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Love Is Enough

Page 16

by Emma Easter

  Trisha took a deep breath and then began to talk about everything that had happened within the last couple of months in her marriage. She started with her suspicions about Stan’s cheating, and then went on to tell the woman how she’d found his mistress’s text message while he was showering.

  “That was the first time I found out he was cheating on me,” Trisha said. She spoke about how Stan had promised not to cheat ever again and how she had foolishly believed him because she’d loved him. But how later he had betrayed her trust yet again. “Our marriage has been full of lies and infidelity,” she said finally.

  The woman asked her if she thought he was sincere about wanting her forgiveness and about trying to make their marriage work.

  “I think he’s always sincere about wanting to be forgiven every time he messes up. I just don’t think he has the ability and discipline to stay faithful.”

  They talked at length about her childhood, her parents’ marriage, what her hopes and dreams for her own marriage had been on her wedding day. After that, Dr. Peterson spoke for a long time on forgiveness and how a marriage can recover and be much better after infidelity. “That’s if both parties are truly willing to put in the required work.”

  After the lengthy discussion, Trisha still came to the same conclusion—her marriage to Stan was over.

  She went out to sit and wait at the reception area while the counselor spoke for about half an hour with Stan. When she was called back into the office, she sat without looking at him. The counselor focused on her and told her that from her talks with Stan, he appeared genuinely repentant and willing to do whatever it took to make their marriage work this time. She asked Trisha if she would consider giving him a chance to prove himself. “If you choose to forgive him and give this a chance, your marriage can actually become better than it ever was.”

  After talking to them about realistic and unrealistic expectations in their marriage, she sent them away with “a suggestion,” which was to Trisha more “an order” because of the court ruling. “I want you both to go on meaningful dates regularly for about a month. You can start this weekend. Stan, you plan the first date, and Trisha, the next. If after all the dates, we can’t salvage your marriage, then you can call it quits.”

  Trish wanted to refuse, but she knew she really didn’t have any choice.

  “You return here for another round of talks next week, and I’ll see how your first date went.”

  “This is just a waste of time,” Trisha muttered. Stan turned sharply to her, and she stood. She went out of the counselor’s office with Stan on her heels.

  “Trish, wait!”

  She turned around. “What?!”

  “Won’t you please reconsider this divorce,” he said his expression remorseful. “For the sake of our child.”

  She sighed as she studied his face. He looked so miserable, so despondent. For a brief moment, she wanted to say, “Okay, I forgive you,” but she remembered what Audrey had said about him cheating on her in the early years of their marriage. Who knew how many other women there were? He talked a good game, but without a doubt, he could not keep his promise of being faithful. If she agreed to call off the divorce, it was only a matter of time before he cheated on her again, and then where would she be?

  “I’m sorry Stan, I’ve just had enough,” she said. Before he could say anything else, she turned around, hurried to her car, and drove away quickly.

  It wasn’t until she was in traffic that she realized she had tears in her eyes. She wiped off the tears with her sleeve, but she couldn’t wipe away the image of Stan in her mind, begging her to stay with him.


  Audrey sat at her dining table listening to Trisha talk about her counseling session earlier in the day. They’d eaten dinner together thirty minutes ago, and it was all Trisha had talked about. Audrey felt sorry for her. Trisha didn’t deserve all the stress, especially now that she was pregnant.

  Audrey took a sip of her bitter lemon and said, “Stan is impossible. He’s making a simple divorce so complicated. It’s not . . .” Her phone began to ring, and she looked down at it. When she saw it was Ken, she smiled. “Excuse me, Trish.”

  She stood and went to her room. “Hey, babe!” she said as she answered.

  “Audrey, how are you?”

  “Great, now that I get to hear your voice.”

  Ken said, “How are things at the office? I miss the simplicity and the easy vibe of that place. Over here, it’s one case after another, usually serious ones. It’s so unlike Rosefield, where the most serious case I had was that burglary.”

  “And we’ve not even had that kind of crime in a really long time.” Audrey laughed. “Maybe that burglary was committed just to welcome you to the Rosefield Police Department.”

  Ken chuckled. “It was a good welcome. If only I had that when I came back here. You don’t even want to know what case I was welcomed with.”

  “I’m so sorry, Audrey said, trying not to laugh. She had told herself about a week ago that getting constantly depressed because Ken wasn’t here was unhealthy. It wasn’t like her sadness would help them find a way to be together. They had both decided to make conscious efforts to be upbeat when they spoke with each other. Instead of words of heartbreaking longing, they made fun of their work schedules and specific cases. “All I’ve had this week are a few traffic offenses and a brawl. So boring.”

  “Good times at the station.” He chortled. “Anyway, I was calling to share an idea with you. I have a week-long vacation coming up, and I was thinking about coming to Rosefield to spend it with you. How does that sound?”

  She beamed as her heart soared. “That sounds amazing, Ken! When will your vacation start?”

  He said, “Twenty-first of this month.”

  She shook her head, disappointment stabbing at her. “I have to attend a seminar in Atlanta with some of the guys here.”

