The Omega Became My Equal

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The Omega Became My Equal Page 4

by Breanna Mills

  There was no way Lindsey could be my mate. She was an alpha for goodnesssake. I knew I had feelings for her, I probably always would, but being mated to her was just too ludicrous to even think about. Why would the Moon Goddess pair the two of us together when we were from two different worlds? It just wouldn't make any sense. Lindsey was just too far out of my league. But a guy could dream couldn't he? And that's exactly what I did.

  The next morning I did my thing and went to school after eating some breakfast. I was glad that I didn't have to worry about doing too much through the weekdays since I was still in school. The asses in the pack pretty much had to fend for themselves until the weekend since the alpha insisted that I needed time to study like everyone else. Yes there was the laundry and things of that nature left to do, light cleaning and such, but the older female omegas took care of most of that. I pitched in occasionally to help them out but I mostly did repairs, worked the movie theater and cleaned the pool, things of that nature. It sucked having to clean up after awesome parties you weren't invited to but what the hell, it was life. At least through the week I got to relax a little.

  I walked into Mr. Chancellor's class almost late as usual. Normally I would have did something to piss him off even more. He was an arrogant jerk and the worst he could do was chew me out and give me detention. Today I just wasn’t in the mood. I took my seat and tried not to stare at Lindsey who seemed to be focused and really into the lecture as usual. The bell rang too quickly for my liking and the rest of the day was pretty boring. My last class was gym and since the teacher was absent it was a free period.

  I decided to make the best of my time and headed home to start training early. I was determined to prove my worth in this pack and what better way than to step my game up on the field. Besides I was on edge and I needed to release some stress. I still couldn't believe that beta was lurking around. It pissed me off to even think of Lindsey being in danger. She had already been through enough. I was also was thinking about the pack and what could happen if there was an attack. Everyone knew that a pack was only as strong as its weakest link and in this case it was me and the rest of the omegas. If I could move up maybe I could motivate them as well. The Valley Moonstone wouldn't stand a chance. I took out the heavy bag and started throwing punch after punch landing a kick here and there. It felt good to know that I could at least visualize killing that alpha, even if I didn't stand a chance against him in reality. I was in the zone when I sensed a presence, her presence.

  "Need a partner?" I heard her say after a few minutes passed. "I see my personal trainer has arrived," I said smirking. It was fun to tease her every once in a while even though I couldn't have her.

  "Uh yeah. So where do you want to start?" she sounded nervous and I found that amusing.

  "You're the teacher. I'll follow your lead alpha," I said giving her a mock bow. I knew it would make her laugh and I lived for the sound of that laugh. The smile on her face was just as priceless.

  "Alright let's start with something simple. How about you go on the offense and I'll show you where you're going wrong with your technique." I nodded then readied myself getting into an offensive position. She was strong and I had to show her that I wasn't taking this lightly. I came at her and she easily dodged. I couldn't help but admire her technique. It went on like that for hours until we both passed out.

  "Not bad. But you need to work on your foot work. You have good technique but you're making a lot of simple mistakes," she informed me. She demonstrated a few things and I knew what she was saying was true so I nodded in agreement. There were a couple of times I might have been able to get closer to her if I was more focused. I made a mental note and decided that I was going to work twice as hard and take her advice. Then Mark and the others begin to show up for the real session. Everyone broke into groups and got started. I was paired up with another male omega that I could have easily taken down but I took the opportunity to work on my foot work like she told me. It worked like a charm, he couldn't lay a hand on me. By the time I made it back I was drained. I took a shower and ate. Before I knew it I was out.

  CHAPTER 8 Lindsey

  "Wake up chick it's your birthday!" Kasey said jumping up and down on my bed. I groaned and she pulled the covers off of me. "Come on get ready. We have to go to school and then shopping for your party. This is going to be awesome I can't wait until tonight," she excitedly. I couldn't help but smile she was so happy.

  "Okay, okay I'm up," I said laughing.

  "Good. I didn't want to have to take drastic measures," she said giving me an evil grin. I shuddered at the thought. She poured freezing cold water on me that last time I refused to get up. I might be warm blooded but it sucked being woken up that way. I practically jumped out of my skin.

  "Oh before I forget, part one of your birthday present," she said handing me a bag. “Y ou know you didn't have to get me anything," I told her truthfully. I didn't like when people spent money on me. I knew not everyone was as fortunate as me so I hated when people bought me things I could have easily bought myself. It just seemed unfair. Besides the party was enough.

  "I know but I wanted to. You have to look cute today and I know you would have just threw on something plain hiding that amazing body that makes us all jealous," she said sighing.

  "Oh please Kasey not this conversation again," I said rolling my eyes. She never gave herself enough credit when it came to her looks. She was really beautiful I just wished she saw it. I only hoped that when she found her mate he could make her see reason.

  "Alright just open it." I opened the bag and pulled out a skirt and top. "No, no, no Kasey I can't wear this." The skirt was yellow and a little too short for my liking. It would have been cute if only she bought the rest of it. The top was white and would have been a tube top if not for the one shoulder strap. It wasn't too bad just not my taste.

