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Special Delivery: Autumn: An Mpreg Romance Collection

Page 12

by Leyla Hunt

  “Oh, this?” I said, gesturing toward the feast I was about to finish preparing. “Just a little something. I know we had that midnight snack, but we worked up a huge appetite, so I figured you'd appreciate a morning feast. And even if you don't, I will.” I chuckled at my own joke.

  “Damn, of course I appreciate it. Look at you! Not only great in the sack, but a marvel in the kitchen, too. Looks like I got really lucky.”

  I noticed it was already nine in the morning and was sure my family had noticed my absence by now. I grabbed my phone as Brad made himself a coffee. Sure enough, there was a missed call from my mom, as well as a couple of texts from my sister, wondering where I was and telling me my mom was freaking out.

  I assured her I was fine and to tell Mom I’d made a new friend. I smiled to myself. I would have settled for a new friend, but I got so much more.

  “So, are you going to tell me about him?” Kimmy asked with an intense air of anticipation.

  It's been two weeks since that fateful night at the bar with Brad, and I've been a crappy friend ever since, because I've spent most of my waking hours with Brad.

  Poor Kimmy must be confused. When I was younger, I’d worn my heart on my sleeve and had told my friends everything. Now, I was a bit more private, and I guarded my feelings just a tad more.

  “What’s there to tell? He's wonderful. I've never had a connection like this with anyone.”

  “Has he said the L word? Has he?” Kimmy took a sip of his coffee and leaned forward.

  I glanced around the small local café where we’d decided to meet, to make sure nobody was listening in.

  I lowered my voice. “Not yet, but I don't need to hear it because I can feel it. I just hope I'm not being delusional. It wouldn't be the first time that happened.”

  “That's so sweet. You know, he's one of the most eligible alphas in Unionville, and just like that, you've snatched him up. Good work! Not that you're not a catch yourself, of course.”

  I've come a long way with my self-esteem from my high school days, but it still felt good to hear that from Kimmy. There was something else I was wanting to share with him, but I had a hard time coming up with the words.

  I bit my lip, and almost in a whisper, said “Kimmy, I'm afraid I might be—” I trailed off, not knowing how to say it.

  “You're what?” he asked, perplexed.

  I almost regretted bringing it up, but I needed his support. I needed someone’s support, and this was not something that I wanted to discuss with my family.

  “I think I'm pregnant.”

  He spit out his coffee. Literally. I handed him a napkin while looking around to see if anyone had watched us.

  “What?” he asked incredulously.

  I nodded. “That's right. I haven't taken a test, but I have no doubt about it. I have all the symptoms, but I've been scared to confirm it. I mean, what the hell? We’d just met! Okay, we’ve been fucking like crazy, but still!”

  “Well, what the hell are you waiting for? Let's go get a test!”

  Half an hour later we were at his place, because there was no way I was going to do this at my house with my family around. It would be hard to act normal if the test came back positive, and besides, my parents would talk Kimmy’s head off.

  “What if I'm pregnant?”

  “What do you mean? You tell Brad and live happily ever! After all, you get along great and you have the best chemistry...”

  “Yeah, but everything is so new. What if he's not ready for that kind of commitment?”

  “From everything you say it sounds like he’s obsessed with you, so I wouldn't worry. In any case, you'll get to that bridge when you get to it. For now, you just need all the facts. So, shoo, shoo, go to the bathroom and do the test!”

  I did as he asked. My heart thundered in my chest as I waited for the test result, and I couldn't stand to look at it alone, so I invited Kimmy to come and join me for the grand reveal.

  “Here, you look,” I said, shoving the test in his hand.

  He put it quickly on the vanity counter and threw up his hands.

  “Come on! I don't want your pee on me!”

  “Fine, but I don’t know why you’re being so—”

  We both fell silent as our gaze landed on the test.

  “Holy shit, I’m pregnant!”

  Before I could continue, Kimmy engulfed me in a tight bear hug and wouldn't let go until I literally pushed him away.

