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Kiss and Make Up

Page 6

by Madeleine Labitan

  “Thanks. You can bring them to Sean and Kenzie over there,” I say, pointing to the couple’s table near the bleachers.

  We’re at the school gym, organizing the donation boxes, which turned out to be more than sixty. Probably even nearing a hundred.

  Serves me right for ignoring Mrs. Mayberry for weeks. Good thing she managed to get the school to agree and let us come here during the weekend and use the gym. It’s not like we can all fit in the storage room.

  I’m also thankful Adam came through. True to his promise, he talked Bianca and Dylan into babysitting Peaches and rallied people to help. Aside from Chris, Mark, Sean and Kenzie, there are a few more other people here too. Not to mention my girls Lexi and Amanda.

  Unfortunately, Carla and her twin sister Tara also showed up. And they’re currently flanking Adam’s table.

  What are they even doing here?

  “You know they’re not really here to help, right?” Ashley White, Kenzie’s best friend sidles next to me.

  “Oh, I didn’t invite them,” I tell her, already knowing exactly who she means.

  “They invited themselves? Figures.”

  Adam probably mentioned it in passing when he came over to the Bennetts’ house last night. Carla simply saw an opportunity to make her move.

  Annoyance perks up inside me as I give them the stink eye. Then as if to mock me, Adam’s teasing voice flashes in my mind. Are you jealous?

  Am I jealous? Yes, I am.

  It’s pointless to deny it. The kiss in his kitchen last night just proved that I still have feelings for him. That I never stopped loving him. Not even for a second.

  Now, Adam knows it.

  But despite that, he hasn’t done anything about it. He hasn’t approached me since he got here with his friends. He just smiled at me from a distance and got down to work. Worse, he didn’t even call me last night after I basically ran out of his house.

  Is he trying to give me space? Knowing that I was probably freaking out about the kiss? Because I totally am. And since last night, too.

  I don’t even know how I managed to get some sleep. All I did was check my messages every hour.

  I mean it wasn’t just a simple kiss. It was a full-blown, lasted for more than a minute one. Not to mention there was crying involved. On my part, at least. Of course I’d obsess about that.

  Should I be the one to initiate the talk this time? Did he put the ball in my court without me knowing it? But what am I going to tell him? Gah, I’m going crazy!

  “Are you just going to stand here and let that two-faced bitch steal your man?”

  Lexi’s voice makes me almost drop the picture frame I’m holding, which I’ve been contemplating whether to include in the useful pile or not, before I got lost in Adamland once again. Who knows who might find it, well, useful?

  “He’s not my man.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Let’s be real here, Mads. We know it’s just a matter of time. Amanda told me what happened yesterday.”

  I sigh. “Of course she did.”

  “Um, are you guys talking about the kiss in the hallway?” Ashley interjects.

  Lexi’s eyes light up. “Did you see it? How was it?”


  Did she really have to sound excited? Ugh. I haven’t even told her about the kitchen kiss, which was so much worse than the school hallway peck. She’ll probably hyperventilate then.

  “I didn’t,” Ashley says. “Everyone’s pretty much talking about it.”

  “Don’t people have anything better to do?” I mutter.

  Gleeful laughter erupts from the other side of the gym, interrupting our conversation. Yeah, that side. What are they even laughing about?

  I bite the insides of my cheeks to keep from sneaking a look. I don’t want them to think I’m spying.

  “Look at them. They’re like a pair of man-eaters.” I can hear the disgust lacing Ashley’s tone.

  I can’t blame her for that. Over a month ago, Ashley caught her ex-boyfriend, Jason Everly, cheating on her with Tara Bennett. It led to the infamous “Jason has a small dick” scandal. It’s not clear if Ashley and her friends were really behind it. They didn’t admit to anything, after all. But there are still rumors going around school that they were the ones responsible. Regardless if they’re true or not, I say Jason deserved what happened to him.

  “All the more reason you can’t let Carla get her claws on Adam,” Lexi presses on.

