Book Read Free

Someone to Love

Page 17

by Jenny Frame

  Trent stopped pacing and sat back in her office chair. “But you might have felt obliged because I’m in a position of power. I don’t want something I’ve done to make you leave us. The kids need you so much, and things have gotten so much better with you around.”

  Wendy raised an eyebrow. “Believe me, Trent. No one would make me feel obliged to kiss them. Besides, I’m not going to leave my job. I love the kids and I love living here. I just wanted to talk about it.”

  Trent gulped and clasped her hands in front of her. “Okay, talk to me. I’m ready.”

  How could she put this into words without looking like an idiot? On the one hand she wanted to rip that highly starched shirt off Trent and kiss her everywhere, and on the other her heart was terrified at the strength of her feelings.

  “I think it’s clear there is some attraction between us, and when we kissed…it felt good, but I can never let it be more than that.”

  Wendy assumed suggesting more, like a relationship, would frighten off a perennial bachelor like Trent, but instead Trent asked, “Why? Why not more. A young woman like you should want to find love.”

  “Because in love I make poor choices and get hurt. I can’t trust myself,” Wendy said.

  “What do you mean?”

  Telling her truth out loud, and to someone other than Kira, was daunting.

  “The reason I gave up university and left the country was because I had my heart and life broken by someone who said they loved me. I am never going to let that happen again.”

  “What idiot broke your heart?” Trent asked.

  Wendy smiled at Trent’s assessment of her ex. “Bailey. We were together at university for two years. She worked on the janitorial staff there. We met, she charmed me, gave me her sad story—which, my friend Kira reminds me, I always fall for—and I was hooked.”

  Trent frowned. “What did she do?”

  Wendy sighed. “Probably more than I’ll ever know about. But we were engaged. I always wanted to be married and have a family. Something secure, love that was real. I know in hindsight that I was trying to make the family my parents didn’t give me. Anyway, we got engaged, and I began working two jobs to save up for our wedding and first home.”

  Trent watched as Wendy twisted one of her braids around her finger, something she had noticed Wendy doing in times of stress. She had a feeling about where this was going. Trent had heard enough relationship tales of woe in her office to recognize a relationship disaster waiting to happen.

  Wendy continued, “Bailey always had troubles with money. She drank a lot, and I had to bail her out of debt time and time again. My friends warned me about that and that she wasn’t always faithful, but you know how it is when you put your head in the sand. I didn’t want to know. Plus I was working so hard I didn’t have time to notice. I had enough saved up for a deposit for a flat and I was so proud of myself…”

  Wendy went quiet. Trent could feel her anger bubbling up because she knew what was coming. It clearly still hurt Wendy after all this time.

  “You can tell me, Dee,” Trent said.

  “I came home one night to find a note saying Bailey had met someone else and couldn’t go through with the wedding. At first all I felt was pain and hurt, but then the next morning I started to think about all the deposits I’d made for the wedding which I would lose. I checked my bank accounts and all my savings had been cleared out, and my credit card was maxed out. Bailey had been using it all that time. Now she was gone, my money was gone, and I was up to my eyes in debt.”

  “Fucking bitch,” Trent said.

  “I couldn’t afford to stay at uni and pay off my debts, and I vowed to pay off every last one.”

  “That’s when you went abroad, for nannying jobs?” Trent asked.

  Wendy nodded. “I came back home when I had paid off all my debts and I thought my heart had healed. I promised myself never to let myself get hurt again.”

  “You think I’d hurt you?” Trent asked.

  “Not intentionally, but look at us—we’re from different worlds. You’re this rich, hotshot lawyer, who mixes with celebrities and aristocracy, and I’m a hipster nanny with tattoos, who plays in a folk band.”

  Trent let out a long breath and got up and walked to the window. The more she thought about this, the more she wanted Wendy, but Wendy clearly didn’t trust her.

  She turned around to face Wendy. “Normally the rich part would win me some points.”

  Wendy smiled. “Not with me.”

