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The Omega Became My Equal

Page 8

by Breanna Mills

  "Of course I'm not ashamed. I’m not that shallow."

  The words were out before I knew it. I just confessed that Chasin was my mate without meaning to. She had a smirk on her face knowing that she caught me. "OMG this is awesome! He's so hot! When are you going to make the announcement? Where is he by the way?" I had to fight the urge to growl at her for calling my mate hot.

  "There isn't going to be an announcement any time soon and I have no clue where he is."

  "But you said-"

  "I know. Look it's a long story. I told you it was complicated. Bottom line we had a disagreement and he left."

  I held back tears as my wolf whimpered wishing to be close to her mate.

  "Honey I'm sorry. What happened?" she said pulling me into a hug that I really needed.

  "I don't want to talk about it. Please just do me a favor and don't tell anyone."

  "Of course." We left the restroom and headed to our next class. The time passed slowly until finally it was time for lunch meaning the day was halfway over. I walked into the cafeteria and grabbed my tray before sitting at my usual table. I didn't really feel like talking so I stayed quite while everyone else made small talk. Everything was fine until Paul came and sat beside me.

  "So where's your little boyfriend today? Word on the street is that he turned out to be your mate. I bet you want me now huh? I hope you had enough sense to reject him. You and I together will be much better."

  "Leave me alone Paul," I said with venom in my tone.

  He had no right to talk about Chasin that way. "Oh I see someone is testy today. Don't worry you made the right choice. He doesn't deserve a mate. We don't want to weaken the pack with his genes now do we?"

  That was it. Before I knew it I was grabbing him by the throat as he gasped for air.

  "Don't say another word or I won't be held accountable for my actions." My wolf was surfacing and she was pissed. He nodded his head and I dropped him to the floor.

  "You're an ass that should have been banished a long time ago. You're pathetic at the best of times. I dare you degrade a member of this pack because of status. Rest assured that I will be speaking to Falcon about this and you will be punished. That goes for anyone else around here who thinks they can get away with mistreating others. Be sure to spread the word," I said before walking out and heading home. I had to get out of there before I lost it completely.


  I didn't know where I was headed but I knew I had get away from Lindsey. She was driving me crazy with all her nonsense and I was beyond pissed. I loved her but every time she opened that pretty mouth of hers I just wanted shake some sense into her and bend her over my knee so I could spank her ass raw. She was so frustrating and my wolf was on edge ever since we woke up. Being with her was beyond amazing and I hated to leave her after what we shared but I had to. I wanted to show her that she was making a mistake. Even though I was technically a rogue now I knew that in time she would come to her senses. I was doing this for us.

  I ran as far as I could without stopping. It was like I was filled with adrenaline and nothing could stop me. They next thing I knew I collapsed as I felt pain all over my body. I never felt pain so intense, not even during my first shift and that hurt like hell. I didn't know what was happening. I clenched my jaw to keep from screaming. It wasn't long before darkness consumed me and I passed out.


  Lindsey When I made it home I nearly collapsed from pain. It didn't take long for me to figure out the pain wasn't mine as I laid on the floor clutching my stomach. I couldn't stop the tears from falling knowing that Chasin had to be feeling much worse. What was happening to him?

  My wolf was surprisingly calm. That was enough to let me know he wasn't in danger but that didn't make the pain any more bare-able. All of a sudden it stopped and I couldn't feel anything.

  "Chasin are you okay?" I asked through the mind-link. He didn't answer. There was no point asking my wolf what was happening since she wouldn't speak to me but her emotions poured through and for some reason she was happy. At least one of us is, I thought to myself as I got up and made my way to my room.

  3 weeks later Whoever said time heals all was a complete liar. It healed nothing. The only thing it did was remind you how long it’s been since your life took a turn for the worst. I still missed Chasin, I was worried about what to do with Michael and school was literally hell on earth.

  "You okay today?" Kasey asked walking up to me.

