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Tangled Vows (Mistress Book 1)

Page 11

by Stone, Anna

  It only seemed to turn Yvonne on even more. She grabbed onto the back of Ruby’s head with both hands, guiding Ruby as she swept and rolled her tongue, sucking, licking, and teasing.

  “Oh, yes,” Yvonne said. “Oh, yes…”

  Yvonne ground back against Ruby, her moans building and building. Finally, she rose up into Ruby, a strangled cry erupting from her mouth. Her thighs clenched and her body thrashed, her orgasm consuming her.

  Yvonne’s hands slipped from Ruby’s head. Ruby eased away, kneeling on the bed between her Mistress’s legs, awaiting her command. Had Ruby earned her release? She’d certainly given Yvonne hers.

  After a moment’s rest, Yvonne sat up and gave the chain of the nipple clamps a playful tug. Ruby let out a quivering breath, to Yvonne’s clear amusement.

  “I can say with confidence that you’ve proven yourself,” she said. “Your punishment is over. You’ve earned a reward.”

  Ruby sighed with relief. Finally! But when Yvonne reached into the nightstand again, Ruby’s stomach flipped. Was Yvonne still not finished toying with her?

  This time, Yvonne only pulled out a pair of leather cuffs. “You know what to do.”

  Ruby held out her wrists obediently. At this point, Ruby would do anything her Mistress wanted, as long as Yvonne gave her release.

  Yvonne fastened the cuffs around Ruby’s wrists, the smooth leather caressing her skin. Yvonne drew Ruby’s arms up above her head, took the short chain hanging from one of the cuffs, and threaded it around a bar on the headboard. She clipped the free end to the other cuff, leaving Ruby bound to the bed by her wrists. Ruby’s heart began to pound.

  Yvonne ran a hand down Ruby’s arm. “Close your eyes. Your Mistress will take care of everything.”

  Ruby took in a deep breath and shut her eyes. She felt Yvonne’s hands at her sides, her fingers slipping beneath the waistband of Ruby’s panties, peeling them from Ruby’s legs. Ruby throbbed with anticipation.

  Yvonne nudged Ruby’s knees apart and slid her hand into Ruby’s slit. Ruby shuddered, her eyes rolling into her head. She’d been waiting so long for her Mistress’s touch that the slightest brush of Yvonne’s fingers sent electricity sparking through her.

  Yvonne traced a finger up to circle Ruby’s bud. Ruby let out an uncontrollable moan.

  “Don’t even think about coming yet,” Yvonne said. “I’m still having my fun with you.”

  With her free hand, Yvonne reached up and tugged on the nipple clamps. Ruby hissed. She’d forgotten she was wearing them. She certainly remembered now. Her nipples tingled and burned, only bringing her closer to a climax.

  Yvonne ran her hand down to Ruby’s entrance and dipped a finger inside, then another. A shiver of pleasure went through Ruby. She pushed back against Yvonne’s fingers, desperate to fill the hollowness within her.

  “Had enough?” Yvonne drew her fingers in and out with an unbearable slowness. “Want me to give you what you need?”

  “Yes,” Ruby whimpered. “Please. ”

  “All right, pet. You’ve earned it.”

  Yvonne pumped her fingers harder and deeper, the heel of her palm grinding against Ruby’s aching clit. Ruby convulsed against Yvonne, delirious, her fingers curling and her wrists straining against the cuffs.

  “Go on,” Yvonne said. “You can come now.”

  At once, the pleasure inside Ruby rose and rose. Just as it reached a crescendo, Yvonne reached up and slipped her fingers under the chain of the nipple clamps, pulling them from Ruby’s nipples.

  “Oh!” The rush of blood and sensation sent Ruby over the edge. She arched into Yvonne as an earth-shattering orgasm consumed her entire body. Yvonne surged inside her, sending Ruby deeper and deeper into sweet oblivion, until she was certain she was going to be swept away.

  As Ruby returned to reality, breathless and weak, Yvonne began uncuffing Ruby’s hands. She sank into the bed, the feeling of her Mistress’s fingers on the insides of her wrists making her skin tingle. Yvonne freed Ruby from her restraints and kissed her slowly. Ruby pressed herself against her Mistress, devouring her Mistress’s lips.