  “I already told her I didn’t care. Besides, what if Adam likes her back?” He didn’t exactly reassure me last night, did he?

  “Don’t be silly, Madison,” Ashley laughs, as if I said something ridiculous. “Adam will never go for her. Not when he’s still very much in love with you. It’s so very obvious, everyone can see that. I even heard Principal Mitchell commenting that Adam always has this look like someone kicked his puppy. I think he really regrets breaking up with you.”

  “Yeah.” I look down. “He already apologized a thousand times.”

  “Please. He didn’t just apologize, he groveled,” Lexi scoffs as she helps me put the items in the useful pile into an empty box, while Ashley goes to get another box that needs organizing.

  I arch a brow. “So, what, you’re on his side now?”

  She hip-checks me. “You know I’m always on your side. But I think you should give him a second chance. So, yeah, he messed up. But what teenage boy doesn’t? Josh seriously does on a regular basis. I can’t tell you how often he screws up.”

  Actually, I’ve been privy to all those screw-ups. Lexi can’t keep a secret when it comes to her boyfriend.

  And she isn’t done yet. “And just consider the fact that he put a stop to your persecution even before the truth came out. When he still thought you cheated on him. He could have let you suffer and pay for what you “did.” Instead he defended you. If that’s not true love, I don’t know what is. And just look around. He organized this whole thing for you. I really believe Adam is trying so hard to make up for what he did. In my book, that warrants a second chance.”

  Is she seriously guilt-tripping me into taking Adam back? I’m already aware of the things he did for me. But what does she want me to do? He isn’t even talking to me right now.

  I have to tell her about the kiss. I can’t keep it to myself anymore.

  “We kissed,” I blurt out.

  “Yeah, I know. Amanda told me, remember?”

  I turn to face her fully. “No. We kissed. Not a peck. A real kiss. Last night in their house.”

  “Like with tongue?”

  “Um, yeah.”

  Her eyes widen. “So you’re already back together and keeping it a secret? Mads!” She squeals in delight.

  “Don’t get too excited. And keep your voice down,” I shush her. Then in a near-whisper, I tell her, “We’re not back together yet. I kind of walked out on him.”

  “Oh.” Lexi blinks. Then demands, “Tell me everything.”

  And I do. I start at the part where Adam asked me to join him in the kitchen, then to him teasing me about being jealous of Carla and admitting he missed me. I tell her I admitted I missed him too and that when I started to cry he kissed my tears away.

  Lexi makes an “aww” sound and clutches her chest. “Mads, that was so sweet.”

  I let out a small smile. “It really was. Then he kissed me—”

  “And you kissed him back.”

  I nod. “Then he told me he loves me.”

  “And that was when you walked away,” she concludes.

  I nod again.

  “Did he confront you about it?”

  “No. I think he’s giving me space.” I look over at Adam again, only to see him alone and staring back at me.

  My heart starts to race as his eyes hold mine, memories of last night playing in my head. I can suddenly remember the feel of his lips against mine. His gentle, reverent kisses...

  I feel my cheeks heat.

  As if knowing the direction of my thoughts
, he smiles. Then mouths, Are you okay?

  I can’t help but smile back. Yeah. Now that you gave me your attention. Of course I don’t mouth the last part.

  Lexi leans in to tease me. “You are so getting back together today.”

  “Shut up.” I roll my eyes, but still smiling.

  Are we really getting back together? A week ago, I would have said, “hell no.” But now, I’m not sure anymore. A lot of things have happened this week. Old memories came crashing back. Old feelings went back to the surface like they never left at all. I don’t even know how to address them.

  I’m spared from obsessing about it even more when Amanda comes rushing to our table. “Uh, Maddy, your club members are here.”


  She motions to the entrance with her head.

  Sure enough, there they are—Julia, Kara and Will. Did Mrs. Mayberry inform them about what we were going to do today? Or did Adam convince them to come?

  Lexi folds her arms. “What are they doing here?”

  “I guess we’ll find out.” I watch as the trio approach our table sheepishly.

