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Special Delivery: Autumn: An Mpreg Romance Collection

Page 18

by Leyla Hunt

  I chuckle and turn my head to nuzzle against his palm. “I’m sorry. I’ve apparently lost all ability to properly communicate with people. I’ve been a complete shut-in since the accident. I’ve abandoned my father’s business to run itself. I let all of the house staff go, save for one. The only reason the grounds are maintained is because my father paid in advance for a year of services.”

  I sigh and begin walking towards the house again. “So you see, Cyrus, I’m the one that feels like I’m not worthy of you. If you’d rejected me there on the sidewalk, I would’ve deserved it. I’ve become a shadow of myself, barely functioning from day to day. Meanwhile, you’re striving to reach new heights and absolutely do not have time for an anti-social shut-in like myself.”

  “You’re not anti-social,” he scoffs. “I doubt you’re much of a shut-in either. You’ve just gotten lost. Which is understandable given what you’ve been through. I can’t even imagine losing that much all at once...” He gives my arm a little squeeze of reassurance. “This place is so would be lonely for one person to roam these halls alone.”

  “There is Marjorie, my housekeeper, friend, and confidant. I’ve known her my whole life,” I explain. “But she lost just as much as I did when the accident happened. I don’t know how she’s so strong.”

  “Because she has to look after you,” Cyrus says. “It’s easy to be strong when someone is relying on you.” He looks up at me. “But, Flemming, I’m not giving up on my dream to come live with you and help you overcome your demons.”

  My heart tightens.

  “I care about you,” he continues. “I want to be with you. To learn more about you and stay by your side for as long as possible. The more time I’m with you the more certain I am about that. But...I don’t want to become your emotional support omega. I’ll be here for you. I’ll listen if you need someone to talk to, but I can’t fix what’s broken inside of you.”

  I stop short once more. We’re only a few feet from the house now, but I sense resistance from Cyrus. This...relationship, I guess, is still so new. He didn’t sign up for all of the pain and agony that plagues me.

  “I don’t want you to give up on your dreams, of course,” I tell him. “I want you to pursue your path in life. I’m not going to tie you down. You’re free to come live here if you want, if you feel comfortable with that. I’m not going to force you to do anything.”

  “The only way I’ll move in with you is if you agree to go and see a therapist,” he says, meeting my gaze with a steely expression. “You’re grieving, Flemming. I don’t have to have a degree in psychology to know that you haven’t dealt with any of it properly either. I’m not equipped to help you through this. The best I can do is tell you that I’m here for you. I’ll support your efforts to heal, but you have to make the first step at getting better.”

  I step back and look away. “Marjorie’s tried to tell me to go see someone. I keep telling her I’ll go, but I never do. It’s still so fresh, the pain of losing them. And...I should’ve been with them. I would have, if I hadn’t eaten some bad fish the night before. And now they’re all gone.”

  Cyrus clutches his coat to his chest. “Promise me you’ll see someone,” he pleads. “If you don’t deal with it, it’s only a matter of time before that guilt consumes you and takes you away from me. I’ve only just met you. Only just found an alpha that actually wants me. It might be selfish of me to say this, but I can’t lose you now. Please?” He reaches out to me. His hands hold both a promise and a request.

  “I will,” I say as I take his hands and pull him to me. Confidence bubbles inside of me. “I’ll make the appointment today.”

  “Good.” He grins.

  “Right after I give you a tour of the house,” I tell him as I lift him into my arms.

  Cyrus grins and loops his arms around my neck. His lips hover beside my ear. “Why don’t we start with the bedroom?”



  Flemming tosses me onto the king-sized bed, his eyes are filled with desire. After our talk outside, I have no more reservations. We each know where the other stands and I’m willing to give all of myself to him now.

  He strips, peeling off layers of clothing without ceremony. I drink in the sight of his body. Perfect in every way. His long neck, sharp collarbones, and chiseled torso lead my gaze downwards until I fix on his fully erect cock. It’s every bit as big as I imagined.

  I feel the tiniest bit of trepidation at the thought of him taking my virginity. I’ve played around with myself before, of course. But none of my toys back home are anywhere near that big.

  My heart is pounding as he crawls across the bed towards me.

  “Cyrus,” he breathes as he gathers me into his arms and pulls my body to his. His lips find mine. The heat of his mouth warms me from within. My dick is already hard, but it twitches in response to his presence.

  I’ve never been kissed like this before. I can’t help but wonder if I’m doing it right. He hasn’t complained, but I still feel clumsy as I try to mimic his motions. I don’t want him to remember our first time together as awkward and unenjoyable. That would be mortifying.

  “Relax,” he says as our lips part. “You don’t have to force anything. Just relax. Do what feels right.”

  “Sorry,” I say as my cheeks flush. “I don’t want to disappoint you.”

