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Legendary Daddy

Page 6

by Mia Monroe



  A few minutes pass before I’m forced to let the boy go as my softening cock slips from his body. I gaze down at him, a blissed-out expression on his face.

  “Let me get up and clean us up.”

  “No, please. Can I do it?”

  I cup Bentley’s chin. “You don’t know where anything is.”

  “Please? I want to take care of you.”

  My eyes soften. “What if I take care of us tonight, and then tomorrow, I’ll show you where things are so you can do it next time?”

  His face lights up like nothing I’ve ever seen before. “You-you want me to stay?”

  “I would love it if you’d like to.”

  He squeezes his eyes closed.

  “But you don’t have to,” I continue.

  His eyes snap open. “No, I want to. I’m just...I thought you would send me home.”

  “No, sweet boy.” Swallowing hard, I search his eyes. “You were perfect. Everything I needed.”

  Bentley smiles. “You were amazing. You never know if what you see on the videos is real or fantastic editing.”

  I laugh.

  “But you’re real.” The tender awe of his statement acts as a stitch, closing one of the many tears in my heart.

  “I’m real. Flaws and all.”

  Bentley drags his fingers over my chest. “Legend…”


  “At the risk of being cheeky…” He pauses, biting his bottom lip but self-correcting quickly.

  “What is it, boy?” He looks so nervous that I know it must be serious.

  “You said you weren’t sure what you could offer someone. I heard you.”

  I nod.

  “I already told you, but I’ll say it again. I’ll take anything. If it’s just sex when you need it, that’s fine. I want to be with you in whatever capacity you’ll have me. I know I can be a perfect boy for you. I’ve been—”

  He stops abruptly, looking terrified.

  “Finish, Bentley.”

  He frowns but nods. “I’ve been waiting for you. I never thought I’d meet you, but now that I have, I don’t want to let it go too soon. I don’t want you to be afraid to hang out with me. I don’t expect you to take me out or treat me like a boyfriend. I just want...I need to be your boy.”

  My brow furrows. “Bentley, sweet, sweet boy.”

  “Don’t send me away.”

  “Relax.” What happened to this boy in the past? “I’m not sending you away. I feel very...lucky that you want me like you do. I think you’re beautiful and sweet and fun. You’d make a great boy for me.”

  His face falls. “But you don’t want a boy?”

  “Don’t put words in my mouth. I was only going to suggest that we take it day by day.”

  “Day by day?”

  “Yeah. Would you like that?”

  “You still want to see me again?”

  “I do. I also plan to be honest with you about where I’m at. I can offer you my body right now, but not much else.”

  He brightens a little. “That’s okay, Daddy. I mean, Legend. I don’t mind.”

  Something tugs inside of me, calling out to hold this boy, make him feel safe, desired and...loved.

  “Have you been in love before, Bentley?”

  He shakes his head as sadness fills his face. “No. I thought I was once when I was younger, but it wasn’t love. It was unhealthy.”

  “Did something bad happen?”

  “Not really. He just didn’t care, and I didn’t have enough self-esteem to walk away, but I do now. I left my last Daddy all on my own.”


  “He wasn’t a good Daddy for me.”

  “Why, Bentley?” Bentley picks at his cuticle until I put my hand over his to stop him. “Why?”

  “He had lots of boys.”

  “Did you know that?”


  “I see.”

  “It’s greedy, but I want to be the only one. I know I can be enough for the right Daddy.”

  “It’s not greedy, sweet boy. Come here.” He settles in my arms, and I hold him close, kissing the top of his head. Why is it that a person can be so confident and fun in many parts of their lives but bad love can bring us all to our knees? “You’re the only person I’m seeing,” I whisper to reassure him. “Am I the only person you’re seeing?”


  “Okay. I like that we can trust each other both physically and emotionally.”

  “I told you, I’m already yours.”

  In spite of the part of my heart that’s still wounded and afraid, I let his words fill some of the cracks. I would love to have a boy again, and the one in my arms is damn near perfect. I just don’t know what happens next.

  “I’m happy to hear that. Why don’t we take a shower, and then we’ll cuddle a bit and sleep? Would you like to wake up with me tomorrow?”

  He shifts his big brown eyes up to me. “Very much. You’ve been everything I hoped you would be tonight. Even better, you’re really nice.”

  “Thank you, sweetheart. You are amazing. So beautiful. I’m very lucky you picked me.”

  Bentley’s smile lights up his face. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  After the shower that I mercifully made it through without taking the boy again, I dry him off then grab a T-shirt from my drawer for him to wear. He swims in it, which is fucking adorable.

  “Do you need a snack, baby?” I ask.

  “No, I’m still full from dinner.”

  “Okay. How about we watch TV for a bit?”


  We make our way back to the living room and settle on the couch. Bentley sits close to me, all curled into my side as I drape my arm around him while I surf channels. I stop on a cooking channel when I notice his excitement level change.

  “Do you like to watch cooking shows?”

  Bentley nods happily. “And organizing shows. I like things to be nice, and I want to be able to make yummy things for my Daddy.”