  “Oh my God, Jamie, this is awesome! You're going to be an awesome dad! And don't worry, Brad will love you guys forever! I can feel it.”

  I was speechless and spent most of the next half hour in almost complete silence as I stuffed my face in Kimmy's living room. I'd been battling low-level nausea for the past week, and the only thing that seemed to make me feel better was eating like a rhino, so that's what I did. And I did that all day, basically.

  While I sat there quietly, Kimmy, on the other hand, wouldn't shut up. I could swear he already had my baby’s life planned out, while I was still processing the fact that I was going to be a father.

  The next step, I realized, was to tell Brad. I inhaled another jalapeno popper as I contemplated that conversation and how it would go. The best-case scenario had already been mapped out by Kimmy. I didn’t even want to think of the alternative.



  “That was an amazing dinner. I can't wait to go back to your parents’ again,” I told Jamie as I unlocked my apartment door. It had been my first time meeting Jamie’s parents and sister, and I was floored by how welcoming and kind they’d been. Jamie and I weren't done with our evening yet. Of course, I’d invited him over to my place to hang out and maybe go for a drink later. I wanted to be alone with him, because something was off. He seemed a little nervous and I couldn't figure out the reason.

  I poured us some iced tea and we sat on my balcony to enjoy the late evening.

  Gazing into his deep brown eyes, I finally said something.

  “I hope your parents liked me,” I said.

  “They did, trust me. In fact, they loved you.”

  His eyes crinkled when he smiled, and I knew he was being genuine.

  “I’m glad to hear that. I'm sure my parents will love you too. Speaking of which, are you free for lunch next weekend? I'd love for you to meet them.”

  I watched Jamie closely for his reaction. His eyes brightened up right away and he nodded with enthusiasm.

  “Sure, that sounds great.”

  I gazed out at the scene before us. The sun that had been shining brightly all day was about to set, and its orange rays beamed through the tall tree crowns. I grabbed Jamie's hand.

  “Is everything okay? I've been meaning to ask you because you were sort of quiet during dinner and on our ride here.”

  He glanced my way and then quickly averted his eyes. Was it my imagination, or was a small smile playing upon his lips? Suddenly, he turned to me.

  “Well, there is something. And before I tell you, I just want you to know that although it came as a surprise, I'm happy about it and I hope you will be too.” He blinked quickly. His nervousness was endearing.

  “Of course. What is it? I'm listening.”

  He bit one of his lush lips before speaking. And then his eyes met mine.

  “We're going to be fathers.”

  My heart thumped in my chest upon hearing his words.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, aren't you happy?”

  I stood, pulled him up and wrapped him in my arms. I was shocked, that was a given, but I was ecstatic. We were going to have a baby!

  “Oh my God, Jamie, this is the best news you could have given me!” I pulled him closer until our bodies were pressed together and gave him a deep kiss, feeling every nook and cranny of his mouth, inhaling the essence of his soul.

  When we separated, I chuckled in disbelief. “You're really serious? You're not messing with me, are you? Because that would be messed up, you know, an
d I'd probably have to impregnate you in revenge.”

  He laughed and squeezed my arms that were still holding him by the waist.

  “Do you think I would lie? You want me to take another test?”

  I loved him when he challenged me. He was one feisty omega—that's one of the things I loved most about him.

  “No, of course not. I was just kidding with you. But I'm shocked, of course. That was fast.” I winked at him. “I have super sperm, I guess.”

  “That, you do.”

  Jamie craned his neck to give me another kiss.

  We sat back down and began discussing our future. My mind raced at a mile a minute, thinking of all the possibilities.

  “We should start preparing, don't you think? There's so much to think about. Will we stay here, or will we find a bigger place? Maybe we should buy a house with a backyard. A little kid needs space for running around, right? On the other hand, maybe a baby would be perfectly happy in this cute apartment. What do you think?”

