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Resistance Rising

Page 24

by Matthew Savage

“Is that right?” Major Fulton said. An evil smirk came on his face.

  “Gather all of our remaining forces in the area. We are going to put down this cell.”

  Chapter 23


  Captain Underwood looked down the barrel of the gun. He tried to work out in his head if there was any way he could take the gun from the man. There wasn’t a question in his mind that this was one of Reese’s men. He wasn’t dressed like carjackers or what Will would think a carjacker would be dressed like. This meant that Mr. Reese had already given them up.

  “Don’t even think about it,” The man said to Will in a cold voice. The man was young he looked to Will to be around Sarah or Steven’s age. He didn’t look scared at all. “If you move,” the man continued. “You will be shot. Put your hands on the stirring wheel.”

  Will followed the man’s instructions. Why had he been so distracted when he talked to Mary? Will wondered if this man had heard any of the conversation that he had just finished. The man got into the car with him. The windows were tinted so even if his team arrived they wouldn’t see him.

  “When will they be here?” The man asked.

  “Who is that?”

  Before Will had finished his thought the man had hit Will with his gun.

  “Don’t play dumb with me,” The man said.

  “I don’t know what you mean? My daughter works at the…”

  Will didn’t have a chance to finish because the gun was to his head. Will glared at the man. Fire in his eyes.

  “Listen mother fucker, I am CIA. You aren’t fooling me,” the man asked.

  “What would CIA want with a restaurant in Canada?’

  WAK! This hit was much harder than the last hit.

  “What the fuck did I just say?” the man asked.

  “What do you want with me?” Will asked.

  “I want you to shut the fuck up,” The man said. “Now, when will your friends be here?”

  Will didn’t answer.

  “I know you aren’t deaf. Answer me,” The man said losing a little of his patience.

  “You said you want me to ‘shut the fuck up’. So which is it? Do you want to know when they will be here or for me to shut the fuck up?” Will asked.

  “If we didn’t need you I would put a bullet in you right now,” The man said.

  Will could see an SUV coming down the street. He knew this was his team. It must have shown on his expression because the man spoke into his radio.

  “Insurgents about arrive,”

  Will took this as his chance. He lunged at the man. He hit the man in the face with his elbow. The man tried to punch Will. It was difficult hitting in such a confined space. Will attempted to grab the agent’s gun. The man head bunted Will. He fell back in the driver seat. Will was seeing stars. He knew it wasn’t a star facing him; it was a gun. Will looked towards the restaurant he could see Sarah look right at his car and then the team entered the restaurant.

  “That was a mistake. I was looking forward to torturing you. I guess I will have to live with killing you,” The man said to Will, blood running from his nose and his clothes looked disheveled.

  Inside the restaurant, Sarah put her hand in her pocket and hit the speed dial. One of the men dressed in black combat gear came and grabbed her hand. Sarah hit the man right on his nose. She felt his bones break beneath her fist. Mary kicked a chair towards one of the soldiers, and grabbed a knife from the table to defend herself.

  Sarah had swung the soldier's arm behind his back and pulled up. She dislocated his shoulder and the man dropped. The next soldier came at her with a gun raised. Sarah heard from behind her Mr. Reese call out. “Don’t kill them!”

  Sarah kicked the table hard. It fell backward and she could hear it collide with Mr. Reese who had been standing to take charge of the situation. Sarah could see from the corner of her eye that he was now face down on the table. Sarah followed Mary’s lead and grabbed a knife. Mary did her best to fight the two soldiers who had taken to trying to hit her with batons. Sarah grabbed one of the advancing men’s hands and stabbed it into the table. The man let out a blood-curdling scream. Sarah kicked another right in the crotch. He dropped so fast and hard she almost fell over him.


  The gunshot rang out. Sarah turned to see if Mary had been hit. Mr. Reese had moved from behind the table to right over Mary and was pointing a smoking gun at her. He must have fired it into the air because she was not hurt at least not from a bullet. Sarah stopped fighting and let the soldiers tackle her to the ground.