  He snuggles closer, his face lit up like Christmas as he watches the show. I was right all along. This boy is dangerous. The last thing I need right now is to get tangled up in something I don’t have the time or emotional bandwidth for, but I can’t deny how lonely I’ve been and how perfectly Bentley fills that emptiness for me. He seems okay with what I’m offering. What gets to me is his obvious need and desire for a Daddy of his own. I could be that Daddy, but am I ready to step up? He’s nothing like Arian, at least from what I can tell, but it’s so easy for me to get caught up in boys. That’s how Arian was able to manipulate me so easily. I wanted his happiness more than my own, and that was my downfall.

  I gaze down at Bentley, happily snuggling beside me, his soft brown eyes focused on the show. Bentley seems wired to be focused on my happiness, which means he might have a dangerous lack of boundaries for himself. He’s been hurt by men who said they would be his Daddy and then dropped the ball. I don’t think I could forgive myself if I hurt Bentley.

  For now, we’ll go with my day-by-day plan and take it from there. That’s the best decision I can come up with because, for whatever reason, I’m not ready to let him go yet.



  When I open my eyes, it takes me a moment to realize where I am, but when I do, a feeling of warmth and safety washes over me. Legend’s massive body is wrapped around me, and he’s snoring softly against the back of my head. It’s heaven.

  I was expecting to get fucked then politely asked to go home, but he surprised me with an invite to stay the night. Now I have to be careful not to fuck things up. My guard was down last night, too exposed and vulnerable. I got needy and bared myself to him in a moment of false security. I need to be careful. Yes, he’s my dream man, and, yes, he fucked me so hard I almost forgot my name, but he’s clear he’s not in this for a relationship. He’s not really my Daddy. Even though I would hand over my balls to be his boy.

p; He stirs in his sleep, and I carefully twist so I’m facing his chest. Tracing my fingers over his tattoos, I nuzzle my face into his beard. He used to keep it longer, giving him a more ominous look, but now it’s just enough. Everything about Legend is exactly as it should be.

  “Morning,” he whispers without opening his eyes.

  “Did I wake you?”

  “Yes.” He grips my ass pulling me into him so I can feel his cock grinding against mine. “Mm, you feel so good.”

  “Can I take care of you, Legend?”

  His eyes open, and he studies me with a furrowed brow as if he were expecting to see someone else. What did I say wrong?

  “Only if you want to.”

  “Of course I want to.” I drag my hands down his broad chest, my fingers tickled by the hair there. Gah, he’s beautiful. “I always want to.”

  He’s still staring at me oddly.

  “Did I say something wrong?” I ask.

  “No, not wrong.” A slight smile pulls at his lips. “You called me Legend, and I wasn’t expecting it. Guess I’m trying to figure out our dynamic here.”

  I nod, feeling a tiny flicker of hope come alive in my chest. “I don’t know.”

  He moves back enough to see my face without straining. As his fingers brush across my face, I lean in like a kitten needing more, but that’s always my problem, isn’t it? Needing more.

  “We talked last night about what we wanted,” Legend starts.

  “Yes. You don’t want a relationship right now, but we can be casual.”

  He nods, but he’s focused on my eyes. “Yes. I guess I want to know where you’re at with all this? How are you feeling?”

  My teeth move to my bottom lip, digging in like I do, until Legend’s thumb taps gently to make me release it.

  “Talk to me, boy.”

  My breath hitches. “I think I was too much last night.”

  “Too much in what way?”

  “Too, um...desperate...maybe?”

  “Desperate? Where do you get that idea?”

  “I was overwhelmed by being with you, and I didn’t think about anything I said or did. I don’t want to be too much or freak you out.”

  His features soften in a way that makes me feel funny things.

  “Sweet boy, you weren’t too much or desperate, and you didn’t even come close to freaking me out. To me, what we shared last night was magic, and I loved every moment. I hope I was what you needed.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut.


  My eyes shoot open from his authoritative tone.

  “Talk to me.”

  I nod, forcing myself not to look away. “You were everything and more last night, but I know you want to keep things light, so I thought maybe I shouldn’t call you Daddy unless…” I shrug as I lose the words to sort my jumbled thoughts.

  “Okay. Let’s talk about that. What do you want to call me, Bentley?”

  My teeth seek my lip again, but I shake my head to stop the habit. “Daddy,” I admit as my voice cracks.

  “And what do you want me to call you?”

  I feel my cheeks warming like they’re sunburned. “Boy.”

  “All the time?”

  “I mean, maybe not if we ever work together. But the rest of the time, yeah.”

  “I would like that too, sweet beautiful boy. I would like it very much. I want you to promise me something right now.”


  “Don’t be ashamed of how you feel or anything you want. I want you to tell me if you need something different or something more or less. Promise that you’ll tell me.”

  My heart seizes in my chest as a wave of nausea grips my stomach. “I...can...can try.”

  “Try?” Legend sits us upright. “Did something bad happen when you asked for more or different?”

  I nod, averting my eyes away. I don’t want him to know how many Daddies I’ve failed or didn’t want me, but lying is impossible.

