How to Become a Male Escort- 10 Years of Insider Secrets Revealed

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How to Become a Male Escort- 10 Years of Insider Secrets Revealed Page 4

by Simon Davies


  I don’t intend to bore you to death by expending too many words on the issue of getting into shape. There are many resources on the web that will help you achieve your health and fitness goals. However, it is necessary to cover some basics.

  When you don’t feel or look fit and healthy it has a negative impact on how you feel about yourself. Not a great frame of mind to have when trying to convince the world you’re the next Casanova. More importantly, your client will expect to be confronted by a guy who obviously takes care of himself. And, if things progress to the bedroom you need to have plenty of stamina in the tank to satisfy her. So, what do you need to focus on?

  As a bare minimum aim to have a flat stomach. Notice I didn’t say a six pack. A six-pack should be your ultimate goal because ladies find a taut torso very desirable.

  It’s highly unlikely that your ancestor caveman had a loin cloth overhang, so neither should you. Besides, if you’ve managed to achieve the flat tummy then the chances are the rest of your body is in proportion.

  Please note that you’re never going to achieve your goal by doing hundreds of sit-ups and crunches, it’s not the answer. What you actually need to do is reduce your calorie intake and to increase or start some form of cardiovascular training regime.

  Perhaps one of the best forms of cardio workouts is boxing training. If you’re lucky enough to live near a boxing gym then join it. They’re much cheaper than the fancy downtown health clubs. And you’ll become fit as a butcher’s dog, whilst learning a self-defence skill.

  The least expensive option is jogging, it’s a great calorie burner. Moreover, running improves the functionality of your lungs, strengthens the heart muscle and improves overall stamina and general health. I run for around twenty minutes two to three times per week. And I try to vary the route, but it always includes a few hills to get the heart pounding.

  Swimming is also an excellent form of exercise, but it doesn’t seem to burn calories as fast as boxing training or running.

  If you can afford to join a health club then great because you’ll have access to personal trainers who can give you guidance on getting fit and losing/gaining weight. Moreover, they normally run aerobics, circuit training, and spinning classes (stationary cycle), which you should take advantage of. Check out your local college or university because they sometimes offer special gym membership rates for local citizens, and are often cheaper than their commercial counterparts.

  You should also undertake some weight training, your aim being to tone-up. However, the weights are a secondary consideration to cardio work. This is especially true if you’re already a big guy.

  I suggest if you’re overweight or have a ‘beer gut’ you must make the decision that a dietary change is necessary. And it will need to backed-up with sweat down at the gym, health club or on the road/trail. Crash diets never work long-term.

  Buy a calorie counter book and for seven days write down everything you eat/drink and total the calories for each day. Looking back over a week will show you where your diet is lacking. In the United Kingdom the recommended calorie intake for a guy is around 2500 kcal per day.

  Obviously, if you’re consuming 4000 calories on a regular basis then it’s no wonder the weight is piling on.

  I’m convinced that weight loss, in most cases, boils down to three things. Firstly, acceptance that you’ve got a weight problem. Secondly, willingness to change your eating habits. Lastly, desire to get fitter by doing regular exercise, stuff that gets your heart and lungs pumping.

  If your issue is that you find it hard to gain weight, then you must adopt a different strategy. Looking like a seven stone weakling is not going to make you the most popular male escort in town. Therefore, you need to start pumping iron, but not only that you need to pay special attention to what and when you eat.

  In order to gain muscle mass you only need to do the basic bodybuilding moves: bench press or dips (chest and triceps), overhand pull-ups (back and biceps), barbell squats (quadriceps), leg curl machine (hamstrings), barbell military press (shoulders), crunches (abs).

  I’d recommend you train with weights no more than three times per week with a day off in between workouts. Each session should last around 45 minutes to an hour maximum.

  The important consideration is maintaining good form whilst lifting the weights because this will put the muscles under stress throughout the entire range of movement. Also, within your allotted time aim to include 20 minutes of cardio.

  For hard gainers it’s crucially important to consume adequate carbohydrates (pasta, rice, bread, potatoes) and protein. You should be trying to eat six small meals per day, which include carbs and protein.

  As a rule of thumb you’ll need to consume two grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. So, if you weigh 150 pounds you should be eating 300 grams of quality protein per day.

  This should be in the form of chicken, turkey, tuna, salmon, and protein shakes. As a bare minimum you’ll need to eat at least one gram per pound of bodyweight, otherwise you’ll probably start loosing weight.

  Finally, never to neglect to eat several servings of fruit and vegetables each day - ideally you should be consuming five to nine portions. Why? Plants contain the vital vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that enable your brain and body to function at an optimal level.

  Disclaimer: please check with your doctor before undertaking any form of diet or physical exercise.


  In an ideal world your girlfriend would be comfortable with the thought of you dating other women as a job. However, we don’t live in a an ideal world. Therefore, if you’re going to take the risk then there are a few precautions you must take. Why? Because if you get caught you’re in for big trouble and as the saying goes: hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

  Firstly, don’t tell your best mate you’ve become a male escort. This is due to the fact that sooner or later he’ll tell someone else and it’ll get back to your girlfriend. Chances are he’d like to sleep with your girlfriend and so he’ll tell her or let it slip that you’re a male escort.