  “Oh,” he said, sounding just as disappointed as she felt. She suddenly had an idea. “But it’s not so far from Miami. Why don’t I fly over after the seminar? It’s just for two days, but that means I can only spend two days with you as well. But those two days will be so much fun!” She giggled as she felt excitement running through her veins.

  “That is a great idea!” he hollered, and she laughed. “I am so relieved now. The thought of spending my vacation alone was awful. I’ll get to see you and even show you around my neck of the woods.”

  They decided that he would pick her up at the airport once she arrived. She would already have her hotel booked, and that would be where she would spend her nights. During the day, however, they would be together, out on dates, or at his house chatting and catching up.

  Long after the call ended, she couldn’t stop smiling. She went to bed, elated. Soon, she would see Ken again. She would actually get to touch him and kiss him. Hopefully, their relationship would then progress toward what she wanted with all her heart—to be his wife.


  Bryan raked his fingers through his hair as he sat in his office at the chapel. For the last thirty minutes, he’d been trying to study his Bible in preparation for his sermonette during the evening prayers. But he couldn’t concentrate. His mind was consumed with thoughts of Sienna. Since he left her home in New York, he thought of her every single minute of every day; in the morning, as he went through his classes and duties in the chapel; at night as he slept, her face filled his dreams.

  Somehow, he’d managed to get through each day in spite of it all, but today, he was finding it really difficult to continue. He covered his face with his hands, weary. “Lord, I miss her so much.” He had left her in New York because he was going crazy with longing. He’d wanted to be so much more than just a mentor for her, but what he wanted was not what she needed.

  One of his good friends in class suddenly barged into his office, panting.

  “Charlie? What is it?”

  “I’m just coming from the administration block. Those ‘watchers’ have fin
ally gotten what they want. They sent a list of harsh new school rules to the provost some time ago, and he approved it yesterday. Come and see. The list was framed and is hanging on the admin block notice board.”

  Bryan blinked in surprise. “What list? I didn’t hear anything.”

  “You’ve been in here since morning. Almost everybody has seen it. You better come and take a look now because I think the rules will be enforced immediately.”

  Bryan stood from his seat and hurriedly made his way to the admin block.

  There was a small crowd of students gathered when he got there, reading what looked like a very long almanac. He inched his way to the front and frowned as he began to read.

  The Bible College students’ one and only duty is to focus on the Lord and on how to please Him. So, with immediate effect, students caught doing any of the following, unless married, will be expelled:


  2.Holding hands with a member of the opposite gender.

  3.Hugging a member of the opposite gender.

  4.Being alone with a member of the opposite gender. Mixed gender groups are allowed.

  5.Living off campus with a member of the opposite gender who isn’t a relative.

  6.Dating—as this is not a place for romance.

  7.Sex or other forms of it.

  8.Male students are not allowed in the female dormitory.

  9.Female students are not allowed in the male dormitory.

  Bryan continued reading, his mouth agape in disbelief. After the twenty-second rule, he stopped.

  As a school, rules were needed, but most of these were just ridiculous. Expelled for being alone with or hugging a member of the opposite gender is simply insanity!

  Bryan began to leave the administration block, his mind reeling. The watchers had always been a sort of menace in the school, laying curses on people who they thought did not fit into their brand of Christianity. He had tried to fight their extreme legalism by confronting them whenever he could and preaching the love and grace of God, but they had the ear of the school administration. The leader of the group was the provost’s nephew who happened to hold the same views as he did.

  However, for the past few months, they’d become surprisingly quiet, and he thought they had finally put aside their legalistic rhetoric. Now, it appeared they’d only been lying low, waiting for the right time to unveil their masterpiece.

  He got to the chapel, went into his office and sat. For a minute, he continued to think about the ridiculous new rules, and then once again his mind went to Sienna. He groaned and picked up his Bible. He began to read, hoping that by so doing he could get her face out of his mind. With these new rules, he knew he had his job cut out for him. He needed to start a series of Bible lessons in the chapel that would show that God’s love rather than a set of rigid rules and regulations was enough to keep students on the right path. To do that, he had to fully focus on God’s word and not on Sienna.

  But he still couldn’t get Sienna out of his mind.

  He scrubbed his face with his palm. He had to find a way to forget her. She belonged in New York and the fast-paced lifestyle of the fashion world. He belonged here, in this small sleepy town, doing what God had called him to do. That wasn’t going to change. Besides, he wasn’t even sure she felt the same way about him. Without a doubt, she held him in high regard, but he wanted more. He wanted her to love him just as he loved her.

  He sighed loudly in frustration. Forget about her, Bryan! She isn’t coming back here, and it’s for the best. You need to focus on what God wants you to do now.

  But instead of forgetting her, his heart filled with agony at the thought of never seeing her again.

  He stood with his thoughts jumbled. He had to get to his last class for the day and then come back here for the evening prayers. He gathered his textbook and Bible and then looked up as someone entered the office.

  It can’t be!

  He shut his eyes and opened them again, wondering if they were playing tricks on him. Was she really here or had his mind conjured her up after months of obsessively thinking about her? He whispered her name, “Sienna.”