  “Enough fighting or else she dies,” Mr. Reese ordered. He was pressing the hot barrel against Mary’s cheek and she fought to move her face from the hot gun. “You all have lost,” Mr. Reese declared. “You have injured my men and let me just say I will have great pleasure giving each and every one of you to the US government. If I am not mistaken it is one hundred thousand dollars for every Insurgent that is captured. It seems by my count we have five hundred thousand dollars here,”

  Sarah knew he counted the three of them along with Steven, Sergeant Miller, and Captain Underwood. She had hoped that the others were doing better than her and Mary. Mr. Reese paused for a moment. He smirked at Agent Young’s body. “Six hundred thousand.”

  This filled Sara with rage and she wanted to fight and kill her way to Mr. Reese.

  “I forgot that is dead or alive. Be sure to save that one’s body.” Mr. Reese said and pointed to Agent Young. “All of you here are getting a hefty bonus I assure you.” Mr. Reese looked around for a moment as if expecting someone. “Where are my friends from the Central Intelligence Agency?”

  Several men stepped forward. They had several pairs of handcuffs ready.

  “These prisoners are yours. I know I have asked many times but, are you sure I can’t keep that one?” He pointed at Sarah.

  She tried to break out of the grip of the men holding her. If she could only break free long enough to get a knife she could slit that perverts neck.

  “I am afraid not, Sir. Major Fulton wants this on specifically.” One of the tall CIA agents said gesturing to Sarah.

  “We could split her and I can have the good parts,”

  “I think not.” The man replied.

  Sarah felt the handcuffs go around her wrists. The cold steel touched her body and she couldn’t see any way of getting out now.

  The SUV pulled into the back parking area. Steven sat in the back. He had wanted to be the one to go inside. He didn’t like waiting out here. Sarah was in there and if anything happened he wanted to make sure he was there to keep her safe.

  Sergeant Miller parked the car. The parking lot in the back of the restaurant had some cars in it but for the most part, it was empty. Steven figured more people must have been there if the restaurant was supposed to open soon.

  “How long do you think this will take?” Scott asked.

  “Depends,” Steven replied. “If they get right to the point then perhaps it won’t take too long. We still have a couple of hours until our boat takes off.”

  “Is that enough time to get everything done?” Scott asked.

  “I hope so,” Steven said.

  “Same. I am sick of this country,”

  “I would think this seems much better than being back home,” Steven said.

  He was surprised at how much Scott wanted to get back home.

  “I haven’t been home in almost a year. I am ready to stop hiding and start fighting this war,” Scott said.

  Steven hadn’t given it that much thought. They had been gone since Congress and the other branches of the government ended. They had been on the run and trying to get Domino Defense to join. Steve could imagine how they must be feeling knowing that it is coming to an end but they didn’t get the company to join.

  Steven looked out the back of the SUV. A car had pulled up to the parking lot. It had taken a spot near the entrance. Steven couldn’t tell how many people were in it. The windows were tinted. It seemed to be
a nicer car than he would expect an employee driving.

  “We got a car back here,” Steven whispered.

  “I see it,” Scott said. “I got someone coming out of the kitchen here.”

  “Maybe it is someone’s parent or friend?” Steven asked.

  “Maybe,” Scott said. He paused for a moment. “He is coming up to our car.”

  Steven grabbed his rifle and held it in the ready position. The man who came out of the kitchen is dressed in black.

  “Gun!” Scott yells.


  Scott had opened fire from drive seat. Firing through the windshield. Steven’s ears were ringing. He turned and the man who came from the restaurant fell backwards on ground, pistol in his hand. Scott got out of the SUV. Steven looked back towards the car. Three men had exited the vehicle and were heading towards Scott. They must not have known that Steven was in the back seat. Steven raised his rifle and opened fire. The first two men dropped. The third moved behind the parked car. Steven rushed out of the SUV. He fired towards the parked car and signaled for Scott to flank the car.