  “You’re incapable of that,” he says, nuzzling against my neck. “Everything about you his perfect.” His lips press against my neck, moving up beneath my ear. He nibbles on my earlobe as his free hand strays beneath my shirt.

  Flemming’s fingers dance against my skin. Tickling and arousing me further. He brushes against my hardened nipples, teasing them gently. “Do you like that?” he asks, before grazing my neck with another series of kisses.

  “I do,” I breathe. “But...”

  “I know. You want more. Don’t you?” His hand moves down my body and grabs my erection through my pants. “You want me to help you with this?”

  “I want...I want...” I’m almost embarrassed to give voice to my desires.

  “Tell me.”

  “I want your cock inside me.”

  “Where do you want it?” He purrs as he helps me out of my shirt. “Tell me exactly what to do to you.”

  “I...” I swallow the lump in my throat as I let him finish undressing me. Laying there, naked, before him. There’s no point in hiding any longer. He can see all of me and his desire hasn’t faded in the slightest. He truly wants me as I am, even if I don’t think I’m the most physically desirable omega in the world.

  “I want you to fuck my asshole with your cock,” I tell him as he moves between my legs.

  “Really?” he sounds amused as he teases my asshole with his dick. “Is that all you want?”

  “N-no...” I admit. My ass is already slick and ready for him. My body has been preparing for him ever since the coffee shop. I can’t even describe how difficult it is to try and be objective when every single inch of your body is telling you to get naked and fuck the man standing in front of you.

  “What else do you want?” he asks, giving my dick a little tug. “Whatever it is, I’ll give it to you.”

  “I want...I want you make me yours,” I tell him as I meet his gaze. “I want your knot, Flemming.”

  Flemming gasps, his body shuddering with need as he hovers between my legs. Glistening precome leaks from his dick as he strokes it. “ you really mean it?”

  “I do,” I tell him as I wrap my legs around him. “I want to give myself to you, completely. We’ve already said everything that needs to be said, outside. So, I’m ready. Give me everything, Flemming. Make me your omega. Knot me.”

  Holding his breath, Flemming presses his dick gently into me. It feels even bigger than it looks. My ass, as ready as it was, could never have been prepared for him. I gasp, clutching the bedspread as he slowly enters my hole.

  “How are you doing, baby?” Flemming gently st
rokes my cheek.

  “It’s so big.” I breathe. “I didn’t realize...just how big.”

  “Just try to relax,” he says as he gives my cock another tug.

  “Oh fuck...” I gasp again.

  “Too much?”

  “It good...” My senses are overwhelmed by everything. My body is tense, but slowly loosening up as Flemming lavishes attention on my dick.

  Slowly, the tight feeling in my ass begins to subside. My body relaxes around him and I feel a deep sense of satisfaction in the pit of my stomach.

  “Okay,” I tell him as I look up at him. “I think I’m ready.”

  He hesitates a little before giving me a few slow, shallow thrusts. That alone sends chills down my spine. I never imagined my body could feel this good.

  “More,” I encourage him. “I’m ready, I promise.”

  He thrusts again, deeply this time. I curl my toes in pleasure as he reaches a part of my body that I didn’t even know existed. “Oh, fuck yes...Flemming.”

  Encouraged by my cries of pleasure, he picks up the pace. His thick cock fills me, glides into me, and fucks me until my entire body is tight with pleasure.

  “You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he says, looking down at me as he continues to pound his cock into my hole. “I want to see the look on your face when you come, baby. Show me your ‘O’ face.”

  He taunts me, teasing my already quivering cock. My balls are painfully tight and I’m so close to release that I can barely stand it. Flemming’s hand wraps around my dick, stroking it in rhythm with his thrusts. It’s too much. I can’t hold back any longer.

  I surrender myself. “Fuck, yes, yes, yes, Flemming, fucking fuck me. Make me fucking come!”

  I collapse back against the bed as my come spills out. My dick spasms in Flemming’s hand as he thrusts into me one final time. His knot fully forms, sealing us together, uniting us as mates, while the heat from his come fills me fully.



  It’s been a year since the day I met Cyrus at the coffee shop. I glance at the calendar on the wall beside the bed and sigh. A year since the first day we made love and I claimed him as my omega.

  I sink back against the pillows and let my eyes fall closed again. The warm afternoon sunlight is streaming in between the curtains, but I ignore it. Today is my day to sleep in and be lazy. There’s nothing on the schedule, no therapist appointments or work meetings. I might go to the gym later, but that can wait.

  What I really want to do is drag Cyrus back to bed with me give him another good fucking. We just had one earlier this morning before Cyrus got up. There’s nothing I enjoy more than Saturday morning sexcapades. Unfortunately, I know the likelihood of that happening is low right now.

