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The Omega Became My Equal

Page 3

by Breanna Mills

  "And that's what happened," I said finishing the story. I waited for him to say something, anything but he was silent. After a few minutes he finally spoke.

  "He deserves to pay for what he did to you."

  "It's okay. It could have been worse," I said trying to reassure him.

  "No it's not! He's an arrogant son of a bitch and he hurt you. On top of that he wants our pack. He can't get away with this!"

  His wolf was surfacing and as his alpha I had to take control. I didn't need him getting hurt because of me.

  "Calm down Chasin. That's an order. I'm your alpha and you will do as I say. Yes he's a jerk and he deserves to pay but I will handle it."

  He took some deep breathes and started to calm down.

  "I'm sorry. I just can't believe he would take advantage of you like that. You didn't deserve it."

  "I know, but I'll survive. My main concern is the pack." "You need to go to the alpha and tell him about it. It's the only way. At least then everyone can be prepared if he tries anything," I sighed. I knew he was right but I didn't want to face my dad.

  End of Flashback

  I told my dad everything the next day. He wasn't upset or disappointed. Instead he was proud of me for coming to him. I put the safety of my pack first and to him that was what was important. That same night I got a letter from Michael saying that it wasn't over and he knew I still wanted him. He vowed to get my pack one way another. Either I go back to him and hand it over willingly or he would take it by force. Neither of those were an option. My dad called a pack meeting and informed them that Valley Moonstone pack was now an enemy. He increased training sessions and border patrol taking every precaution. That was a year ago. Things had been quite ever since with the exception of the occasional phone call which I ignored. I had almost forgotten about his threats, until now.

  "Call an emergency pack meeting."

  "Yes Alpha."


  Lindsey An hour later everyone had gathered for the meeting. I stood on the platform overlooking the crowd trying to push the idea that I was the reason they were in danger out of my mind. I knew I wasn't to blame. Nevertheless there was no denying that I let my guard down and that was a mistake. A mistake that I now was paying the price.

  "I've called you all here because the beta of the Valley Moonstone pack has been spotted around the territory." I heard gasps as people started to panic. There were shocked expressions on their faces and urgent whispers. As alpha I had to reassure them that I could protect them.

  "Everyone calm down. I know this may be a little unnerving but everything will be fine. Nothing has happened yet and I assure you nothing will as long as I can help it. I simply want you all to be on alert and trust no outsiders. I have no idea what they are planning and even though they haven't made a move yet it doesn't mean that they won't. Now is not the time for slip ups or mistakes so I need you all to be careful. I value each and every one of your lives and I don't want anyone taking any unnecessary risks that can cause you to lose them. Border patrols have already been increased and Falcon and I will have a plan in place in case of a sneak attack. Any information that anyone has would be highly appreciated other than that you are all dismissed."

  Everyone disbanded and I made my way into the pack house. I had school to tomorrow and I was drained from everything going on.

  "Alpha Lindsey wait," I heard someone call. I turned around and saw Chasin running to catch up to me.

  "Can we talk?" he asked.

  I didn't need to ask what about as I nodded and motioned for him to follow me. We went up to the office where I knew we wouldn't be disturbed.

  "So he's up to something?" he asked once I closed the door.

  "I'm not sure but it looks that way," I told him taking my seat behind the desk. "Are you okay?" he asked full of concern.

  "Yeah I'm fine." From the expression on his face I knew he didn't believe me.

  "You don't still feel guilty do you? You know none of this is your fault right?"

  His questions caught me off guard because he was dead on as usual. There was no point in lying to him when he picked up on the smallest of emotions.

  "I know. But I can't help it. How would feel if you were me?"

  I wanted him to understand where I was coming from. That I held the lives of many in the palm of my hand including his. They all depended on me.

  "If I were you?" he said raising an eyebrow. I nodded for him to go on wanting to get his perspective. "If I were you I'd be angry, pissed even, but not at myself. I'd want his head on a silver platter for what he did. Hell I want that now and he didn't do anything to me. My soul purpose would be to hunt him down and destroy him before he hurt anyone else, but that's me. You on the other hand, you're different. You've never been one for revenge and I wouldn't want that to change. You plan things and get the job done with the least amount of damage to others and I admire that. It’s what makes you a good leader."

  Something inside me swelled with pride but I assumed it was because he respected me as a leader. "I guess so. But your way sounds so much more satisfying," I told him. We both burst out laughing and it was nice to take my mind of things. Even if it was only for a minute.

  "Anyway what brought you here? I know it wasn't to make me feel better," I asked once we calmed down.

  "That was only part of the reason. I was kind of hoping for a favor."

  "What kind of favor?" I asked suspiciously. "I thought over what you said about me being able to move up to the average class and I was hoping you could train me," he said giving me a determined look. I knew how much he wanted to be treated like everyone else and I was glad he took my advice. I knew he would work really hard to be put into the average class.

  "I think that's great. Sure I’ll help you. That is if you think you can keep up," I said teasingly.