  A head raised from behind the parked car. Scott fired and the bullets went through the windshield. The man ducked and peeked his head out again this time Steven was ready. He fired one bullet hitting the man right between his eyes. The bullet must have past clean through because Steven saw blood fly into the air as the man hit the ground.

  Steven approached the dead men and checked to make sure they are dead. He ordered Scott to make sure the other man was dead. Steven came alongside Scott when he had cleared the others. Scott looked at the SUV as he crouched down at the first man’s body checking for vitals.

  “Get my phone will you,” Scott said. “I bet they are calling me.”

  Steven ran to the SUV and looked in the cup holder for Scott’s phone. He saw that Sarah was calling. He answered the phone but he could only hear muffling.

  “They are calling!” Steven yelled to Scott.

  “Let’s get in there,” Scott said.

  Before the two men could move inside they heard squealing tires. A white van had just blocked the entrance to the parking lot. Steven raised his rifle to open fire. Scott came up next to him and stopped him.

  “Wait!” Scott pleaded.

  Steven waited and from the passenger seat of the van, Steven saw Agent Mason getting out he had his hands up.

  “Friendlies!” Agent Mason said.

  “Peter, God damn it. We almost killed you.” Scott yelled. “Who are these people?”

  “They are here to help us! They joined with Jonah.” Agent Mason said.

  Steven knew the clock was ticking. If they had just been ambushed then there was a good chance Sarah and the others were fighting inside.

  “We need to get in now!” Steven said.

  A group of men came out of the van and headed for the back door of the restaurant. All of the men were armed with rifles and were wearing military battle gear. Steven didn’t have time to ask questions he was the first one at the door and the first to kick it open.

  Out front in Jonah’s SUV, Will was still looking at a gun. He heard gunfire coming from behind the restaurant. Will knew this was the end. He couldn’t reach his gun at least not without getting shot first. He had no choice but to accept his fate. Will looked at the man right in the eyes. He wanted this young kid to remember his face. The urge to fight was running through Will’s body. It was as if Will was a cornered animal. He thought of his training and he knew any move he would make it would only result in his death. Did it matter? Should he try anyway? These thoughts were bouncing all over his head as he stared at the gun. He waited for a mussel flash and then the end.

  PING! PING! The rear windshield shatter! Bang! The CIA’s pistol went off but the bullet went past Will’s head. The CIA agent hit the side of the dashboard. The agent’s blood was all over the front of the car. The young man’s eyes were still open. They stared blankly past him and Will sat up and grabbed the agent’s gun. As he did that the passenger door opened. Will fumbled the gun but stopped when he saw Orson who was holding a pistol with a silencer on it.

  “Are you alright, Captain?” Orson said.

  He grabbed the dead agent’s shirt and pulled his body on to the street. Will rubbed his ear before speaking.

  “My ears are ringing,” Captain Underwood said.

  He imagined he might have screamed it because of the ringing in his ear. Will struggled to get up when the driver door opened. He was startled but Orson told him immediately that it was alright. Jonah was in tactical gear and had a rifle with a silencer on it.

  “Captain Underwood,” Jonah said. “We need to get inside. We have been betrayed.”

  Will understood what happened. Reese had planned for this to happen and they fell right into it.

  “Where is Ms. Hill?”

  From behind him Ms. Hill appeared wearing an oversized bullet proof vest and flanked by two of Jonah’s agent.

  “I am ready to help take this prick out,” Ms. Hill sneered.

  Well, let’s get in there and end this guy,” Will said.

  Sarah and Mary were on their knees in handcuffs. Mr. Reese was on a radio pacing around. He was across the room which meant Sarah couldn’t hear what he was saying until he screamed.

  “Is anyone there?” He said. Everyone inside looked at him. “Christ!”

  He looked at the CIA agent who had restrained Sarah.

  “Where are your men?”

  “I am not sure. They should be in their positions.” The agent said in an even tone. “We should move them. We can’t just sit here.”

