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A Ravenous Pack: Wolf's Hunger 5 Books

Page 11

by A. K. Michaels

  The figure was no longer threatening. All signs of the electrical power he’d wielded disappeared, leaving in its stead a man that looked angry, shocked, and scared. His dark eyes darted around, looking for a means to escape. Futile. Rafe’s own men now circling around to block his way, some in Wolf form, snarling and snapping their jaws menacingly.

  “What did you do to him?” Zohar asked Sherman.

  Sherman turned away from their foe, whispering so low that only Wolf ears would hear. “I’ve bound his magic but it may only be temporary. I’ve no idea how long it will last. I could easily have killed him but I did say I would try to give the lady her chance to face the man that did carried out such a heinous act on her family and Pack.”

  “Thanks.” Rafe inclined his head as the small man spun back to the person who’d been such a frightening sight just moments earlier.

  “What’s your name?” Sherman asked quietly.

  Dark eyes narrowed in on him, a defiant tone as he answered. “Paulo, Paulo Capaldi.”

  “Why?” Sherman tilted his head. “Why would you abuse your power to kill so many people? You annihilated an entire Pack of Wolves, for what?”

  Paulo’s eyes closed to slits. “Why? Because I could, that’s why. I wanted their land. Not just theirs. I would’ve carried on, gained as much as possible and sold it to developers. Do you have any idea how much land like this sells for? I could’ve made a fortune and all I had to do was get rid of a few mangy Wolves.”

  Rafe’s beast reared its head, a rumble in his chest gaining momentum to escape into a savage growl. His fangs descended, nicking his cheeks and lips, blood dripping down his chin to drop onto the ground. He refused to rein his Wolf in, allowing Paulo to catch a glimpse of the future that awaited him.

  “Get that thing away from me!” Paulo whined at Sherman.

  Tasha appeared, tears running down her cheeks. “You killed my friends, my Pack, my mom and dad, just for money. What kind of person are you that you’d abuse a power the Goddess gave you like that?”

  Rafe’s anger grew. His mate’s suffering clawing at his insides like molten lava. Her pain was his pain. He could feel it. Raw, aching, agony, anguish and sorrow. He almost crumpled to the ground with the weight of what she carried. His Tasha, his love, and she needed him.

  His arms circled her, bringing her back against his chest, holding her tight as his Alpha power flowed into her. His strength ebbed from him, giving her what he could to help.

  Paulo merely sneered at her, sealing his fate. “What kind of person am I? I’m strong and use what I have to actually do something not just prowl around and live like wild animals. You Wolves are barely a step up from dogs.”

  Tasha’s body shuddered, shock reverberating through her as Paulo’s venom rushed over them. Sherman stepping forward, patting her arm. “I apologize for this idiot, my dear.”

  Zohar appeared, grabbing Paulo roughly. “I’ve been sent by the Council and I am their Legal Representative. It’s my decision what happens to you and your sentence has already been determined.”

  “What? No! You have no right. I’m a Witch and I should be tried by my peers not by you.” Paulo yelled, his face contorted with rage but also fear.

  Sherman took over, his voice cold and hard. “I’ve got the relevant authority from the Witch Council to dole out some justice.”

  Paulo pounced on Sherman’s words. “Yes, yes, of course. You’re a Witch, you’re the only one that should deal with me. Take me back to the Witch Council and let them administer my punishment.”

  Sherman wandered away, his face grim, thoughtful, as he paced back and forth. Every so often he’d stop and glance at Tasha, then Paulo, then return to pacing. Tasha’s heart thundered in her chest, Rafe could hear it clearly, her hands now hanging onto his as he still held her close against him.

  Rafe’s Wolves were growing restless, prowling around Paulo, or pawing at the ground, desperate to sink their jaws into him and draw blood. His Alpha power the only thing holding them at bay. Levi and Jacy joined the circling Wolves, adding to Rafe’s authority and keeping the Wolves in check, for which he was grateful. His focus was wavering between them and his mate so the added help would ensure his men didn’t suddenly attack.

  Not that the bastard didn’t deserve it but when the time came that pleasure was going to be his. He hoped. He may be Alpha of his Pack but he held no jurisdiction here. All they could do was wait and see what Sherman decided.

