. I want to just find a quiet corner and sulk. The only thing wrong with this plan is Jess’s parents are invited. I don’t think she’d set foot here after the way the afternoon went, but I have no idea. She seems to be full of surprises now.


  “Hey.” I hear a familiar voice behind me and startle from where I’m slowly drinking myself into a haze of ‘I don’t give a fuck.’ My dad didn’t even question me when he saw me walk out the door holding a bottle of Jack. He just looked at me with what seemed like pity. I’m guessing he knows she’s leaving and figures I need to mope.

  “What?” I grumble as I take another swig. I know who it is, I’m just not sure why she’s here.

  “Mind if I sit?” Her bare feet stop beside me, and I shrug as I lift the bottle to my lips again. As she lowers herself down she continues, “Where’s your girlfriend?”

  “What girlfriend?” I start to slur and finally turn to look over at her.

  She giggles as she reaches for the bottle. “No one, I guess.” She smirks as she lifts it to her mouth and takes a drink.

  “What are you doing here, Brinley?” I sigh as I take my bottle back.

  “I was down there,” she pointed towards the pier, “and I saw you all alone. I thought you might need a friend.”

  “A friend, huh?” I chuckled but I wasn’t laughing.

  “A good friend,” she leaned closer, “one that could make you feel a lot better than this does.” She ran her index finger along the side of the bottle before leaning in and whispering, “Just think about it.”

  Brinley has been trying to get into my pants for months. I’ve pushed her away because I’ve been with Jess, but Jess doesn’t want me, so… what the fuck am I waiting for?

  “What’s there to think about?” I smirked as I smiled wolfishly.

  “My point exactly.” She stood up, and held her hand out to me. I pushed off the sand and linked my fingers with hers as she began to walk towards the house.

  I knew we’d never get inside without my parents seeing us, so I pushed her toward the storage closet. I knew it wasn’t very romantic, but Brinley didn’t seem like the girl who would care. “In here.” I opened the door and shuffled us in. Before I could even close the door completely, Brinley was o
n the move.

  “I’m gonna make you forget all about her,” she murmured as she pressed an open mouth kiss on my bare chest. “She was stupid to screw this up.” She continued her downward path kissing her way to my waistband. She pulled at the strings to loosen my suit, and reached in, grabbing my dick. I stumbled backwards as I attempted to lean against the wall.

  “Fuck,” I hissed as she worked her hand up and down my length.

  “All in good time.” She grinned as she worked my trunks down. When I sprung free, she dropped to her knees in front of me. “I’m gonna show you what you’re missing.” She leaned forward just letting the tip of her tongue touch me. I felt my cock jump at the timid assault, but I groaned in pleasure. Jess had never done this, and I’d been dying for her to. “Relax and enjoy it.” Brinley giggled before she leaned in and put me completely into her mouth.

  “Fucking hell,” I groaned as she sank down and sucked hard. Her tongue swirled around the tip, and I felt my balls tighten. The negative to having a girlfriend that doesn’t do this stuff… you don’t last long when you get it. Other than a few hand jobs, Jess hadn’t really touched me.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned as she bobbed up and down. Her fingers played with my balls as her tongue circled round and round before she let me pop free. “You don’t have to hold back, ya know?” She smiled wickedly before leaned back in and running her tongue along the length of me. “I’m totally ok with it.” She glanced up before sucking me back into her mouth. This time one hand cupped my balls as the other worked my shaft in tandem with her mouth. My body couldn’t take the assault on it, and I felt the tingling coming faster. I now knew what she meant about not holding back. I couldn’t have held back if I wanted to.

  “Fuck!” I roared as I came in her mouth. My hips jerked, and in my drunken haze I almost fell down. I watched as she let me slip from her lips. She smiled up at me as she licked around her mouth, and then slowly stood up.

  “I want you to know that I’m here if you want more.” She rose up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “This,” she palmed my still hard cock, “is amazing, and I can’t wait for you to fuck me.”

  A lopsided smile began to spread across my lips, but was quickly halted with a banging on the side of the shed.

  “You better be more careful. Next time it could be Mom!” my sister’s voice rang through startling us, and putting me into action stuffing my dick back in my pants. I hadn’t locked the door and I didn’t need her opening it.

  “You need to mind your own business!” I yelled back. I opened the door just as I finished tucking everything away.

  “Who are you?” Brinley squeaked.

  “His sister. Who are you?” Emma glared at her.

  “Brinley,” she squeaked again. “We go to school together.”

  “Mind your own business,” I snapped as I grabbed Brinley’s hand and began dragging her toward the dunes. I needed to get away from all of them and get my head on straight. My sister was nosy, but more important was the fact that I wasn’t worried over what just happened. Jess had been all I’d ever known when it came to girls, but now I was seeing what Aaron was always talking about. There were a ton of girls out there and I shouldn’t just limit myself to one. I needed to experience them all before I chose who I wanted. Jess would always be out there, and I could go find her if I ever decided to forgive her.