  "Fine," I said with a fake smile. A week after Chasin left I had a breakdown. I trashed the place and began organizing a search party for him. Unfortunately it’s been two weeks with no leads. I thought he would have come back by now but I hadn't even heard from him. It was driving me crazy.

  Kasey being the best friend that she was headed the search. I could tell how much it pained her to tell me every time they came up empty handed. I decided to let my wolf out for a while hoping to clear my head and relieve some stress. Maybe it would cheer the both of us up and take our mind off of everything that had happened.

  I felt the bones in my body rearrange themselves as I turned into my wolf. I took off running. Feeling the wind on my fur was exhilarating. When I finally stopped I was at my favorite spot in the world. I was surrounded by flowers and the smell of fresh water as I sat overlooking the cliff. The view was breathtaking and always helped me think.

  What have I done? I thought to myself. I tried so hard to fix things and it seemed like I only made them worse. My parents always taught me that being an alpha female would be twice as hard and they weren't kidding. Had I been well trained? Of course. Could I defend myself? Without a doubt. Did my pack mean more to me than life itself? No question. But was I ready?

  Even with all the training and power I don't think a person is fully prepared to take on such responsibility. Having the lives of so many people in the palm of your hand takes an emotional toll. Mentally I wasn't sure if I had the strength and that's when mates came into play. They were supposed to provide balance and sanity, especially for an alpha. There was destruction and chaos without them. Chasin left me and I found it hard to get out of bed in the morning. I couldn't focus and the phrase separation anxiety didn't cut it. There was an ache in my chest that lingered and I couldn't help but wonder if he felt it too. I realized what a mistake I made letting him walk away. I needed him just like he needed me. He was right all along. Whatever we had to face we could face together.

  " Chasin if you can hear me I made a mistake. I love you and even though you're mad at me I wish you would come home or at least let me know you're okay. I really miss you and I don't think I can do this without you,” I mind-linked him not sure if he could even hear me, but I hoped he could.

  Just as I was about to head back to get to my office and continue working on my plan to kill Michael and get Chasin back I heard a twig snap. I turned around quickly but saw nothing. My wolf was on high alert sensing danger. I inhaled trying to catch an unfamiliar scent. The person had to be trying to mask their scent because I could only pick up a faint smell, not strong enough to let me know who it was, but enough to let me know it was someone not welcome.

  "Hi babe did you miss me?" It was then I came face to with the person I have wanted to see for weeks now. The person I was certain I needed to see for me to get my life back. The person that I needed to kill almost as much as I needed to breathe, Michael.

  "You don't seem happy to see me sweetheart. What's the matter? Still pissed at me? Doesn't matter I'll let you make it up to me later," he smirked and I got into attack mode. All I wanted to do was rip his throat out for all the trouble he caused. "Now, now don't be that way. I even came to get you personally since you seemed to have issues with by beta. You didn't play very fair calling the pack like that. You could have avoided all of this," he said making a tsking sound that annoyed me greatly. I growled at him showing my teeth.

  "I'll give you one last chance to make this easy. Come with me. Now." Rather than respond I lunged
at him knocking him to the ground, he was going to pay. It was stupid of him to come into my territory and expect me to let him leave alive. Just as I about to claw his throat I heard a gunshot, then two more. Everything was in slow motion as the wounds pierced my skin and I crumbled on top of him in a heap. I was paralyzed and getting light headed from the loss of blood.

  "Now you didn't think I was going to let you kill me now did you? Not that you could. I know everything there is to know about you Lindsey. It's all part of the plan baby."

  He rolled me off before picking me up in his arms.

  "Now we have some unfinished business to attend to and this time there won't be any interruptions." I blacked out as he ran and the only question on my mind was who shot me? I knew for a fact that it wasn't Michael and there were no other unfamiliar scents around. Someone in the pack had betrayed me.

