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A Ravenous Pack: Wolf's Hunger 5 Books

Page 42

by A. K. Michaels

  Tucker took a small step forward and that’s when Fox released her hand and she stepped away, not only that but she turned to the people behind them and motioned them away. “You better get back guys.”

  They looked at her a little confused but did as she said as Fox started to undress. “You want to see who’s standing by your Alpha’s side, Tucker? Well, lemme show you! And if you want to show me your Wolf too, then go ahead and we’ll see who’s fit to be by Sheba’s side!”

  Sheba suppressed her smile, keeping her face neutral as Tucker pulled off his own clothes, anger on his face as he did so. She heard more than a few comments from the now large crowd regarding Fox’s naked body, her head spinning and a few snarls erupting in the general direction of said comments to shut them up. Until both men stood naked and Fox waved Tucker back.

  “Sorry, but I need some more room. You’re forgetting something, Tucker, I’m not a Wolf. I’m a fucking Lion.”

  Tucker frowned but did as he was told before they both initiated their transformations. Fox’s was seamless, beautiful, glorious and Tucker’s took longer, but in the end, there stood a large grey Wolf and an enormous and outstanding Lion with claws that were larger than the Wolf’s paws. Tucker’s beast backed away, cowering in fear, tail tucked between its legs as it slinked further to the ground.

  Fox’s Lion lifted one huge paw and brought it crashing down to the ground, claws out and digging into the earth to send great clods of dirt to fly up all around. The crowd gasped, some even screamed, with others yelling and clapping, and the best was yet to come. Sheba’s hands shot to her ears, covering them as Fox’s head reared back, his magnificent mane flying all around and let out a mammoth roar that shook the nearby trees branches, causing birds to take flight in fear and terrifying those closest to him. Some even dropped to their knees and trembled. And as for Tucker? Well, he turned tail and raced away as if the Devil himself was chasing him.

  Sheba couldn’t help but grin, looking over to see Ray leaning on the side of a cabin, arms crossed and smiling so wide his pearly white teeth were shining as bright as the sun. Dion was beside him, his eyes wide as saucers and his mouth hanging wide open until Ray reached over and chucked under his chin, closing Dion’s mouth as he laughed loudly. That’s when Sheba saw her mother and Ari standing on the porch, both of them smiling, and Ari clapping her hands as if she’d just been to the dang circus.

  As the noise of the crowd settled down Sheba walked over to her mate, running her hand through his mane. “Now, guys, if anyone else has a problem with Fox, please step forward and I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to deal with you.” She paused. “What? No? Nobody else? This is your one, your only chance, because if I hear of any other bullshit I won’t be happy and I’m pretty sure Fox won’t be either, will you, darling?”

  Fox played his part, pulling back his lips and allowing everyone a good view of his gigantic teeth. Ones that could rip any Wolf in two easily. “See, that was easy. Now, let’s get back to what we were doing before Tucker was so dang rude!”

  People started to disperse, although some hung around, watching as Fox paraded around for a few moments longer until Sheba gave him a tug on his mane. “I think you’ve made your point, but I’d rather you didn’t transform here. There’s too many waiting to see your naked body again and I’m feeling a little possessive right now. Why don’t we go somewhere more private?”

  She picked up his clothes and started to walk toward the forest but he nudged her thigh. “What?”

  His large head spun around toward his back and then nudged her again. “What? You want me to ride you?”

  Fox’s mane shook as he dipped his head in assent. Sheba shook her head. “No, don’t be silly,” she said, even as her heart sped up at the thought of doing so.

  Again, he nudged her, refusing to move. “Really? You want me to get on your back right here in front of everyone?”

  Yet again, he dipped his head. “Oh hell.” She looked at him, the sheer size of him and lowered her voice. “You’re fucking huge. If I make an ass of myself in front of everyone I’ll kill you.”

  As soon as she spoke he dropped down, lying flat so that his back was now level with her hip. Damn, he was immense. “I’ll be holding on to that mane of yours, so if it hurts it’s your own fault.”

