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Stolen: Brides of the Kindred 25

Page 22

by Evangeline Anderson

  Then, of course, she’d woken up and the whole thing had turned out to be just a crazy dream brought on by those fucking hypno-whispers. But for just a moment, V had thought that she was acting of her own volition—that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her.

  Well, she did want him, he reminded himself, thinking of the surge of sexual desire he’d felt coming from her when they’d been talking. What had brought on that particular blast of lust? Oh right—she’d said she would be upset if their positions were reversed and V had said something about how she would have been shocked if she’d woken up with him licking her soft little pussy.

  Hmm…Was that what had turned her on so much? His talk about going down on her? Sometimes V wished he could read a female’s thoughts, like a full-blooded Kru’ell One. But if he was able to do that, he would probably have the need to feed on a female’s emotions to survive too. No, far better to be only a half-blood and be able to feel her emotions without needing to feed on them.

  But it was worth noting that what had turned her on was the idea of his tongue between her thighs. V’s shaft surged under the ridiculous red garment he had to wear here. Gods, how he wanted to taste her sweet pussy! Like all Kindred, he had a biological need to go down on a woman once he had chosen her as his future mate. And he was definitely feeling that need now.

  But he sensed that even though the idea of him tasting her turned Penelope on, he would have to take this slowly with her. He frowned. The first thing he had to convince her to let him do was suck the nectar from her full breasts. She’d left sticky trails of the stuff on his side, where she’d been rubbing against him that morning and he’d had to wash off in the food-prep sink while she was in the shower.

  The stuff was almost as viscous as honey and it had to be hurting her to have her breasts so full. But V was pretty sure she would rather die than ask him to help her with the problem. She was a stubborn little thing—it was one of her attributes he most admired, though it made earning her trust difficult.

  But she couldn’t go around with the nectar leaking from her nipples all day where people could see—it would be like a public admission that he wasn’t breeding her properly, since sucking the nectar from a female’s breasts was part of breeding here in the Compound.

  That thought, of course, inevitably led to the mental image of breeding her for real.

  Just the thought of sucking her full tits while she rode his cock made his shaft surge again. He could just imagine her straddling him, her soft little pussy stretched to the limit as she took in not only his shaft but his mating fist as well.

  All his life, V had been extra careful to withhold his mating fist any time he had sex with a female. He knew perfectly well that if he let his fist enter a female at the same time he was stinging her, he would form a permanent soul bond and he had never wanted that before.

  Now he wanted it—wanted it badly, he admitted to himself. But it was clear that Penelope had no interest in such things. In fact, she’d barely agreed to work with him to get out of this sick place. He would have to win her over, have to woo her slowly, starting with getting her to let him suck her ripe nipples and ease the tension in her full breasts…

  Gods! And his cock was surging again. Damn, how he wanted her!

  V wished he could go to the fresher and jerk off to get rid of the intense sexual tension that plagued him, but of course that was impossible since he still wore the copper non-contact bracelets on his wrists. He could handle his shaft enough to take a piss at least—that was good. But the minute he started stroking it, he got a nasty jolt of pain which seemed to travel from his own fingertips to his cock.

  It was like he was electrocuting his junk, every time he tried to jerk off which was, to say the least, no fucking fun. So he had to grin and bear the sexual tension and—

  “Worker V’rex, your trimming of the fleezum trees today is not optimal!”

  The high, androgynous voice belonged to Supervisor Poone, the NeverBreeder who ran the greenhouse where V had been assigned to work.

  “What?” Irritated, he looked down at the little orange bastard and then up to the tree he’d been trimming as he thought about Penelope.

  Sure enough, the previously perfectly round sphere of greenish-turquoise leaves was now markedly lopsided where V had been trimming it.

  “Sorry,” V growled, glaring at the NeverBreeder supervisor. “Didn’t mean to do that.”

  “Fix it!” the little orange NeverBreeder demanded. “Or I, Supervisor Poone, will be forced to put a black mark on your record! And may I remind you that three black marks equals automatic recycling?”