  Secondly, use a separate mobile phone for your escort business and ensure you’re not carrying it when you spend time with her.

  Thirdly, make full use of any security features such a pin codes or passwords on your mobile phone.

  Finally, make a habit of deleting any text or voice messages as soon as possible. Since text messaging became popular it is the number one way guys get caught out. I know because it happened to me a few years ago…

  A girlfriend was staying over at my apartment and as usual I got up early to walk the dog. On returning I quietly opened the front door and was immediately confronted by a terribly angry honey.

  She’d found my phone, which contained lots of incriminating messages. And it got worse because she’d also called a few clients and told them I had a sexually transmitted disease. I didn’t, she was just venting her anger.

  Using a separate phone is the safest option. However, it must be borne in mind that some prospective clients will not call back if they don’t receive an answer first time.

  Moreover, there are lots of people who will not leave a voice message. I personally still prefer to use one phone, which makes dealing with business and personal calls and messages much more efficient.

  It’s worth considering taking time off from having proper relationships whilst escorting, it makes life much simpler: trust me.


  Being great at sex:

  Firstly, wham bam and thank you madam won’t cut it. If a woman is paying for sex, in her head she’s paying for great sex. She can get crap sex (or even mediocre sex) elsewhere. The fantasy is that having been wined and dined, made to feel like a million dollars she’ll now be exposed as a nymphomaniac by you, her Adonis escort.

  In essence this is easy: you concentrate on her, not you.
Start at the top and work your way down.

  There’s an art to good kissing. It’s really difficult to put into words but the way I approach the first kiss goes something like this. I imagine that she is the most beautiful person I have ever met. And that her lips are made of the most delicate material known to man. Our lips connect ever so slowly, there’s no need to rush. I’m in heaven…

  If you approach the kiss as I’ve just described then I’m certain it will go well. Make sure you lips are smooth and moist. I always carry lip balm and apply it often. If it’s not appropriate to put some on then lick your lips, discreetly, before your lips meet. Golden Rule: the first kiss is crucial.

  Should you use tongues? I prefer to, but take the lead from your client. Gently ease your tongue over her lips and feel how she responds.

  Don’t limit kissing to the lips – the neck and face are highly erogenous zones for women – if she gets goose bumps you’re definitely doing something right.

  Take your time: whereas men are often keen to get to the main action – genital contact – for a woman the longer you spend preparing the scene, so to speak, the better.

  Move down to her breasts: women vary dramatically in the sensitivity of their breasts and nipples so start gentle, but don’t be afraid to get rough. The key thing is to remain aware of her reaction. If there doesn’t seem to be any, it’s fine to enquire “Is this how you like it”. Men don’t like asking for directions but in sex, good sex, regular communication/checking is vital with a new partner (and will go down a treat, if you’ll pardon the pun, as women see it as proof that a) you’re genuinely interested in giving her a good time b) you’re still with her (rather than off at the football or with Angelina Jolie in your head) and c) you’re still listening to her (that golden rule again).

  While you’re touring her body with strokes, kisses, licks, nibbles don’t forget the backs of knees and inner thighs, and feet. Yes, feet. But check first – some are unbearably ticklish, and you don’t want a black eye.

  The key thing to remember is to take your time…

  We men are like microwave ovens in that we heat up very quickly and ping! Whereas women are like ovens, they take time to warm up to roasting temperature.

  Having gotten your client nice and hot, it’s time to focus attention on her pussy. You should really use a combination of fingers and tongue. But if you’re not into using your mouth on a woman then make sure you can skilfully pleasure her with your fingers and thumbs.

  I’ve found that the following method never fails to produce an explosion of ecstasy…

  Having explored the rest of her body I gently part the legs and position my face close to her pussy. I’ll then slowly kiss the inside of her thighs, gradually getting closer to her pussy. Then I’ll pause for a few seconds, this builds anticipation, before using my tongue to lightly lick the entire length of her pussy from bottom to top. The action should be ever so light – imagine licking a postage stamp. I’ll pause again to allow her to savour the experience. Then the ‘ice cream’ lick will be repeated slowly about thirty times.

  Next, I’ll tongue her outer followed by inner lips using upward licks. These will be done with a delicate touch like a artist’s brush stroking a masterpiece.

  Having teased her for a few minutes with the gentle licks I’ll make them a somewhat harder by tensing my tongue whilst I lap her pussy. And rather than just skimming the surface the licks will partially penetrate her. I do this fifteen to twenty times before repeating the process. However, the second time I’ll stop prior to reaching her clitoris, just to tease her.

  Sometimes after every other upward lick I’ll pause then quickly slash my tongue horizontally across her clit. The trick is to keep her guessing so she’s urging you to eat her pussy.

  If you continue worshipping her pussy for long enough (ten to twenty minutes – sometimes faster) then most women will reach orgasm. But, and this is big BUT, some will not. You need to pay attention to feedback (noise, bodily movement, and changes in skin tone). And don’t be afraid to ask how you’re doing.