  “It really doesn't matter to me, as long as we're together and happy. That’s all that matters to me, sweetie.”

  I smiled at his pure and innocent love. It was so refreshing.

  “So, is it a boy or girl?” I asked curiously.

  “I have no idea yet,” Jamie said. “I just found out about the pregnancy this afternoon before dinner, when I was with Kimmy. I wanted to tell you as soon as possible, but obviously couldn't do it in front of my parents and wanted to be alone with you.”

  “Okay, so when do we get to find out? We go to an ultrasound, don't we? What are we waiting for? Let's make an appointment!”

  I chuckled. “No, it's too early. We have to wait a few more months, because they can’t tell the sex yet at this point. I know, it sucks. I wish we could find out earlier, but it is what it is.”

  “That’s okay, we’ll find out when the time comes. Until then, we'll just use our imagination,” I said with a smile.

  Jamie fell asleep early that night. I went to take a shower while he sat on the couch, and when I came back out, he was zonked out. Pregnancy fatigue must be real, and I figured I’d have to get used to it.

  My gaze swept across every contour of his face. He was so peaceful. I ran my hand lightly over his hair, and then with one arm under his neck and another under his legs, I hoisted him up into the air and carried him slowly into my bedroom.

  I wanted him to sleep as comfortably as possible, and the couch wouldn't do. I dimmed the lamp and sat down on the bed beside him, staring into his beautiful face. We’ve only truly known each other for a few weeks, but I already felt that we’d been destined for each other. There was also so much more I wanted to know about him, and now I’d have plenty of time to learn about his hopes and dreams, his fears, and his deepest emotions.

  I felt his belly and rested my hand on it. I couldn't believe it. There was new life growing inside of him, and that new life was created by us. Things had moved so quickly, but it all felt so natural.

  Surprisingly, I wasn't scared of this new reality. Apprehensive, maybe, but I suppose that's the case for all new parents to be. I'd be the first to admit that I knew nothing about babies or caring for them, so I had my research cut out for me. Surely, my father and mother could give me some pointers, but things might have changed since their days.

  I lay my head down beside Jamie and stared at his face. His eyes were twitching and moving around under his eyelids, and I wondered whether he was having a dream. Maybe he was dreaming of our future life with our new baby in it. I let out a deep breath and smiled. This new chapter in my life was a surprise, but a welcome one.

  I wasn't ready to sleep, so I got up and went back to the living room, where I plopped down at my desk. An urgent need to look over my business matters came to me, and I began reviewing all my upcoming jobs, my accounts receivables, and my bills. Now that I was going to be a father, I had to be more responsible and ready to provide. Jamie was excited about getting his business off the ground, and I was fully supportive of that, but I had to have my ducks in a row. After all, what sort of alpha couldn't support his omega and baby?

  When I was satisfied that everything was in order, I grabbed a bowl of popcorn from the kitchen and sank into the couch. Life was pretty sweet, and it was about to get a lot sweeter.



  “Oh, my God, how am I going to tie my shoelaces when I don’t have you here?” I exclaimed, staring at my feet over my belly, which already looked huge to me. We were a few weeks from Christmas and there was already a decent blanket of snow on the ground, so these days I wore boots, but I knew that once spring rolled around, I’d have to switch over to sneakers.

  Brad came over and kissed me on the cheek as he sat down beside me.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll get you special pregnancy shoes—is that a thing? Maybe you can design one. Speaking of which, how’s the shop coming along?”

  I immediately perked up. The last few months have been a whirlwind. After the initial shock of the surprise pregnancy, I got to thinking about my future. I knew I wanted to stay in Unionville with Brad and needed to get working on my career. Fashion design was something I loved, and I couldn’t wait any longer to get started.

  “It's coming along great. I sign the least next week and will be ready to start in another month. I'm really nervous about it, to tell you the truth, but excited too.”

  “You'll do great. I have no doubt about it. Well, do you want to get going to the ultrasound?”

