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Rock Star

Page 10

by Kathi Goldwyn

  “What! What did he do to you?” Mama demanded. Damn, I didn’t mean it like that.

  “Nothing, Mama. It’s just I'm, I think..I’m...falling in love with him.” I took a deep breath. I didn’t know how she was going to react, but I needed her to understand. “He’s so amazing, and we have a ton in common. I think he loves me too, but he has this stupid rule that he doesn’t get involved with his clients. That’s stupid, right?” I looked at Mama, and she seemed startled by my proclamation. I had never come to her like this before. I didn’t know what her reaction would be. I was an adult now. This wasn’t ‘puppy love.’

  “Oh honey, what a mess.” She looked relieved that Hunter hadn’t done anything to me. She spoke quietly, like she might spook me. “Callie, you are so grown up. Did you tell him? Did you confess your feelings?”

  “He knows, Mama, and he’s freaked out. We haven’t talked in a couple of days. He’s ignoring me right now. But I know he’s got feelings for me. He’s mad at himself for touching me.” That’s about as far as I was willing to go. I heard Mama suck in some air, a small gasp inbecause. It was the first time we’d had a heart-to-heart like this.

  “Okay then, explain the problem to me. If he loves you, why is he ignoring you?” Mama looked at me with her eyebrows pulled up towards her scalp.

  “Mama, he doesn’t want to have feelings for me. Isn't that how things always go?” I pouted. I was so mad at him and his lame rule. How could he keep shutting me out? I was right here, motherfucker. I guessed I was angrier than I thought. Why couldn’t he forget about that fucking rule so we could just be happy? To me, it was as simple as that.

  “Darlin, you need to give him time to figure things out for himself. Stop being a pouty little girl and let him breathe. Us women, sometimes we want things too quick. We demand it. But it’s not really how to get what you want. Be patient, honey. I bet he comes around on his own.” I knew what she meant and nodded.

  “Yeah, I guess. I know you’re right, but why can’t I have everything I want?” I chuckled and Mama did too. Pretty soon, we were both giggling like two young girls. I was so glad she was here. My mom was the best.

  After that, we had a wonderful time. Mama caught me up on all the juicy gossip around the neighborhood, our family, and what she and Daddy had been doing while I was gone. Apparently, they had been getting along really well, enjoying their time together. It felt so good to spend time with her, and the minutes slipped by so fast that soon Daddy was back, and we had to prepare for tonight.

  I needed to get ready for my show, go warm up my voice and tune my guitar. So, I got up, “I’ll see you on stage,” I smiled as I headed towards the door.

  Mama gave me one of her signature hugs. It made me feel all gooey, and I relaxed in her arms. She was probably right about the whole Hunter thing. I decided to back off and relax about him, see if that brought him around. As I was about to leave, I whispered, “Thanks Mama.”

  Mama was always right, and I was sure she was right about this, too.

  Chapter 24


  The show was amazing tonight! The band played all their new stuff, and the crowd went insane. I stood with Callie’s parents on the side of the stage, and it was incredible to watch them soaking up the moment. I thought this was the best show we’d had the entire tour. We rocked out together, and, as the kids say, they were “hella cool.” The place was sold out, SRO, standing room only. When Callie started singing ‘Rock Star,’ the crowd jumped to their feet and sang along. The Doves got a standing ovation at the end of the night. Honestly, it couldn’t have gone any better.

  Wow! I was so impressed. Their music kept growing. The crowd appreciated their talent and stamped their feet on the shiny, wood floor. Her parents were all smiles. They sang along with the songs they knew. Her father even took her mom in his arms and danced cheek to cheek with her on the slower songs. He embraced her sweetly, as they moved in a small circle during ‘First Love.’

  I thought that was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. Was that what true love looked like?

  It made me sigh wistfully. I thought Callie and I could have that. It was what I wanted, that’s for damn sure. If she weren’t my client, I would already be dreaming of marriage and kids. Her brother Gaby was adorable. I’d gotten to meet him before we left the hotel with a nanny for hire. I drove her parents to the show, and Callie went with Ted and Marko. I could see how Bob and Keri kept her grounded, and she might need that right now. When you were on the brink of success, you needed people around you that knew you to the core, people who knew you from the very beginning. People like Ted and Marko.