  The agent started organizing the group to move. This seemed to anger Reese. Sarah knew he liked to be in charge. As they grabbed the two of them Sarah tried to think of anything she could do to fight with them. It didn’t seem like any point because she couldn’t remove the handcuffs.

  Sarah was the first to be grabbed and brought to her feet. They were marching her towards the back. She figured they were bringing her through the kitchen and out the back. Sarah wondered if Steven and Sergeant Miller had suffered the same fate as Agent Young had. She couldn’t bear to see Steven’s body if he had been killed. Thinking about that possibility made Sarah nearly broke down in tears. Sarah thought about her father. Would she endure the same torture he had? She knew The Fortress had been destroyed but that didn’t mean there weren’t others like it somewhere.

  Sarah was led into the kitchen and towards the back door. She hoped that Orson, Jonah, Ms. Hill and Agent Mason had escaped. She didn’t think they knew where the safe house was. The only place they most likely knew they had been staying was the townhome complex. This at least gave Sarah some comfort. The others had a good shot at not being caught. Captain Underwood had been keeping watch. They couldn’t have gotten him. They approached the back door. It burst open. It happened so fast. Sarah dropped to the floor and took the agent who was holding her down with her.

  Gunfire erupted above her. She saw the agent go to grab his pistol from his hip. Sarah kicked and head butted him. The agents head exploded and Sarah knew a bullet had hit him. Someone grabbed her and pulled her off to one side of the kitchen. Sarah fought not being able to see who had her.

  “Let go of me!” She yelled.

  “Stop fighting me!” A familiar voice said. “I am trying to help you.”

  It was. She was so happy to see him. She wanted to hold him but she couldn’t do anything with her hands still in handcuffs.

  “Stop squirming. I am gonna get you out of these things,” He said.

  He reached for the dead agent. Sarah could hear gunfire in the restaurant. Steven came back to her with keys. He took the cuffs off and stood her up. She kissed him.

  “Thanks for getting me,” Sarah said.

  “Don’t mention it. Where is everyone else?”

  “In there.”

  Sarah pointed to the dining room. Steven grabbed the agent’s gun and handed it to Sarah the two of them followed the g
unfire. When they entered the dining room Sarah spotted Mary taking cover in a corner. Bullets were hitting the wall. Sarah could see the dust and the drywall break as the bullets hit them. Mary still had her handcuffs on. Sarah fired towards Reese and his men. Reese had his pistol out and fired towards Mary. This lite a fire in Sarah. She fired several shots towards Reese. He dodged the shots and one of his men took the bullets. The man slumped against the wall and blocked Reese. Sarah tried to make her way to Mary. She ran dodging underneath the gunfire. She could hear bullets going over her head and hitting tables and chairs around her. Sarah looked and Reese who, kicked the dead-slumped-man to the ground. Reese looked at Sarah and aimed his gun towards her.

  A blast from the front entrance blew the doors open. Several of the Domino Defense Corporation men had been hit with shrapnel. Many of them were grabbing at wounds on their bodies. Sarah could see one man holding his face that was covered in blood. He was screaming and Sarah could almost hear him clearly even through the gunfire in the building. He was quickly silenced by Steven who fired several shots. Sarah looked towards Reese who was being escorted out of the restaurant. Sarah decided not to follow him but to help Mary who had several cuts on her face from broken glass.

  “Are you hurt?” Sarah asked. She half expected Mary to be wounded from gunfire.

  “I think I might have hurt my shoulder from hitting the ground.”

  Sarah used the key Steven got from the CIA agent and took off the handcuffs. Steven came next to the two of them.

  “We need to get the hell out of here,” Steven said as he fired at the men who remained from Reese’s group.

  Sarah looked towards the door and could see Captain Underwood and Jonah as they pursued the CIA agents and Reese’s other men. Steven helped Mary up and they headed back towards the kitchen door. As they walked outside the sunlight hit their eyes. Sarah hadn’t realized how dark and dusty the restaurant had become since the battle started. When her eyes adjusted Sarah was shocked to see Reese and several men blocking their escape.

  Chapter 24


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