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Stolen: Brides of the Kindred 25

Page 26

by Evangeline Anderson

  Her nectar! he thought and felt a surge of anger at himself. In his eagerness to assure her he wasn’t going to rape her the night before, he’d forgotten all about the other problems the hormones she’d been given could cause her. Hadn’t the GL laid it out plainly, during his “pep talk” before the Unification Ceremony? Hadn’t he explained that the females who had been given the “Mother’s Milk” would need to have their breasts drained regularly?

  He had also talked about how they would need male fluids in their pussies, but that didn’t appear to be the main problem right now. It was her breasts that were hurting her—so full and ripe they were spilling over with the sweet, sticky nectar.

  And she’s too ashamed to ask me to help, V thought. Now the pain and shame he’d felt coming from her earlier made sense. Penelope was hurting but she was too embarrassed and stubborn to ask for help.

  The question was, would she take help even if he offered it?

  V doubted it. He had to find another way to help her—a way to get around the thorny shield she’d enclosed herself in. He would have to make her let him help.

  He was aware this might not go over very well with the little female. In fact, he might lose what little of her trust he’d gained or make her so angry she’d never want to talk to him again.

  Well, that’s too damn bad, he told himself. He was going to do whatever it took to help her, even if she didn’t like it

  He had to—he couldn’t stand to see her in pain.


  Penny saw his expression change from conspiratorial secretiveness to pity the moment she stood up. Looking down to where his eyes had wandered, she could see why.

  Two huge wet spots had formed on the top of her toga, right over the tight points of her nipples which were pressing hard against the strained fabric. It couldn’t have been more obvious what was going on with her—or more embarrassing, Penny thought as hot blood rushed to her cheeks. She’d thought she felt the nectar leaking earlier, but she was so upset by their conversation, she hadn’t paid any attention. Now she wished she would have.

  “Oh, um…” She attempted to cover her swollen breasts with her arms, only to gasp and pull away again due to the pain even the slightest contact caused.

  V’rex was frowning at her now.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he demanded in a low voice, gesturing at her breasts.

  “It’s embarrassing.” Penny’s face was flaming now, her hands clenched at her sides in mortification. “That stupid, awful Mother’s Milk they gave us! It was filled with so many hormones and now I can’t stop leaking.”

  “You should have told me,” V’rex growled.

  “Why? It’s my body so it’s my business,” Penny snapped. She knew she was being unreasonable, but she hated to be a burden to anyone—hated not to feel self-sufficient. So it was extra hard to admit she needed help with such an intimate problem.

  “You are my business—all of you,” V’rex shot back. “You’re my mate, remember? You shoulda told me you needed help, little girl!”

  “I’m not your little girl. Or your sweetheart!” Penny flared at him. “And I’m not really your mate!”

  “The hell you aren’t.” V’rex’s pale gold eyes flashed dangerously and his voice had dropped to a low growl. “You are my mate—my bride and my wife— and I think it’s time for me to take what’s rightfully mine—right fucking now.”

  Grabbing her by the arm, he dragged her out of the breakfast nook, through the kitchen, and out into the living area. Sitting down on the love seat, he pulled Penny down on top of him, forcing her to face him and straddle his hips.

  “Now,” he said, planting his hands firmly on her thighs to keep her from getting away. “Pull down your fucking top, little girl. I’m gonna take what’s mine.”


  Penny looked at him in stunned silence. Surely he couldn’t be serious! He’d promised he wouldn’t rape her or force her and he was a Kindred. Well, half-Kindred, anyway. But he’d acted like such a gentleman, telling her he would protect her and never hurt her.

  Maybe the Spice is getting the better of him, she thought. Maybe it really does affect him like the other males after all…

  Then she saw the look in his eyes. Glancing up towards the ceiling, he stared pointedly at the red light—which was on—and then back to her top. Then he mouthed the word, “Pretend.”

  Suddenly, Penny understood. He wanted them to pretend they were doing their Mandatory Breeding for the night and he was going to help her with her breasts at the same time.

  She supposed it made sense. Better than going through the sexual embarrassment both scenarios were going to entail twice. Rather than have him rub off against her like he had the night before and then suck her breasts later, they might as well get it all over with now.

  The realization didn’t make her feel any less embarrassed, though. But since they were in full view of the camera and the light was on, she didn’t see what other choice she had.

  With trembling hands, she reached up to untie the top of her toga. The fabric was sticking to her skin because of the leaking nectar and it was painful to pull away from her swollen breasts. Penny winced as she peeled it down, hoping he would be gentle. She had a feeling she’d waited too long to get her breasts drained and now it was going to be agony to get the sticky liquid out.

  But V’rex seemed to understand her pain and trepidation. Gently—almost tenderly—he cupped both of her full breasts in his big, warm hands.

  “Looks like you have a problem here, sweetheart,” he murmured softly, looking into Penny’s eyes. “Do you need me to help you with this while I breed you and fill you with my seed tonight?”