  I started thinking about my no-touch policy for clients. It had worked like a charm for me all these years. Until recently, that is. Now, it was a whole different story. This attraction to Callie was not going to go away. We were soul connected. I just had to figure out what I wanted to do. What I needed to say. I knew she was pissed at me. She wouldn’t even look at me. “Argh!” I silently screamed.

  For the last couple of days, I had stayed to myself, ignoring her. But I could feel myself wearing down. I couldn’t stay away much longer; I was going to explode. She was mine, goddamnit, and she knew it. Didn't she? If there was any confusion, it was my fault and I needed to clear it up ASAP. I needed to tell her she had captured my heart. She had to know we were meant for each other. Oh shit, I really hoped I hadn’t waited too long. I tried to reel it all back in, but my emotions were flying away from me. I couldn’t go on like this without some show of commitment.

  Bob and Keri were standing for the final song of the night. They had tears glistening in their eyes. Her father brushed his away with his shoulder, but Keri took out a little hankie from her hip pocket and blew her nose. They were hidden from view where they stood off to the left, I was the only one watching them. I felt like I was intruding on a private moment, their emotions flying high, but I hoped they didn’t mind. They obviously loved their talented daughter. They must be extremely proud of her right now. She had ‘star’ written across her in bright lights.

  When the last fan had a CD stuffed away, and Callie had signed every single one of them, I took her to the side by her elbow. I whispered, “Callie, you were amazing tonight. I’m so proud of you and the Doves!” I picked her up off the floor and twirled us both around and around. Callie giggled and hugged on tight to my shoulders. I put her back down but kept hold of her waist.

  I looked deeply in her glittering, blue eyes and said, “I love you.”

  Relief flooded my bloodstream. I finally told her smack dab in the middle of her successful night. I knew she couldn’t turn her back on me. She grabbed me and held me closely, “Hunter, I love you, too.” Her arms snaked around my neck, and I bent to kiss her. When we pulled away from the smexy kiss, we exchanged broad smiles. Callie’s eyes sparkled brighter than ever. We knew that tonight was going to be awesome. Not only did we kill it at the club, but we had now declared our love for each other, and it would change our lives forever.

  Callie turned towards her parents and asked, “So we don’t have to keep it a secret?” There was a wistfulness in her voice that I hadn’t heard before. She looked hopeful, as I took in her beautiful face, I said,“No babe, no secret. You can tell anyone you want.” with a grin. I thought it was the right thing for us. All along, I knew she was right. We belonged together, no matter what. I’d fight tooth and nail if anyfuckingone wanted to disagree with me. I was so proud to be by her side, and I just didn’t care about my ‘rule’ anymore. These past couple of days without her had been horrifying, and I wouldn’t go another night without her in my arms. Nothing and no one were going to stand in our way. Not now, not ever.

  I watched as Callie ran to her mother and flung her arms around her. She whispered something in her ear, and her mom took a peek over her shoulder at me and gave me a huge grin. I’ve got to say her mother was beautiful, in that older woman way. She kept herself tight, and I knew I was looking into the future and what Callie wou
ld look like someday. We were going to ride this life together, wherever it took us, Callie would always be by my side. I was elated. Coming clean had given me such a sense of freedom. I could finally breathe and took in a deep, cleansing breath.

  I gave Callie and her mom a few minutes alone, then strolled up to them casual-like. I shook her father’s hand, and her mom, Keri, looked up at me. She pulled me into a sweet hug and whispered in my ear.

  “Honey, I’m so happy about your news,”

  Bob asked,“What’s this? What news?” He was looking between Callie and me, his brow furrowed in confusion.

  “Oh Daddy, Hunter and I are in love.” Callie looked so happy. Her cheeks were rosy, pink, and she had a huge grin plastered across that pretty face.

  Bob said, “I guess congratulations are in order? I’m happy, peanut, if you’re happy.” Then he looked around and saw that Ted and Marko were finished packing up for the night. “Hey, let me take everyone out! My treat.” We all cheered.