  Yvonne wrapped her arms around Ruby, drawing her down to the bed. “Come here.”

  Ruby snuggled in closer, grateful that she didn’t need to ask Yvonne to hold her. She wasn’t the type to feel needy after sex, but right now, Ruby wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of the night in Yvonne’s arms. This insatiable need for closeness only ever came about when she played these kinds of intimate, kinky games with Yvonne.

  Ruby’s stomach stirred. Was she developing feelings for Yvonne, or was she simply feeling the way she was because of the complicated nature of their relationship? Yvonne was so many things to her. ‘Wife.’ Mistress. Partner in crime in an elaborate inheritance scheme. Ruby was irrevocably bound to her, and all the ties between them were beginning to tangle.

  Regardless of what she felt toward Yvonne, one thing was certain. Ruby was in too deep now, under Yvonne’s spell, addicted to their kinky games.

  And last time that had happened, she’d almost ended up broken.

  Chapter 15

  Y vonne woke the next morning, weighed down by an awful, sinking feeling. It was like her entire body was made of wet sand.

  She rolled over in the playroom bed. She and Ruby had fallen asleep in it the night before. But now, Ruby was nowhere to be seen.

  Yvonne dragged herself out of bed, a feat that took far more effort than it should have, and headed for the kitchen. Her head felt foggy. She needed coffee.

  As she entered the kitchen, she was almost knocked over by Ruby.

  “Oops, sorry!” Ruby clutched the cup of coffee she’d almost spilled on Yvonne. “I’m running late.”

  “You have plans?” Yvonne asked. It was the weekend.

  Ruby nodded. “I’ve been exploring the city a lot more lately, and I found this amazing day spa uptown, so I thought I’d treat myself.” A guilty look crossed her face. “It’s a bit pricey. Actually, it’s really, really pricey. I hope you don’t mind. ”

  “It’s fine, Ruby. You don’t need to ask my permission to spend money.”

  “Right. Guess it’s a habit. Anyway, it’ll definitely be worth it. I booked in a whole day of pampering and indulgence. I invited someone along too. My cousin, Brooke. I found out she lives here now, so I reached out to her.”

  “Good for you,” Yvonne said.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell her the truth about our arrangement. I’ll keep up the charade with her too.” Ruby looked at Yvonne’s face, frowning. “Is everything okay?”

  “I’m still waking up, that’s all,” Yvonne lied. “Some coffee will help.”

  “All right. I need to get going, but I’ll be back this afternoon.”

  “I’ll be out most of the day too. Maid of honor business with Madison.”

  “Sounds like fun. I’ll see you later.” Ruby smiled at Yvonne before leaving the room.

  As soon as Ruby was gone, that sense of dread came over Yvonne again. What was wrong with her? Was she sick? She felt like she’d been sucked into a black hole. She wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed, but she’d promised Madison she’d help her with some last-minute wedding planning.

  A cup of coffee, a shower, and a short cab ride later, Yvonne knocked on the door to Madison’s apartment. After a few seconds, a bubbly redheaded woman answered the door. Blair, Madison’s fiancée.

  “Yvonne, hi.” Blair smiled. “Come on in.”

  Yvonne greeted her and followed her inside.

  “I’m about to head out, but Madison is around here somewhere.” Blair led Yvonne into the lounge room. “Have a seat. By the way, it was fun meeting Ruby at Lilith’s the other night. Are you bringing her to the wedding?”

  Yvonne sat down. “I don’t know yet.”

  “She’s welcome to come. We can make room for her. You know, the two of you should come over for dinner sometime.”

  Yvonne made a noise of assent as Blair continue
d. Yvonne wasn’t in the mood to chat. Although she liked Blair, the woman’s bubbly enthusiasm was too much for Yvonne right now. She simply couldn’t shake the dark mood she was in.

  A minute later, Madison entered the room, a cup of coffee in her hand. “Yvonne, you’re here.”

  “I’ll leave you two to it,” Blair said. “Have fun.” She planted a kiss on Madison’s cheek before bouncing toward the door.

  Madison took a seat next to Yvonne. “Thank you for agreeing to help out. There’s still so much to do. Who knew weddings were so much work?”