  Chapter 5

  Present Day…

  Jessica- age 19

  I sat on the deck of my beachfront apartment staring at the sunrise. This was the only time the voices inside me were quiet. Once my feet hit the sand, I had people demanding more from me whether it was my family, my agent, sponsors, or the worst…myself. I’ve been living here for three years; making it, you might call it. My agent, Phillip says I’m doing great; living the dream. My parents tell me I can do better, that I should move to Hawaii and shoot for the ‘real waves’. The voice inside me… it tells me that I should have never left.

  Walking away from my old life was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. No wipeout could ever compare to the grueling training I’ve been through. As a self-taught surfer, I’ve never had a coach or anything. I’ve done it all myself. Look up the trick, and go for it. I’ve had three concussions, two broken collarbones, a broken arm, and almost broke my neck. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve stayed home from a day surfing. If I didn’t have a cast, I was in the water. I’m sure some of those days should have been spent on the beach, but I have to stay current. In this business, you’re washed up, literally, if you’re not competing.

  There’s always a sponsor that’s better than what you have, and right now I’m trying to land a big one. My agent has been in contact with a few major companies that provide surfing equipment. If I can land one of them, I’ll be set for at least a year. Some are big enough that they sponsor events.

  Just as I was getting ready to go back inside and grab my board, my phone started ringing. “Hello?” I hit the speaker button and tossed it on my bed as I started pulling on my bikini.

  “Jess?” Phillip’s voice rang through. He sounded off though.

  “Yeah?” I paused mid-tie.

  “You might wanna sit down,” he warned.

  “What happened? Is Royal Palms dropping me?” Royal Palms had been threatening to drop my sponsorship after they found a photoshopped picture posted to Instagram. Some jerk had posted a topless pic and claimed it was me. The sunscreen company had a squeaky-clean image, and they were not happy in the least.

  “Not exactly.” Now he really had me worried.

  I sighed as I tied the strings over my hips, “Ok, what?” I lowered myself down on my bed and began wracking my brain on who could be upset and what they were upset about. I never went out. I didn’t have a huge group of friends here that weren’t in the industry, and I hadn’t really partied in months.

  “Billabong called.” He paused.

  “And?” I hated the way he always dragged these things out.

  “You’re in, if you want it?” His voice rose, the excitement finally showing.

  “If I want it? Of course, I want it. Are you crazy?” I bounced where I was sitting. I’d been dreaming of landing a sponsor like this since I was little. “Are you lying?” Phillip had tricked me before. I was one of his youngest clients, and he seemed to like to take advantage of that.

  “Nope.” His happiness couldn’t be hidden. “Abbie is going with you.”

  “Oh wow,” I gasped. I’d always looked up to Abigail Justice, and now we were going to be Billabong girls together.

  “Listen, I gotta go. Lunch meeting later. I’ll email you the contracts so you can look over them. Give me a call if you have any questions. Ok?” I could hear papers shuffling in the background.

  “Ok. Thanks Phillip.” I disconnected the call before jumping up and dancing around the room.

  When I finally came back down, I grabbed my top and tied it in place before reaching for a rash guard. I rarely went without one. After moving here, I didn’t really see a reason to. I wasn’t trying to impress anyone, and it just seemed pointless.

  As I slipped into my flip flops my phone started ringing again. “Great.” I rolled my eyes as I reached for it. Phillip was always forgetting to tell me things. He always got as excited as me.

  “What’d you forget this time?” I giggled into the phone, only it wasn’t Phillip.

  “Hey honey.” My mom’s voice was chipper. Way too chipper since it was only 5am where she was.

  “Mom?” I blinked a few times to catch my bearings. We didn’t talk regularly, and it was so early that something had to be wrong. “Is Dad ok?”

  “Everything’s fine. It’s really quiet around here in the morning. I like getting up early.” She sounded like she couldn’t believe I didn’t understand.

  “Since when? You never got up early with me?” I sat back down still thinking that it was bad she was calling so early.

  “A lot’s changed since you left, Jessica,�
� she sighed. “That’s why I called.”

  “Ok,” I dragged the words out.

  “Emma Sutter is getting married next week. You’ve been invited, and I’d really like for you to come. Before you say no, just hear me out. Our family has been good friends with the Sutters for years. You should be able to put away whatever differences you have with ‘that boy’ to come home and be supportive. I’ve booked you a flight for next Thursday. You can stay for the weekend, and go back on Sunday.” She paused and I waited to see if it was my turn to refute this.

  “How long have you known about this?” I stammered.

  “Six months.” I heard her sigh on the other end. “I couldn’t give you more notice. You’d find a way to not come. I miss seeing my baby. You’ve been out there three years. You spend more time with your agent than your family.”

  “Mom,” I whined.

  “Don’t ‘Mom’ me. I know if you tell Phillip that you have a family engagement, he’ll give you the time off. Surfing can wait a few days. You’ve given it your life.” She wasn’t planning to let me say no.

  “Phillip might understand, but I don’t know if Billabong will.” I tried to stay mad, but just saying that made me giddy.

  “You got it?” She was shocked.

  “Yeah. Just found out a few minutes ago. I’m sure it will hit social media soon. Just Google me.” I laughed.

  “I’m so proud of you, Jess, but you’re not getting out of this,” she demanded.

  “Fine. I’ll figure something out.” I sighed before disconnecting the call.


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