  That response just made Trent want her more. “But—”

  “No, Trent. I work for you. It’s not right. Our affection for the children has brought us together, but they will go to boarding school and I’ll go back to university. Then you’ll want your life back.”

  The thought of life going back to what it was filled Trent with dread, but clearly Wendy wanted an out, so she would give her one.

  “You’re right, of course, and I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable while you’re here. Let’s forget this and pour all our energies into the children.”

  “Thank you,” Wendy said.

  * * *

  The next week went by quickly. After Wendy’s talk with Trent, she had kept her distance. Wendy had to admit that she missed their late night chats with wine, but Kira had said talks with wine were dangerous, and she had to keep that emotional distance or she knew she’d fall deeper for Trent.

  But today was different. It was Trent’s birthday, and she wanted the children to enjoy the day, and for Trent to feel appreciated.

  Alice and Noah had gotten up early and were helping Wendy make Trent breakfast in bed. They were both excited about today. It was amazing how far both Trent and the children had come. Trent still had a lot to learn about having a family, but at least now she wanted one, even if it would be part time when they went to boarding school, and that’s what mattered.

  “Okay, eggs ready. How’s that toast coming?” Wendy spooned the fried eggs onto the plate beside the bacon and sausages.

  “Nearly ready,” Alice said.

  The kids had seen these toast cutters when they were out one day and insisted on buying them. So now Trent was going to get her breakfast along with star, dinosaur, and happy face shaped toast.

  Alice lifted the plate of toast over and added it to the breakfast tray.

  “Great job, you two. Okay, Noah, you carry the presents, I’ll get the tray with coffee, and Ali, you carry the orange juice.”

  They walked to Trent’s bedroom, and Noah said, “Trent is going to love my dinosaur toast best.”

  Wendy smiled at him. Noah was such a sweet boy. “Ali, can you knock?”

  She did and Trent’s voice said, “Come in.”

  Ali opened the door for Wendy and they walked in to find Trent sitting on the edge of her bed.

  “Okay kids, after three. One, two, three.”

  They all began to sing “Happy Birthday,” just like they’d practised. Trent looked slightly embarrassed with a sweet pink tinge to her cheeks.

  It was nice to make someone so clever and accomplished blush, Wendy concluded. When they finished singing, Wendy said, “The kids have made you breakfast in bed for your birthday.”

  “That’s very nice of you both,” Trent said.

  Trent was clearly out of her comfort zone but was handling this new kind of attention well.

  “We made dinosaur toast for you,” Noah said while scrabbling up onto the bed.

  Trent helped him up and said, “Dinosaur toast? Well, that is special.”

  Trent looked at Wendy quickly and winked at her. Wendy’s stomach clenched. Stop being so sweetly sexy, Trent, Wendy shouted inside her head.

  Alice put the juice on Trent’s bedside table and got on the bed too. Trent was doing really well. Wendy doubted she’d had two kids on her bed before.

  Trent put her an arm around each of the children and hugged them. She was trying her best to be good for Alice and Noah. She wasn’t good at celebrating he
r own birthday, and when she was with Becca she had always tried to play it down, much to Becca’s annoyance.

  She had always been better at giving than receiving. She loved spoiling the ones she loved but felt awkward when it was reciprocated. But she did realize this was more about what Alice and Noah needed rather than her, so she played along as best she could.

  “Open your presents, Trent,” Alice said as she gave her a sweet smile.

  Trent would never have thought how hard she would fall in love with these two children. To see Alice smile made her melt inside. Alice still had nightmares and the haunted look in her eyes, but much less than it had been.

  Wendy put the breakfast tray on the dressing table and said, “Hurry up, then, before Trent’s food gets cold.”

  Noah handed her three wrapped gifts. She opened the smallest one and found a coffee mug with the phrase This is what an awesome lawyer looks like and arrows pointing up.

  Trent chuckled and Alice said, “It’s for your coffee at your office.”

  “I love it.” Trent gave them each a kiss.