  "I may be an omega, but don't underestimate me. I might surprise you with how well I keep up." His voice dropped a few octaves and became deep and husky. When he said those words I felt something stir inside me. It felt like lust but that wasn't possible. I wasn't attracted to him. I couldn't be. Sure we teased each other every now and again and I admit we did have an interesting relationship for an alpha and omega, but it was because we were friends. I shook my head to clear those thoughts from my mind and stood up to shake his hand.

  "Well Mr. Omega you got yourself a trainer."

  Chasin When the meeting was called I knew something had to be wrong. She would never call an emergency meeting unless there was danger or a death. I ran to the area behind the pack house as fast as I could. There she was standing on the platform about to make her speech. It always amazed to see her standing there in control. Not many females could handle being an alpha but one look at her and no one would dare question if she deserved it.

  I listened to her speak and I had to try really hard to control myself. That ass of an alpha had his beta snooping around and it didn't sit right with me. I've never wished more than I had at that moment that I was stronger so I could end his pathetic life. I knew I wouldn't stand a chance against him since I was an omega but it didn't matter. I would gladly take the risk if I ever saw him. It would be worth it, especially if it meant keeping her safe. Right then I knew I was going to take her advice. Work hard so that I could train with the average class. I didn't know what the end result would be or if it was even possible for an omega to move up but I was sure as hell going to try.

  "Alpha Lindsey wait," I called running to catch up with her. I had to call her by her formal title. At least in public.

  "Can we talk?" I asked her once she turned around. I could tell she already knew what about as she motioned me to follow her. She led me upstairs to her office and closed the door.

  "So he's up to something?" I asked getting to the point.

  "I'm not sure but it looks that way," she said taking her seat behind her desk. I looked at her and could tell she was stressed and worried. She tried to hide her emotions but I always knew. It was
like I had sixth sense when it came to her. One of the reasons females weren't taken seriously as alphas was because they were thought to be too emotional and couldn't handle the position. She didn't want to be thought of that way so she tried to mask her feelings like a male alpha would. But she couldn’t hide them from me, never from me.

  "Are you okay?" I asked concerned. "Yeah I'm fine." I knew she was lying. I could tell by the way she said fine. Her voice would always rise a couple pitches when she was lying. I wonder if she knew that.

  "You don't still feel guilty do you? You know none of this is your fault." I knew she hated she ever got involved with him. She felt like she put the pack in danger and obviously she never stopped blaming herself. She let her guard down, she made a mistake getting involved with the wrong person. No one was perfect and she needed to learn to forgive herself and let it go.

  "I know but I can't help it. How would you feel if you were me?" she asked.

  "If I were you?" I said a little shocked that she wanted my opinion. She nodded for me to continue. "If I were you I'd be angry, pissed even, but not at myself. I'd want his head on a silver platter for what he did. Hell I want that now and he didn't do anything to me. My soul purpose in life would be to hunt him down and destroy him before he hurt anyone else, buts that's me. You on the other hand are different. You've never been one for revenge and I wouldn't want that to change. You plan things and get the job done with the least amount of damage to others and I admire that. It’s what makes you a good leader," I told her truthfully.

  She wasn't cold and ruthless. She was fair and compassionate. It’s what I liked about her. She didn't treat others like they were beneath her. She was in her office having a conversation with an omega for goodness-sake.

  "I guess so. But your way sounds so much more satisfying." I laughed and she laughed with me. It was good to see her relax.

  "Anyway what brought you here? I knew it wasn't to make me feel better," she said once we both calmed down.

  "That was only part of the reason. I was kind of hoping for a favor."

  "What kind of favor?" she said suspiciously.

  I almost smirked and said something highly inappropriate but I fought the urge.

  "I thought about what you said about me moving into the average class. I was hoping you could train me," I said seriously.

  I wanted her to see how determined I was and that I wasn't playing around. "I think that's great. Sure I ’ll help you. That is if you think you can keep up,” she said teasingly. Something about the way she said that came across to me as a challenge.

  "I might be an omega, but don't underestimate me. I might surprise you with how well I keep up." She looked shocked by my word choice and I saw a flicker of emotion pass quickly before she masked it. It looked like lust but that couldn't be. She would never go for someone like me. She shook her head and stood up to shake my hand.

  "Well Mr. Omega you got yourself a trainer."

  CHAPTER 7 Lindsey

  As soon as I touched his hand to seal the deal I got a weird tingling sensation. I was like I felt small shock waves beneath my skin. I pulled away quickly and gave him a confused look.

  "So um I'll see you around," I said nervously.

  "I guess so," he said giving me a puzzled look. I could tell he wanted to say something else but he walked out closing the door.

  "What the hell was that?" I thought to myself sitting down. I quickly finished up and went upstairs to my room. Clearly lack of sleep was making things weird around here. The next morning I woke up and did my routine after getting some breakfast and heading to school. The first person I ran into just happened to be Kasey.

  "Hey Kasey," I said greeting her.

  "Her girl what's up?"

  "Nothing really," I said shrugging putting my backpack in my locker.

  "How is life as an alpha treating you?" she asked.

