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Resistance Rising

Page 3

by Matthew Savage

  “You all better get ready. The borders are bound to have more security now since the battle on the lake.” President Powell stood. Everyone stood at attention. “Be safe,” Was all he said before dismissing them.

  They left the room and entered the elevator. Captain Underwood rounded on Nolan.

  “I understand you are upset but you need to keep your comments to yourself,” Captain Underwood said and Nolan knew he was mad.

  “I am sorry, sir,” Nolan said. He was embarrassed that he had an outburst.

  “We have a chain of command. You don’t want to lose this position. You’ll end up working in some office or getting kicked out.” Captain Underwood said.

  Nolan replied. “It won’t happen again.”

  “Good,” Captain Underwood said as he turned away from Nolan. The Elevator was silent. Nolan followed Sarah back to her room. The door closed and she turned to him.

  “Look,” Nolan started, before Sarah could speak. “I get I was wrong. My shoulder is fine.”

  “You were shot two days ago!” Sarah yelled. “You think you are alright to go run off to the next mission? If that is the case then there is something wrong with you.”

  “I don’t want to sit back and watch everyone else fight.”

  “I know you don’t. You heard President Powell,” She said, and Nolan felt this is a bad time to say he wasn’t paying attention. “We can’t fight over there. Canada won’t have that. We can’t start a war beyond our borders.”

  Nolan sighed. “It makes sense.” Nolan didn’t want to accept defeat that fast. He would go to visit Doctor Edwards to see if he could get approved for the mission. “I am going to get some air,” Nolan said taking his opening in the conversation to leave the room.

  Sarah nodded and started packing her things. Nolan closed the door behind him and headed towards the medical bay. When he exited the elevator was surprised to see Ian coming out of the medical bay.

  “Ian, you’re up early,” Nolan said.

  “Oh, yeah I was just…” Ian trailed off. “I was just visiting someone.”

  “I see.” Nolan said not convinced of Ian’s answer. There was a long silence between them before Nolan spoke to break the tension. “I am here to see Doctor Edwards. My team is going on a mission and they won’t let me go because of my arm.” This seemed to interest Ian. “I am going to see if he can clear me for duty,” Nolan continued. “I don’t want to be here while they are off.”

  “I know the feeling,” Ian said.

  Nolan remembered how Ian felt when he was told he couldn’t come fight in the battle. He hoped that he hadn’t hit a nerve with Ian. He realized he was had been insensitive. Ian had got a job in an office so that he wouldn’t fight. Ian wanted to fight but command felt he was too young.

  “We’ll you should get in there,” Ian said. “Doctor Edwards is busy today.”

  “Thanks,” Nolan said.

  He left Ian in the hall and entered the medical bay. There were small beds lined up with patients in them. Their injuries all varied and Nolan could see some familiar faces from the battle. It was early and most seemed to be trying to sleep still. Nolan looked around and found a nurse. He asked where Doctor Edwards was and she pointed towards a corner. Nolan found him by the bed of someone familiar. He was cleaning the burns on Susan Clearwater’s arms, who was badly burnt during the battle.

  “Doctor?” Nolan asked. “May I speak with you? Hello Sergeant?”

  “Nolan, how is your arm?” Susan asked.

  “It is alright,” Nolan replied. He wanted to sound confident before he asked the Doctor if he could go.

  “How is your arm, Susan?” Dr. Edwards asked her.

  She squirmed as Doctor Edward cleaned her wounds. “Never better.” Her voice was strained.

  “Just a moment private. I am going to finish here.” Doctor Edwards said as he worked.

  He never lost focus on his patient. Nolan had to turn away as he cleaned her wounds; it was too much for him. He had a great appreciation for Doctor Edwards. Nolan knew he could never do what he did. After what probably felt like hours to Susan, Doctor Edwards finished.

  “What can I do for you, Private Hunter?” Doctor Edwards said going to a sink and washing his hands.