  "You can and you will birthday girl. Now get a move on before we're late," she said walking out the door.

  I grabbed everything I needed and cursed her as I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and start my routine. When I was done I put on the wretched outfit and looked into the mirror. Just as I suspected the skirt was short and a bit tight drawing attention to my hips and the shirt was clinging to my chest for dear life. I gave a sigh and started to curl my hair before I put on some white and yellow wedges to match. I put on a little lip gloss and a touch of mascara not wanting to overdo it since make up literally made me cringe. I grabbed my bag and was about to toss my phone inside when it rang.

  "Happy Birthday!" both my parents screamed from the other end. I couldn't help but laugh they really were one of a kind.

  "Thanks guys," I said smiling.

  "You’re welcome baby girl it was the least we could do since we can't be there with you," my dad said. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

  "It's okay Dad. I'm fine. I'm just glad you guys didn't forget," I joked trying to lighten the mood.

  "How could we forget? We love you so much honey and we miss you. Our baby girl is all grown up now," my mom said and I could tell she was crying.

  "Mom really it's okay. Dad help me out here," I whined and he burst out laughing.

  "See sweetie she's not that grown up," he said to my mother and I could hear the playfulness in his tone. It made her laugh though so it was worth it.

  "I am grown up Daddy. I'm legal now."

  "Whatever you say sweetheart. Anyway we did get you a gift and it should arrive later on today. Let us know when you get it should be sometime after school."

  "Okay I will. Thanks you guys love you."

  "We love you too." I hung up and tossed the phone into my bag and headed down stairs to meet Kasey. "Wow you look hot," she said examining my outfit. "Yeah thanks. Next time don't shop in the toddler section or at least buy the rest of the outfit before leaving the store."

  "Whatever its perfect now come on we're going to be late." I grabbed my keys and we hopped into my car. We stopped at McDonald's on the
before we finally made to school right before the bell rang for first period. I had just enough time to quickly go to my locker and head to class without being late. I went in and took my usual seat. The bell rang and the lecture started. I couldn't help but notice that Chasin was missing. I don't know why but him not being there just made things seem off.

  Guys kept hitting on me all day long and I kept brushing them off. I just couldn't shake the feeling of missing seeing Chasin's face as the day seemed to drag on. I could tell that Kasey wanted to ask what was bothering me but I was glad she didn't. I really couldn't explain it. When school was over we went to the mall as planned. I didn't want to go but she insisted that I had to be drop dead gorgeous for the party later.

  "You could meet your mate tonight," she said trying to put me in a better mood. It worked since it made my wolf stir. She wanted her mate and the idea of finally meeting him made her purr with excitement.

  For hours Kasey dragged me to store after store. Finally we reached the last one.

  "We're going to find it here I just know it," she said grabbing my hand.

  "Then why didn't we start here," I said sarcastically.

  "Stop being such a sour puss and come on." We went inside and started looking around. I roamed the racks not finding anything I liked. Everything was quite until I heard her scream bloody murder from the other side of the store. I ran as quickly as I could prepared for the worst.

  "What's wrong," I asked frantically when I saw nothing out of the ordinary. Even the humans were looking at her like she had lost her mind.

  "This is it. The perfect dress. You have to try it on," she said shoving it in my hands and pushing me to the dressing room.

  "Seriously. You screamed like that for a dress? I thought you were being attacked. I should kill you, you almost gave me a heart attack."

  "Yeah, yeah later just get it on." I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time that day and stormed inside the dressing room cursing her once again. Why oh why was my best friend nuts? I stripped and pulled on the dress and looked into the mirror. I had to admit it was beautiful. It was bluish green, the same color as Chasin's eyes. For some reason that made me smile. It had gold designs and the length was to about the same as the skirt I had been wearing but for some reason I didn't mind. It was like it was made for me the way it hugged my body.

  "Lindsey I'm getting old here," Kasey said from outside the door. I walked out and she squealed.

  "I knew it was the one. You're going to turn heads tonight," she said clapping. I laughed and did a twirl before going back inside the dressing room to take it off. I almost didn't want too as I changed back into my outfit. I took the dress and went to pay for it before we headed out. When we pulled into the driveway I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a black Ferrari with a bow on top and the words 'Happy Birthday Lindsey' on the back windshield. It was my dream car.

  "Oh my goodness is that your car?" Kasey screamed. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. I mean my Charger was my baby but this car made it look cheap. I knew my parents felt bad but not that bad. Right then my phone rang.

  "Hello," I said not taking my eyes off of it.

  "I take it you saw your present," my dad said. I could tell he was smiling by the sound of his voice.

  "It's beautiful. You guys really shouldn't have." "Nothing is too much for you princess. You deserve it. I know it's your dream car. You’re a good enough driver so I figured why not. It was a little too flashy for your first car but now that you’ve matured I don't see the problem."

  "Daddy I really don't know what to say. Thanks you guys." "Long as you ’re happy that's all that matters. Just enjoy yourself and be careful tonight. I know you’re having a party and I don't want any accidents. You only turn eighteen once but I need you be alert and thinking like an alpha at all times. Anything could happen."

