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Jaybird Page 26

by M. A. Foster

  “Is Cherry coming?” Brad asks.

  “Of course, I am,” Cherry says, taking a seat beside Brad. “Don’t you want me to come?”

  Brad wiggles his eyebrows. “Always.”

  “Stop,” Cole gripes. “I’m eating, assholes.”

  “You’re eating assholes?” Brad laughs. “That’s just gross, Mackenzie. Now I’ve lost my appetite.” He pushes away his tray, pretending to be disgusted and we all laugh.

  “WHAT THE HELL was I thinking?” I say, digging my fingernails into Zach’s arm as we walk out of the haunted house. I feel his arm flex under my grip. “I think I peed my pants, Z.”

  Zach laughs, prying my hand off his arm and wrapping it around me, tucking me into his side. “I’ll protect you, babe.”

  “I think I’m gonna throw up,” Olivia groans beside Zach and me, holding her stomach, just before she turns to the bushes and pukes.

  “Oh, come on!” A guy with a fake bush on his head jumps up and I let out an ear-piercing scream. “Okay, I definitely peed.”

  “Oh, my God, that’s gross!” Cole backs away, covering his mouth.

  “Shut up, Cole! Like you’ve never thrown up.”

  “Yeah, but it’s still gross.”

  “Then walk away,” Zach says, annoyed.

  “We need to get her back to the room,” Evangeline says from behind me.


  Lexi and I look at each other with wide eyes.

  “Well, that’s my cue to walk away,” Evangeline says with a laugh.

  Zach’s eyes go wide. “Did she just—”

  “Z!” I shake my head in warning. Zach brings his fist to his mouth to stifle a laugh and Olivia groans in embarrassment.

  “Oh, man,” Evan says, screwing up his face.

  “Shut up, Evan!” Lexi snaps.

  “Sorry,” he chokes out through a laugh.

  I shoot Evan a death glare.

  “What? She’s the one who farted,” he whispers and shudders in disgust.

  “Newsflash, Evan. Girls fart, too,” Lexi argues. “It happens. See.” Lexi proceeds to stick out her ass and fart loud enough for the whole group to hear.

  Oh, my God. I freaking love this girl. I fall against Zach and wrap my arms around his waist as I laugh my ass off.

  “Lex!” Evan chastises. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  I bite down on my lip and look up at Zach. “Don’t even think about it,” he warns, shaking his head.

  Lexi stands up and points to herself. “That’s right, everyone. You heard it. The Homecoming Queen just farted. Whatch’all gotta say about that?”

  “Word,” Evangeline shouts.

  I raise my hand. “And I peed my pants.”

  “Everything okay over here?” a security guard asks, walking up and shining his flashlight over us.

  “Yes, sir,” I answer. “My friend just got a little grossed out from the last haunted house.”

  “Yeah.” He nods and lowers his flashlight. “It happens. You guys have a good night.” He walks off.

  Carter jogs over carrying a bottled water and squats down to rub Olivia’s back. Thank God, he wasn’t around hear it. For anyone other than Lexi, that’s just downright mortifying.

  “Careful, man,” Evan teases.

  “Evan.” I shake my head, silently telling him to shut up.

  Carter looks up at Evan confused.

  “Evan, say one more word and I’m not talking to you for the rest of the night,” Lexi threatens. That shuts Evan right up.

  “You okay, Livi?” Carter asks.

  I think it’s so cute that he calls her Livi.

  Olivia nods but keeps her face buried in her hands. Poor girl. “I’ll take her back to the hotel and get her something for her stomach,” Carter says.

  “We’ll go with you,” I offer before turning to Zach. “I need food and a change of panties.”

  “WHERE’S THE BIRTHDAY girl?” a familiar voice calls out through the sound system.

  I jerk my head up to the stage and see Lucas smiling down at me. It takes a second to register that it’s Lucas, and he’s really here. Cupping my hand over my mouth, I stand up from the table.

  “Is that—” Zach starts to say, but Lexi shrieks over him.

  “Oh, my God, that’s Lucas Wild.”

  “He’s so hot,” someone says.

  “So is Ace Matthews,” someone else adds as Ace walks onto the stage and takes a seat behind the drums.

