Book Read Free


Page 18

by M. A. Foster

  From behind us I hear “Damn, that girl is fine. Those long legs wrapped around my head, those juicy lips wrapped around my—”

  I turn in my seat, ready to rip the little shits a new one, but Cole beats me to it, pinning them with a death stare. “Say one more word about her and I’ll put your asses on the permanently injured list before you can say the word varsity,” he growls through gritted teeth. “You feel me?”

  “Sorry,” they all say at once. One of them continues, “Didn’t know she was your girl.”

  “She’s mine,” someone growls and I freeze in my seat when I realize that someone is me. What the hell?

  Turning back around, I direct my attention to the stage as Brad snickers beside me. Evan reaches over Brad and punches me in the thigh. Cole leans closer to my ear. “It’s about time you manned-up,” he says before leaning to look past me, pointing at Justin. “You owe me twenty bucks.”


  THE LAST BELL of the day rings and I slip my notebook into my backpack. Alex tells us all we did a great job and to have a nice weekend. I flash a quick wave to Alex on my way out.

  “You going to the game tonight?” Cherry asks, falling in step beside me.

  “Yeah. Are you?”

  She shrugs. “Maybe, if I can get a ride. My mom has to work tonight and she needs the car.”

  “I can give you ride.”

  “Or I can,” Olivia offers. “I live closer to you and Carter invited me to his party after the game tonight.”

  “Thanks,” she says with a smile. “I’ll call you and let you know for sure.”

  “Okay. See you guys later,” I say before heading toward the student parking lot.

  As I cut across the courtyard, passing the guys’ locker room, someone calls my name followed by a few wolf whistles. I laugh and wave to the half-dressed football players leaning against the wall outside the locker room. Tonight, the Hurricanes play their first football game of the season against the East Coast High Eagles.

  “Jay,” Zach says, falling in step beside me. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” I reply, looking forward.

  “You were pretty awesome up there today and the other night at Mac’s, too. I had no idea you could sing like that.”

  “Thanks.” I stop beside my driver’s door and dig through my bag for my keys.

  “Do you have any plans this weekend?”

  “Just the game tonight. Why?”

  “We still need to talk. You’ve been ignoring me all week, Jay. I’m sorry about Monday night. I know you don’t believe me, but I didn’t blow you off to hang out with Reagan. She’s my ex for a reason.”

  “I believe you,” I tell him and he grins.

  “Maybe I can take you out tomorrow night,” he suggests.

  “Like on a date?” I ask, quirking a brow. “Do high school kids even go on dates?”

  Zach shrugs. “Sure. Why not?”


  “Really?” He rubs the back of his neck and I laugh to myself. It’s Zach’s tell when he’s nervous or uncomfortable. He’s been doing it for as long as I can remember.

  “Yeah. But if you blow me off or pull that shit again, I’m done. I’m not getting in the middle of all your girl drama.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head. “I don’t have girl drama. What are you doing after the game tonight?”

  “I don’t know. What does everyone normally do after the games?”

  “We usually head over to Mac’s for food, then go wherever the party is. There’s always a party somewhere. Tonight, it’s at Carter’s house. Do you think your mom will let you go?”

  I shrug. “I don’t see why not. Does he live on the island?”

  “Yeah. He lives in my neighborhood.”

  “Jay!” I look over to see Lexi running over to us. “Hey, Zach,” she says breathlessly before turning to me. “I’m so glad you’re still here. Can I catch a ride with you? I rode with Ashton this morning, but she has to stay for the game and Evan didn’t drive today.”

  “I’ll see you girls later.” Zach kisses me on the cheek and jogs back over the locker room.

  “Good luck tonight,” I call out. He turns around, jogging backwards, and winks.

  “It’s about time,” Lexi murmurs as she makes her way to the passenger side.

  “What are you babbling about over there?” I ask, tossing my bag in the backseat before hopping into the driver’s seat.

  THE HURRICANES ANNIHILATED the Eagles 31-3. Seeing Zach in those tight-ass pants, doing his thing on the football field, does crazy things to my insides.