  I grabbed his hand and nodded. “Yes! Let's go! I can't wait to see our little munchkin. Do you think it'll be a boy or girl?”

  “I have no clue, and honestly, it doesn't matter at all. Although, I have a feeling you'd have more fun dressing up a little girl than a boy. Am I right?”

  I raised a brow. “I haven't even thought about that. Either would be awesome. All I know is the baby’s going to be as gorgeous as you are.”

  After a quick kiss, we put on our winter gear and headed out. My stomach was in knots the whole way there and I squeezed the life out of Brad's hand.

  When we arrived, he gave me a deep kiss in the hospital parking lot.

  “Don't be so nervous, everything will be fine, you’ll see.”

  “Okay, are you ready?” The doctors squirted a dollop of ultrasound gel on my round belly.

  I still had to get used to the fact that my body was changing. I loved every minute of it, but every few weeks there was a new challenge, and I had no doubt I'd be in for a lot more changes before the baby was here. “It’s a bit on the early side for a detailed scan, but we’ll try our best, won’t we?”

  I looked up at Brad and bit my lip.

  “I'm as ready as ever, doctor.”

  It took a few moments for the doctor to find the baby, and then he turned the monitor toward us. When I saw the baby, I was filled with a sense of awe I had never felt before. I was seeing the formation of life right before my eyes. I knew that this baby was a product of our love and my heart overflowed with love for Brad.

  “Wow, look at that, Brad. Isn't it amazing?”

  Brad squeezed my hand and nodded. “Unbelievable. I can't wait to hold him or her.”

  We both looked at the doctor questioningly.

  “Do you want to know?”

  Yes!” we said in unison.

  The doctor chuckled. “All right, I think that was a unanimous decision. Here we go. And it is a... little girl!”

  I smiled brightly. I'd been honest when I’d said it didn't matter, but I was still happy to know. Now, I could start picturing this little girl and all the beautiful moments we'll have together in the years to come. I could start decorating the nursery, getting her clothes, and all that other good stuff. Everything seemed more real now. The doctor took all the medically obligatory pictures, and when he was done, told us everything looked perfect. I had worried for nothing, thank goodness.

  “I told you,” Brad said, giving me a kiss as we waited for the e
levators down to the parking lot.

  “I know. That's me these days, though. I’m anxious about every little thing.”

  “That's okay,” he said. “There’s going to be a lot of that over the years, but I'll be there to share every bit of it with you,” he said sweetly.

  Late that night, I was just about to nod off to sleep when Brad came and joined me in bed. His warm, hard body felt comforting, and I snuggled up next to him. I craned my neck for a kiss. Pregnancy was really kicking my ass in terms of fatigue, but at the same time it turned me into a horny maniac at times. Brad never complained, though.

  He rubbed my belly while he kissed me deeply on the lips. His scent was musky and masculine, and his touch electrified my whole body in ways I’d never felt before.

  He slipped off my shorts and kneeled in between my legs, spreading them gently, pulling them up in the air. When he leaned down to kiss me, I moaned.

  “Give it to me, Brad. I love you so much.”

  He ran a hand across my hair.

  “I love you too, omega. More than words can say. Let me show you how much.”

  I reached out to feel his hard, throbbing cock and helped guide it into my ass, which was slippery with slick.

  Brad's face contorted with pleasure as his cock glided deep into me. His hands gripped my thighs, almost a little too hard, and my breaths quickened with each thrust of his massive shaft.

  Each look he gave me was a testament to his adoration of me and each kiss cemented my absolute love for him.

  As he made love to me, I made a silent wish that this would last forever, that our love would always overcome any obstacle that life may present.

  Just as the pressure of a coming orgasm was building up in me, he pulled out gently and I groaned.

  “I'm not going to make it that easy,” he said mischievously.

  I sighed. “Tsk tsk. Don't you know it's dangerous to tease a pregnant Omega?” I reached up and pinched his shoulder playfully.


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