  The threat made V angry—and also brought to mind the awful things Penelope had told him at First Meal. Over bowls of bland porridge made of blanched svetty grain, she’d told him that all the meat in the Compound was actually the flesh of recycled breeders.

  V didn’t actually know if he believed it. Penelope had claimed she’d gotten the information second hand from her friend at the Breeding and Conception Center, who was also immune to the hypno-whispers. It seemed too evil, even for that bastard the “Glorious Leader,” to believe that he was actually feeding the dead bodies of recycled breeders to the living ones. But still, what if it was true?

  The thought turned V’s stomach and the little orange bastard threatening to essentially turn V himself into steaks and chops pissed him off.

  I’ll turn you into tomorrow’s Last Meal if you fuck with me, you little orange mutant! he thought, still glaring at Supervisor Poone. What an overbearing little asshole!

  And while he was thinking these things, the NeverBreeder was still lecturing.

  “Do you not know that the Glorious Leader himself comes to the greenhouse on a regular basis to inspect?” he was ranting in his high, androgynous voice. “What will he think if he sees a fleezum tree that is trimmed in such a lopsided manner?”

  His words jogged V’s memory of what he’d been planning and he looked with interest at the little NeverBreeder.

  “I’ve never seen him here and I’ve been working at the greenhouse a whole solar week,” he pointed out, frowning.

  “Which only means he is overdue for an inspection!” the NeverBreeder supervisor exclaimed. “He will be here sometime this week—I can guarantee it! And if he sees what you have done to this fleezum tree—”

  “Keep your tiny silver jumpsuit on,” V growled. “I’ll fix it—I’ll fix it!”

  “See that you do!” Supervisor Poone shook a stubby orange finger in his face—or tried to, anyway. He was mostly shaking his finger at V’s abs. “Now, I am off to put a black mark on your record. You had better be careful, Worker V’rex or you will find yourself recycled.”

  And with that, he flounced off, presumably to write a full-length report on how V had trimmed a tree the wrong way and ought to be made into hamburger for it.

  “I’ll recycle you with my fist, you little asshole,” V muttered at the retreating supervisor. But he went to work, making the damn fleezum tree symmetrical again so that it matched the rows and rows of other fleezum trees with their perfectly round tops and long gray-green trunks disappearing into large, earthenware pots.

  As he worked with his hands, his mind was forming and refining the plan which had first occurred to him the night before when he was speaking to Penelope.

  So the GL was going to be here sometime this week, hmm? Well when he came, V would be ready for him.


  “Good morning, ladies! How is everyone on this beautiful day in the Compound?” Mother Toone asked brightly as they all stood in the perfectly manicured public park.

  Penny had been surprised to see their attendant from the Breeding and Conception Center waiting to greet her and the other women who had just been joined to their Forever Mates. But the NeverBreeder had explained that she was free to help out in other areas until a new batch of breeders showed up in the Compound for her to take care of.

  “Which they will, very soon—I can pro
mise you that, my sweetie,” she’d said, giving Penny her Jack-o-lantern grin. “But until then, old Mother Toone is still here to help her girls! And today I’ll be helping by handing out your job assignments!”

  Mother Toone was, at least, a familiar face but Penny was much happier to see who she had brought with her. Claudette was standing quietly beside the NeverBreeder attendant with a clipboard in her hands and a neutral expression on her face.

  Penny had tried to catch her eye but she had only shaken her head—a quick movement anyone else would have mistaken for a twitch. So Penny assumed she didn’t think it was safe to talk right now. Still, it was nice to see the other woman again.

  “Now, I trust everyone had a lovely first Mandatory Breeding?” Mother Toone asked brightly, speaking to all the assembled women who were standing in a semi-circle around her.

  A “lovely” Mandatory Breeding might have been overstating things, Penny thought dryly. She could look down the line and see who had had it the worst. Shurla could barely walk and one of the other women had two black eyes. Further down she could see a woman who looked like her nose had been broken. But nevertheless, every single one of them smiled at Mother Toone and agreed eagerly that yes, their first Mandatory Breeding had been just wonderful.