  “Oh, my God, Wesley Brooks.” Wes walks out, pulling his guitar over his head.

  Lucas hops off the stage and walks toward me. In one swoop, he’s got me in his arms, hugging me tight. His hug tells me he missed me as much as I’ve missed him. Lucas and I have never been apart for this long.

  Evangeline, Lucas, and I are growing up and our lives are pulling us in different directions.

  It’s a painful realization.

  “Hey, everyone! I’m Lucas,” he says into the microphone and then gestures to the guys on the stage. “That’s Ace.” Ace winks and taps out a drum roll. “And Wes.” Wes strikes a chord on his guitar and shoots me a wink. I wave. “We’re here to wish Jay a happy birthday.”

  I HAVE NEVER seen Jay so happy. She’s beaming, lit up from the inside with a permanent smile on her face. It makes me smile. There’s a strong bond between Jay and Lucas; it’s clear as day the love they have for each other.

  Someone sits in Jay’s empty seat and I don’t have to look over to know that it’s Bass. He’s kind of hard to miss.

  “I haven’t seen her this happy in a really long time,” he says.

  “I was just thinking I’ve never seen her this happy,” I reply, keeping my eyes on Jay as she and Lucas sing Pepper’s “Fuck Around.” Lucas claimed it was one of Jay’s favorite songs a few years ago and she played it all the time.

  Tapping the tambourine against her thigh, she glances over her shoulder at the drummer, Ace, who shoots her a wink, prompting Jay to curl her lip and roll her eyes.

  Bass chuckles. “That one’s a flirt. Marcus told him if he ever touched his baby girl, he’d have to learn to play the drums with his feet.” He breaks into a full-on belly laugh, shaking his head.

  JAY PULLS ME aside. “Zach, this is Lucas. Lucas, this is my boyfriend, Zach. And before you go all big brother and embarrass me, remember it’s my birthday and I will punch you in the throat.”

  Lucas laughs and holds out his hand. “It’s good to meet you, dude. I hope you’re taking good care of my girl.” She’s my girl. “This is my dad, Andrew.” He gestures to the older version of himself.

  Jay told me that her dad and Andrew grew up together in foster care and started Royal Mayhem while they were in high school. For some reason, I feel like it’s Andrew Wild who needs to give me his seal of approval to assure all is right in Jayla King’s world. “I hope you’re treating my goddaughter right.”

  I nod. “Of course.”

  “Uncle Drew, you’re making him nervous.” She smacks him playfully on the arm.

  I let out a soft chuckle and wrap my arm around her. “It’s fine, Jay.” I kiss her on the temple.

  Andrew smiles. “As long as you keep my little girl happy, then I’m happy.”

  “I’m eighteen, Uncle Drew.”

  “Sweetheart, you’ll always be my little girl and Lucas will always be my little boy.” He winks.

  Lucas introduces me to the guys from his band, Ace and Wes. They’re all chill and they adore Jay. The rest of the dinner is filled with music and laughter from the embarrassing stories between Evangeline, Lucas and Jay.

  Whether Jay accepts it or not, hanging out with rock stars?

  This is her normal.


  Happy 18th birthday to my baby girl. I love you so much. I was hanging on to this for a special occasion. Today is the perfect occasion. Enjoy.

  I love you always.


  INSIDE THE ENVELOPE is a little pink flash drive with “Jay
bird” written in small print on the outside.

  “What is that?” Zach asks.

  “I don’t know, but if I had to guess I’d say it’s a home video. We have a ton of these.”

  “Go plug it into the TV,” Mom suggests.

  I get it set up in the great room while Zach, Mom, Bass, and Grace settle on the sofa. Bass picks up the remote and switches on the TV.

  The video is being shot from my bedroom doorway. It starts with me looking baller in a black Royal Mayhem T-shirt, leopard leggings with a hot pink tutu around my waist, a matching hot pink boa around my neck, lime green heart-shaped plastic sunglasses, and hot pink plastic heels. I’m holding a sparkly microphone and singing my heart out for Bass, who is sitting on my pink couch pretending to be my audience.