  Evan sent a text to Lexi telling her to skip Mac’s and go straight to Carter’s house. Mom was surprisingly okay with me going to a high school party as long as I keep my phone on me and don’t drink.

  Cars are already lined down Carter’s street when I pull the Range Rover up to the curb. Music and laughter drifts from the pool area as we make our way into Carter’s backyard.

  “There’s Evan.” Lexi points to a group of guys surrounding the keg.

  Yeah, but where’s Zach?

  Lexi moves to Evan’s side as Carter passes him a red Solo cup and I wave to Olivia. I don’t see Cherry anywhere, so I guess she decided not to come.

  Carter holds out a cup to me and I shake my head. “No, thanks. I’m driving.”

  Carter shrugs and throws his arm around Olivia. Well, that was fast. But good for them.

  A few minutes later, there’s some commotion before the crowd parts for the rest of the football team. I spot Brad, Cole, and Justin climbing on top of some patio chairs, pumping their fists in the air and chanting “Hur-ri-canes,” and the crowd joins in. Hopping down from the chairs, the guys split up and go in different directions. Random people pat them on the back, raising a hand for high five or a fist bump as they shoulder their way through the crowd.

  Zach works his way through the crowd, stopping to talk to a few people along the way, smiling and nodding politely while looking around. I wonder if he’s looking for me. I wait beside Lexi and Evan for him to finish and make his way over to us.

  But he doesn’t.

  A female voice calls his name and his head turns just as a blonde girl slams into his chest, making him stumble back a few steps.

  I don’t understand where this jealousy is coming from, but I really hate it. I’ve never been jealous of anyone before. I guess I never had a reason to be. Until Zach.

  “Personally, I think green looks good on you,” a male voice whispers in my ear. I look over my shoulder to see Grayson standing behind me, looking amused.


  Grayson jerks his chin, gesturing to Zach. “You’re way hotter.”

  I don’t have issues with my looks, but Grayson seems to think I need some reassurance. I snort and turn around to face him. “Thanks. What makes you think I’m jealous? Maybe I’m just curious. I’ve never seen her at school before.” This is the third blonde I’ve seen Zach with. It makes me wonder if he just prefers blondes.

  “Her name is Chelsea. She graduated with me last year. She and Zach are old friends.” His gaze moves past me. I look over my shoulder to see that Zach has moved over to the outdoor sofa. Chelsea is squeezed between Justin and the arm of the sofa. Zach is perched on the arm while Chelsea chats animatedly with Justin.

  But Zach’s eyes are on me.

  “What’s the deal with you two?” Grayson asks.

  I lift a shoulder. “Why?”

  “Because he’s looking at me like I stole his favorite toy. Just like he did at the party last week.”

  I breathe out a laugh. “While he was on a day date with your ex?”

  Grayson smiles. “Yeah, that was awkward. So, is he trying to make you jealous or is he just being a dick?”

  “Well, since he’s the one who invited me, I’d say he’s just being a dick.” I pull out my phone and text my mom. Heading home.

  She replies, Come to Mac’s and hang out with us. Alex and Dylan are playing tonight.<
br />
  It’s still early, and I could go for a burger and fries. I text back, On my way. Will u order me a burger and fries? Pls.

  Got it.

  “I think I’m gonna go,” I say, shoving my phone in the back pocket of my denim shorts. I look around to see that Lexi and Evan have disappeared before moving through the crowd and heading for my car.

  “You going home?” Grayson asks, following after me.

  “Actually, I’m going to Mac’s. There’s a burger and fries waiting for me.”

  “Can I come?”

  I pause and turn back around. “What about the party?”

  “It’s a high school party.” He laughs, stepping forward and hooking his arm around my neck. “Besides, you seem like you’re a lot more fun to hang out with.”

  “I’m not hooking up with you, Grayson.”

  Grayson smirks. “If I wanted to hook up with you, Jay, it would’ve happened already.”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “O-kay,” I drawl heading for my car.

  Grayson laughs and tightens his arm, pulling me closer to his side. “It was meant as a compliment. I don’t usually make friends with girls unless they come with benefits.”

  I scoff and push his arm away. “Your compliments suck, friend.”