  Zohar caught Sherman’s pacing bug, walking away for several yards then beginning his own version. However, the Enforcer’s was more energetic, more a stomping, as he marched back and forth, glaring at Sherman then Paulo and back again. The former ignored him, the latter squirmed every time Zohar’s eyes bored into him.

  Everyone could see the decision weighed heavy on Sherman. He hadn’t expected to be put in this position and now the man obviously didn’t know what to do. He was well aware what would happen if he handed Paulo over to Rafe and his Wolves.

  As it turned out, Sherman didn’t have to make the decision he was having difficulty with.

  Rafe’s focus was on Sherman when Tasha shouted. “Shit!”

  Sherman yelled. “Get back!”

  Zohar snarling as he spun around toward them.

  Rafe spun around to see the beginning of that dangerous blue light simmering in Paulo’s eyes, a dangerous glint shining as he smirked, gathering his power to garner an assault. His focus on Tasha, his hatred showing clearly as his face contorted in a mask of revulsion, spitting out. “Dirty fucking Wolf!”

  “Hell no.” Rafe growled, releasing his beast.

  Razor sharp fangs descended, claws erupting, fur sprouting through his skin, as he threw Tasha behind him and leapt forward, mid-change. Half man, half beast, he attacked the threat to his mate, teeth tearing, claws ripping, skin, gore, blood spraying all around until there was nothing left of Paulo but a tangled mess on the ground. His blood pooled around him, seeping into the dirt, the metallic aroma hanging heavy in the air.

  Rafe felt the viscous crimson fluid all over him, his clothes in tatters as he snarled at the body. Rage rampaging through him at how close his mate came to danger. His head spun around looking for something else to tear apart, eyes wild and feral, his blood rushing through his system like a tsunami, blocking out all other sounds.

  Soft fingers ran through fur on his half-formed torso causing him to jerk around, Tasha’s pale grey eyes peered up at him. “It’s all right, Rafe. We’re safe now. Come back to me, please.”

  Her gentle tone soothed his beast and his soul. His Wolf retreating to leave him standing in his tattered clothes and Paulo’s blood. “Are you okay? Fuck! Tasha, I was so scared he’d hurt you.”

  “I know but you stopped him,” she paused, blushing, “my mate. Thank you.”

  He crushed her to his chest, the mere thought of her being injured taking his breath away. Then he remembered the state he was in and quickly stepped back. “Sorry, I’m a bit of a mess.”

  “I don’t care.” She returned to his embrace. “Now can we go home and finish what we started?”

  Her words had his heart thudding in his chest, his soul soaring high as he nodded. His voice suddenly thick with emotion as he answered, “I’d love nothing more, sweetheart.”

  Rafe changed clothes as soon as they got back to their vehicle, glad they’d brought backpacks in case they were away for longer than a day. Pity he’d have to wait until they got home to get the stench of blood off him.

  At least their return journey was faster, Jacy using the on-board GPS to reach the nearest highway then flooring it to speed along the almost empty road. Tasha’s head resting on Rafe’s shoulder in the darkness, his arm around her shoulders, holding her securely against him. He could sense the change inside her. She was still shrouded in grief but there was a sense of peace that now settled inside her that relaxed his Wolf.

  She was on the road to recovery, a long road no doubt, but she was now going forward, an
d he’d be with her every hard step of the way.

  Jacy glanced over his shoulder from time to time but when he saw Tasha dozing he remained silent. Rafe wasn’t sure he’d ever known his Beta to keep quiet for so long before. It must be some kind of record. Whatever it was Rafe was grateful, it allowed him to reflect on his mate and the changes it would bring not just to him personally but how it would enhance the Pack.

  A mated Alpha was more stable, not prone to outbursts, violent or otherwise, which was always beneficial for a Pack. It also meant, usually, that pups would soon follow and cement the Alpha lineage. Another plus for the stability of the Pack.

  All of that mattered, of course it did, but truth was, all he cared about right now was how she made him feel. Complete. Loved. His heart speeding up to thunder in his chest whenever he caught sight of her, when her scent wafted over him. When she spoke and her words made his skin goosebump with anticipation and desire. The thought of that first time she shuddered beneath him as she fell apart in his arms. Those were the most important things to him right now, nothing else.

  “How long?” he whispered.