  Penny’s breath seemed to catch in her throat. She knew that after the day she’d had and the pain she was in, she shouldn’t feel turned on by anything. But those soft, sexy words in his deep voice seemed to go straight to her pussy—which was also swollen and needy, though she refused to even think about it—and make her throb with desire.

  “Yes,” she finally admitted, daring to look him in the eyes as he cupped her over-full breasts. “Yes, I…I do need help, V’rex. Can…can you help me?”

  The admission that she needed help was a hard one—Penny had never liked to ask anyone for any kind of assistance. But in this case, she sensed that the big Hybrid was ready and willing to do what she needed. And besides—she really had no choice.

  “All right,” he said, nodding. “Then lift up a little, baby—need to get inside your sweet little pussy so I can fuck you deep while I suck your sweet nipples.”

  Penny felt her breath catch in her throat as his dirty words sent a surge of desire right through her. Her instant reaction irritated her—damn the stupid hormones she’d been given that made her want what he was offering! But again, there wasn’t much she could do about them now—not with the red light watching them.

  She raised up on her knees at his urging and then bit her lip as V’rex flipped up the bottom of his crimson-red toga. His shaft was standing straight up against his flat belly, long and hard and throbbing. At the base of it was a swelling which must be a mating fist, since he was half Beast Kindred, she thought. She found Kindred physiology amazing and interesting—though she’d never thought she would have a chance to study it up close like this.

  “Pull yours up too,” V’rex commanded in a low voice. “So I can get inside your tight little pussy, sweetheart.”

  Heart pounding in her throat, Penny did as he said. She was mortified to see that her pussy was both swollen and wet, her honey glistening on her inner folds, which were clearly exposed by the way her outer lips were spread as she straddled him.

  “Gods…” V’rex’s pale gold eyes went half-lidded as he looked between her legs. “Such a soft, sweet little pussy,” he murmured. “Come here, sweetheart. Raise up so I can get inside you.”

  As he spoke, he glanced meaningfully up at the glowing red light again. Penny understood what he meant—they’re wat
ching. So she scooted forward and pressed against him with her breasts thrusting in his face.

  V’rex took himself in hand and for a moment, she felt the broad head of his cock nudging the entrance of her pussy. God, was he really going to enter her? And what could she do to stop him if he decided to do that—to fuck her for real? Penny didn’t know.

  Biting her lip and hoping for the best, she dropped the hem of her toga back down so that it covered both of them. Taking this as his cue, V’rex gripped her hips firmly again, and brought her down, as though easing himself inside her.

  Penny did her best to play her part, closing her eyes as though in ecstasy and moaning as she settled more fully in his lap. Actually, she didn’t have to act very much. She could feel the thick, hot shaft of his cock parting her wet pussy lips and rubbing against the sensitive little button of her clit. The intimate contact shot an unexpected wave of pleasure through her and she had to bite back another moan—this time a real one.

  V’rex was still playing his part to the hilt.

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” he growled, looking into Penny’s eyes. “That’s right—just settle all the way down on me. Gods, your tight little pussy feels so good wrapped around my cock!”

  Penny bit her lip in a mixture of embarrassment and desire. God, she couldn’t believe he was saying all this to her! Couldn’t believe she was half-naked in the big Hybrid’s lap with her pussy spread open by the long shaft of his cock, which was rubbing against her tingling clit! But here she was—pretending to fuck him and be fucked by him and as unbelievable as it was, this was actually happening.

  Then V’rex cupped her breasts again and pulled her gently forward.

  “Ride me, baby,” he murmured, looking into Penny’s eyes. “Ride me while I suck your sweet nipples.”

  Then he drew her right peak into his hot mouth and began, very gently, to suck.


  Penny had been tensed for the pain she was sure would accompany having the thick, sticky nectar drawn out of her breasts…but it never came. She wasn’t sure if it was because V’rex was using some of his lust-honey on her tight, sore nipples to heal them or if it was just that he was being so gentle, but there was no pain at all as he began to suck and swallow, emptying her breasts.

  There was, however, considerable pleasure.

  V’rex took as much of her nipple and breast into his mouth at one time as he could, enveloping her in a haze of sexual desire as he slowly sucked and ground against her. He was cupping her ass in his big hands and thrusting his hips just as though they were really fucking—as though he was actually buried root-deep in her pussy, stretching her wide with his thick shaft and Penny could feel every stroke.

  In actuality, of course, she was just rubbing against him. But the hot friction between her wet, open pussy and his throbbing length was almost more than she could bear. Throwing back her head, she moaned restlessly, shifting her hips to meet his rhythm.

  “Oh…” she gasped as he rubbed against her. “Oh, V’rex… That feels…feels so good.”

  He released the nipple he was sucking for a moment and gave her a hot smile.

  “Of course it does, little girl. It’s s’posed to feel good. Just relax and let yourself ride my cock. Ride me until you come for me—come all over me while I fuck you.”