  Falcon I was filing away some papers waiting on Alpha Lindsey to finalize her plans against Alpha Michael. I know she had her reservations about it and was afraid it was too risky, but I had faith in her. I knew she felt lost and unsure of herself but it was to be expected. Her father was the same when he got the position and watching her grow up was enough to let me know she would be just as great an alpha as he was, if not greater. One of the signs of a good alpha was one that worried, a lot. They thought of others instead of acting carelessly. Lindsey possessed that quality. She would make mistakes but she would do what was right in the end. That's what made her strong and a good leader.

  Time passed by with no word from her. I knew something had to be wrong. I searched the territory but there was no sign of her. Just her scent along with some blood. I assembled the trackers immediately and they set off to do their job. I had to find her or deal with her father which I had no intention of doing. Lindsey meant the world to him and I shuttered to think what he might do if he found out this happened on my watch. She was alpha but I was meant to watch over her, she was like another daughter to me.

  I was pacing around in the office feeling like a failure when the door burst open. I was shocked and confused looking at the person standing before me. He looked a mess, like he ran all the way here. He smelled faintly of rogue but I knew who he was. He had been in the pack since he was born. What confused me more than anything was the power emitting off of him when I knew for a fact he has been born an omega. It simply was not possible for the pup I knew to be Chasin to have alpha power coming off of him in waves. But there was no doubt when he spoke that he was indeed alpha.

  "Where the hell is she?"

  CHAPTER 19 Chasin

  The pain subsided and I was finally able to stand. I felt different, stronger, more powerful. I looked down at my fur and it was a bluish black.

  "What happened to me?" I thought to myself.

  "You've evolved," I heard a voice reply. It sounded like my wolf but with a deeper more mature voice.

  "What do you mean evolved?" I asked confused.

  "We were always meant to be alpha. We just needed our mate to except us, as we were."

  It didn't make any sense to me. I couldn't be an alpha. I was an omega. I figured that being mated to Lindsey would make me stronger, maybe average but not this.

  Besides she hadn't exactly come to terms with the whole thing yet which is why I was currently in the middle of nowhere. I wouldn't call that acceptance.

  "Mate loves us. She always has. Now the bond is completed we can come into our true power."

  He took control and I could feel the power he spoke of. I had never experienced anything like it before and it would take some getting used to.

  "We will train in our new form. We will learn control. Once we are ready we will return to our mate. We belong with her." I followed his instructions. We ran, for how long I wasn't sure. I was exhausted and surrounded by trees. I smelt water so I knew I had to be near a lake or stream. Over the next few days I tested my new abilities. I pushed myself to the brink with minimal sleep. I hunted for all my food becoming one with my wolf and our connection grew stronger, we were becoming one.

  As the days turned into weeks I was slowly becoming a different person. The stronger I became the more I realized that I always had this feeling deep inside me, that I was more than an omega. Looking back I was never really like other omegas. I didn't like being told what to do. I didn't like following orders from assholes who thought they were gifts from the Moon Goddess herself. I craved respect which is why I admired Lindsey. She didn't have to demand respect it was given to her effortlessly. Finding out she was my mate made me even more determined and the fact that she didn't believe me to be strong enough cut deep. But I forgave her the moment I walked out that door. I would always forgive her, I would always want her, and most importantly I would always need her which is why as soon as this was over I would get back to her. Just as I was about to retire to my tent for the night I heard rustling. My wolf instantly went on high alert, then I smelt them, rogues.

  "Who the fuck are you and why the hell are you in my forest?" I turned to see a guy around my age, slightly older, with two guys behind them. It took a few minutes, but recognition sunk in. I had heard of them. These were the rogues that have been going around vandalizing territories raping and killing women and abusing children. The guy had the same tattoos and markings that had been described. They got a thrill out of causing trouble and claimed any unclaimed territory they stepped foot on. They were sorry excuses for werewolves but clever none the less. Every alpha wanted to end them but they somehow always managed to escape.