  “I was wondering if I could get cleared to go on a mission with my team?” Nolan asked. He didn’t want to beat around the bush. His team would be leaving soon. He needed an answer and fast so he could prepare. Doctor Edwards took off his glasses and looked at Nolan in the eyes.

  “Let me take a look at it,” Doctor Edwards said. He led Nolan to a table where he slowly took off his shirt. Doctor Edwards changed the bandage and cleaned it. “I am afraid it isn’t a good idea,” He said after changing the bandage.

  “But sir, it feels fine,” Nolan pleaded.

  “I understand that but it is still healing. It needs attention every day. If it gets dirty or gets infected it could cause real problems.” Nolan sighed. “I am sorry.” Doctor Edwards said. He left Nolan to return to work.

  Nolan knew that was his last chance. he was now forced to sit out this mission. Nolan was walking out of the medical bay when he heard his name being called.

  “Nolan!” A woman’s voice yelled.

  Nolan looked around before he saw Cerina Foster, and his stomach dropped. He could feel the color leave his face. This was the first time he saw her since her husband’s death. A death that Nolan felt partially responsible for. It was Nolan’s idea to go and break into the base. He walked over to her and tried to put on a smile.

  “How are you doing?” He asked. “That was a stupid question.” Nolan thought. She just lost her husband and was stuck at base pregnant. “I heard you are due soon.” He said trying to recover.

  “I am doing… It hasn’t been easy these last couple of days. I knew after we talked that something was wrong. I normally make him promise he’ll be back. Our conversation was so brief that I didn’t get the chance,” Her eyes started to water. She rubbed her belly. “Ready to have him though. That is my focus now. He is my everything.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him,” Nolan said. He had never spent much time around kids.

  “You volunteering to babysit?” Cerina laughed.

  “I- I don’t know about that,” Nolan said fumbling over his words.

  “Don’t worry I won’t put him off on you.”

  They both laughed a little. Nolan felt uncomfortable. Nolan wanted to tell her how sorry he was. He didn’t know how to say it. “Mrs. Foster, I just want to say…”

  “Don’t even think about it,” She stopped him. “I know what you are going to say. It isn’t your fault. He knew the risks.” Her eyes filled with tears. “These kinds of things happen when people go to war.”

  Tears formed in Nolan’s eyes. She waddled over and held him. Nolan could feel tears rushing down his face. She let him go and he wiped his eyes. He was embarrassed. They were openly crying in the medical bay. Nolan looked and could see people looking at the two of them. He hid his face and turned his back on them.

  “You have nothing to be ashamed of,” Cerina told him. It was as if she knew how he was feeling. “You aren’t the only person feeling sad about what has happened.” Nolan tried to compose himself. Cerina giving him a moment cleared her throat and spoke again. “I am sorry about your father. Laurence spoke very highly of him.” She was dabbing her eyes with an old piece of tissue paper. Nolan suspected that she had taken to keeping one on her since she found out the news. This made his stomach sink even lower. She smiled at him. “Gotta stay strong,” Cerina said. “I got a little one on the way.” Nolan nodded his head forced a smile. “What were you here for, anyways?” She asked.

  Nolan explained the situation. He talked so fast he hoped that Cerina had kept up. He had so much going on in his head he had trouble focusing his thoughts. When Nolan finally stopped Cerina simply said. “Got to get better, so you can fight another day. War is long. There is time.”

  Nolan knew she was r
ight. She put it in perspective for him. It was only one mission. By the sound of it. It seemed that this would be a simple one. Maybe with this free time, he could spend some time with Karli?

  “I need to get going too so I can say bye to Sarah,” Nolan said.

  “Tell her to stay safe,” Cerina said before adding. “Come see me again, Nolan.”

  “I will.”

  Nolan knocked on the door to his room before entering. Sarah was in plain clothes. She had a bag on the bed and her hair was pulled into her usual ponytail. She didn’t say anything to him when he walked in. She must have thought he was still upset about not being able to come.

  “I ran into Cerina Foster.” Nolan said.

