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A Ravenous Pack: Wolf's Hunger 5 Books

Page 22

by A. K. Michaels

It was one of these moments that stopped his heart. It simply stopped beating when he glanced over one of the rogues attacking him and saw another knocking Kirsty to the ground. Its jaws wide open, ready to snap her in two. A frenzy of fear consumed him, his Alpha power overwhelming him uncontrollably, his strength doubling, tripling in seconds.

  He had never felt such strength before, the force of it flowing through him in great waves as he destroyed the two rogues he had been battling against mere moments before. He decimated them, tearing them apart, his eyes flitting repeatedly to Kirsty as she fought to stave off her attacker.

  She had her gun in the rogue’s jaws, but he saw her weakening as his own grew to monumental capacity. Her gut-wrenching scream as the rogue injured her. The scent of her blood assaulting his nostrils was the last straw, driving him insane with fury.

  He finished off the rogue that was left, rushing toward his mate, barreling into the rogue pinning her down. They rolled end over end, Kade’s jaws locking on the other’s neck and closing with a force borne from utter hatred. The sound of bone snapping was all he needed, dropping the dead beast to the ground, he turned and raced back to his mate.

  Kirsty lay pale as snow, her fingers locked around her shotgun, her side wide open as blood leaked frighteningly fast to pool beneath her. Kade was beside himself, terror stampeding through him, with only one solution in his mind.

  He looked around, relief flooding him as he saw both Lennox and Dara beside him, guarding both him and Kirsty. There was still fighting going on around them, but at least he knew his betas would keep them safe for now. They better because he would not have his Wolf’s strength for much longer, not for what he had planned.

  Kade ignored his own wounds; he could deal with those later. For now, his focus was on his mate. His one and only goal was to get her to safety and save her. The wound she was suffering from would be fatal to a human if he could not heal her quickly. He would need to do something drastic and only one thing came to mind. He only hoped she didn’t hate him afterward. If she survived.

  Don’t fucking think like that! he roared in his head, forcing the quickest transformation of his life. His fur rippling, bones cracking and realigning, muscles and tendons changing from beast to man.

  A brief second before it was complete, he heard Lennox in his head. “We’ve got you, Kade.”

  Of course they did. They were brothers. He had put his life in their hands many times and he was doing so again. This time was the most vital of all. This time, his mate’s life was at stake.

  Kade grimaced as he leaned down, the wound in his shoulder complaining as he scooped Kirsty up and cradled her against him. Her warm blood dripping down his naked body sent waves of despair rushing through him. His heart aching with misery and anguish as his strong thighs took off running towards his cabin.

  One thought careening through him like a tornado out of control: save his mate.

  Lennox sped before him, clearing the way, knocking anything that blocked his path out of the way: friend or foe. Dara brought up the rear, guarding him from attack, Kade glancing behind and finding Isla by his Beta’s side, her bloody and wounded beast snarling at anything that dared to come within a few feet. Within seconds, Kade was surrounded by his Wolves, ensuring his and Kirsty’s safety.

  His heart soaring at his Pack’s loyalty in the hour of his greatest need.

  Kade knew without a doubt, this was indeed that moment. If he lost Kirsty now, his life would be all but over. He would not be able to come back from the damage caused by such a devastating tragedy. His sanity would be damaged beyond repair and his future would be in a dark cell, policed by the Council. That was if he endured past the first twenty-four hours and he doubted he would.

  “No, don’t even think like that. She will make it. I’ll do whatever it takes to ensure she does!” Kade told himself as he tore up the steps to his cabin, Lennox already smashing open the door.

  “Fiona! Fiona! I need you in my room, now!” Kade roared as he tore up the stairs, Kirsty’s blood leaving a trail as he ran. Her unique metallic scent invading his nostrils so that it was all he could smell, everything else blocked out. His one and only focus was his soul-mate, she was the only thing in the entire universe that mattered.

  Kade placed her gently on his bed before rushing to pull out a load of fresh towels. He was already applying them to her wound with firm pressure when Fiona arrived, her face white and drawn with worry.

  “Oh no! Kirsty! Alpha, what happened? Is she all right?”

