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Children of the Moon: Book Four

Page 6

by Yvonne Robertson

  “We didn’t have keys. Eh, Nathaniel opened the lock to let us inside.” Bree grinned.

  “You really don’t want to know,” Jay raised an eyebrow.

  “The rest of the detailed plans should be available today or tomorrow too, Kandis, I will get a copy to you as soon as I get them,” Nate added.

  “Who is looking after the babies?” Bree asked.

  “My Mom has Addison and is in her element.” Kandis smiled and took Liam’s hand. “She spoils her so much the kid won’t want to come home with us.” she joked.

  “Ethan and Kali are with Imogen and Roisin, but I want to get back home before they go to bed. Ethan doesn’t know any different but Kali likes us to be there when she goes to sleep at night.” India added.

  Rylee spoke to Nate briefly about buying the townhouse from him and he said they could talk before she went back home again to pack up her belongings, but it was a perfect solution if she was going to be working next door for a few days each week. It was big enough for a single person or a couple but Bree knew she would want more space when they eventually had a family and building something bigger now would be preferable to moving after they had a couple of kids.

  “Okay let's get to our places in case he shows up a little earlier than expected,” Jay said, glancing at his watch again.

  India and Kandis pulled on their jackets and went outside to sit on a bench beneath the kitchen window. They were out of sight and Nate opened the window slightly so that they could hear a little more clearly. The others quickly filed upstairs and settled down to await the blackmailer's arrival.

  “Can you hear us okay?” Bree asked softly and Jay called out a firm yes, while India stood up and gave them a thumbs-up through the window before settling back into place to wait.

  Nate brewed another pot of coffee and sat down beside Bree on the loveseat just as there was a very soft knock on the door.


  Nate answered the door and Bree heard him cuss under his breath as he showed their visitor inside. He was wrapped in an old thick waterproof jacket with the fur-lined hood up, covering most of his face. He was tall and even through his clothes they could see that he was painfully thin.

  Bree stood up and asked him to take a seat and offered him coffee and was surprised when he nodded. Instinctively she took the plate of pastries from the pantry and put them on the table in front of him and he scarfed one down before she even came back with his drink and had started on a second one. He obviously hadn’t eaten in a while.

  They waited for another few minutes until he was finished eating and wiped the crumbs from his mouth. He took a sip of the hot coffee before any of them spoke.

  “I’m Nate and this is Bree, can you tell us who you are, is Leo your real name?” Nate asked him gently.

  “Leo Brown,” he added with a nod of his head.

  He took another drink before he put the cup down on the table and paused for just a moment before he pulled back his hood to reveal a mop of dark brown hair surrounding his gaunt face and dark brown eyes that held wisdom beyond his years.

  Bree gasped and Nate cursed again.

  He was dirty and unkempt and had clearly been living rough but Bree didn’t care about any of that as she stared at him in disbelief.

  “Leo, how old are you?” she was incredulous.

  “I’m fourteen,” he said, lifting his chin stubbornly and meeting her gaze. “Almost fifteen.”



  She stared at Nathaniel in horror and his facial expression mirrored hers. Leo was just a kid, a fourteen-year-old kid. What in the hell was going on?

  “Son, I think you better start at the very beginning and tell us what it is you want from us,” Nathaniel said not unkindly.

  “I want money for the photos I took or I will sell them to the papers.” he looked determined but Bree noticed the slight tremor in his hands that he clasped together and the tremble of his bottom lip. He was scared shitless, so she could only guess that he was desperate for the money, the question was why.

  “Why should we give you anything, we would say they were photoshopped and I could keep you tied up in court for many years to prevent their release. They would never see the light of day, you wouldn’t see a penny and the court would be interested to know where your parents fit into all of this.”

  “I shouldn’t have come here, I’m sorry, I never meant any harm.” he jumped up and turned toward the door but Nate blocked his way and Bree took his hand and led him back to the sofa.

  “Where are your parents, Leo?”

  “Dead, my Mom died when I was a baby and my Dad late last year.”

  “Who’s been looking after you?” Bree asked him softly.

  “I’ve been looking after myself, I don’t need a babysitter.” he was angry now.

  “Where do you live?” Nathaniel asked.

  We had to move out of the place we were living two months ago and have been sleeping in one of the empty cabins up on the mountain ever since. The money ran out though and I have been taking photos of deer and other wildlife and selling photos to the magazine my Dad used to work for, but it doesn’t bring in much, not even enough for food.” he hung his head resigned.

  “You said ‘we’, who else is with you,” Bree asked.

  “No-one, I meant me, just me,” Leo said, checking himself.

  “He’s lying,” India said as she came in through the back door and sat on the other side of the teenager. “He told the truth about everything else but the last part was a lie. There is at least one other person with him.”

  Leo stared at her, his brows creased and Bree chuckled.

  “India can detect a lie a mile off so you may as well give it up, Leo. Who are you trying to protect? You know we can’t let you leave here without knowing,” Bree said kindly. “Maybe we can help you.”