  I find Lexi and Evan standing beside my car. “Hey, I was just grabbing my phone,” Lexi says, holding up her cell phone.

  “I’m taking off,” I tell her, pulling my key from my pocket.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, her eyes flicking between me and Grayson.

  “Yeah. We’re going to Mac’s. You guys wanna come?” I ask.

  “Don’t worry, Lexi,” Grayson says, tossing his keys to Evan. “I’ll take good care of her.”

  I roll my eyes as I open the door and slide behind the wheel.

  “What about Zach?” Lexi calls.

  “Zach’s got his hands full with Chelsea,” Grayson tells her.

  I watch out the window as Lexi’s face twists in confusion. “Bro, what are you doing? Zach’s gonna lose his fucking mind,” I hear Evan say. “This one is different.”

  This one? What is he talking about?

  “I know, Evan, and it’s not even like that. We’re just going to get something to eat. And if he’s so into her, then he should be the one leaving with her right now, not playing catch-up with Chelsea. Even I’m not that much of a dick.”

  I’M STILL FLYING high from our win as my teammates and I walk into Carter’s backyard. Brad, Cole, and Justin hop up on the patio chairs and do their usual chant after a win. I push through the crowd, looking for Jay, when a few classmates stop to congratulate me on our win.

  “Zach,” a familiar voice calls out and I look up to see Chelsea just before she slams into me. If I wasn’t so pissed off at her, I’d be happy to see her. I forgot how much I liked having the pain in the ass around.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I came to watch my best friend play his first game of the season.” She smiles. “Congratulations.”


  “Chelsea.” Justin pats the empty spot next to him on the sofa and waves us over.

  Chelsea squeezes beside Justin and I perch on the arm. I’m not planning on sticking around for long, as Chelsea babbles on about college and the sorority she’s pledging.

  My gaze shifts to the covered pool deck where I find Jay standing near the keg, talking to Grayson. I stiffen. What the hell?

  Jay looks at me over her shoulder. It’s not jealousy I see, but disappointment. I can’t ever seem to get my head out of my ass. I should go to her, but I know if I do, Chelsea will follow and most likely confront Jay. I don’t trust her not to make a scene, especially after everything I told her about Jay.

  Cole walks up. “You guys seen Jay?”

  I look back across the patio, but both she and Grayson are gone.

  “Jay?” Chelsea looks from Cole to me and back to Cole. “Your cousin?” Then she looks back at me. “She’s here?”

  I nod.

  “She left,” Lexi announces as she and Evan walk up.

  “She left?” Cole pulls out his phone. “I can’t believe she just left without telling me,” he says, typing out a text. “Are you sure she left?”

  “Zach, why didn’t you tell me she was here?” Chelsea asks.

  “Why, so you could act like a bitch to her?” Justin says, calling her out.

  My thoughts exactly.

  “Shut up, Justin.”

  “Yo, Mackenzie, if you’re looking for Jayla, she just took off with Grayson,” someone calls out in passing.

  Evan smirks at me.


  Cole narrows his eyes at Evan. “Your brother better keep his fucking hands to himself.”

  Evan laughs. “Bro, it’s not his hands you should be worried about.”

  “HEY,” I SAY, standing up from the bench outside Mac’s.

  “Hi,” Jay replies, stopping in front of me and crossing her arms over her chest. She looks over her shoulder and I follow her line of sight, expecting to see Grayson trailing behind her. Instead, I see a huge wall of a man at least two inches taller than me with a shaved head. Bodyguard? He narrows his eyes with a look that says “Give me a reason, motherfucker” as he moves to stand at her side. I’d say he’s more like her guard dog by the way he looks ready to maul my face off.

  “Bass, this is Zach. Zach, this is Bass.”

  Bass grins. “The quarterback.” Okay. Maybe his bark is worse than his bite. He holds out his hand. “Good to meet you.”

  Taking his hand, I wince when he squeezes a little too hard and narrows his eyes again, silently asking me if I want to keep it.

  Okay, maybe not.

  “Be nice, B,” Jay warns.