  Kade’s lip drew back as his head whipped around, snarling. “Does she fucking look all right? No! She is not. The stupid bint came right out into the battle to try and help and got herself wounded by a rogue. She’s mortally wounded and I can think of only one way to save her. Fiona, what I need from you is to keep her alive long enough for me to do what I need to. Okay?”

  Fiona’s eyes widened, not understanding. “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to mate her, right here and now. That way we’ll be bound and . . .” Kade drew in a deep breath. “For fuck sake, Fiona, can’t you connect the dots? I don’t have time to explain.”

  Fiona sat on the edge of the bed, placing her hands where Kade’s were. “I’ll do this. Sorry, Alpha, I understand. But when you’ve done that I need to check you over too. You’ve got some serious wounds yourself that need attention.”

  “Fuck them, they’ll heal,” Kade growled, getting on the bed next to Kirsty, his voice softening as he ran a hand down the side of her face. “I’m sorry my beautiful lass, this wasn’t how I planned on doing this, but it’s the only way.”

  Kade forced his incisors to descend slightly, slicing his wrist open, and allowing his blood to flow freely. “Fiona, can you hold her mouth open while I bite her, please? Make sure she swallows some of my blood?”

  Fiona barely nodded, her hand moving to lower Kirsty’s jaw, opening her mouth. Kade placed a kiss on his mate’s cheek. “I love you with every fiber of my being. I’ll do anything for you, kill for you, die for you, but right now, baby, you have to fight for me. You have to live for me. I, Kade MacKenzie, Alpha of the Crescent Loch Pack, acknowledge you Kirsty Carmichael, as my one true soul-mate. You are mine, and you have got to fight.”

  He placed his bleeding wrist against her mouth, pressing it firmly, Fiona’s hand massaging Kirsty’s throat to help her swallow his Alpha blood. Then he did what he’d been desperate to do since he’d first set eyes on his feisty red-headed beauty: he sank his teeth into her shoulder, drinking one, two mouthfuls of her crimson nectar, and made her his.

  His heart both soaring and sinking at the same time. The feeling disorienting in the extreme. In normal circumstances, they would be sealing their bond by making love for hours, days even. Relishing in their love for each other and he would be cherishing her body, mind and soul. Instead, he was bonding with her to force his Alpha power inside his gravely wounded love, hoping and praying it was in time to save her.

  Seconds ticked by slowly before he felt the first tendrils of their bond taking hold. The feeling so exquisite he couldn’t help the smile that tugged his lips up. Kade lifted his head, kissing the side of her bloodstained lips, feeling their mating link grow stronger.

  But would it be strong enough to help? Would he be powerful enough to save her? Kade wasn’t sure this had ever been attempted before. Forcing a bond in these circumstances wasn’t something he’d heard about, but it was the only option open to him. Kirsty would never survive the journey to the nearest human hospital. She’d be dead five minutes into the journey. No, this was her one, and only, shot at survival. But, had he made it in time to save her?

  He didn’t even want to think what she’d say about it if she did survive. Bonding someone without their agreement was taboo within the Shifter community and he had no illusion that his fiery red-head would have some choice words for him. Fact was, he prayed she did. He wanted her to rant and rave at him, tell him he had had no right to do such a thing w
ithout her permission.

  Shoot, he would take all she had to throw at him, and more, without uttering a word, because that would mean he would get the one thing in the universe he so dearly desired: her survival.

  He settled more comfortably on the bed next to her, cradling her against him as he sent every remaining ounce of his power through their fledgling link. Kade barely heard Fiona’s plea as she urged him to be careful, that he was weakened by his own wounds. None of that mattered if his mate succumbed to her own injury: he’d rather die with her than survive without.

  Kade’s eyes grew heavy, his lids drooping to close; the last sight he savored was his mate by his side.

  Soft lips caressed his, pulling Kade from a deep sleep. “That feels good.”

  “Yes, it does.”

  Kirsty’s playful voice jolted him awake, his eyes popping open to find her next to him.

  “Kirsty—” He reached out, pulling her tight against him, his hands running over her to check that her body was whole again. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she replied, her fingers pressing on her mating mark. “Apart from this huge hickey I’ve got on me. Care to enlighten me on this?”