  We hadn't really had much time to talk since my dad left and I knew she was concerned about me since the pack meeting.

  "Fine" I said nonchalantly.

  I knew what she really wanted to ask me. I was just waiting on her to come out and say it.

  "Come on Lindsey you know what I mean."

  "Everything is fine."

  "Really?" she said giving me a questioning look.

  Just like Chasin she had a way of seeing right through me. "Yep," I said popping the p.

  She pulled me to the said away from the crowd.

  "I know you're not fine. The fact that his beta has been seen around here has to bother you. Talk to me."

  "There is nothing to talk about. I've taken all the necessary precautions and when the time comes I will deal with him. I felt guilty at first but I don't anymore."

  She gave me a confused look before turning it into a smirk.

  "You talked to Chasin didn't you?" she said excitedly.

  "What? I have no idea what you're talking about."

  "Come on Lindsey I know you. You would have still been beating yourself up and running border patrol like crazy working yourself to the ground if you hadn't."

  She knew me too well. No one else besides her knew about me and Chasin's little chats and even she didn't know about most of them. “ Okay fine. He came to the office last night to ask about some extra training and he just flat out asked me how I was. No big deal." She squealed and I shushed her. She would draw attention as loud as she was.

  "I knew it. You're always more relaxed after you talk to him. That is so sweet he was concerned. He so has a major crush on you!"

  “Will you stop saying that? We're just friends."

  Something about saying those words didn't sit right with me but I wasn't about to tell her that. She would only say I liked him too and that was just, no.

  "Whatever. Anyway what do you want to do for your birthday?" she said smiling.

  My eighteenth birthday was in a few days and that's also when I was supposed to meet my mate.

  "I don't know. I really haven't thought about it," I told her honestly. It was true. Apart from the whole mate thing and me becoming an adult I really didn't know how I wanted to celebrate.

  "Are you kidding me? You haven't thought about it?" she said outraged. I just shrugged and shook my head.

  "Well you have to have a party. You're turning eighteen it's a must so don't even try to talk your way out of it." I internally groaned. I didn't want some huge party but there was no other way then over the top when it came to Kasey.

  The bell rang and we both headed off to class. I went and sat in my usual seat. Chasin showed up a little late as usual but no one said anything since the lecture was just starting. Same old routine.

  When school was over I headed home. We had training in an hour but I felt like starting a little early. For some reason I was a little one edge. I almost had a heart attack when I walked out onto the training field. Chasin was there throwing punches and kicks at a heavy bag. Sweat was glistening all over his body and he seemed lost in thought. I could feel the slight drool roll down my chin snapping me out of my daze. To say I was embarrassed would be an understatement. I was thankful he was too busy to notice me.

  "Need a partner?" I said bravely walking over. "I see my personal trainer has arrived," he said smirking. I had to resist the urge to squeeze my thighs together at the sound of his voice. What the hell was wrong with me? It was just Chasin.

  "Uh yeah. So where do you want to start?"

  "You're the teacher. I'll follow your lead alpha," he said giving me a mock bow. I couldn't help but laugh at his playful demeanor.

  "Alright let's start with something simple. How about you go on the offense and I'll show you where you're going wrong with your technique." He nodded and ready himself. I did the same going into defense mode. He came at me and I easily dodged him. It went on that way for an hour until we both were out of breath.

  "Not bad. But you need to work on your foot work. You have good technique but you're making a lot of simple mistakes," I informed him.

; I showed him a few things and he nodded his head in understanding. Then Mark and the others begin to show up for the real session. Everyone broke into groups and got started. I looked over at Chasin and saw he was working really hard to take my advice. We went for a run to close out the session. When we were done I went to make sure the borders were secure.

  "Alpha your father is on the phone," Falcon informed me. True to his word my father had been calling every day to check on things. I didn't tell him about what was going on with the Valley Moonstone pack because I didn't want him to feel he had to rush back when nothing had happened yet. I also didn't want him to think I couldn't handle things on my own. He trusted me with this position and I wasn't going to screw it up.

  "Thanks I'll take it in the office," I told him. The conversation didn't last long. He basically asked how things were going and how I was handling things to which I replied everything was fine. My mom told me how she hated that she was going to miss my birthday but I told her she had nothing to feel guilty about. I ate dinner then went to my room. I took a shower and it wasn’t long before I was falling asleep, trying to put all thoughts of Chasin and the enemy pack out of my mind.

  Chasin When our hands touched I felt something, almost like small shocks. They were like nothing I had ever felt. She pulled her hand away quickly which let me know she must have felt something too.

  "So um I'll see you around," she said nervously.

  "I guess so," I said giving her a puzzled look. I wanted to ask her why she was so nervous but decided against it. I walked out of her office and closed her door all the while trying to figure out what all of this could mean. I wasn't stupid. You were only supposed to get those types of tingles from your mate. I was already eighteen but if my mate wasn't yet that would explain why I haven't found her. Lindsey wouldn't be eighteen for a few more days. I shook my head reminding myself not to think of her in that way and not to get my hopes up.


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