  “No!” he jumped up and backed against the wall. “We were put into foster care in the city when my Dad died and the very first night we were there, the father tried to get into bed with my sister. We ran away that night and never went back, we have looked after each other ever since. Just let me go, please. I need to get back to her, she is sick.”

  “Okay, Leo, have it your way. You can go for now, but you need to give us your word that those photos will be destroyed or we will find you, son, you can be sure of that.” Nathaniel said as Leo bolted for the door.

  “I promise, I will get rid of them. I was just desperate,” he said and India nodded slightly to let them know he was being truthful.

  He and Bree watched from the door as Leo hurried across the street and around the corner of the diner. He didn’t see Kandis on his heels or Jay pulling out from the back of the building in his truck and they went inside while they gathered in the living room and waited on the others reporting back.

  “I feel a little sorry for him. He will be pissed when he finds out we weren’t going to let him walk away from this after all.” Bree said.

  “We should help him, Hope replied, ‘He’s just a kid and India thinks he was being truthful about everything, except being alone and he was just lying about that to protect his sister.”

  “I think so too, let’s see what Jay and Kandis have to say when they report back in,” Bree added sadly.

  Nathaniel knew she would be soft on Leo when she realized he was just a kid but his heart swelled with pride that his mate was so compassionate. He had sensed he was younger than expected when he answered the door, but he was genuinely shocked at just how young the kid was.

  Bree was antsy and Nate smiled as she wiped the countertop for the fourth time so he pulled her onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her to hold her still.

  He changed the subject and he and Rylee discussed her buying the townhome and they came to a mutually beneficial agreement on price. They didn’t care that other people could hear their conversation, privacy was rare in shifter communities.

  “I can’t tell you how happy I am, kiddo, that yo
u want to join our pack,” Garrett sat on the arm of the chair beside his sister and Rylee grinned.

  “It’s more about being closer to those sweet babies of yours than about you Garrett.” She teased him. “Oh, and I think you may get a visit from Mom soon. She has barely left the compound in years but she is slowly waking up and joining the land of the living again. Unfortunately, that means you may see Cillian again too who has appointed himself as her protector.”

  Garrett rolled his eyes but he kept quiet. He hoped Cillian was truly trying to make amends for his previous actions, but only time would tell. His brother was a spoiled brat and Garrett had no issue putting him in his place again if he stepped out of line.

  Nate took some burgers and hotdogs from the freezer and fired up the grill to make lunch while they waited on Jay and Kandis returning. Liam was watching from the front door, wishing he had gone with them. He knew Kandis was more than capable of looking after herself but she was his mate and his wolf was pre-programmed to protect her.

  Hope took buns from the pantry and chopped up onion, tomatoes and lettuce while India sliced cheese and set the table. Bree put a tray of cookies in the oven to bake and put plates on the table.

  “I can see Jay’s truck coming back,” Liam ducked inside and Nate suspected it was more to do with Kandis catching him watching rather than actually waiting for Jay to report back.

  “Help yourselves to drinks everyone, we can eat while we talk.”

  Nate popped the top of a light beer and took a drink and passed one to Liam and Garrett but everyone else opted for soda or tea.

  They heard Jay’s truck stop at the back gate and Kandis came in first. Liam went straight to her and she smirked, knowing him as she did, she suspected he had been standing guard.

  “Jay will be right in, he brought Leo back with him … and his sister. Her name is Cassie and please hear them out before you make any decisions on what should happen to him for trying to blackmail you, Nate.”

  Nate nodded, his brow drawn in confusion. When the back door opened again and Jay came inside he was followed by Leo who was supporting a young woman, his arm around her waist, who looked to be about sixteen years old. She was as dirty and disheveled as her brother but her pallor was frighteningly pale and Nate could sense how sick she was just by her scent.

  Bree pulled out a chair at the end of the table and Leo helped his sister out of her worn coat and urged her to sit down. He sat next to her and took off her hat and scarf and Nate saw the family resemblance straight away. Her face was gaunt, even more so than Leo’s. She was painfully thin and her dark brown hair hung limply around her face, her eyes looked huge as she stared around the table while everyone took a seat. Nate put the plates of food on the table and pulled up an extra chair beside Bree. He didn’t know what was wrong with this young woman but she looked like death warmed up.

  “So, your name is Cassie, I’m Hope.” She sat on the girl’s other side and took her hand in hers and was taking her pulse as her eyes swept over her face, taking in everything as she tried to make her feel comfortable with them and her surroundings.

  “Yes.” she licked her parched lips and she took the glass of tea that Bree handed her.

  She could use something to eat and drink.

  “Thank you.” she attempted a smile.

  Nate nodded to Leo to help himself to food, but first he put a burger and some salad on a plate and put it in front of his sister. She took a bite but it seemed to be as much effort for her to chew than it was for her to speak and Bree offered to warm up some soup for her instead.

  “This is great, honestly, it will just take me some time to eat it, please go ahead with your own lunch.” her voice was quiet but Nate saw strength in her eyes and his heart went out to them. He didn’t know what was wrong with Cassie yet but he now knew why Leo needed money so desperately.