  Placing his clothes on his back, she then tied the laces of his boots together and placed them over him before swinging her leg over and sat on top of his clothes to, hopefully, keep them where they were. If they fell off then it was his problem. “Don’t move until I get hold and don’t run either. I don’t want to look a fool in front of everyone.”

  Sheba’s heart was racing, with excitement and a good dollop of fear as she tangled her fingers in his thick mane. Goodness it was far denser than she’d thought so. She held on for dear life, then whispered, “Okay, slowly, Fox.”

  He rose up, and suddenly she realized just how large he was. She felt as if she were miles away from the ground as he started to pad away. Many gaping eyes following her as they left. After only a short while she felt settled on his back, comfortable even, and once they were away from prying eyes she relaxed. “Wow, this is cool. Are you sure I’m not hurting you?”

  He chuffed a response that appeared to be a no and then he spoke to her through their link.

  “You’re fine, Sheba.”

  “Hey! Why didn’t you do that earlier instead of nudging me?”

  “Much more fun that way. Anyway, you feel good on me. Wanna go faster?”

  Sheba didn’t have to think about it, not now. “Hell yeah, just don’t let me fall and break something.”


  Holding on for dear life as they sped through the forest, Sheba had never felt anything so exhilarating in her life. She could feel every muscle’s movement beneath her as her mate’s Lion ran and weaved expertly around any obstacle in their path.

  She noted how he picked a route that evaded low hanging branches to avoid swiping her from his back, but she still had to lower her head once or twice to stop from getting batted in the face. Her blood pumped through her as adrenaline flooded her, not unlike it had the last time she’d ridden a rollercoaster with Ari. It was exhilarating and the most exciting thing she’d ever done in her entire life.

  Who the hell ever got to ride the back of an overgrown Lion? Nobody . . . ever! Yet, here she was stampeding through her land and enjoying every second of it with not an ounce of fear in her system. She leaned forward, laying her face on the thick, soft mane and loosened her grip long enough to wrap her arms around his neck. “I love you, Fox!” she yelled. “Now find us a secluded spot so I can show you.”

  His paws slowed, from a hard pounding on the ground to a slow padding, and he veered back to a small copse of trees they’d passed a few minutes earlier. She stayed in her position, low, hugging him, her face wrapped in his bushy mane, inhaling his scent. It was intoxicating and erotic. She’d know it anywhere and she’d be able to scent him for miles, find him no matter where he was, and that’s just how she liked it.

  He was hers and hers alone. Nobody could doubt that now and the Pack would never question her, or her mate ever again. She was ecstatically happy and so aroused by the ride on his back that she ended up giggling like a damn high school girl as he came to a stop and lowered to the ground so she could get off.

  She removed his clothes and noticed his boots were gone. Oh well, tough. At least he’d have clothes. Sheba was still grinning as she started to undress, Fox transforming quickly and striding toward her, his hands stilling her. “Let me, but please, tell me what the heck were you laughing at?”

  “I’m not sure.” She grinned back. “I’m high as a kite. You put Tucker in his place, and by the way, he was the last person I expected us to have a problem with. And the whole Pack was kinda overwhelmed by you. You should’ve seen Dion’s face, it was priceless. The whole thing was surreal and then riding on you was just like a dream. It’s been amazing how today has gone so far
. I have to say there’s only one thing that could’ve made it better though.”

  Fox stopped, already having relieved her of her shirt and started on her jeans. “What? Did I forget to do something?”

  “No, no you didn’t. But if we’d stopped once we were out of sight of the Pack, and I had stripped and ridden you naked—boy! I think that would’ve made that fucking mind-blowing! Can we do that? Not right now, ‘cause we have other business to attend to. But another time? Can we?”

  Fox cocked his head, smirking. “I think that can be arranged. So I take it you enjoyed our little jaunt?”

  “Enjoyed it? I freaking loved it.” Sheba pulled him in close, sniffing him. “Your scent is so intoxicating . . . it’s such a turn on it’s going to be hard to actually do a day’s work, Fox. How am I supposed to just go around and do normal stuff when you’re around? Huh? Tell me how I’m to do that?”