  Should you find that using your mouth isn’t bringing her to climax or your tongue is getting tired then introduce your fingers. What I do is this. Firstly, and assuming she’s sufficiently wet, I’ll ease my index or forefinger into her.

  The base of your finger should be resting against her clit. Next, curl your finger as if you’re motioning someone to “come here”. You will feel the upper wall of her vagina - this area is filled with sensitive nerve endings. Use the end of your finger to stroke the wall of her pussy using come here motions. You can use quite a bit of pressure and more than one finger, but remember to always be on the look out for feedback. Is your touch too hard or soft?

  Sometimes I’ll use the palm of my free hand to apply pressure to her pubic bone – lots of nerves around here. And at the same time I’ll lick her pussy using the movements already described. In essence she’s getting stimulated in three different ways. Cue the multiple orgasms!

  Having reached your goal of making her cum it would be very easy to simply enter her with your penis, but you must hold back. Let her recover and then re-build the excitement and anticipation.

  At this point I like to position my penis over her face. And 9 times out 10 she’ll readily take it in her mouth. If she doesn’t take the hint then don’t force the issue or take offence. Some women don’t like sucking penis, period.

  Make sure you don’t become too engrossed in getting your penis sucked because the attention needs to be on your client. Besides, you don’t want to cum too soon. After she’s given you enough sucks to get you rock hard then put on a condom. Do it slowly and confidently. Look into her eyes as you roll the condom on. I like to stand over the client whilst doing this. I feel it communicates that I’m the dominant one not her.

  Hmmm, whilst on the subject of domination I’d like to mention that the vast majority of clients will be looking for you to take the lead by being masterful and dominant in the bedroom.

  I always prefer to enter a woman slowly so she feels every inch penetrating her body. You can get rough later, and bang the hell out of her, if that’s what she wants.

  I find using circular grinding movements works for most ladies, especially at first. Plus doing this doesn’t rely on you having a large penis. Remember, you’re trying to satisfy your client. So, even if you get off on pumping your penis in and out it probably won’t do it for her. You’ve got a better chance of her climaxing by using circular motions rather than an in/out action.

  At the end of the day great sex is about being aware of your partner’s reaction and communicating with her.

  If you’re a little inexperienced in the sex department then I suggest you get some practice. Failing that watch some porn made by women. Not the usual male-centred stuff produced by men. Also, there are a lot of good books on the market that will help you become a beast in the bedroom.

  Other skills:

  If you really want to excel in the male escort industry then you must be more than a one dimensional character with bulging biceps. In essence you must become a man for all seasons. “What does that mean?” I hear you say. Well, it means you should appeal to a client on many different levels.

  Yes, it’s a good idea to have a toned body. Yes, it’s preferable to have gained a university degree, entrepreneurial experience or be classed as intelligent. And yes, you should have a charismatic personality…

  I’ll assume because you are reading this you already tick a couple of boxes and if you don’t you’re working towards it.

  So, what else can you do?

  Enrol in a Salsa class, even if you have two left feet. It’ll massively improve your self confidence with women. Moreover, there’s a perception that a guy who can dance is also great between the sheets.

  Learn how to give a professional massage. You can loan a few massage technique books from the library and practice on your friends/family or take a one day course. I’ve never met a girl who doesn’t
like a massage, so having this skill is a potent seduction weapon.

  Become competent in another language. Why? It’s impressive and demonstrates you have an interest in other cultures, which marks you out as a well rounded individual. And when your client decides to take a trip to Europe she’ll think of you first. You can’t beat an all expenses paid holiday in the South of France.

  Take a course of acting classes. It may seem like a strange idea but having a few acting techniques under your belt will pay dividends. Yes, it’s important to act naturally, but sometimes in life you need perform a little. Whether it’s laughing at a joke you don’t find that funny or faking an orgasm.

  Of course it’s not vital that you possess these skills, however, they will make you stand out from the crowd. Why not set yourself a goal to start lessons in one of the above within the next thirty days?


  Just in case you were wondering ‘pecker’ is a slang word for penis. If you ask any honest girl whether size is important she will most likely say YES. So, what constitutes a small penis? Well, I’d say anything under four and half inches in length, when erect, is small.

  Cock size isn’t just all about length it’s about girth when erect. So, someone could have a 8” long skinny penis and that would be less satisfying than a 4” short but fat penis.

  If you weren’t blessed in the cock department then don’t let it worry you. Just compensate by being excellent in other areas. For example, master the art of foreplay and especially cunnilingus – stimulation of the female genitals using the tongue or lips.

  Also remember that most women do not orgasm purely because they are being penetrated deeply. It usually occurs because her clitoris is being stimulated in some way. Therefore, rather than opting for positions that obtain deep penetration focus more on what I call grinding positions. Such as her sat on top of you whilst she gently rocks her hip or makes circular motions so her clit rubs on your pubic bone. Another good position is the Missionary where you lay on top of her, but rather than pumping in and out you grind by moving you hips in a circular motion.


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