  “It’s no problem,” Yvonne murmured.

  Madison set her coffee down, frowning. “Is something the matter?”

  Yvonne shook her head. “Everything’s fine.”

  “Yvonne, you know you can’t lie to me. What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know, okay?” Yvonne closed her eyes for a moment, drawing in a breath. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I just woke up feeling… off.”

  “Off how?”

  “It’s hard to explain. It’s like I spent the whole night drinking and now I have a dreadful hangover. Except, I didn’t drink a thing last night.”

  “What did you do last night?”

  Yvonne paused. “Remember when I told you Ruby and I weren’t having sex?”

  Madison raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

  “Well, let’s just say we’re doing far more than that. And it was Ruby who initiated it, not me.”

  “Ah. I suspected as much. So when you brought Ruby to Lilith’s Den, that wasn’t just for show?”

  “No, it wasn’t.”

  Madison leaned back and crossed her arms. “I think I know what’s happening here. Let me guess. Last night the two of you did a scene?”

  Yvonne nodded.

  “And this morning you woke up feeling like crap?”

  “Yes. Where are you going with this, Madison?”

  Madison tilted her head, scrutinizing Yvonne. “This really hasn’t happened to you before?”

  “No. And what’s ‘this?’”

  “You’re familiar with the concept of subdrop?”

  “Of course.” Yvonne had explained it to Ruby that night after Lilith’s Den.

  “This is the same thing. It’s like a kind of hangover that sometimes comes after a scene.” Madison crossed her legs. “Let me guess. On top of feeling exhausted, you feel depressed. Guilty. Concerned about hurting Ruby?”

  Yvonne nodded. She hadn’t been able to put her feelings into words, but what Madison was describing was exactly how she felt.

  “It’s common, and completely normal. As a Domme, you engage in activities that most people consider twisted and perverse, things that are potentially harmful and dangerous. Your subconscious can have a hard time processing all that. Combine that with the physical and mental strain of constantly maintaining control? If you’re not careful, it can lead to a crash. It happens to the best of us.”

  That couldn’t possibly be what Yvonne was experiencing. After all, what she and Ruby had done the night before wasn’t anything extreme, especially not by Yvonne’s standards. She was still taking it slow with Ruby, working out where Ruby’s limits were. But there was no other explanation for what Yvonne was feeling.

  “So you’ve experienced this?” she asked.

  “In the past,” Madison replied. “Now I know the signs so I can stave it off before it sets in. It’s easy enough. You deal with it the same way you deal with your submissive dropping. Aftercare. But instead of you only focusing on your sub’s needs, she focuses on yours as well. Dommes need love too, you know. We make ourselves as vulnerable to our submissives as they do to us, just in a different way. We give them a side of ourselves that few people get to see.”

  That was a perspective Yvonne had never considered. “What do you do when this happens?”

  “I let Blair take care of me.” Madison lowered her voice, as if to prevent Blair overhearing her somehow. “Of course, she doesn’t know that’s what she’s doing. She’s simply serving her Mistress. I’ll have her give me a massage, draw me a bath, bring me something to drink. It’s a good excuse to have your submissive wait on you hand and foot.” Madison took a sip of her coffee. “There’s nothing as satisfying as getting a massage from a grateful submissive after spending the entire evening spanking her.”

  Yvonne held up her hand. “I get the picture. That isn’t a bad idea.”

  “You see? I know you like to deal with your problems by yourself, but you’re only human. You need to make sure your needs are met in any relationship.”

  “What Ruby and I have hardly counts as a relationship.”

  “She’s your submissive, isn’t she?” Madison asked.

  “Yes, but that’s all. I’m paying her to play my wife. I have no feelings toward her.”

  “No feelings? Yvonne, you’re not that heartless.”

  “Fine, I care about her. Of course I do. But not in the way you’re suggesting.”

  Madison studied Yvonne’s face. “Did it ever occur to you that you’re experiencing this drop for the first time because this is the first time you’ve had a submissive you actually care about? Having that genuine connection really heightens everything. It makes all those feelings and emotions that come with BDSM play even more intense.”