  She dropped her bag and fell into his arms before he could decide she was real. She cried, “I’ve missed you so much, Bryan.”

  His heart pounded as he wrapped his arms around her, and his voice choked with emotion as he said her name again, “Sienna.” He held her tighter, loving the feel of her. “How come you are here?”

  She drew back after a minute and looked into his eyes. “This is where God wants me to be. I didn’t tell you when you were in New York, but I can’t hold it in anymore. I love you, Bryan. I am crazy about you, and I want to be with you.”

  His heart raced wildly with joy and wonder. He drew her close again and ran his hand through her hair. He couldn’t contain his happiness as he said, “I want to be with you too.” He kissed her hair and inhaled the scent of flowers. “I’ve missed you so much.” He kissed her lips, first softly, and then with all the stored-up passion inside him.

  She pulled him closer to her as they kissed, and he felt her tears on his cheeks. “I love everything about you,” he said when they briefly came up for air. He bent and kissed away her tears. He took her lips again, kissing her slowly, the sweetness of the moment shaking him to his core.

  And then a loud voice broke into the magical moment. “Chaplain Bryan, you are violating school rules . . . right inside the chapel!”

  Bryan pulled away slightly and looked at the intruder. It was the leader of the watchers.

  “I saw you reading the list of new school rules at the admin block some time ago, so you already know about them. I’m going to have to report you.”

  Sienna looked confused, but Bryan said, “Go ahead, but please leave Sienna out of this. I’m to blame. She didn’t know because she just came back now.”

  The watcher, a boy named Alan, shook his head. “Ignorance does not excuse anyone.” He looked at them as though they had stolen a personal item of his and sneered, “The punishment for this is expulsion.”

  He marched out of the chapel, and Bryan yelled out at him, “Please leave Sienna out of it!”

  Sienna’s eyes were round with shock. “What was that guy talking about?”

  “The new rules in school, Sienna.”

  “He said something about expulsion?” Sienna asked with a worried look on her face.

  “Just leave it to me,” Bryan answered. “I will handle it.” And he had to try to handle it quickly before it was too late.

  Lord, if Sienna gets expelled, I’ll never forgive myself.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bryan hurried to the senior chaplain’s office, a small separate building at the back of the chapel. He had to get the chaplain to mediate on his and Sienna’s behalf before that watcher boy got the provost to expel them. He couldn’t let that happen, especially for Sienna’s sake. It would be his fault if it happened. Seeing her again and getting to hold her had made him completely lose his senses. He’d totally forgotten about the new rules.

  He reached the office and opened the door, his heart pounding with fear. There was a huge chance that Chaplain Lincoln was away on one of his frequent trips. Hopefully, that wasn’t the case.

  Lord, please let Dr. Lincoln be here.

  Hannah, Chaplain Lincoln’s secretary, smiled at him. “Bryan, are you looking for Dr. Lincoln?”

  He nodded.

  “He traveled to Dallas for a Bible conference, but he’ll be back on Saturday.”

  Bryan’s heart sank. He took a deep breath and then decided to call the chaplain. If he could get through to him, maybe he could still talk to the provost over the phone. He took out his phone from his pocket and dialed the senior chaplain’s number.

  His line was unavailable.

  “Oh, my Lord, please help me!” he prayed aloud, more in exasperation than a plea.

  Okay, what do I do now?

  The only option was to go to the provost’s office right
now and try to defend if not himself, then Sienna. After all, she had no idea about the new rules.

  He ran as fast as he could and got to administration block quickly. He hurriedly climbed the flight of stairs to the top floor and entered the provost’s office. He told the secretary that he wanted to see the provost and the woman waved him in without a word.

  He knocked at the slightly open door and then entered. The watcher, Alan, was there, sitting in front of the dean. He was waving his hand and saying something to the provost, his uncle. The provost, a massive man with a constantly stern visage, looked up at Bryan grimly.

  “Just the person we were talking about. Sit down, Bryan.”

  Bryan sat with his stomach churning and his hands slightly shaky.

  “So, Alan was just telling me that you were caught red-handed with a girl in the chapel.”

  “We were only . . .”

  “Stop!” the man raised his hand. “The point is that you broke the school rules even though you knew about them.” He glared at Bryan and said harshly, “I expected more from you as the school assistant chaplain. I take it you are here to defend yourself, but it’s too late.”

  Bryan’s heart skipped a beat. He wanted to complain about the injustice of the rules, but he resisted. This wasn’t the time for that. He had to get himself and Sienna out of trouble. He looked at the man and pleaded. “Umm, sir, the rules were just pasted on the admin board today. We haven’t had time to get used to them.”

  The man shook his head. “Even so, there are some things a Christian shouldn’t do . . . like fornication.”

  Bryan’s eyes widened, and then he turned to glare at Alan. He faced the provost again and said, “I can assure you, sir, that Sienna and I have never been intimate in that way. I would never do that.”

  “Still, you were caught kissing, and you have no excuse for that.” The man cleared his throat. “However, because the new rules were just given today, you and that girl will only be suspended for three weeks. But if you are caught again, you won’t be so lucky.”


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