  Kade’s heart thudded against his ribs wildly. This was it. The moment he would have to explain his actions. “I need you to stay calm. I’m sorry, I had no choice . . .”

  Kirsty’s face crumpled as she started to giggle, Kade looking at her as if she were mad. “What’s so funny?”

  “Your face,” she managed to gasp out.

  He didn’t agree with her levity. This was a serious conversation they needed to have. He was dreading it but she continued to laugh for another minute or so before reaching up to grab his hair, tugging him down to kiss him quickly.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

  “What are you havering about?”

  “I know what happened,” she confessed. “I know everything. I healed faster than you, because, Kade MacKenzie, you daft lump, you used all your power to sort me out and ended up unconscious and near death yourself. I was beside myself with worry and it was only because of Fiona and your stubborn self that you survived at all. These past few days I managed to get out of her what happened. It seems I have some of your Alpha power now and when I told her, now wait, that’s wrong. I lost my temper and I ordered her to tell me what happened, she did that lowering her eyes thing and said, wait for it, ‘Certainly, Alpha,’ then told me everything.”

  “You know?” Kade asked, bracing himself for the tirade he knew would soon follow.

  “I do.” Kirsty nodded. “What were you thinking? You could’ve died, Kade!”

  “It was the only thing left to do. You were mortally wounded. And while we’re on the whole point of what were you thinking. What the hell were you thinking? Coming out into the fight? You’re human and you put yourself into a battle of Wolves. That was suicide. I almost lost my sanity when I saw you the first time, and then when I saw you on the ground with that rogue on top of you. Damn it, Kirsty, I swear my heart almost exploded in my chest.”

  “Ditto.” Kirsty raised her eyebrow. “I’ll never just sit by and let you tackle things alone, Kade. I’m not that woman. Never was and never will be. So you better just suck it up, big guy.”

  Kade couldn’t ignore the defiant jut of his mate’s chin, or the glint in her emerald eyes as she glared at him. She’d never looked more beautiful. “Duly noted. Now, would you like to catch me up? Are you fully healed? How long have I been laid up? Have the rogues been taken care of? How many did we lose? But more importantly, how do you feel about being my mate?”

  He waited with bated breath on her answers, of course he needed information on them all, but he craved her reply to the last. His body already responding to her closeness, his skin tingling, her aroma invading his senses and settling deep inside so that he’d be able to track her down anywhere, anytime, no matter where she was. More importantly, he desperately desired to fully seal their mating.

  Kirsty looked grim as she rattled off her answers. “I’m fine, truly. You’ve been out cold for three days but don’t worry, Lennox assured me everything has been taken care of. The rogues, including their leader, Archie McDonald, have been dealt with. He was caught and then handed over to the Council. The Pack had several losses, I’m sorry. Your older Beta, Fraser was, apparently, the first one the rogues took out. There were also four other men killed, and two women; two dozen were injured, including Muir. He was the worst but Fiona assures me the injured will heal and Dara has the names of all the dead. He’s dealt with the burials. I asked him to wait but he said that’s not your way and that you’d understand. I’m so sorry for your loss, Kade.”

  “Fraser,” Kade said sadly. “He was Beta to my father. I’ll miss the old sod. He could be a pain in my arse but gave wise counsel. I’ll have to think of a replacement.”

  Kirsty raised an eyebrow. “Can I make a suggestion? I know I’m new here but with what I saw during this whole thing, the bravery I saw in one person stood out.”

  “Certainly,” Kade replied. “I’d welcome your advice.”

  “Muir,” Kirsty said firmly. “He went above and beyond, Kade. I’ve never seen such selfless acts of bravery before. He was a true hero. I think you should have a talk with him.”

  Kade mulled that over for a few moments. “I think you might be right. I don’t need another young Wolf as Beta. I have Lennox and Dara. What I need is age and wisdom. Muir has both. Thank you, Kirsty.”

  “My pleasure,” she said, smiling.

  “What about the last?”

  “The last what?” Kirsty frowned, confusion written all over her face.

  “My last question.” Kade ran a hand up and down her side, noticing she wore a sleeveless t-shirt and shorts.

