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Jaybird Page 27

by M. A. Foster

  “I have never in all my years as an educator seen such despicable behavior. This is the second time there’s been an incident involving the two of you.” He waves his finger between Ashton and Hannah. “There is a strict no tolerance policy on bullying in my school.” He reaches over and presses the intercom button.

  “Patty speaking.”

  “Patty, please contact the parents of Reagan Vaughn, Ashton Grant, and Hannah Scott, and let them know I am requesting a conference right away.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Thank you.” He turns to Lexi. “I never expected this from you, Lexi.”

  “Sorry, Principal Avery.” Lexi shrugs. “Jayla is my friend. Ashton and her friends were ganging up on her. I couldn’t just stand there.”

  Cole is glaring holes into Ashton’s head. He looks seconds away from leaping across the room and strangling her.

  Ashton’s mouth falls open. “We weren’t ganging up on her. I was trying to get her off Hannah.”

  “By pulling my hair,” Jay snaps.

  “What about you, Reagan?”

  “I was just trying to get her off Hannah.”

  I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying something along the lines of “And how’d that work out for ya?”

  “By sucker punching me in head?” Jay sneers.

  “You girls make yourselves comfortable. Cole and Zach, you’re excused for the afternoon. I’ll let Coach know you might not make it to practice. Go with them over to the medical center so Jayla can get an X-ray on her hand. Harper probably needs stitches.” He pauses and looks at Harper. “Do you need me to call anyone?”

  “No, my dad’s out of the country. I’m staying with Jay.”

  Avery nods. “I’ll call Emerson.”

  “I’ll call her, Principal Avery,” Jay offers, standing up from her seat. “Trust me. Your eardrums will thank me later.”

  The corners of Avery’s mouth curve upwards as he shakes his head.

  “Principal Avery,” Hannah says. “Why are we in trouble and Jayla’s not? Look at my face.”

  “You purposely stepped on her fingers!” He slams his hand down on his desk.

  “It was an accident!” she yells in defense.

  “People don’t say ‘Oops’ when it’s an accident. They apologize. Clearly, she was hurt. You could’ve stopped to see if she was okay. Now be quiet or I’ll expel you for assaulting another student. Which is still an option.”

  ONCE WE STEP out of Principal Avery’s office, Alex turns to me. “Let me see your hand.”

  I hold my hand out and he carefully looks it over. “Don’t breathe a word of this to Weenie, Alex. She’ll freak out.”

  “I won’t,” he mumbles. “Yeah, it looks like your ring finger might be broken. Do you want me to call Emerson, or do you want to call her?”

  “I’ll call her. I just need to get my stuff from my locker.”

  “Yeah, I shut your locker on the way to the office. You left it open with your phone and everything in there,” Harper says.

  “Are you okay, Harper?” I ask.

  “Fuck, no. My chin hurts. I know it was Ashton who tripped me.”

  “I’ll deal with Ashton,” Cole says.

  “No, you won’t,” Harper argues.

  I turn to Zach and breathe out a laugh. “I can’t believe Reagan sucker punched me in the head.”

  “I made sure you got in yours before I stepped in.”

  “Thanks for having my back, Z.” I grin.

  “Always, babe.” He kisses the side of my head where Reagan punched me.

  “Where’s Lexi?” Evan jogs up to us in a panic.

  “She’s in the office,” Cole tells him.

  “What the hell happened?” He dips his head to look at Harper’s chin before moving his gaze to my hand.

  I laugh. “Girl fight.”

  Evan shakes his head. “Is she in trouble?”

  “No. I don’t think so.”

  Lexi walks out and Evan reaches for her. “Did you get into a fight, crazy girl?” He laughs.

  “Yep.” She nods. “I got two days in-school suspension. Starting today.” She shoots me a wink. “It was totally worth it.”

  “WHAT’S WRONG?” EMERSON says when she answers.

  “Why do you think something’s wrong?”

  “Because you’re calling from your cellphone when you should be in class. Are you okay?”

  “Um… it’s a long story, but right now I need you to meet me at the medical center for an X-ray.”

  “What!” she exclaims, the sound echoing through the speakers. “I’m on my way.”