  Something about the way he said that made me think he knew more than he was letting on, that Falcon might have told him about the beta lurking around.

  "Of course Daddy. Everything will be fine I promise."

  "That's what I want to hear. I'll be calling tomorrow to check in"

  "Okay great talk to you guys then"

  "Bye sweetheart."

  I ran to my new car and got in. It was unlocked and had one of those push to start buttons. The interior was all black and I was just in shock.

  "You're so lucky. We are definitely driving this to the party," said Kasey from the passenger side. After turning on the radio and pressing some random buttons we finally went inside. We still had a little time before the party started so I went upstairs to relax and unwind. Random people told me happy birthday and I could tell everyone was excited about the party. It wasn't long before I heard a commotion coming from downstairs. I groaned in frustration. All I wanted was a few minutes to relax. Somebody was going to pay.

  "What is going on down here," I yelled furiously once I made it downstairs. One of the female omegas was cowering in the corner while some of the sluts and few of the jerks surrounded her.

  "Explain, now," I said in my alpha tone. "She actually thought her and the other omegas were invited to your party. I was just putting her in her place," said Brittany. She was the biggest slut and for lack of a better word a class A bitch.

  "I-I was invited," Susan, one of the female omegas, said. She was on the verge of tears and I couldn't believe how these people were acting. "Of course you are and so are the rest of the omegas. Anyone who says any differently will have to deal with me. As for you Brittany, don't even bother to show up."

  "But alpha!" "End of discussion unless you want to take this outside. And if that's a problem for your clones they are more than welcome to join you."

  I heard some the guys laugh and yell burn as she stormed out stumping her foot, so immature. I went back up stairs and finally was able to get a few minutes of peace. Time seemed to fly by. Before I knew it was time for me to get ready. I went and took a long hot shower before wrapping a towel around myself. I brushed my teeth and went to get dressed. When I had my clothes on Kasey came barging in.

  "Oh my goodness you look even hotter in that dress."

  "You don't look so bad yourself," I said taking in her appearance.

  She looked pretty in a red dress that clung to her like a second skin. It went well with her light brown hair and hazel eyes.

  "Well come on I have to do your hair and makeup," she said dragging me to my vanity table that I rarely used. She curled my black hair so it tumbled down my back in cute ringlets. She did light makeup which I was extremely grateful for and helped me picked out some heels. I took a last look in the mirror and had to admit I looked really good.

  "Guys are going to be all over you. Maybe you'll even meet your Mr. Perfect tonight and he won't be able to keep his hands off you," she said giving me a wink.

  I just laughed as we made our way to the car. She told me where were headed and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. She had rented out the hottest club in town called Flashing Lights. I had never been so I was excited. We pulled up and the place was packed. I could hear the music blasting from outside. I let the valet park my car after telling him if he got a scratch on it I would make sure he would never be able to have children. He gulped and I knew my baby would be in good hands since he knew I wasn't kidding.

  Kasey and I walked in and everyone shouted 'Happy Birthday Alpha' at the same time. A huge cake was brought out and I blew out the candles. It was great being surrounded by members of the pack and to see them all smiling. I walked to the stage and grabbed the microphone to thank them all for coming and told them to enjoy themselves because I definitely would be. The music started up again and drinks were immediately shoved in my face. Everyone was having a good time and the guys were putting in overtime tonight trying to get my attention and cater to my every need.

  I downed a few shots and started to dance and let loose. I was having an amazing time and I could tell Kasey was too by the she was dancing and flirting.
Guys kept coming up to me asking to dance. I spared a few and declined some others. After a couple hours I sat down to catch my breath. It wasn't long before I was on my feet again when my favorite song started to play. I got up and swayed to the beat and at that exact moment I smelled the most intoxicating scent. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and I knew it was him, my mate. I closed my eyes just enjoying the comfort of having him so close to me. My wolf urged me to turn around and see our gorgeous mate, to look into his eyes which I knew would be the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.

  "You look beautiful tonight," he whispered in my ear. That voice had me wanting to melt, but there was something familiar about it, I knew that voice, I would know it anywhere. I had heard it too many times to count, even in my dreams though I've never admitted it. I turned around and we locked eyes. My wolf yelled 'mate' and there was no denying it. Chasin was my mate.

  CHAPTER 9 Lindsey

  I grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the crowd as quickly as I could. Some people had stopped and stared while others were too drunk to notice. I led him to a room where we could be alone. I closed the door behind us and turned around to face him.

  "You're my mate? That's impossible," I said my voice barely above a whisper.

  "It looks that way," he said. I could tell he was offended by the sarcasm in his tone but I chose to ignore it.

  "You understand don't you? Why we can't be together?" I asked not wanting to come out and say it. As much as it hurt he was an omega and I was an alpha. It would never work. This has never happened before. It would be too risky having him as a mate. He would be in constant danger because of me and I just wouldn't allow that to happen. I wouldn't lose my mate.


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