  The bedroom door opens slightly as Cyrus slips into the room. He’s carrying a cup of coffee in one hand. In his other arm, he’s cradling our three-month-old son.

  “Good morning, daddy,” Cyrus says as he approaches the bed. “Someone wanted to come see you.”

  I grin as I sit up. “He’s getting bigger every day,” I comment as he passes the baby to me. “Did you get your assignment finished?” I look up at Cyrus.

  “Yup,” he says with a grin. “Already got an email back from my instructor thanking me for being so early too. So we’re free for the rest of the weekend.”

  “Perfect. You can catch up on all that sleep you’ve been missing.” I grin and gently lay the baby on the bed in front of me. He’s fast asleep right now because of course he is. “Someone refuses to sleep when it’s time to sleep. Which means, Daddy and Papa are both zombies the next day.”

  “More Papa than Daddy,” Cyrus teases as I crawl out of bed.

  “I promise, I’ll get up with him for the rest of the weekend. And we can switch off during the weekdays,” I cross my heart to solidify my promise. “I know I haven’t exactly been fairly dividing the baby chores lately.”

  “I don’t really mind,” Cyrus says, shaking his head with a grin. He passes the coffee cup to me. “You do your best to make sure I have time for my homework. As long as I can get all of that done, I don’t mind getting up with him. He’s so perfect. Sometimes I just like looking at his cute little face as he’s sleeping.”

  Our lives have changed so much of the last few months. I still miss my loved ones, but thanks to a therapist I’m processing my grief in healthier ways. I’m thankful that Cyrus put his foot down and refused to move in until I’d gone to several of my appointments. It gave me an incentive to keep up with the therapy and actually try to apply myself to getting through the darkness that I was dealing with.

  We knew he was probably going to turn up pregnant before long. So we were prepared for the first twinges of morning sickness. Thanks to a super-secret recipe from her mother, Marjorie was able to brew a tea that helped Cyrus through the worst of the nausea.

  He kept going to school throughout his pregnancy and only missed a few days of class for delivery and recovery. I honestly don’t know how he managed it because I was exhausted just from watching him.

  Of course, the fact that he’s no longer managing his party planning business on the side does help a bit. He sold that once he was confident that our relationship wasn’t just a figment of his imagination. Getting rid of it was more of a relief to him than I thought it would be. I’d expected some sadness or melancholy. To my surprise, he was happy to be rid of it. I guess it had grown to be more of a burden than it was worth.

  “I was thinking of going for a walk down by the river today,” he muses as he gently caresses our son’s cheeks. “I saw some ducks out there yesterday. I thought it would be fun to get some sun before the summer is completely over.”

  “That sounds nice,” I admit, sliding my arm around Cyrus’s shoulders. “Then again, doing anything with my beloved mate by my side sounds like heaven.”

  “Do you think...” his voice trails off as he straightens. “I know we’ve talked a little bit about how you and I might be fated mates...”

  “Not ‘might,’” I correct him. “I’m sure of it now. I even mentioned it to my therapist and he says there is a scientific basis for the concept. It’s not just a myth.”

  “Well, I was just wondering, is it something we tell our kids about?” he looks at me uncertainly. “Not everyone has a fated mate. So do we give them that hope...that someday they’ll just look into the eyes of someone and know that they’re destined to be together. Or do we let them discover it for themselves?”

  I take a deep breath and purse my lips. “I don’t think it’s something you can really explain to someone. I’ve been in lust before. If I’d known about fated mates then, I’m sure I would’ve made the mistake of thinking it was true love. The feeling when I saw you for the first time was completely different. It’s...I think it’s something you’ve got to discover for yourself.”

  Cyrus leans down and scoops up our son into his arms. “Well then, little one, I hope someday you discover what it’s like to love someone as much as I love your daddy.”

  Also by Aria Grace & Lorelei M. Hart

  Book 7 in the Oak Grove Series

  Henry moved away from Oak Grove after high school, leaving behind his friends to start a new life in the big city. After ten years of not finding what he was searching for, he moves back for a job that will give him the skills to eventually start his own business.

  When Logan found out his brother couldn't get pregnant, it was an easy decision to offer to be his surrogate. He would do anything for his brother. And after such a long streak of not dating anyone of substance, he didn't think giving up a year of his life would matter all that much.

  But when finally decides to try a date from an app toward the end of his pregnancy, a potentially tragic accident makes him rethink that decision. Until the alpha who saves him shows up at The Fallen Nut and all of their plans suddenly fall to the wayside.

  Omega Infused is a sweet story about a generous omega who surrogates for his brother
and a kind alpha who fall for each other during a less than ideal period of their lives. If you're looking for a sexy love story of a knotty alpha finding love, don't miss this installment of the best selling Oak Grove series.

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