  “Wow, if this is what happens, then I’ll take you out every damn day, My Queen.” Fox’s hands made light work of the rest of her clothes then dropped to his knees. “And just for the record, you do the same to me. This,”—he inhaled sharply between her thighs, the soft breaths against her causing her pulse to quicken and her skin to tingle—“drives me insane.”

  “I don’t want soft, or slow, Fox.” Sheba panted, her need for her mate escalating by the second.

  “Fair enough, baby.” A rumble in his chest broke free as he pulled her down, setting her on the soft grass and caging her beneath him, his hands on either side of her head. “Fast and hard it is. Legs up, over my shoulders, Sheba.”

  She wiggled to do as she was told because he refused to move, merely staring hard at her as he licked his lips. When she’d got her legs over his shoulders, his cock pressed at her wet entrance, his eyes hooded with desire. “I fucking love you,” he hissed as he entered her with one firm thrust.

  Her hand reached down between them to where they were joined, splaying her fingers to feel him enter her. His eyes widening as he felt her touch him, his cock entering her harder with each lunge. Rolling her hips so he had even deeper penetration, Sheba moaned before turning her hand to enable her thumb to circle her clit, her tongue darting out to lick her lips. His movements became harder, quicker, their bodies slick as they both rose to a quick release.

  This was a fast coupling, in the outdoors, on their land, beneath a canopy of branches that shaded them from the burning sun. Her release was almost upon her, her chest heaving, breasts bouncing as Fox pounded into her and she knew he was right there with her. She could feel him swell inside her, throbbing with his own desire, his neck straining as he fought to control himself from releasing before her.

  She circled her clit again, faster and felt herself clench around him, her orgasm starting deep inside her as pleasure radiated outward to encompass her entire body. Her hands reached for him, pulling his head down so she could taste his lips, devouring his mouth and plunging her tongue deep inside as he thrust one last time and held himself there as his own release overtook him, his moans lost inside her throat.

  They continued to kiss for long moments after she disentangled her legs, Fox lying on top of her, his comforting weight holding her down as his hands trailed along her sides and they both came down from their high. Sheba moaning when he fell to the side, her leg loping over his and her arms pulling him closer. “Don’t move. I don’t want to go back yet.”

  “Who said anything about going back? I just didn’t want to squash you.”

  “I like you lying on top. I feel . . . secure, safe . . . nice.”

  “And you’d feel numb and sore pretty soon too.” Fox chuckled.

  “Well, maybe,” she conceded.

  They lay for long moments, hands and fingers caressing each other until a question she’d been meaning to ask popped into her head. “Fox, can I ask you something? I should probably have asked my mom, but I keep forgetting.”

  “Go ahead, but if it’s a mom question then I might not be able to help,” he quipped back.

  “What happens if, or when, I become pregnant? What will I have?”

  Fox turned on his side, placing his head on his hand. “What do you mean? I’m not sure I follow.”

  “Will I have a Wolf? A hybrid of some sort? I’m just not clear on what a Lion and Wolf would have?”

  “Oh, I see.” Fox gave her tummy a little rub. “I’ve never heard of a hybrid, but that’s not to say there aren’t any. From the mixed matings I’ve known, the kids are one or the other but can have some traits of the other parents. Does that help?”

  Sheba shrugged. “I guess. I’m just doing my usual . . . worrying about things before they happen.”

  “That’s not entirely a bad thing.” Fox leaned down, kissing the tip of her nose. “If you think of all possibilities, and all solutions, then that’s a good thing. But, and this is where it gets tricky, you shouldn’t get too caught up in overthinking things and not enjoy the here and now.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Sheba reached up, snagging his hair and tugging him down. “Okay, I think I’ll enjoy the here and now again, please. Think you can arrange that?”

  Fox laughed, his blue eyes twinkling with glee. “Oh, I think I can do that. Anything for you, My Queen.”

  12 Months Later

  Fox prowled back and forth, his beast as uneasy as the man. His heart almost beating from his chest as he waited for his Queen. How dare she go gallivanting at a time like this? Didn’t she know how he felt? How scared he was?