  "Who am I? Your worst fucking nightmare. This forest is unclaimed territory and I go where I want." My wolf was offended by his tone. This land belonged to no one and he wasn't about to submit. We were through submitting to anyone.

  "That's where you're wrong. This is my land and you're trespassing. Do you know what we do to trespassers pup?" My wolf was furious. No one called him a pup and lived, but I had control.

  "Please enlighten me. Tell me what you do to trespassers," I said calmly.

  "We kill them," he said with a smirk.

  I wasn't the least bit intimidated. "Is that so? Well I could just leave and try to avoid being killed. But I like I said, this isn't your land." I wasn't going anywhere. They were going to die today and pay for the lives they ruined. I couldn't just walk away knowing what they had done, it would end right here.

  "Are you stupid? Or do you have a death wish? Either way it doesn't matter. You won't be leaving alive you cocky son of a bitch." The next thing I knew he shifted and lunged at me. I moved quickly and he hit a tree.

  "Please tell me that's not the best you got. That was just pathetic," I said smirking causing him to growl.

  He lunged at me and I stuck my arm out cloth lining him and he fell to the ground out of breath. I heard the movement and felt the vibrations as his friends came towards me. I switched positions and punched one right in the snout and quickly round kicked the others. This was child's play. They all rose and surrounded me. At that point my wolf was tired of games. I shifted and they took in my form. I smelt there fear, my wolf thrived off of it. I waited for them to make the first move and it wasn't long before I was tossing them aside ripping their throats. I was the last on standing and the smell of blood surrounded me. The next thing I knew the sound of Lindsey's voice filled my head.

  " Chasin if you can hear me I made a mistake. I love you. Even though you're mad at me I just wish you would come home or at least let me know you're okay. I really miss you and I don't think I can do this without you."

  Her voice was calming. It felt like so long since I had heard it. I felt like she had been calling to me but I couldn't hear her until now. I was about to tell her that I forgave her and I would be coming home soon. Then all of a sudden my wolf got restless. He was panicking, something he never did.

  "What's wrong?" I asked him concerned.

  "Mate. She's in trouble." That's all he needed to say. I shifted and dressed quickly like my life depended on it. I had to get her. When I
reached the border the guards looked ready to attack until they saw my face, sensed my power.

  "Chasin?" one of them said confused. I think his name was Marshal but I didn't care.

  "Move," I said pushing him aside.

  "You're an alpha. But how?" I didn't respond. I focused on my mate and decided to head to her office. Maybe she had been there last and it would help me retrace her steps. I burst through the door but she wasn't there, only Falcon. That infuriated my wolf but I tried to remain calm.

  "Where the hell is she?" My wolf was in control and he wanted answers. Falcon looked at me stunned and silent before he finally responded.

  "We've been trying to locate her," he said quietly.

  "What have you found?"

  "Not much." I could tell he was slightly afraid. Even though he was Beta I was a pissed off alpha and no one wanted to deal with that.

  "Where was she last seen?" I already knew who was behind it. It had to be that bastard Michael. He was the reason for all of this. The reason why she doubted me, the reason why she was afraid of being with me. He used her and then kidnapped her. I would kill him.

  "The trackers last picked up her scent by a cliff near a lake." I didn't need to hear anything else. That was her favorite spot. Whenever things got too much for her or she needed time to think she would go there. I can remember lying on the grass talking to her like it was yesterday.


  "Do you think its true Chase?" she asked me out of nowhere. We were lying on the grass side by side looking at the stars. I caught her scent on my way back to the pack house and I knew something was wrong. She had been crying her eyes out and I didn't know why. I knew it was about some guy but it wasn't my place to pry. If she wanted to tell me she would.

  "Do I think what's true?" I asked not having a clue what she meant.

  "That the alphas of the past watch over their packs from the heavens?" she said looking at the sky.


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