  “What’s wrong with you Cassie?” India blurted out in her usual direct fashion and Cassie swallowed and took a drink before she wiped her mouth and answered.

  “I don’t really know.” I got sick last year and at first, it wasn’t so bad and then over the last couple of months it just got worse and worse and I haven’t been able to shake it since. Leo wanted me to go to the hospital but we don’t have any medical insurance and they would put us into care again if I was to check-in, I am never going to another foster home.” she lifted her chin and Nate saw the same determination he saw in Leo.

  “Are there no other family members that could help?” Hope asked.

  “No-one, it’s just the two of us,” she said with a sad smile.

  “How old are you, Cassie?” Bree asked.

  “I’m almost eighteen, I know I don’t look it but I am. A few more weeks and I will be old enough to become Leo’s guardian.”

  “We have a lot of things to talk about, with both of you,” Garrett added, “But for now would you let us bring in our friend, who is an excellent doctor, to have a look at you. It won’t cost you anything and Hope will vouch for him, she is a nurse in his practice and I promise you that he won’t make you do anything that you don’t want to do, Cassie.”

  The look of fear in her eyes almost broke Bree’s heart and she went to her and put her arm around her bony shoulders.

  “He is telling the truth, Cassie, I swear that he will just take a look at you, see if there is anything he can do to help you. His name is Rafe and he is a wonderful doctor.”

  “Let him examine you, Cass, please.” Leo pleaded with his sister.

  She nodded and picked up her burger and took another bite and Leo looked relieved that someone may be able to help his sister.

  “We still have other things to discuss, young man,” Liam said and Leo visibly shrank under his stare. “But it will keep for now, let’s get the doctor up here to take a look at you first.”

  “I already called him just in case,” Jay said. “It will take him a couple of hours to get here.”

  “Eat up both of you and we can get you cleaned up and rested before he gets here,” Bree said and Kandis whispered something to India and they both stood up and headed for the door.

  “We will be back soon, just have a few errands to run,” India said, gesturing to Bree who understood and nodded.

  Bree put the cookies on the table and Cassie nibbled on one but she could tell that half a burger and a chocolate chip cookie was about as much as she could manage for now.

  “I’m going to run a warm bubble bath for you Cassie and Leo can use the shower in the guest room. Get cleaned up and we can talk some more then.” Bree smiled and Cassie nodded.

  “Are you going to call the police?” Leo blurted out.

  “No, son, not if you cooperate and tell us everything we want to know,” Liam said and Leo visibly relaxed.

  “I only did it so that I could get some money for Cassie to see a doctor,” he looked like he wanted to cry and Liam put his big hand on his shoulder.

  “I already guessed that. Finish your lunch and go have a shower. We will find you some clean clothes in the meantime, while we wait on Rafe.”

  Hope and Bree went ahead to get the bath ready and Nate scooped the frail girl up in his arms and carried her upstairs, sitting her on the edge of the bed. He left her with them and went back downstairs to talk to the others. They still needed to talk to Leo at length but he already knew that these kids had just become their responsibility. It was one of the things he loved about this pack above all else, their compassion and sense of duty, even to two human kids who were essentially strangers to them.

  Everyone was finished eating and Garrett and Liam cleared away the lunch dishes and Jay made some coffee. They sat around the table and Jay cleared his throat.

  “We need to let Seann know what’s going on.”

  “I called already and he wants us to keep them here for a few days while he considers whether or not to allow them onto the compound. He did with Sophia while she was still human but mainly because her sister was already a shifter. We need to fi
gure out how much we can trust these two and we need India for that, but she won’t want to be away from the kids for more than a night. I may have to bring them out here.” Garrett said.

  “I have a gut feeling they won’t let us down but we can’t be too careful and India is an awesome lie detector,” Nate added. “I don’t think I have ever met anyone else with that particular skill.”


  Nate dropped his cup and took the stairs two at a time, his heart in his mouth at Bree’s blood curdling scream.



  Bree had pulled Cassie from the bath and was holding her in her arms while Hope was trying to get a response from her. Nate could see the girl was unconscious but she was still breathing, albeit shallow. He took her dry towel and wrapped it around her and carried her to the bed.

  Hope took her pulse and swore under her breath.

  “It's slowing down and very thready. I don’t know what’s wrong with this girl but she is very sick and I don’t think Rafe is going to make it here on time.

  Kandis appeared suddenly, her phone in her hand, India was behind her.

  “That was Imogen on the phone, she had a vision … about Cassie. She said we need to do something quickly or she is going to die.”

  “Take her to the hospital.” Bree said, “We can pay for it.”

  “It’s too far, love, she won’t make it,” Kandis said softly as she and India came back into the room.

  “We have to wait then,” Bree said, “We don’t know what to do for her!”

  “She won't make it, Bree, her pulse is slowing down by the minute, she is dying.” Hope repeated Kandis’ words and Bree started to cry. She was so young, there must be something they could do for her.

  Leo had come to stand in the doorway with a towel around his waist and Nate saw the terror in the kid’s eyes. His sister was all he had in the world and Nate would be damned if he was going to let him lose her too.

  “Leo, focus on me!” Nate demanded.


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