  “Princess, I’m always nice.” Jay rolls her eyes as Bass claps me on the back. “I’m just giving you a hard time, Romeo. You played a good game tonight. Impressive.”


  His compliment has me puffing out my chest a little bit. “Thanks. You played?”

  “Defensive lineman. Good to meet you. I’ll leave you to it.” He nods at me and turns to Jay. “I’ll be inside. Come and get me when you’re ready to go.”


  As soon as Bass disappears through the doors she looks over at me and uncrosses her arms to tuck her hands into her back pockets. “What do you want, Zach?”

  I shove my hands in my front pockets to keep from reaching for her. “I want to talk.”

  “Yeah,” she scoffs. “You keep saying that, but it always ends up with you blowing me off for one of your blondes.” She shakes her head. I open my mouth to defend myself, but she keeps going. “You’re not the same boy I knew from summer vacations. You used to be shy and sweet. Now you’re the popular football player with a harem of blondes and a cocky attitude. I don’t know what kind of games you’re playing, but I’m done.”

  “So, did you leave the party with Grayson because you were jealous, or were trying to get back at me for talking to Chelsea?” I smirk. “Who’s the one playing games?”

  “No, I left because I didn’t feel like standing around watching a bunch of high school kids get drunk and act stupid.” She takes a step forward and leans in. “I kissed Grayson to get back at you.”

  Oh, this little….

  I take a step back, feeling as though I’ve been punched in the chest. “You kissed that fucker?”

  “No.” She lifts a shoulder nonchalantly. “But how did that feel? The next time you want to play head games and flaunt one of your blondes in my face, remember how it feels.” She turns her head, clenching her jaw, nostrils flared.

  “That’s not what I was doing. Chelsea used to be my best friend….” Clasping my hands behind my neck, I tip my head back and sigh heavily. “It’s a long story. I don’t want to fight with you, Jay.”

  “Then what do you want, Zach?”

  Suddenly, everything comes rushing to a head. Dropping my arms, my hands ball into fists. “I w
ant to know why you broke my fuckin’ heart!” I yell, leaning into her personal space. Jay’s head snaps back as if I just slapped her. When she opens her mouth, I cut her off. It’s my turn to talk now and I have plenty of shit to say.

  A year’s worth.

  “The second you left St. Thomas, all I could think about was being with you, and that Labor Day couldn’t get here soon enough. I told you I loved you and you just… I don’t even know what happened. You just blew me off.” I throw my hands up in the air. “No calls and no texts. Not even a ‘fuck you, Zach’. Nothing. You blocked my number.” I shove my hands in my hair. “Why?”

  Something flashes in her eyes, but it’s gone before I can determine whether it’s anger or hurt. Could be either. However, based on the slight flare of her nostrils and the way her eyes turn to slits as she pins me with a glare, I’m gonna say anger.

  Jay crosses her arms and clenches her jaw.

  Here it comes.

  “Were you thinking about how much you loved me when you were hooking up with another girl that night? Were you thinking about me when you told her you didn’t have a condom?”

  “Wha—” My eyes go wide and my heart free falls into my stomach. How? “Jay… I….” I’ve got nothing. “It wasn’t like that.”

  Shaking her head, she holds up her hand and pulls her phone from her back pocket. “That’s exactly how it was. You pocket-dialed me and my voicemail recorded the whole thing.” She holds out her phone to show me that she saved the message. “I thought it was some kind of joke, so I called you back and your girlfriend answered—”


  She nods. “She called me a skank. She told me you two broke up over the summer, but you were back together—”

  “That’s bullshit!” Reagan Fucking Vaughn. “She lied to you.”

  “I didn’t want to believe her because my Zach would never do that to me.”

  “Because that’s not what happened. Jesus Christ, I can’t believe this whole time…” I shove my hands in my hair and let the words hang between us.

  “But I had to let it go because my father was dying,” she chokes out through a sob. “I had to let you go, Zach. Girlfriend or not, it never would’ve worked out between us being three thousand miles away. I’d always wonder what you were doing or who you were with. I’m sorry, but what did you want me to do? I needed to be there for my dad, not chase after someone who didn’t give me a second thought before he moved on to the next girl.”


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