  Fuck! He was going to explode!

  Ray’s hand on his shoulder had him spinning around, a snarl on his face, lips curled back and teeth showing. “What?”

  “Calm down, Fox. She’ll be back soon.” Ray’s voice was calm. Calm!

  How could her so-called best friend be calm?

  “Soon isn’t soon enough and what does that even mean? A minute? Ten? Sixty?” Fox growled before he continued to pace the porch, his ears listening for the truck Sheba had left in.

  “Why don’t you just call her and ask? Or use your link?” Ray sat down in one of the chairs, munching on a burger from the plate that Alisha had brought out earlier.

  “You’re eating? While your Alpha could be in danger?” Fox asked incredulously, hands on his hips as he scowled down at the man that had become a friend over the last year since he’d joined the Pack.

  “Danger? What the hell are you talking about? She’s gone to pick up . . .”

  Fox cut him off. “I know what she’s gone to do! But I was supposed to do it and she knew it. I was going with you. Remember? We were going later today, as planned. But no! She took off with Ari and left us a damn note. And you know Tilly told her to stay close to camp.”

  “Yes, Fox, I know. But she’s not exactly gone on a trek to Alaska. She’s only gone into town. She’ll be back soon and Ari will look after her. So, my feline friend . . . calm the hell down before I have to call Tilly because you’ve had a coronary. That’s not something I want to have to tell Sheba because she’ll have my balls for allowing it to happen. Sit down, have a beer and chill.”

  Fox’s heart rate rocketed. Chill? He actually said chill? How could he? When his mate was away from his side at such a crucial time? “No, I will not chill. I won’t relax until she’s back where she belongs. At my fucking side. This isn’t how it should be. A mate doesn’t leave the safety of the Pride at such times. Never. Not ever.”

  Ray tilted his head, cocking an eyebrow. “I see. So that’s how it is with Lions?”

  “What?” Fox had turned away but looked back to Ray, frowning.

  “Within a Pride, that’s how it is?”

  “Yes, of course. Isn’t it the same here?”

  “Well, sort of, but not so rigid. I understand why you’re so . . . uptight now. But why didn’t you just tell her that?”

  Fox shrugged, exasperated. “Why? Because it’s fucking common sense that’s why! What’s so hard to understand, Ray? Why should I have to tell her something that’s a plain and si
mple fact?”

  Ray held his free hand up. “Hey, I’m just asking is all. No need to bite my head off. I just didn’t realize how important it was to you, and to be fair, I’m pretty dang sure that Sheba didn’t either.”

  “I’m going to explode,” Fox admitted. “My head feels as if it’s going to fucking explode.”

  “Right, that’s it, I’m going to contact her. This is just crazy.”

  Fox ran his hands through his hair that he’d allowed to grow and that now mirrored his Lion’s shaggy mane. His breathing coming in short gasps as his longing to have his mate safe grew to heights he didn’t know existed. He truly thought he was going to lose his mind if she didn’t return soon . . . like in the next few seconds.

  “Why, Sheba? Why would you do this?” he mumbled, his body leaning over the porch railing as his anxiety increased.

  “They’re on their way back,” Ray patted his shoulder. “I just spoke to her.”

  “What? When? I didn’t hear you.”

  “I used the damn cell, Fox.” Ray shook his head. “Right here.”

  “Really?” Fox asked.

  “Man, you are out of it, aren’t you?”

  “I’m losing it, Ray,” Fox admitted. “How long?”

  “Minutes, they’ll be here soon. But you need to talk to her and explain the ways of your people, Fox. She wasn’t aware of how you do things and she was excited and couldn’t wait. You know how she is and didn’t think you’d mind her going with Ari. So, please, don’t get angry with her when she gets here. Just explain things to her. Okay?”

  “Fuck!” Fox ran a hand over his face, trying to calm himself before Sheba arrived. The last thing he wanted was for her to see him like this. “I’ll try but I’ve never felt so damn scared before. It was eating me up, Ray. From now on, she goes nowhere without me and she doesn’t leave camp, okay?”


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