  “Do you want me to kick them out?” Amanda whispers.

  “No,” I choke out a laugh. Then put on a serious expression when Julia, Kara and Will finally reach us. “If you’re only here because of Adam—”

  “I didn’t invite them.” Adam stands next to me, scowling at the newcomers.

  I blink at him. Did he know?

  “No. We really came here to help. We thought maybe you could use some extra hands,” Will speaks up.

  “And to apologize again,” Julia chimes in quickly, pushing her large framed glasses up her nose.

  Kara nods fervently. “We’re really really sorry for—”

  “Being shitty friends?” Amanda cuts her off, lifting an eyebrow.

  Kara blushes and looks down. “Yeah. We shouldn’t have believed the rumors.”

  “We shouldn’t have doubted you,” Will adds. “We’re really, really sorry, Maddy.”

  “You’re right. You shouldn’t have.” I watch as they shift on their feet, looking nervous and uncomfortable, probably dreading I’m going to reject their apologies again.

  Adam steps closer, as if to guard me from them. Then I feel his hand brush against mine.

  A measure of comfort washes over me at that gesture. And it only intensifies when I glance at his and my friends’ faces and see the look of protectiveness there.

  These people right here, they’re my tribe. As long as they’re by my side, I know I’ll be fine.

  I swallow the lump of emotion clogging my throat. “But that’s all in the past now. And we do need some extra hands. There are still dozens of boxes that need to be sorted out. So if you really want to help—”

  “We do!” they eagerly say in unison.

  Well, okay then.

  “And we brought more help, too,” Julia says.

  “Where?” Amanda makes a show of glancing around and looking past their shoulders.

  Will lifts up a finger before running back to the gym doors and opening them.

  We all watch in wonder as several people trickle in, making a beeline to the unopened boxes in the corner, as if already knowing what to do.

  When some walk past our tables, they even nod and smile at me.

  I exchange amazed glances with Lexi.

  Wow, she mouths.

  “This is awesome.” Amanda claps her hands together. “We’ll be finished in no time.”

  As she and Lexi go off to oversee the new arrivals, I turn to Adam who’s been quietly watching me. “Thank you.”

  He tilts his head. “For what?”

  “For organizing this whole thing. For trying to protect me.” I use air quotes on the last words. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  And I mean it. Without his help, I’d probably be floundering right now.

  His dimples pop out as he flashes one of his cute smiles. “You’re giving me too much credit. We both know they all came here because of you. They wanted to make up for being assholes.” His smile fades, his eyes showing shame and remorse. “Especially me.”

  I reach out and take his hand, relishing how natural it feels against mine. “You may be a lot of things, Adam Hayes. But you’re not an asshole. Didn’t you land yourself in detention for defending my honor even when you believed I cheated on you? And didn’t you come rushing to my side just now when you thought I needed protection?”

  His gaze becomes intense. “Together or not, I’ll always come to your side.”

  Ugh. Is it any wonder why I’m still in love with this guy?


  We finished sorting all the boxes faster than expected, thanks to the arrival of Julia, Kara and Will, and the people they brought along with them. Now the boxes are all ready for pick-up on Monday.

  Mrs. Mayberry was happy when I called for an update, although I could hear the relief in her voice. I bet she’d been nervous we wouldn’t make it on time.

  Heck, I’ve been nervous.

  It’s still early so I have a few hours left to rest before I go over to Adam’s house. I’m fairly certain Bianca and Dylan are already bored out of their minds right now and can’t wait to get on with their weekend plans. They’ll probably get out of there the moment Adam walks through the front door.

  I thank everyone as we filter out of the school, overwhelmed with gratitude for all the help and support. I couldn’t have finished on time without these many people. Whether they came because of Adam or because they simply wanted to lend a hand, they helped get all the work done. And that’s what matters.

  Julia, Kara and Will almost burst into tears when I hug each of them, genuine remorse shining in their eyes. And I know right then that I no longer resent them. Besides, I managed to forgive Adam, didn’t I? So why can’t I do the same to them? Although I know building back the trust in our friendship will take time.