  “These other two are from all of us,” Wendy said.

  “Okay, I’m feeling really spoiled,” Trent said as she ripped open the paper.

  The first one was a canvas with pictures of her and the children. They looked like a normal happy family in it, and Trent felt the emotion rise up into her chest.

  “I’ve never seen these pictures before,” Trent said to Wendy.

  “I took them on my own phone at the fireworks display. They were such nice pictures, that I thought they should be framed.”

  She held Wendy’s gaze and had to gulp down the emotion that was rising in her throat. This was all Wendy. She was the most thoughtful, sweetest, kindest woman in the world, and Trent’s heart was crying out for her.

  “That one’s for home. Open the other,” Wendy said.

  The smaller one was a picture frame with another wonderful picture of the three of them.

  “That one is for your desk at work,” Wendy said.

  The sentiment meant so much to Trent. Wendy thought of everything and was making her life what she never thought she could have. How was she going to let her go when she left next year? In fact, how was she going to get through the day without telling Wendy that she was falling for her?

  * * *

  Trent spent a nice day with Wendy and the children. Wendy was busy cooking and Trent washed all the glasses and prepared the drinks table.

  Later she was banished to her bedroom while Wendy and the kids decorated the flat for their guests. She didn’t quite know what to do with herself as she waited. It was so strange having the attention on her. She always did the gift giving and spoiling of others, and it was difficult to feel comfortable being on the other end. She picked up the photo frame Wendy had given her.

  It was a perfect picture except for one thing—someone was missing. Wendy should have been in it and made the picture complete.

  She thought of Becca and what she would make of Trent wanting to make these three her family. She hadn’t been ready when Becca wanted a family, but maybe she was ready now. Could she handle this life indefinitely?

  Eventually a knock came at her door and she heard Noah’s voice say, “You can come out now, Trent.”

  She opened the door and saw Noah jumping with excitement. “Come and see what we’ve done for you.”

  Trent took his hand and was led out to the family area. Wendy and Alice were waiting with huge smiles on their faces. In each corner of the room were large helium balloons in the shape of four and zero. On the floor were lots of normal-sized balloons and inflatables of a large champagne bottle, and on the walls hung Happy Birthday banners.

  The dining table was set beautifully with more helium balloons fixed to the middle of the table, and the smell of delicious food from the kitchen was mouth-watering.

  Trent had never felt so touched. She walked over to Wendy and Alice with Noah and said, “You did all this for me?”

  Wendy gave her a dazzling smile. “We wanted to make this a special day for you.”

  Trent’s emotions and heart hadn’t been used as much in years. “It really is.”

  She opened up her arms wide and invited Noah, Alice, and Wendy into a group hug. Wendy hesitated for a moment, then walked into her arms. Alice and Noah hugged her tightly, and Trent pressed her nose into Wendy’s hair and closed her eyes. She felt Wendy’s fingertips stroke the short hairs at the base of her neck. This moment was perfect. She never wanted it to end, but when it did and Wendy pulled away, Trent said, “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.”

  Wendy smiled. “It’s not over yet.”

  “Trent,” Alice said, “come and look at the table. I made place cards.”

  She lifted Noah up into her arms and let herself be dragged over to the table. Next to her dining table was a smaller table, she assumed for the children to sit at.

  “Look, Trent.” Alice picked up a handful of shiny, coloured number forties that were spread all over the tablecloth. “These were my idea.”

  “They are very nice, Ali. Thank you.” Trent gave Alice a kiss on the cheek and let Noah down.

  “You like it, Trent?” Noah said.

  “Yes, I don’t think I’ve ever had a nicer birthday.”

  When the two kids wandered off to the kids’ table, Trent noticed there were only five places set out at the adult table. She checked the name cards at each place. Becca, Dale, Val, Sammy, and herself.

  Trent walked over to the kitchen where Wendy was fussing around the oven.

  “Dee? There’s only five places set at the adult table,” Trent said.