  I lean back against the headrest and take a deep breath.

  “Your mom is nuts,” Cole says with a laugh from the backseat.

  My thoughts exactly. I dial Bass’s number.

  “We’re on our way, Princess. Are you okay?”

  “B, my crazy mother hung up before I could tell her I’m okay, but I definitely broke a finger or two.”

  “How did you manage to do that?”

  “Some crazy bitch stomped on my hand. And I think Harper might need stitches.”



  “I’m here. We’ll discuss it when I get there. Is Romeo with you?”

  “Yes,” Zach says into the Bluetooth.

  “Me, too,” Cole adds.

  “See you in a few minutes,” he says before he hangs up.

  “THIS ONE IS definitely broken,” Mac Daddy says, pointing to my ring finger on the X-ray film. “See this here? This is a hairline fracture. You’ll need to wear a soft cast for a couple of weeks so your hand can heal.”

  “Great,” I say, rolling my eyes. “I guess it’s a good thing I beat her ass first.”

  “Jayla,” my mom admonishes. “You better be kidding.”

  “She’s not,” Zach informs her, ignoring my death glare. “You’ll probably be getting phone calls from some angry parents.”

  “Not if I call them first.” Mom narrows her eyes at me.

  “What? She purposely stomped on my hand and while I was on the floor screaming in pain and trying not to pass out, she laughed about it, and mouthed ‘Oops’. She might as well have just said, ‘Fuck you.’”

  “Jayla!” Mom’s eyes dart to my grandfather.

  “Sorry, Mac Daddy.”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart.” He laughs. “I live with your Mimi. I hear that word at least once a day.”

  “They ganged up on me. Ashton Grant pulled my hair and then”—I gesture to Zach— “his ex-girlfriend, Reagan, punched me in the head.” I snort.

  Mom doesn’t find any of this funny.

  “Are you having trouble with these girls?” Mac Daddy asks.

  “Not really. I don’t think it was me they were targeting.”

  “They?” Bass prompts.

  I nod. “Hannah Scott and Ashton Grant.”

  “Hannah is Harold Scott’s daughter,” Mom tells Mac Daddy.

  Who the hell is Harold Scott and how the hell does she—You know what? I don’t know why I even bother asking. Mom probably has a file on every student at Heritage Academy.

  “Which one is Ashton?” Mom asks.

  “She’s a cheerleader, and she acts like she’s the queen of the school because she used to mess around with Cole.”

  Mac Daddy laughs. “Ah, I see. What happened to the redhead?”

  “That’s Harper,” I explain.

  “I thought Cole was sweet on her?”

  “He is.” I use my good hand to point to my broken finger. “Hence the broken finger.”

  “Ah.” Mac Daddy nods. “I get it now. They targeted her, but you stepped in to help and they hurt you instead.”

  “Yep.” I nod.

  “Got it. I’ll be right back to get started on your cast.”

  Mac Daddy leaves the room. I look over at Mom and Bass. “Are you mad?”

  “I’m not mad at you, Jay, but no more fighting. Stooping to th
eir level makes you just as much of a bully as the rest of them.” She moves to the door. “I need to make a call and check on Harper. I’ll be right back.”

  OH YEAH, YOU better believe Emerson Mackenzie marched her ass right into Principal Avery’s office and threw her weight around. Home girl does not mess around when it comes to her only child.

  Hannah was suspended for five days because she deliberately stepped on my hand, which goes against Principal Avery’s strict anti-bullying rules, and was threatened to be expelled if she ever put her hands on another student again. I’m sure my mom gave Hannah’s parents an earful, as well.

  Ashton and Reagan got three days in-school suspension. Lexi got two days and I got one day. I didn’t even argue; I’m guilty, too, so I took my lumps like the rest. I’m just thankful it’s my left hand.


  This is our first official Thanksgiving apart and I’m sorry for that. I’m so thankful for my girls and our time together. I’m also thankful for my wonderful friends and family who are looking out for my girls. I love you, baby girl.

  Happy Thanksgiving.

  Love always,


  MY HEART IS heavy.