  This stopped Sarah in her tracks. She looked at Nolan to judge how the conversation must have gone.

  “What did she say?” Sarah asked.

  “We talked a little about Laurence and her baby.”

  “What did she say about him?” She asked apprehensively.

  “She is struggling but she is trying to stay positive.”

  “Good. Why were you in the medical bay?” Sarah said and continued getting ready to leave.

  Nolan also told her how he went to see Doctor Edwards. Sarah didn’t respond to this. Nolan explained what he said about his wound. Sarah agreed. Nolan explained to Sarah what Cerina had told about the war being long. Sarah stopped and looked at her bag on her bed.

  “What is it?” Nolan asked.

  “I hope it isn’t too long,” She said not taking her eyes off of her bed. “I can’t help but wonder how many battles we can make it through. We barely made it out of the first one.”

  Nolan would be lying if he had said this hadn’t crossed his mind. “This is part of the risk of joining,” Nolan said. He thought about Cerina and what she had said about knowing the risk. “Fighting is better than letting this take-over happen without consequences.”

  “I know but I still can’t help thinking about it,” Sarah said as she put the bag on her shoulder. “I gotta get going.”

  “I will walk with you to the hangar,” Nolan said.

  They walked into the hanger which was crowded. It was nearly lunch time and people had started moving into order to get first chance at food. Captain Underwood stood waiting next to an SUV. Nolan could see Orson putting his bag in the back. Mary was talking to several soldiers at the front of the car. Steven followed behind them. Nolan wished them luck and headed towards the mess hall. Captain Underwood had stopped him before he could leave.

  “I will have some work for you to do while we are gone.” He said.

  “Yes sir,” Nolan said not entirely enthused.

  “I understand your frustration. I will have Lieutenant Carol check on you.”

  “Sounds good sir.” Nolan was going to try and embrace this time. “Stay safe Will.”

  “Thanks, Nolan.” Captain Underwood said and headed back to the car.

  Sarah hugged Nolan before she got into the SUV. Nolan watched as the car pulled away out of the hangar.

  A helicopter roared through the sky, it traveled towards a large mansion in the center of St. Louis, which had become the capital of the Midwest Region. Governor Higgins had built a modest but elegant mansion. The helicopter circled the mansion waiting for permission to land. Major Fulton knew this was a power play by the Governor. She would make him wait to show she was the one in charge. He will let her have this win. When they were finally cleared, the helicopter landed on a small helicopter pad. Major Fulton exited the helicopter. He was followed by one captain and two aides. Captain Samson was younger than Major Fulton. Captain Samson was several years out of training. He was fresh and ready to work for the government. He had piercing green eyes and dark brown hair. The four men were greeted by one of Governor Higgin’s aides.

  “Major, it is a pleasure to have you here. I was told to express the apologies of Governor Higgins. She was in a meeting about the battle that happened on Lake Superior.” The aid said to them.

  He held out his hand in a gesture suggesting to follow him into the home. It was plainly decorated. The great room had a large fireplace which warmed the whole room. Major Fulton headed towards the fireplace and warmed his hands by the fire. Captain Samson followed along with the two aides. Governor Higgins aide, Josh, was nervous. Major Fulton knew Josh was intimidated by him. This pleased the Major. He liked having the people around him fear him. It gave him a sense of power. Major Fulton instructed his agents to sit; they obeyed without question.

  “I will grab Governor Higgins,” Josh said and nervously left the room.

  Major Fulton strolled around, he looked at the various pictures and artwork. Major Fulton knew that though it looked modest but it cost a great deal of money. He could spot paintings from renowned artist. Most of the work was original. A door opened and Governor Higgins entered the great room. She seemed to have more distinct lines on her face. Her hair was light brown with hints of gray in it.

  “No please. Make yourself at home,” Governor Higgins said.

  “Don’t mind if I do,” Major Fulton said.

  “Major, there is no need for us to have a pissing contest. I don’t need you walking in here to remind me of who you are.” She said. She sat down and crossed her arms.

  “Is that so?” The Major said and marched towards her.