  “Daddy, I’m paying. I insist.” Callie stood next to her father, grabbing hold of his arm. “Remember?”

  “We’ll see, honey. We’ll see,” Bob said with a smile. Yeah, that man was never going to let that happen.

  I knew it was going to be a great night for all of us. We had many things to celebrate. I decided not to get involved with this standoff between father and daughter.

  Afterall, my ride or die was by my side, and I was content in a way I had never felt before. And that was all that mattered.

  Chapter 25


  Dearest Callie[SO20]

  You looked beautiful tonight.


  Chapter 26


  Tonight, was spectacular. Our show was the best one yet, and Mom and Dad were there to witness our success. Matter of fact, we fucking killed it. Ted and Marko were totally on their game. The downbeat was perfect, and I thought we hit all the right notes. The crowd loved our new stuff, and, when the intro to ‘Rock Star,’ played, they got to their feet, and sang with me. All my dreams were coming true. Hunter was right there on the stage with Mama and Daddy, and he looked so happy I forgot all about our fight.

  He took me in his arms and said those magical words that made everything perfect. I played it over in my head on repeat, “I love you.” Daddy took us all out for a late dinner and drinks. We had a blast, laughing late into the night. We went to a local steakhouse and ordered huge platters of food.

  “I saw the ratings on Zagat's, this place has hundreds of five-star reviews. Everyone, get what you want.” Daddy was so generous with my friends and me. I couldn’t wait to take my first bite of seared ribeye. I was starving.

  “Yum, Daddy, this is the best steak I’ve ever had!” I looked at my father. He was totally in his element, sitting at the head of the table. This, right here, was our family.

  Ted and Marko dug in, and Mama said,“I’m so happy we could join you, honey. I loved seeing you perform.” Then the table fell silent as we attacked our steaks.

  When we got back to the hotel, Ted and Marko gave me hugs. Ted said, “Callie, you were amazing tonight,” and Marko nodded. I loved these two like brothers, and it made me feel so good to get their support. It meant the world to me.

  “You guys were incredible!” I gushed, hoping they understood how deeply I meant every word.

  Mama and Daddy went to their room to take over Gaby’s care, and Hunter and I went off to my room to finally have some alone time. As soon as I pushed the door closed, Hunter was all over me.

  “Come here Callie girl, I need you,” he whispered.

  He dragged me to the bed and impatiently ripped off my clothes. I couldn’t wait for him to sink into me; to be joined together in flesh and in spirit. I worked on getting him naked. I was so eager to see his hot body! The muscles under his smooth skin felt sexy as my fingertips travelled over his chest, up his back and down to his ass. My hands skipped along his six pack, and I marveled at the contours of his gorgeous muscle-bound body. My desire for burned deep inside my chest. I could feel my love for him grow, my heart keened, boom boom boom .

  Hunter stood up to pulled the rest of his clothes off. When we were both naked, he rolled me over on my stomach and I felt his fingertips skimming over my skin, down my back, over my ass and down my legs and back up to my spine, where he softly kissed the small of my back. I felt the weight of his body, and I knew in that moment he owned me.

  “You are mine, Callie girl,” Hunter whispered as he flipped me over, our fronts fusing together, sizzling ecstasy rushing through me, as our flesh melded together. I reached around and grabbed his hard ass in my hands and dragged him sharply against me.

  “You are mine, Hunter,” I growled in his ear, feeling insanely possessive.

  Hunter pulled up on his elbows and looked me passionately in the eyes with his burning orbs. Then he kissed me, a long, luxurious kiss, his lips merging hotly with mine. Our tongues tangled together, and I felt all swoony and so turned on, my juices flowed.

  “You are so beautiful,” Hunter whispered between kisses. He worshipped my body. I couldn’t get enough of those luscious lips and arched my back into him.

  “I want you. Don’t make me wait,” I giggled, kissing him some more.

  “I want you to fall apart for me first.” Hunter started kissing down my body. He snagged a nipple and sucked gently while looking deeply in my eyes. Then he travelled down the length of my body, stopping to spread my thighs.