  Was there some truth to what Madison was saying? Normally, Yvonne kept herself emotionally detached when it came to these kinds of relationships. They were physical and psychological, nothing more. But she couldn’t deny the connection she felt with Ruby. With Ruby, Yvonne found it easier than ever to let go, to lose herself in the sensual experience they were sharing.

  However, that didn’t mean there was anything romantic there. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t have those kinds of feelings toward Ruby,” Yvonne said. “I care about her as my submissive. That’s all . ”

  “If you say so,” Madison murmured.

  Yvonne narrowed her eyes. “You were never this smug until you and Blair got engaged.”

  “What can I say?” Madison’s expression grew wistful. “Love changes a woman.”

  Yvonne resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Since Madison and Blair had gotten together, Madison had gone from being just as disinterested in relationships as Yvonne to being completely lovesick. Although Yvonne was happy that Madison had found love, one of the irritating side effects of Madison’s transformation was that she kept trying to fix everyone else’s love lives. Yvonne’s love life didn’t need fixing. She didn’t have one to begin with. She wasn’t interested in relationships. She was perfectly happy being alone. She’d been alone her entire life, so she was used to it. It was easier that way.

  But wasn’t she happier now that Ruby was in her life?

  “While we’re on the subject, is Ruby coming to the wedding?” Madison asked.

  “I haven’t asked her yet,” Yvonne said. Would Ruby be able to handle such a task? Playing happily married couple for a handful of Yvonne’s friends at a club was one thing, but the wedding of Madison Sloane, the billionaire founder of Mistress Media, was a huge event. There would be hundreds of people there. “I’ll talk to her and get back to you. Now, let’s get started with this wedding business. What do you need my help with?”

  Chapter 16

  “ G od,” Brooke said. “I’m so relaxed I could drown.”

  Ruby murmured in agreement, breathing in all the scents wafting up from the spa they were sitting in. She wasn’t quite sure what was in the water, but it included tea, flowers, and all kinds of heavenly things. Between the spa she was soaking in and the earlier massage and body scrub, Ruby was feeling more relaxed than she thought possible.

  Brooke turned to her. “Thanks again for inviting me. We’re long overdue for a catch up. Plus, this place is incredible. I could never afford to come here myself.”

  “It’s no problem,” Ruby replied. “I wanted to see you.”

  “How can you even afford somewhere as fancy as this?” Brooke asked. “N
o offense, but the last I heard, you were waitressing in Vegas. That was years ago. You kind of dropped off the radar there.”

  Ruby felt a pang of guilt. “I know. I’m sorry about that.” She and Brooke had been close as kids. With four brothers, Ruby had appreciated having another girl around growing up. But Ruby had lost touch with her cousin in recent years. She’d lost touch with everyone, from her family to her friends. Her last client, who she refused to think of as an ex, had isolated her from them, slowly, without her noticing until it was too late.

  But that was all behind her now. It was time Ruby started rebuilding her life.

  “For what it’s worth, I’ve really missed you,” she said.

  “It’s okay,” Brooke said. “I get it. Life happens. And I’ve missed you too.” She smiled. “So, what’s the deal? You’re obviously doing well for yourself these days.”

  “I’m not waitressing anymore. I got married, actually.” Ruby hadn’t had a chance to tell Brooke about Yvonne yet. They’d been too busy getting pampered.

  “Seriously? When?”

  “It’s kind of a recent thing.”

  “Wow,” Brooke said. “Congrats. Who’s the lucky gal or guy?”

  “Her name’s Yvonne. We met while I was… waitressing.”

  “Ooh, don’t tell me. She’s totally loaded?” Brooke wasn’t exactly tactful.

  Ruby shrugged. “Something like that.”

  “Wow. So you bagged yourself a rich wife. I want to hear all about it. Start from the beginning.”

  Ruby took a deep breath and began telling Brooke the fake story of how she and Yvonne had met. This time, she found herself embellishing the details, spinning a tale far more romantic than the reality. It came easily to her. Lately, Ruby had found herself fantasizing about her relationship with Yvonne, wondering what it would be like if everything between them was real. What if Yvonne had picked Ruby up at work one night, swept her off her feet, fallen madly in love with her? What if the two of them had truly gotten married and moved in together, living the perfect, happy life that they pretended to share?


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