  “That is right. I am in charge of this region. This means that I make the decisions in it. That doesn’t mean when your forces are falling back from a small band of outlaws, you can call my National Guard to come back you up.”

  The Major stood above her. He waited for her to continue.

  “We learned a great deal. Despite what appears to some to be a loss. The President is pleased. We have had two battles this week.”

  “A battle that resulted in several of our ships being disabled. I wouldn’t call this week a victory. We look weak.” The Governor said and stood to meet the Major’s eye.

  “Do we? We sunk one of theirs. We have brought them out into the open.”

  “Indeed you have. I have small groups putting up fights all over the region. We have a large group in Indiana that has been targeting our trucks. I believe their force is large and could be a real threat.”

  “You believe? Why should I trust this?” Major Fulton asked and walked towards the fire. “As I am sure you are aware these transports are guarded by my agents.”

  “Shouldn’t you keep a better eye on them?” She said with a sneer.

  “I am, but this brings me to a different point. You said you ‘think’ they are larger. What reason do you have to believe this? I understand we have had some problems in the area but that was taken care of. These incidents are separate.”

  “Not to worry, I have had people look into it.” Governor Higgins said.

  This was a chess match and she was moving pieces to stop him. “What people?” The Major was interested now.

  “Agents from the FBI.”

  This made Major Fulton laugh. The United States Security Bureau had almost absorbed most of the government organizations. Though many still existed the USSB had the most power and was the largest. The only branches that were larger than the USSB were military ones.

  “My agents are doing the investigation?” Major Fulton said.

  “It was my choice, and you didn’t seem to be making any progress.”

  “This type of attack falls under my jurisdiction Governor. I also don’t go around flaunting that I am investigating people. If I want people to slip up I am not going to let them know I am on to them.”

  “Regardless, this group seems to be large.” She poured herself a glass of brown liquor. “This poses a threat. If another branch of Insurgents has been discovered then they need to be eradicated.”

  “Indeed it does. In the future attacks like this will be handled by the USSB. The FBI let the Democratic Insurgence grow. The USSB will be the ones to destroy them.”

  “That is correct Major. President Marshal has ordered you to handle this s
ituation personally before it grows out of control. Go to Indiana and eliminate these Insurgents.”

  Chapter 3

  Gathering Intelligence

  Nolan reported to the intelligence office, where he would meet Lieutenant Carol. He wasn’t sure what the Lieutenant looked like. He had minimal contact with other intelligence agents. Since he had joined he had spent most of the time on assignment. This meant that he had almost never met anyone who worked with D.I. intelligence besides his team and Corporal Kelly Lynn, who ran the front desk. He arrived early and waited at his desk. He heard a knock at the door. He stood at attention as Lieutenant Carol walked in. She was around thirty years old by Nolan’s guess. She had dark long hair pulled into a ponytail, dark-rimmed glasses, and was very short, which surprised Nolan who nearly towered over her.

  “Private Hunter, I am Lieutenant Carol,” She said. She ordered him to stand at ease. “You will be reporting to me while Captain Underwood is away.”

  “I understand ma’am,” Nolan said.

  She smiled and put a stack of files on Nolan’s desk. “This will be your assignment. Captain Underwood wanted you go through these and organize them.”

  ‘It was just busy work,” Nolan thought.

  “These are recent decoded messages. Our communications passed them along, they must have assumed they would mean more to us. From what I understand Captain Underwood thinks there are possible targets in these files somewhere. Go through and let me know if anything stands out.” Lieutenant Carol said. She smiled and left the office.

  Nolan started going through the files. He was looking for possible targets for the Insurgents. These targets could be things they need, it could be targets for them to hit or possible allies. Nolan went through pages. The work was tedious. Nolan wasn’t sure if he was making any progress. He kept working through dinner, he didn’t have anyone to talk to so figured he would keep working. He only stopped working when Lieutenant Carol walked into his small office.

  “Have you moved at all private?” Lieutenant Carol asked.


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