  Penny echoed their sentiments, feeling glad that she’d been matched with V’rex. At least the big Hybrid hadn’t violently raped her, as had clearly happened to most of the other women in her breeder group. She wondered if the violence of their encounters had to do with the Spice Claudette had told her about. She had believed that it was affecting V’rex as well, but maybe the big Hybrid was immune to its effects the same way he was immune to the hypno-whispers?

  “I’m so glad everyone is happy with the Forever Mate our Glorious Leader picked for you,” Mother Toone said brightly, interrupting Penny’s musings. “Didn’t I tell you it you would be so? The Shining Star is never wrong!” She beamed at all of them. “And now, to compound your happiness, I’m excited to be announcing your job listings. Today you are finally going to become full members of our lovely Compound!”

  A ragged cheer went up and Penny joined in, trying to grin as excitedly as the other women. She wondered where she was going to end up and what she would be doing every day. Mother Toone had explained to her that when the Compound first started, all the work had been done by the NeverBreeders and the breeders had been left to live in idle luxury.

  “But it wasn’t good for them, my sweet, oh my, no—it wasn’t!” she’d exclaimed. “They were bored and unhappy and that only leads to trouble. So the Glorious Leader decided to allow the breeders to help out—to earn their keep, as it was. And everyone has been so much happier ever since!”

  Which probably had something to do with the hypno-whispers, Penny thought dryly, looking around as Mother Toone handed out the assignments. She’d never seen anyone thrilled at receiving garbage duty but Shurla was grinning widely as she hobbled forward to take the slip of paper the NeverBreeder attendant held out to her.

  “And now, Penelope, my sweet—you get to work in the Marketplace!” Mother Toone exclaimed, turning to Penny. “My—aren’t you lucky?” she added, holding out a paper with Penny’s assignment on it. “You get to work in the bakery stall, smelling all that lovely fresh bread all day. So yummy!”

  “Yummy,” Penny agreed, pasting on a smile as she took the slip of paper with her assignment. She supposed it could be worse. This was certainly better than if she’d been assigned to the butcher shop. Just the thought made her shudder. If she ever did get away from here, she might be a vegetarian for life—her sexy, confusing fried chicken dreams notwithstanding.

  “Well, now that everyone has their assignments, it’s time for you to all go to work,” Mother Toone said briskly. “I’m going to take the half of you that are working at the west end of the Compound and our lovely friend, Claudette, will be taking those who are working on the East end. Be sure you all work hard and do a good job, Remember—this is the first day of the rest of your life in the Compound!”

  The girls all clapped and cheered and the group who were going with Mother Toone gathered around the NeverBreeder attendant, chattering eagerly.

  Penny was in the group led by Claudette along with a two of the other women, including Shurla.

  “Well, Penelope, did you have a good first Mandatory Breeding?” Shurla asked her brightly as they gathered around the silent Claudette.

  “Um, sure. It was great.” Penny smiled at her and thought again how sad it was that the strong-willed Shurla had been so completely taken in by the hypno-whispers.

  “Mine was too. Why, Skrug didn’t stop breeding me all night!” Shurla was limping visibly as they started out through the park towards the east side of the Compound. “I swear he started the minute we got to our Love Hut and didn’t let up until this morning when it was time to go to work!” She yawned and smiled. “I barely got any sleep between the breedings!”

  “That’s…something else,” Penny said, not sure what else she could say. “But, well…wasn’t it kind of hard on you?” she asked. “He, uh, seemed to have some pretty impressive equipment from what I could see yesterday at the ceremony,” she added, thinking of how Shurla’s huge blue husband with his lipless mouth and scraggly teeth had a dick that hung down between his knees.

  “Oh, he does!” Shurla made an expressive motion with both hands, like she was a fisherman describing the size of the one that got away. “I mean, he’s huge. He could barely fit it in me at first, but he kept at it until he rammed it all home. And then it was off to the races!”