  “Are you getting this, Em?” my dad asks. Then he appears in the shot as he walks into my bedroom. “Baby girl, what are you singing?” he asks, scooping me up from the floor before settling me in his lap and peppering kisses all over my face.

  My eyes well up with tears.

  “It’s my song, Daddy. I wrote it.” I wiggle off his lap, skip over to my little white desk and pick up a piece of paper.

  “She did,” Bass confirms. “Princess is a genius.”

  I look over at Bass and see him nodding. That makes me smile.

  “See, Daddy?” I push the paper into his hands and bounce on the balls of my feet. Clearly, I’m excited. “Want me to sing it again?”

  “Yes.” He smiles. “But wait for Mommy.” He turns to look at the camera with a huge grin spread across his face. “Em, come here.”

  I turn my face to the camera. “Mommy!” I hop up and wave her in. “Come here.”

  She moves into the room.

  “Jaybird wrote her first song today and she wants to sing it for us.”

  “You did?” she says. “I can’t wait to hear it.” The camera stills and she says, “Okay, baby. Let’s hear it.”

  I sing my six-year-old heart out. The song is about sunshine and the sky. It makes no sense, but I was freaking cute. When the song ends, my dad stands up, grabs me in his arms and spins me around.

  “That was beautiful. What’s the name of your song?” Mom asks.


  Em and Bass burst out laughing and I feel myself blush with embarrassment. Grace just smiles and shoots me a wink.

  “You wrote your first song about me?” Zach asks.

  “I was six.” I roll my eyes playfully and snort. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

  “Too late.” He hugs me to his side and kisses my temple.

  “JAY! ZACH,” HARPER calls as she hurries down the hallway toward Zach and me, carrying a stack of books with a bunch of papers stuffed between them.

  “Do you need some help?” I ask, but I’m already moving in her direction with my arms extended. Suddenly, she stumbles forward, trips and falls on her face. Books and papers scatter all over the floor.

  Laughter erupts from a few of the students as they pass by, stepping over the mess.

  How is this funny? What the hell is wrong with people?

  Zach runs over and helps Harper to her feet as blood surfaces from a small cut below her chin. A few students stop to ask if she’s okay and try to help me gather her books and papers before they get stepped on. The hallway traffic is busy.

  I’ve got all the books and most of the papers neatly stacked at her feet. As I reach for one of the last pieces, I see a flash of black and a pain like I’ve never felt before shoots through my hand, up my arm, and down to my toes, taking my breath away. I see spots. “Ow, fuck!” I scream and jerk my hand to my chest, covering it protectively with my other hand as my eyes fill with tears. I squeeze my eyes closed and try to breathe through the pain.

  “What happened?” I open my eyes to see Zach squatting down to look at me with a mixture of concern and panic.

  I can’t answer him because the pain has rendered me speechless. All I can do is breathe through my nose and fight the urge to pass out. Familiar female laughter drifts from behind me and I look over my shoulder to see Hannah and Ashton with her little minions beside her. Hannah shrugs and mouths “Oops” before she turns away and continues down the hall.


  Oh, hell, no.

  “OW, FUCK!” JAY screams and it’s so loud that people stop in the middle of the hall to look. The busy hallway chatter lowers to a light buzz as everyone stares at her cradling her hand to her chest, eyes squeezed closed.

  “What happened?” I reach for her just as she opens her tear-filled eyes, a pained expression on her pale face. Ashton’s annoying laugh echoes over the hallway buzz, prompting Jay to glance over her shoulder. I follow her line of sight and see Hannah shrug and mouth “Oops” before she walks off.


  What the fuck?

  “Babe, did sh—” I turn to look at Jay, but she’s already running down the hall. This can’t be good.

  “What happened?” Cole asks, dipping his head to get a look Harper.

  Suddenly, female screams drift from down the hall. “Shit.” I sprint down the hall, pushing my way through the crowd. “Get the fuck out of the way,” I yell, knocking people into each other because, apparently, they don’t know what ‘get the fuck out of the way’ means.

  Pushing my way through, I find Jay straddling Hannah with her injured hand tangled in Hannah’s hair, repeatedly punching her with the other.

  Now, none of this is funny.

  My girl is hurt.