  His hot, dirty words were almost more than Penny could bear. As he captured her other nipple in his mouth and as the pressure in her breasts decreased, her pleasure grew and grew. Soon she found she was grinding helplessly—shamelessly—against his hot thickness while V’rex gripped her hips and rolled up against her, rubbing against her naked pussy until she thought she was going to go crazy with desire and need…

  I shouldn’t really let myself come though, should I? Penny wondered dazedly. That wouldn’t be right, would it? I mean, we’re just pretending, after all. Just putting on a show so those awful Watchers don’t suspect…

  And then her orgasm was rushing over her like a warm wave, filling her with pleasure and making her gasp his name like a prayer.

  “V’rex! Oh God, V’rex.”

  “Gods, little girl—love to hear you call my name when you come!” he growled and then she felt something hot and wet jetting against her belly and knew that the big Hybrid was coming too.


  When both of them were finished coming, V rose with Penelope still wrapped around him and carried her into the fresher. They both needed to clean up and it was also the best place to discuss escape plans.

  Penny was still panting with the aftermath of her orgasm as she leaned against him. It occurred to V that this was the first time he’d made a female come without stinging her and using his lust-honey. Which was nice, actually—satisfying. And damn if he didn’t love hearing her call his name when she lost control!

  “I…I think you should put me down now.” Penelope’s voice was faint but it was clear she was serious.

  V set her on her feet and watched her anxiously to make sure she didn’t fall over. He had felt the extreme pleasure coming from her during her orgasm and he wanted to make sure she wasn’t too weak in the aftermath to stand.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” he murmured in a low voice.

  “Uh-huh.” Penelope nodded. “Just…that was really intense, that’s all.”

  “For me too,” V admitted. He looked at her intently. “Was it better than when I stung you?”

  “It was…different.” Penelope looked up at him shyly and he could feel her uncertainty. “You had me scared at first. I thought that maybe you were being affected by the Spice? You know—the stuff that circulates through the air here and makes all the males…”

  “Horny all the time?” V finished for her dryly. “Hell yes, the Spice affects me, sweetheart. But not so much that I’d ever hurt you.”

  “I’m glad about that.” She bit her lip. “Thank you for…for helping me with my…” She gestured at her chest. “You know.”

  “With draining the nectar from your breasts?” he asked, frowning. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’m going to be helping you with that for as long as you need me to.”

  “Really?” her eyes widened. “But…don’t you mind?”

  “Do I mind sucking your nipples and handling your beautiful breasts? Hell no, sweetheart.” V couldn’t believe she would even ask him such a thing.

  “But…but the nectar.” She seemed to stumble over the words. “Isn’t it…I mean don’t you find it distasteful to have to…have to suck it out?”

  “Why should I mind? It’s kind of sweet, that’s all.” V shrugged. “And how is drinking your nectar any different from tasting your pussy juices would be?”

  Her face went pink and he felt that same wave of embarrassed desire he’d felt from her the first time he mentioned going down on her.

  “Oh, but…I never asked you to. I would never…” She shook her head, clearly too embarrassed to go on, and looked down at her hands.

  “You wouldn’t have to ask me to, sweetheart,” V growled, lifting her chin to look into her eyes. “It would be my pleasure to lap your sweet little pussy. So if you ever need me to—or just want me to—let me know.”

  He was thinking again about how the “Glorious Leader” had said that females who drank the Mother’s Milk would need male fluids in their pussies. He was hoping that Penelope would come to him and ask for help rather than letting herself be in pain, as she had with her breasts.

  But from the confusion of mixed emotions—shame, desire, need—coming from her, V wasn’t at all sure she would. Clearly she wanted what he was offering but just as clearly she was ashamed to take it. What he couldn’t figure out was why. But since he didn’t feel any pain coming from her at the moment, he decided he could let it go—for now.

  “Maybe we should take a shower,” he told her. “Clean up. We’re both kind of sticky.” He looked down in distaste at the red garment which was stuck to his skin with his seed. Penelope’s wasn’t much better, considering h
ers had both come and nectar soaking it. Good thing they had extras in the closet.

  “That’s a good idea,” she said nodding. “Do you want to go first or should I?”

  “Well, I thought we might take a shower together,” V told her, watching for her reaction. When she started to object he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “And I can tell you my plan to get out of here while the water is running.”

  Of course, there was no watch-light in the fresher so he assumed they were safe. But just to be extra cautious, it couldn’t hurt to have the extra noise of the shower running to obscure their voices.

  Plus, he wanted to see Penelope all wet and rub soap all over her naked, luscious body.

  At last she nodded.

  “I…I guess that would be okay.”

  “Good.” V gave her a half-lidded smile and turned on the shower. “Then let’s get out of these sticky clothes.”


  Penny couldn’t believe she’d agreed to take a shower with the big Hybrid. But then again, she also couldn’t believe that she’d let him suck her breasts and had rubbed off against him to one of the best orgasms of her life. She had been all set to resist him, despite knowing she needed her breasts drained—she had a stubborn streak a mile long, as her mom used to say. But then the big Hybrid had just…taken charge of the situation.

  Which was actually pretty damn sexy.

  She wondered again how much of his behavior had to do with the Spice circulating through the air here in the Compound. V’rex had admitted that it did, indeed, affect him. Was that why he wanted her so badly—was so protective and possessive of her?


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