  How had he not realized that before? He also wore pajama bottoms. Damn. He’d much prefer to be naked.

  “Oh that.” Kirsty raised an eyebrow. “I’m not entirely sure how I feel about that. I was looking for at least a date before I was tied to a man for life. Jeez, I never even got a bunch of flowers.”

  Kade chuckled, his fingers working his way beneath her top, her skin soft and warm. “I can do flowers and dates. I can do whatever you want, Princess. You name it and I’ll make it happen.”

  “I’m sure you will.” Kirsty smiled, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

  “Tell me something—” Kade pulled her closer. “How come you’re here in bed with me?”

  Kirsty’s mouth placed a kiss on his chest, her tongue darting out to swirl around naughtily. “I’ve been with you every second. Where else would I be? You’re my . . . mate.”

  “That I am.” Kade’s fingers tangled in her hair, tugging her head back and claiming her mouth in a searing kiss filled with his longing and desire. “Finally, I can show you what that means.”

  “Please do,” Kirsty quipped.

  “First, we need to get rid of this,” he said, removing her top slowly, pulling it off and throwing it away. “And these,” he drawled, moving under the covers to slide down her shorts, his mouth peppering her skin with soft kisses.

  Kirsty moaned, quivering as his lips caressed down her body, settling on her inner thighs, his fingers gently moving to her silky folds. A soft growl rumbled in his chest when he felt her already wet and ready, dipping a finger inside her tight channel, as his tongue teased her sensitive nub.

  “Damn!” she squealed, her hips bucking as he went to work, eager to pleasure her like no other possibly could.

  Placing his free hand on her lower belly he held her in place, nipping her hardened bud as he added another finger. Kirsty’s thighs shook as his tongue flicked her mercilessly, fingers hooking forward and tapping furiously.

  “Holy hell!” she screamed. “Don’t stop!”

  Kade had no intention of stopping. Not now, not anytime soon. He was only getting started.

  Mere moments later he felt her first orgasm start, deep inside her channel as it tightened around his
fingers a second before she howled his name. Her fingers in his hair, holding him tightly in place.

  He continued to suckle her well afterward, until her breathing had returned to somewhere near normal, her hands dropping to the bed. He slid up her body, slipping off his bottoms as he went and kicking them off.

  “Wow,” Kirsty gasped. “You’re good, Alpha.”

  The inflection she enhanced using Alpha intensified his arousal, increasing it tenfold. His rock-hard cock twitched, his hips rocking to nudge it against her entrance. “I like the way you say that, Princess. Say it again.”

  “What? Oh, you mean . . . Alpha,” she toyed with him, her nails dragging across his chest. “Alpha, Alpha . . . Alpha.”

  “Damn, woman, you’re going to be the death of me.” Kade gasped, slowly pressing his hips forward.

  “Oh!” Kirsty’s mouth opened in a perfect pout as he paused.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked, worriedly.

  “Yes, no, shit, don’t stop, it’s . . . exquisite.”

  Kade leaned down, covering her mouth with his, encompassing her body with his love and adoration. His thrusts starting off slow, leisurely, as they got to know each other’s bodies, growing to a frenzied need of craving and desire for release.

  Kirsty wrapped her legs around his waist, tightening her hold on him as she nibbled his bottom lip. Her warm, tight channel fitting him like a hand-made glove. His cock throbbing and swelling deep inside his mate as she raked across his back, hard enough to draw blood. The pain intensely arousing, sending him stampeding toward his release.

  He barely managed to hold back, determined to take her with him on that magical journey.

  Kade rocked his hips, just enough to rub against her clit, Kirsty’s cries of intense pleasure as he brought her to the brink was the most beautiful sound in the universe. The moment he felt her tip over, her head falling back, his name tearing from her lips, he allowed his own orgasm to rip free. A roar of pure ecstasy wrenching itself free to alert the Pack that their Alpha had finally mated.

  Kade didn’t stop there, he barely allowed Kirsty time to recover before he worshipped her again, every single inch of her, head to toe, and back again. They spent the rest of that day, night, and the next in bed with him taking short trips for some snacks and drinks.


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