  “Soon,” Jacy replied, turning off the main road.

  Rafe looking out the window and seeing his own land in the darkness. The glow of the clock on the dash showing it was almost four in the morning. Not long now until he held her naked body against his.

  “Shit.” He swore, pushing those thoughts away as his cock sprang to life.

  “What’s up?” Jacy stage-whispered over his shoulder.

  “Nothing.” He snapped before gently waking Tasha. “We’re almost home.”

  “Are we? Jeez, I slept most of the way again. Didn’t I?”

  “Yes,” he laughed. “It’s okay, it’s been a long day.”

  “I need a shower.” She yawned, stretching her arms and pulling her top tight across her chest.

  Damn! His cock twitched again. “Down boy.” He told it firmly.

  “What?” she asked, frowning.

  “What?” he asked back, feigning ignorance.

  “I can’t believe the Pack is taken care of. That Zohar guy certainly knows how to get things done.”

  Rafe growled, hating the sound of the Enforcer’s name on Tasha’s lips. “He has a lot of men at his disposal.”

  “Yeah, I guess.” She conceded. “I liked Sherman, he’s nice and funny.”

  “Me too.” Rafe agreed. “I wonder if Myrtle would like to train with him?”

  Tasha shook her head. “No, don’t push her into that. She’s not that comfortable with her magical side. If she wants to pursue it then she’ll do it on her own. If you ask her she might think it’s because you want her to and do it because her Alpha wants it.”

  Rafe didn’t answer right away, letting Tasha’s words sink in and also thinking of Myrtle. The girl was definitely a “pleaser”. He could see her agreeing to do something if he asked her to, even if it was something she didn’t want to. What he was surprised at was that Tasha had figured that out so quickly.

  “You’re right,” he finally said. “I know that about Myrtle, but I’m not sure how you realized that so quickly.”

  “I can read people well, it’s just something I do.” Tasha shrugged. “I can usually size people up pretty dang fast and Myrtle was easy. She’s someone who doesn’t like to say no and she’d do anything for her Alpha. But that’s not always a good thing. Like this magic stuff. It’s not something she really wants to do and there’s no point in making someone unhappy. Is there?”

  Again she’d surprised him with her insight. Not only was she sexy as hell but she was sharp as a tack too. Tasha was going to make one hell of an asset. To him and to the Pack. The Goddess sure had made the right choice when she’d chosen them for each other.

  “Thank you,” he said, lifting his head to send a quick word of gratitude skyward.

  “What are you doing?” Tasha poked him in the ribs.

  “Just saying thanks to the Goddess for sending you to me. You’re amazing, baby, utterly amazing.”

  She flushed scarlet, his Wolf eyes seeing it even in the darkened interior of the cab as she batted at his arm. “Shush.”

  She fingered the gold chain around her neck, opening the locket and showing it to him. “This is my mom and dad. She gave it to me a couple of years ago. It was hers, my grandmother gave it to my mom, and my mom changed the pictures and said I should have it. I’d like you to see how they looked.”

  Rafe looked at the tiny image, a strong tall, dark haired man standing behind a smaller fair haired woman, arms around her waist. The woman’s head tilted upwards looking back at the man with a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. It was obvious to anyone how much they were in love with each other.

  “They look happy, and in love. Your mother is beautiful, Tasha, you obviously take after her.”

  Tasha smiled sadly. “Thanks, and yes, they meant the world to each other. She wouldn’t have left him even if she could have.”

  “I can understand that,” Rafe replied softly. “I could never leave you either.”

  Tasha looked up, her lips tugging up at the sides. “Me too.”

  Rafe leaned down, his lips caressing hers in a ghost of a kiss. A promise of things to come.

  “We’re home.” Jacy said, interrupting, as he pulled to a stop in front of the Alpha cabin. “And not a moment too soon. I expected you two to start the mushy stuff any minute. I’m outta here. See you around . . . sometime. When you surface that is.”

  Jacy tugged open the door because Rafe had broken the handle earlier in the day, laughing his head off.

  “You cheeky . . .” Rafe stopped, there was no point in continuing as Jacy disappeared. Instead he got out, reaching in and offering Tasha a hand. “Come on, we’ll go have a nice warm shower.”

  “Together?” She asked, eyebrow raised.