  Today is going to be an emotional day for my entire family. Not only is my dad not here, but my extended family is scattered all over the country. Evangeline’s parents are flying in early this afternoon. Lucas and Andrew are still on tour. Tommy and Chaz, the remaining band members of Royal Mayhem, stayed in California to be with their families.

  Everything about today just feels off.

  I pull my phone from the nightstand and look over my text messages.

  Harper: I know I’m in the next room but Happy Thanksgiving. xoxo

  She’s such a dork.

  Lexi: Happy Thanksgiving, bitch. Love you <3

  Cherry: Happy Thanksgiving. Today I’m thankful for you… and Brad.


  Dude LAW: Happy Thanksgiving from me and the guys. Miss U. Luv U.

  Lucas is probably thankful he’s on tour. He likes to deal with the emotional stuff in private. I know today is just as hard for him and Andrew.

  Drew: Happy Thanksgiving, baby girl. Today’s going to be a tough day for all of us. Love you.

  Kali: Happy Thanksgiving, Jay. I’m in Colorado with Lucas. Eek!

  Aw. That makes me smile. Lucas and Kali met at my birthday party and hung out the whole night together. I’ve never seen him show this much interest in a girl. He must really like Kali if he flew her out to Colorado.

  Brad: Happy Thanksgiving, Holly!

  I snort. He’s been calling me Holly ever since the fight.

  Xavier: Today I’m thankful for you. Thank you for introducing me to this gorgeous man! Happy Thanksgiving. Xoxo

  Attached is a photo of Xavier and Brice blowing a kiss at the camera. Yes, I played matchmaker and they’re both very happy.

  Brice: What he said, lol! Happy Thanksgiving! Xoxo

  Piper: Happy Thanksgiving, Jay.

  Piper and I haven’t talked much since Homecoming, but I did invite her to my birthday weekend. She came with Brooklyn. She also sent me a text while I was getting my cast put on my hand, asking if I was okay.

  “HAPPY THANKSGIVING,” UNCLE Liam says from my doorway with a smile that brightens my dark mood. I’ve been so caught up in Zach, I forgot how much I’ve missed hanging out with Liam. And Cam, too. The three of us used to hang out all the time back in the day when Liam and Cam lived down the beach from me. Back in the day when they weren’t traveling for baseball games. Back when Cam still played for the LA Heat.

  “Hey, stranger,” I reply, patting the empty side of my bed and Uncle Liam happily climbs in next to me. Turning on my side, I prop my head up on my good hand. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”

  “I saw you a couple of months ago.” His eyes fall to my cast. “I heard you got into some trouble. Everything good?”

  “It is now.”

  He smiles. “I heard all about it from Mimi and Em. Don’t tell your mom, but I’m proud of you for fighting back. When do you get that thing off?”

  “A week or so. What’s new with you?”

  His lips stretch into a devilish grin. “Same shit, different chick.”

  “You’re such a manwhore.” I playfully smack him in the arm. “I thought you were dating Dr. Ramos.”

  Liam shakes his head. “Jasmine and I are just friends. I don’t date.” Changing the subject, he asks, “How are you today?” His green eyes reflect his concern.

  I let my head drop to my pillow and roll to my back. “I’m sad, but I expect everyone is feeling the same.” I sigh.

  Harper squeals from inside her bedroom, “Cole!” Then a loud laugh mixed with Willow’s giggle, echoes from the hallway outside my door.

  “Looks like Cole caught himself a girlfriend.”

  “Surprisingly, yes,” I agree. “Harper is amazing. Life has dealt her a shitty hand. And if that isn’t enough, she’s in a relationship with Cole Mackenzie, of all people.” I say the last part a little louder because I’m aware that he’s standing in my doorway.

  “I heard that,” Cole says, walking in the room carrying Willow piggyback.

  Liam and I laugh. “I know.”

  “JJ, me have torekey and pumfin pie,” Willow announces proudly, making us all laugh.

  I can’t even with this kid. So freaking cute.

  It’s Willow’s adorable face and her excitement for “torekey” and “pumfin pie” that has me rolling out of bed and heading downstairs to greet the rest of my family.

  “What’s up, badass? I heard you fucked shit up at school.” Aiden laughs, holding up his hand for a high five.