  “Okay, new promise,” Legend says. “When you start to feel scared of what happened before, remind yourself I’m not one of those bad Daddies. I’m your Daddy, and I want you to be happy. I need it.”

  My eyes shift up. “You’re my Daddy?”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “More than anything in the world.”

  “I’m going to promise you something too.”


  “When I get scared, I’m going to remind myself that you’re not Arian. If we go slow and talk to each other, maybe we can have something amazing here.”

  I process his words, feeling almost lightheaded from the giddiness bubbling over inside me. “Does that mean...are we dating?”

  He smiles. “We’re spending time together and...figuring out what works for us.”

  “Okay.” Not dating, but it’s something.

  “Your presence makes me very happy, Bentley, and I haven’t been happy in a long time. I’m curious to see where it might lead. I’ll need some patience from you.”

  “You have it,” I whisper. “You have…” I cut myself off.

  “Tell me your thoughts.”

  I shake my head.

  “You’re not too much, boy. You’re just right.”

  My eyes meet his, seeking truth in his words. I tremble slightly, but I promised, so here goes.

  “I was going to say…you have everything of mine.”

  Legend’s eyes soften, his hand rubbing mine. “That’s beautiful and generous, sweet boy. Thank you. I feel very lucky.”

  He’s not freaking out.

  “Do you have to go home or can you hang out a little bit more?”

  My eyes widen. “You…you want me to stay longer?”

  “I do.”

  “I would like that.” I run my hands over his now softened bulge under the blankets. “Can I take care of you?”

  “Later. I want to talk a little bit more. Are you hungry?”


  “Let’s get up and eat some breakfast. We’ll cuddle on the couch and talk. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds perfect.” Smiling, I say the word that soothes the ache deep within me. “Daddy.”

  The smile on Legend’s face is absolute perfection.



  He’s going to be the death of me. Sweet, painless death.

  We climb out of bed and head to my bathroom. I know he said he wasn’t a little, and he enjoys being of service, but I have a strong need to care for him. He looks adorable in my T-shirt. I brush my teeth as he pees then joins me at the sink.

  “Want to use my brush?”

  His eyes go wide. “Are you okay with that?”

  “I offered.”

  “Thank you.”

  I watch as he rinses it then puts toothpaste on it and lightly brushes his teeth. As he leans over the sink, I push the T-shirt up to expose his adorable ass. Fuck. That is art. So perfect. Like a sweet, juicy peach waiting for me to bite it.

  “Daddy,” he giggles. “What are you doing?”

  “Admiring your ass.” I lean against him, kissing his neck. “You are so beautiful, boy.”

  He meets my gaze in the reflection of the mirror. “Do you want me to wear more makeup?”

  I know, without prodding, where that question is coming from. I regularly get sent pics of boys in makeup and lace, even now, months after my breakup with Arian. Everyone assumes it’s what I like most, but the truth is different.

  “Bentley. I’ll tell you a secret.”

  He nods happily.

  “What I want you to do is be one hundred percent what makes you happy because if you’re happy and feeling confident, that will show, and that is beauty. Do I like makeup and lace and features that belong on an angel’s face? Yes. But only to the extent that you like it.”

  “You mean that, don’t you?”

  “Absolutely.” I wrap my arms around him. “Here’s another secret. I thought Arian wore too much makeup, but it made
him happy, so I never told him that.”

  Bentley gasps lightly. “That would make me sad.”


  “Because I want to be perfect for you. I want you to look at me and only see what you desire most.”

  Jesus, this boy.

  “What I desire most is a healthy, happy boy.” I smile. “But just to be clear, you are absolutely stunning and one hundred percent what I desire most.”

  His smile grows. “I believe you, Daddy. You’re too good to lie to me.”

  “I won’t. I promised myself, after I let things get away from me, that I wouldn’t compromise myself anymore and I would speak up if something didn’t feel right.”

  “You’re such a good Daddy.” He twists around, dragging his hands down my chest. “And so handsome. Way better in real life.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Well, besides you being really nice, I guess I just like it better when you’re fucking me instead of me watching you fuck.”

  I laugh. “Reasonable. Let’s go eat.”

  Bentley takes my hand and follows me to the kitchen. I lift him and put him on a stool, moving between his legs. I lift the T-shirt enough to drag my fingers over his cock, pulling a giggle from his lips.


  He nods, smiling. “And you’re gonna make me hard.”

  “That’s okay. Then I’ll just have to take care of you.”

  “But I want to take care of you.” He clutches the waistband of my pajama pants. “You need me. I can tell.”

  “I need you, huh?”

  Bentley’s cheeks bloom a gorgeous pink. “I could be good for you, Legend. I know I could. You’re already everything I want in a Daddy, but what you don’t know yet is that I’m everything you’ve always wished for in a boy. I’ll make sure of it.”

  His submission, his absolute desire to please me, is intoxicating. I lean in and press a soft kiss to his lips. “That’s exciting, isn’t it? To be what someone else needs.”

  “Yes, Daddy, it is.”

  I tear myself away, trying to refocus on food. “Eggs?”


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