  Carla and Tara bailed even before we finished. I guess they decided it wasn’t worth it when Adam kept rejecting Carla’s advances. I can’t say I wasn’t pleased.

  “Thanks, girls. I’m really glad you came,” I tell Lexi and Amanda, the three of us walking arm in arm in the parking lot toward Lexi’s car. She’s our designated driver since Amanda and I didn’t bring our own cars.

  Amanda squeezes my arm. “You needed help. Of course we’d come.”

  “What she said,” Lexi sing-songs. “God, I’m so tired. I can hear my bed calling.”

  “Tell me about it,” Amanda yawns. Then glances over her shoulder. “Uh-oh. Here comes McDreamy.”

  “McDreamy?” Frowning, I pull away from them and turn around to see Adam jogging toward us. I give Amanda a dry look. “Seriously? McDreamy?”

  She shrugs. “I did a Grey’s Anatomy marathon last night.”

  Before I can respond to that, Adam reaches us. “Hey. I was hoping I could catch you.”

  I blink. “Did you forget something?”

  “Nothing. It’s just that,” He runs his fingers through his short hair, messing it up a bit. Is he nervous? “I don’t see your car anywhere. So I’m thinking, maybe, I can give you a ride?”

  “She’d love to,” Lexi answers for me, giving me a little shove toward him.

  “What are you doing?” I whisper harshly.

  “You have to put that boy out of his misery. It’s time.”

  Adam clears his throat, obviously hearing my best friend’s words clearly.

  God, this is so mortifying.

  “Adam, you’re a lifesaver. See, Mads is pretty beat. She needs to rest.” Amanda even gives me a pitying look to be more convincing. “But Lexi and I are planning to hit the mall. And, well, her house is out of the way. So we’re really glad you’re taking her home.” She smiles at him sweetly.

  Oh, she’s good. And Lexi, too. Gone were the looks of exhaustion on their faces. Now, they appear to be full of energy. Like they’re really heading to the mall instead of going straight home.

bsp; I can’t believe they’re conspiring against me. No, they’re pimping me out. Which is way worse. And did they really have to be so obvious about it?

  “I hate you both,” I mutter under my breath.

  “No, you don’t. You love us.” Lexi squeezes my arm. “Now, make sure to call tomorrow. I want all the details!” Then looking dead serious, she turns to Adam. “This is the only chance I’m going to give you, Hayes. Hurt my bestie again and I’m going to introduce you to a world of pain. So bad you’ll be screaming for weeks.” She pointedly stares down there, then back up to his face. “Understand?”

  Adam nods, swallowing a little. “Duly noted.”

  “Good.” Lexi smiles like she didn’t just threaten his manhood. Then she and Amanda give me a hug before skipping away.

  I watch as the two of them get into her car and drive off.

  Then it’s just me and Adam.

  “I don’t remember Lexi being so scary.” There’s amusement with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

  “She’s just really protective.”

  He chuckles. “I can see that.”

  “So, um, should we go?” I glance around the suddenly very empty parking lot, save for Adam’s car.

  Works for me. I prefer no spectators, anyway.

  We walk over to his car parked a few spots away, and Adam goes to the passenger side and pulls open the door for me. He waits for me to get inside before shutting the door and rounding to the driver side.

  I stare at the interior of his car. Nothing’s changed. It still looks and smells the same as the last time I was in here. A book on the dashboard. A pack of gum in the console. The cool blast of air-freshener.

  Adam smiles at me before starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot. He used to always do that, too.

  Sitting here in his car feels like I’m being thrust back in time. But unlike before, this one doesn’t bring me immeasurable pain. There’s still a hint of sadness sure, but not as overwhelming as it once was. More importantly, there’s no bitterness anymore.

  Guess I’ve officially put all the ugly in the past.

  We’re quiet the whole ride home, both of us lost in our own thoughts. But the silence isn’t stifling or uncomfortable. It’s companionable. Just like old times.


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