  “Gorgeous, Callie girl,” I felt his tongue swirling around my clit, his fingers playing me like a fiddle. He slammed two inside as my hips bucked up. He pumped in and out, I felt myself tighten and blow clean apart as my orgasm lifted me clear off the bed, screaming loudly, my back bowing upwards.

  I yelled, “Hunter!” before I finally fell back down to the bed, my body going completely limp. I felt like a pile of goo.

  He swept the hair off my face and sweetly kissed my lips. Then he laid down and pulled me to his shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his waist, sighing in contentment. This was where I wanted to be, to live in his arms forever.

  “You are amazing,” I whispered, relaxing completely.

  “Baby, I love being with you,” Hunter groaned in my ear. “You make me so happy.”

  “I want more.” I smiled into his neck, his intoxicating smell taking over my senses. The scent of the ocean swirled around me leaving me breathless.

  “Oh, we’ve just begun,” Hunter growled.

  My breathing finally under control, I slid my hands over his body and kissed my way down to his hard cock. He was long and thick, and it made me salivate. I slipped the mushroom-cap head into my mouth tasting his own special flavor. Hunter, slowly rocked his hips, sliding in and out of my mouth. I looked up into his eyes, and he whispered,“Girl, I want to come inside your hot bod.” he pulled away, grabbed a condom, and rolled it down his hard length. I could hardly wait for our bodies to fuse together to become one.

  “Don’t make me wait.” I urged him to move faster, but Hunter was on his own timetable. He slowly slid over and laid on top of me. I felt his hard dick gradually pushing inside. We held each other’s eyes as he entered me, sliding until he bottomed out. For a moment, he stopped, like he was trying to take it all in. Then he pumped into me and said,“I’m gonna fuck you hard, girl.” I nodded emphatically. All I wanted was to fuck his brains out. “You ready?”

  “Come on then,” He started pounding into me like his life depended on it. I was crazy for this man. I felt complete, having his dick inside me, and responded by bucking my hips wildly. It sent me into overdrive. I grabbed hold tight to his hips, and we crashed against each other repeatedly.

  Hunter roared my name as he came at the same moment, I screamed his.

  I had arrived at the pearly gates of Heaven.

  Life was perfect.

  Chapter 27


  Pulling my hair out, I paced the room.

and forth, back and forth.

  I was aggravated. Too much time.

  Time that passed while I paced.

  Back and forth.

  I watched her take the stairs. She looked so happy, skipping up the steps.

  I grabbed pen and paper, careful to write in legible script. Must have something to anchor me.

  I felt like I was losing my mind.

  Chapter 28


  It was an incredible night for everyone. The show was an enormous success and hanging out with Callie’s parents had been a blast. Bob took us all out for a late dinner and drinks. Good friends and tasty food. Her mom pulled me aside, at one point.

  “Hunter, I understand that you and Callie are an item now.” She gave me a bright smile, so I felt safe in assuming she was cool with us being together.

  “Yes. I love her, I really do.” I gave her a reassuring smile. I was so happy she was on board, by the tone of her voice, I could tell she was happy for us.

  “Don’t hurt her. That’s all I’ve got to say. Don’t hurt my baby. Understand?” Her mom’s voice had taken on a grave tone, and her expression was serious.

  “I have no intention of hurting her. Honestly, if anyone tries to hurt her, I’ll beat his ass.” I meant it to the bone. Reassured, she gave me a hug and we joined the rest of the party.

  Bob raised a glass.

  “Here’s to Callie and the Turtledoves!” We all clinked our glasses and knocked back our drinks. This was one of the happiest moments of my life, when I watched my true love blush and drink from her glass of champagne. I could tell she was over-the-moon happy. She was ecstatic and that’s what was important.

  After we refilled our glasses, Callie stood up with her champagne held highin the air, “Here’s to Mom and Dad closing on their dream home!” We all clinked our glasses again and cheered for her parents. Happiness emanated from everyone. “Congrats Daddy, on your promotion!”


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