  “Together sounds perfect.” He grinned, helping her out and leading her inside.

  His mom must have been in and left lights on for them, there was also a tantalizing aroma floating through from the kitchen. Rafe’s stomach rumbled. “We can eat later.” He smirked as he headed upstairs, his mate on his heels.

  “Later is good.”

  As they reached the bedroom door he stopped, palming his forehead. “Shit! I didn’t think earlier. What with everything going on. What about your things? We can go back tomorrow and get what you need, or want.”

  Tasha reached up, patting his cheek. “I asked Levi to get Myrtle to help him pack up some stuff from my bedroom. That’s enough for now. We can go back in a few days and I’ll sort through everything else. It’s not just my stuff, Rafe. I’ll need help in contacting any relatives of the rest of the Pack in case they want to come and claim anything. But that’s not for today, or tomorrow. That can wait . . . until after we’re mated.”

  “You’re right. There’s more to do than I first gave thought to, but I’ll help. We’ll all help.”

  “Thank you.” She tilted her head. “Can we have that shower now?”

  Rafe pulled her after him straight into the bathroom, picking her up and sitting her on the space between the two sinks before turning on the shower. When he returned he leaned in, eyes open, his lips covering hers in a soft kiss which quickly turned hot and heavy. Their tongues clashed, tangling together as their hands fought to release the other of their clothes. She groaned into his mouth when his hand cupped her breast, finger and thumb tweaking her nipple into a hard bud. Groaning louder when he released her lips to duck down and suck her bud into his mouth. His eyes lifting to watch her head fall back, her spine arching as she pushed her breast further into his mouth.

  Rafe’s fingers made quick work of undoing her jeans, sliding them down over her hips as she lifted her backside up so he could slip them off completely. As soon as she was naked, his fingers massaged her inner thighs, spreading them apart and slowly, slowly making their way higher to caress her warm folds. Dipping one finger inside, her hands wound in his hair, grabbing o
n tight, gasping his name.

  Her soft mewls had his cock pulsating with need, but he wouldn’t take her for the first time here. No. Not like this. This, here and now, was just a taster of things to come. His thumb slid into her warm sheath, coating it with her juices before going in search of that most magical of places: her pleasure center.

  Rafe left her breast when he found it, his eyes on her face as he circled her clit with his moist thumb. Eyes wide, mouth open, Tasha locked gazes with him. “Oh my god!”

  Grinning he swirled faster, using more pressure until he saw the moment she was about to fall over. Her hands left his hair, falling behind her as she screamed his name, her body shuddering her release. He kept up his soft rubbing, milking her orgasm until she leaned forward, head on his chest, mumbling. “What about you? And we didn’t mark each other?”

  Rafe laughed, loudly. “Babe, that was just the start. We’ve got a long way to go.”

  “Holy shit, you’re gonna kill me.” She groaned as he picked her up and carried her to the shower.

  After a long, hot, and very steamy shower they finally made it to the bed. A freshly made bed with nice clean bedding. His mom had definitely been in.

  “Are you ready?” he asked thickly, full of emotion as the moment his life would change forever drew ever closer. His arms around his mate, fingers caressing her silky skin as he gazed into her upturned face.

  “I am,” Tasha whispered. “I’m lucky to have found you, Rafe. You’re more than I could’ve wished for in a mate. More than I dreamed I would ever get and what you’ve done for me, for my Pack, well, thanks doesn’t cover it but it’s all I’ve got.”

  “No thanks are ever required between mates, Tasha.” Rafe leaned in, teasing the side of her mouth with a kiss. “I’d do anything for you. Anything. I’d kill for you. I’d die for you. I’ll cherish you. From now and forever.”

  Her eyes filled with tears at his words, but he swiped an errant one away. “No tears. You’ve made me the happiest Wolf alive, baby. Now we need to seal our bond. Bite hard, bite deep, and make me yours.”

  Settling his body over hers, she opened her thighs to allow him entry to her warm sheath. Rafe teased her entrance with the tip of his hardness, her eyes widening in annoyance as she bucked her hips upwards. Chuckling, he obliged, sliding inside quickly, her channel widening to accept him, tightening around his cock. Damn, she felt so good beneath him. He was sure he’d never be able to leave the bedroom again, content to stay right here with her in his arms.


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