  She laughed merrily as though being forced to take such a huge piece of equipment inside herself was somehow funny rather than horrifying.

  Of course, V’rex had pretty huge equipment himself—which Penny had inadvertently found out that morning, she thought, blushing. But at least he hadn’t forced it inside her and kept on forcing her all night long like poor Shurla!

  Just then, they finally reached their first stop.

  “This is the garbage collection department,” Claudette said to them. “Shurla and Leelah—you two are here.”

  “Oh yay—this is us!” Shurla enthused, turning to the other woman—who happened to be the one with two black eyes. “Let’s go introduce ourselves and do our part to help the Compound, Leelah!”

  The other girl nodded and smiled painfully, showing that she had a split lip as well. Then the two of them limped eagerly down the small hill to the large building with a rotten odor emanating from it.

  “All right now, come on,” Claudette said to Penny and the remaining woman in their group. “I’ll be dropping Chima off at the garment making factory and then I’ll bring Penelope to the Marketplace.”

  The garment factory was a large, airy building where rows and rows of industrial-type machines were manned by numerous breeder women—all of them working on making the red and blue togas that all the breeders wore. Claudette introduced Chima to her new supervisor—a NeverBreeder by the name of Roone with sharp, beady little eyes—and then nodded at Penny to follow her towards the Marketplace.

  But they seemed to be taking the long way around, Penny saw. Instead of heading straight down the manicured path, Claudette was leading her in a lingering circle over the neatly clipped grass.

  “Penny,” she said in low voice as they walked slowly along. “I have to talk to you.”

  “Yes?” Penny looked at her, not liking the foreboding sound of the other woman’s words. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is most certainly not okay,” Claudette snapped, giving her a sidelong glare “What was that performance you put on yesterday at the Unification Ceremony? Everybody was talking about it—and I don’t just mean the other breeders!”

  “They…they were?” Penny felt like an icy hand had cupped her heart. “Are you sure?’

  “Of course I’m sure,” Claudette said angrily. “I heard Mother Toone telling Director Loone, who supervises the Watchers, who spy on e
verybody’s Love Huts, to keep a close eye on you and to turn up the hypno-whispers. She also said if you don’t straighten up and act right you’ll have to be recycled.”

  “What? Mother Toone said that?” Penny knew it was ridiculous, but she couldn’t help feeling hurt and betrayed. She’d had the idea that the NeverBreeder attendant liked her—that she was somehow on her side. And now to hear that she’d been talking about recycling her…

  Claudette seemed to read her mind.

  “You thought she liked you, didn’t you?” she asked with an ugly laugh. “Well let this be a lesson, Penny—you can’t trust the NeverBreeders—any of them. So you’ve got to straighten up and fly right!”

  “I…I’ll try,” Penny faltered. “I was just…just surprised at who they picked as my Forever Mate, that’s all.”

  “Well, he doesn’t seem to have treated you too badly.” Claudette looked her over critically. “You’re certainly doing better than most of the new breeder brides. Although…Penny—what the hell is that?”

  “What?” Penny looked down to where her friend was pointing and saw, to her dismay, a growing dark spot on the front of her blue toga.

  “Oh, crap!” she muttered, reaching into the fabric to rearrange the tissues she’d put there to soak up the nectar still leaking from her nipples. But to her dismay, the tissues were soaked, though she’d put them in her top barely an hour before.

  She pulled out a wad of sticky tissues and looked at them in dismay. What was she going to do now?

  “What’s going on with you?” Claudette demanded, frowning. “Why didn’t you get your breasts drained during your Mandatory Breeding last night?”

  “I…um…” Penny wasn’t sure how to answer that question without giving away the fact that V’rex was immune to the hypno-whispers too. But Claudette guessed it.

  “He didn’t breed you, did he?” she asked, looking at Penny with a mixture of awe and envy. “You still haven’t been bred!”


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