  But if the situation were different, I’d be laughing my ass off right now because Jay’s skirt is bunched up around her waist and “Property of Easton” is printed across the ass of her spanks. I want to puff out my chest like a fucking peacock right now.

  “I see you took my advice,” Brad says beside me, pointing to Jay’s ass. Reminding me of the night I came back from St. Thomas and told him about Jay. He said, “You should’ve locked that shit down. Marked your territory. Stamped ‘Property of Zach Easton’ on her ass. Something. We don’t grow girls like that around here.”

  Ashton reaches over and grabs Jay by the hair, spurring Lexi to appear out of nowhere, tossing her backpack to the floor, before taking Ashton to the floor. The two fall to the ground, pulling hair and calling each other a bitch. Skirts are up and asses are out. Evan would literally pass out if he were here to see this shit. Honestly, this fight between Lexi and Ashton has been a long time coming.

  “This is better than porn,” Brad adds with a chuckle. “Dude, you need to get your girl.”

  Just as I step in and reach for Jay, Reagan leans in and punches Jay on the side of her head.

  My knee-jerk reaction is to punch Reagan in her head, but common sense comes to the forefront of my brain and reminds me that I can’t hit a girl.

  But Jay doesn’t miss a beat. She untangles her hand from Hannah’s hair, hops to her feet, turns to Reagan, and clocks her right in the face. Twice.

  I wait for Jay get her punches in—because no one gets away with sucker punching my girl—before I grab her in a bear hug from behind and pull her away.

  The scream of a whistle causes everyone to freeze in place and go silent. Everyone except my sassy, smart-mouth girlfriend. “Hey, Hannah!” Hannah looks at Jay as Ashton helps her up off the floor. “Ooooops!” Jay drawls out angrily with sarcasm. Hannah sneers and Reagan curls her lip. “Wipe that look off your face, Reagan.” Jay huffs. “You had it coming. The first one was for that weak ass sucker punch and the second was for lying to me last summer.” Reagan averts her eyes. “You didn’t think I’d figure it out, did you? Lying bitch.”

  “Zach, Jayla, Hannah, Ashton, Lexi, and Reagan, in my office, now!” Principal Avery hollers. “The rest of you get to class or you’re suspended.”

  Everyone scatters.

  I lean into Jay’s ear. “Baby, take a deep breath and calm down. Okay?”

  She nods, lowering her head, and blowing out a breath.

  “Come on.” I
wrap my arm around her waist and guide her to Avery’s office. Leaning in once more, I whisper, “Nice spanks, by the way.”

  She snorts, bringing her injured left hand to her chest and covering it with her right.

  My gaze drops to her swollen hand. “You okay?”

  “I think my hand is broken, Z,” she breathes out, almost whimpering in pain.

  Principal Avery holds the office door open. Once the six of us pile in, he slams the door and moves to sit behind his desk. “None of you are to speak unless I ask you to. Zach. What happened?”

  “Harper tripped and fell. Her books and papers scattered all over the hall. Jay was picking up her stuff and then she screamed. I bent down to see what happened and she was holding her hand to her chest.”

  “What happened, Jayla?”

  “Either Hannah or Ashton stomped on my hand. I think my hand and at least one of my fingers is broken.”

  Avery pales. “Hold on.” He leans over and presses the intercom button on his phone.

  “Patty speaking.”

  “Patty, could you see if Miss Sarah is in the clinic.”

  “She just stepped out.”

  “All right. Will you send her in as soon as she gets back?”

  “Will do.”

  “Thank you.” He leans back in his chair and gestures to Jay. “Then what happened?”

  “I heard someone laughing down the hall and when I looked back, Hannah mouthed ‘Oops.’”

  Avery’s head swivels to Hannah. “Did you step on her hand on purpose?”

  “It was an accident,” Hannah whines.

  Someone knocks on his office door. “Come in,” Avery calls out. I’m expecting to see Sarah the nurse, but instead it’s Alex.

  And he looks pissed.

  Avery waves him in and Alex walks in, followed by Cole and Harper, holding a paper towel to her chin.

  “What happened to your chin, Harper?”

  “Someone tripped me in the hall,” Harper explains with a pointed glare at Ashton.


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