  “Aiden, watch your mouth.” I smack his hand away. “There are tiny ears running around here.” I wink and lean in to whisper, “It’s Miss Badass, and I totally fucked shit up.” I hold up my casted hand. “With one hand.”

  CAM, LOGAN, AND I walk through Jay’s front door, into chaos, and “24K Magic” by Bruno Mars playing over the sound system. Hysterical laughter and cheers drift from the back of the house, but it’s Jay’s laugh that pulls me in the direction of the great room.

  Jay and Harper are dancing with Mimi. Willow is beside them giggling and rocking from side to side. Everyone is laughing and Emerson has her phone out recording the whole thing.

  “Ella, what in the hell are you doing?” Mac exclaims, startling everyone.

  “I’m twerkin’ with my granddaughter, Mac. What does it look like?” she explains as she bends her knees, arches her back, and begins thrusting her hips.

  I’ve never laughed so hard in my life.

  “That’s your godmother,” I say to Cam who’s shaking his head. I’ll admit, as hilarious as it is, it’s also kind of disturbing.

  “It looks like you’re having a goddamn seizure,” Mac continues. “I thought I was gonna have to call for an ambulance,” he teases, turning to Emerson, who has her phone aimed at him. “She’s finally done it, Emi bear. Your mother has lost her mind.” He shakes his head in mock disappointment and heads out the back door with a giant turkey in his hands. As he passes by, I hear him mumble under his breath something about a “crazy broad.”

  And to finish things off, Cole and Aiden jump in and start twerking beside Mimi.

  Jay finally notices me standing here and squeals as she runs over to me, jumps in my arms, and wraps her legs wrap around my waist. “What are you doing here?”

  “I can’t stay long, but I came to see my girl,” I tell her, then lower my voice so only she can hear. “And give her something to be thankful for.”

  She snorts. “You’re such a horndog. I can’t with all these people here. Would you settle for a heavy make-out session on the third floor?”

  “I’ll take it.”

  “LET’S GO TO Pelican Cove,” I suggest. Dinner is over and everyone has gone home for the night. And Bass left with Lisa. The two have been spending a lot of time together, ever since the
night of my mom’s welcome back dinner. Mom introduced them and I’m really happy Bass is finally getting a life. It’s down to Mom, Liam, Cole, Harper, and me. I haven’t heard from Zach since he left earlier, but he promised he’d be back over later.

  “Everything is closed, Jay,” my mom says.

  “The stores are open for early black Friday shopping,” I remind her.

  “I’m too full to go shopping and deal with the crowds,” my mom replies.

  “Then let’s go to the movies,” I propose.

  “I’m down,” Liam says. “Let’s go walk off some of this food.”

  Cole looks over at Harper. “Let’s go,” Harper says with a wink.

  We all pile into my Range Rover and head to Pelican Cove. I shoot a text to Zach instead of calling since my phone is linked to Bluetooth and I don’t want everyone in the car to hear my conversation.

  “We should get a big tub of popcorn to share,” I suggest.

  “You can’t possibly eat popcorn after all that food we just ate,” Mom says.

  “You can’t go to a movie and not get popcorn,” Liam says.

  “I’m not sharing popcorn,” Cole states. “That’s just as bad as double dipping. Think about it. You stick your fingers in the popcorn, then stick them in your mouth, and then stick them back in the popcorn. Then there’s the finger licking.” He shudders. “It’s gross.”

  I laugh. “Wow, you’ve really put some thought into that, huh?”

  “I never realized you were such a germophobe,” Harper says with a laugh.

  “Ha-ha. Laugh all you want, you two, but if I licked my fingers and stuck them in your popcorn, would you eat it?”

  I scrunch up my nose as Harper and I say at the same time, “No.”

  We stand in front of the movie kiosk, debating over which movie to see. “How about Bad Santa?”

  “Zach!” a female squeals from somewhere in the sea of people coming out of the theater. I know there’s more than one Zach in this city, but out of habit I turn my head and spot my Zach skipping through the crowd with Chelsea on his back, his parents and another couple, I assume Chelsea’s parents, walking behind them.


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