  Wendy turned around and had a brief look of panic on her face. “What? That’s right, isn’t it? Rebecca, Dale, Val, Sammy, and you?”

  “You’re forgetting your place,” Trent said.

  Wendy furrowed her eyebrows. “My place? What do you mean?”

  “Your place at my birthday dinner. Next to me,” Trent said.

  “I have no place. I’m your nanny, a member of staff, cook for the evening. I’ll be serving you and keeping an eye on the kids so your friends can enjoy your birthday.”

  Trent walked around the kitchen island so she could speak in private to Wendy. “When I asked you to organize a birthday dinner for me and my friends, I meant for you to come too. You’re part of the family.”

  Wendy checked to see that the kids weren’t watching. “Trent, I’m your kids’ nanny. How would it look to your friends for the staff to sit down with you?”

  Her description of herself as staff angered Trent. She took Wendy’s hand. “You are not staff. You are so much more than that.”

  Wendy pulled her hand away. “I can’t be more than that, Trent. You know that.”

  “I wouldn’t have asked for dinner if I’d thought you wouldn’t come and celebrate my birthday.”

  Wendy sighed with exasperation. “You know it’s not about that.”

  “No, it’s about the fact that we have feelings for each other that won’t go away,” Trent said sharply. “I’m not some pimply youth at university who is going to steal your money and break your heart.” Wendy stopped dead and Trent could have kicked herself. She’d hurt Wendy’s feelings. “I’m sorry—I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Wendy put down her spoon and said in a low voice, “I’m going to get changed for your guests coming.”

  “I’m sorry, Dee,” Trent said, but she just walked off.

  Trent smacked herself on the forehead. Now she had upset Wendy.

  “It’s no wonder I’m single,” Trent said before Noah dragged her off to play with the balloons.

  About twenty minutes later Wendy emerged from her bedroom with a lacy navy blue minidress on. Trent forgot to breathe. “Wendy, you look beautiful.”

  “I don’t always look like I’m going to a festival, you know,” Wendy said.

  Trent sighed. “I know. I don’t mean you don’t look beautiful normally, because you do
. I just meant you look particularly beautiful tonight.”

  Wendy checked the oven. “I need to fit in with your friends.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Wendy was making last minute dinner preparations in the kitchen while Trent mixed with her guests. She enjoyed meeting Becca and putting a face to the only woman Trent had loved. She was a lovely woman and Wendy could see why Trent and Dale had fallen for her.

  She looked over to the piano, where Alice was sitting on the piano stool with Mia deep in conversation and looking at Mia’s iPhone. It was nice that Alice had another younger girl to talk to.

  Noah, on the other hand, was stuck like glue to Jake. They were playing with the games console, and Noah was jumping up and down on the couch with excitement. Close to them Dale, Sammy, and Trent stood talking in a group. Dale was as happy and charming as the first time she’d met her, and Sammy equally nice. They all had been pleased to meet her and weren’t treating her like staff, but as a new friend.

  Wendy heard a voice behind her say, “Can we help you with anything?”

  She turned around and saw a smiling Becca and Val. On first impressions both seemed open and friendly.

  “Erm…I’m just about ready. But you could help me take the dishes over to the table.”

  “Gladly,” Becca said.

  Wendy took the chicken out of the oven and Val said, “That smells gorgeous.”

  “Thanks, it’s my grandmother’s old recipe.”

  “Let me take it over for you.” Val took the chicken on its tray over to the table. The smell drew the children and Dale and Sammy over.

  “Mummy!” Gracie toddled over and wanted to be picked up. Becca lifted her into her arms and kissed her.

  Wendy smiled and took her little hand. “Hi, Gracie. Are you hungry?”

  “Uh-huh,” the little girl replied.

  “She’s a beautiful girl, Becca,” Wendy said.

  “Thank you. She is, but she’s a handful. Luckily I’ve got Dale to help.” Becca leaned in and said, “I wanted the chance to speak to you alone.”

  “Sure, go ahead,” Wendy said.


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