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by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  Picking at a loose string on her dress, Bridgette nodded. “You have time. There is no rush. And when you know the man you want, well, you will know. Still, many women have married a man they didn’t particularly care for and made a good marriage out of it.”

  “Yes, I suppose. But I want to marry someone that my heart loves. I do believe I will find someone here in Shirleyville. I hope so, anyway.” She paused. “Have you advertised for a bride for Brett?”

  Bridgette shrugged. “Actually, I was going to wait until you made a decision. I hope that doesn’t put pressure on you.”

  Evalyn shook her head. “No, that’s fine. I told Brett I wanted time to make a decision.”

  “And, are you still interested in Reid?” Bridgette watched Evalyn and saw the first telltale signs of love as Evalyn blushed.

  “I’m not sure. I do like him. But he was late today to walk me from the store. I’m not sure I can trust him. I’m really not even sure he wants a wife.”

  Bridgette felt the same way about the man. But he did seem to be trying. Sterling had even said he was impressed by Reid after he came to see him. Well, time would tell on that one. He’d disappointed her once, and she wasn’t ready to trust him either.

  “Evalyn, if you need my help for anything, let me know. Since the weather has cleared, Sterling said we’d go back to the ranch tomorrow. I’m not sure I feel at ease with those wolves around. But he assured me we’d be fine.”

  “Reid did rescue me from the wolves. I have to admit, I can’t get the warm feeling of his arms around me out of my mind. I think of him at night. Not Brett or Greg.”

  Mention of Greg’s name caught Bridgette’s attention. “I have had dealings with Greg in the past, and I have to say I don’t trust him.”

  “Thank you for telling me. He has been nice to me. But he is the last of the three that I would consider.”

  “Good. Maybe I will have to have a talk with Reid.” Bridgette wondered what he was up to. At least, he’d cleaned up and bought new clothes.

  Evalyn put a hand on her arm. “Don’t, at least not on my behalf. I am content to let things happen as they should. Brett is a patient man. And I have a job now, so I don’t have to stay in the hotel. I was thinking of seeing if Cindy has a room in her boardinghouse.”

  Bridgette smiled but knew Sterling wouldn’t be happy. He believed that she’d let Evalyn down by not knowing Reid would run out. And Sterling didn’t like the idea of her matchmaking anyway. Perhaps this would be her last. Yet, even as the idea came to her, she knew that Brett wanted a bride, and then there were the other men due to be released from jail.

  Well, she’d have to cross that troubled bridge later.

  Sterling startled her and came to her chair, holding baby Charlotte. “Your daughter needs you.”

  Bridgette nodded. “Yes, dear. It was nice chatting with you, Evalyn. Have a good night.”

  Chapter 13

  Reid waited for Evalyn to come out of the dining room. He saw the preacher leave, but so far, Evalyn was still in the dining room. Disappointed with himself, he shook his head. Why had he been late to pick her up at the store? He meant to be there on time.

  He shouldn’t have stopped at the bank to sign the lease. He looked at the entrance to the dining room but no Evalyn. Reid hoped she wasn’t with Adler. That man irritated him, and he thought Evalyn disliked him.

  But she hadn’t come from the dining room yet. It wasn’t like Reid wanted a wife any time soon. Still, he had to admit it bothered him when he saw her with the preacher. If Reid had been on time, he’d have had dinner with Evalyn.

  He missed her company. That’s why he was sitting in the foyer waiting for her. What was he going to do? Bridgette wanted him to marry Evalyn. But Reid didn’t think Evalyn wanted to marry him.

  Then he saw her, she was standing and walking this way. Reid stood, ready to meet her and apologize again. Ask her for a second—

  “Reid, can I get you to watch the north end of town for wolves?” Sheriff Levi had entered the foyer and was looking at him.

  “Sure, I’ll go.”

  “Great.” Levi slapped him on the shoulder and pushed him toward the door.

  Reid turned to look back just as Evalyn walked into the foyer. He wanted to call to her, but Levi shoved a rifle in his middle and shoved him outside the door. All that waiting for nothing.

  Levi frowned. “Saw some on the north end of town. They’re out there howling to the moon. Del is going to meet you.” Levi looked up. “There he is. I don’t want anyone out here alone. Mainly watch for stragglers in town, especially around the saloon, and walk with them. Once the town is quiet and the saloon closed, then you can quit.”

  “Right.” Reid nodded at Del. “Ready?”

  “Not really. I have a warm bed and a warmer wife at home. But I’ll do my part.” Del grinned and walked toward the hill.

  As if to accentuate the need for men to watch over the town, wolves took up howling.

  Reid rubbed his arm. “Sounds like they’re all around us.”

  Levi nodded. “That it does. Ronan and I’ll be at the south end. Fire a shot if you get into trouble.”

  “We will.” Del checked his rifle for bullets. “You have plenty?”

  Reid nodded. “Chamber is full, and my pockets still have some in from yesterday.”

  “Hope the night is dull.” Levi walked away from them to the other end of town.

  Holding his rifle on his shoulder, Reid walked toward the saloon. “Ever get the feeling this is a test?”

  Del nodded. “I do. Most of the time, the people treat me right, but every now and then, I get the feeling they’re waiting for me to fall and take up the old ways.” He looked at Reid. “I never will. I have a wife and a child on the way. I’m done with those wild days.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. I went to the saloon when I first got out. Made a fool out of myself, and then saw Bridgette with my mail-order bride and galloped out of town. I’m still not sure about marrying Evalyn.”

  Del leaned against a tree. “When I met Jericho, my heart said yes. Then I found out about her past. She’d been a prostitute, and I lost all desire for her. I was proud and thought about how I’d paid my dues to society. She never could come clean.”

  Del shook his head. “I was wrong. Took Preacher Brett to set me straight. Now, I can’t think of being without her. Give yourself a chance, Reid. Give Evalyn a chance.”

  “I would. But I ran out on her once. Then I was late to walk her back to the hotel this afternoon. She had dinner with the preacher. And looked like she enjoyed it.” Reid looked north beyond the saloon.

  “I think I see a couple of wolves edging toward the saloon.”

  Del nodded. “Let’s go.”

  They walked up the street. A man stumbled out of the saloon and walked toward them.

  “He’s in my line of fire.” Del held his rifle.

  Reid ran to the side and shouted for the man to get down. Then Reid saw the wolf leap. He fired, and the wolf yipped and fell only to be replaced by another.

  This time Del fired. He missed, but the wolf ran away.

  Reid reached the cowboy and pulled him to the saloon. “You all right?”

  “Yeah, why were you shooting at me?”

  The man was too drunk to even know the danger he’d been in.

  “Wolves, they were right behind you. Where are you staying?”

  “The livery. But maybe I need another drink.”

  “I don’t think so.” Reid motioned at Del. “Why don’t you stay here by the door and watch, and I’ll walk this guy to the livery.”

  “All right. I can handle it from here. I’m sure we scared them away.”

  “Don’t take any chances. Wait for me to get back.”

  Del nodded. “Will do.”

  Reid helped the man to the livery and deposited him into an empty stall. Making sure to shut the barn door securely, he walked back to Del. “See anything else?”

  “No, I think
they had enough and left. Levi mentioned that he sent for a hunter. The man should be in tomorrow.” Del slapped his arms. “The saloon is closed. Think we can go now?”

  Reid nodded. “I’ll check the saloon and see if anyone else needs to leave. Go ahead and go home.”

  Reid checked the saloon door, and it was locked. He knocked. “Anyone going to leave?”

  Fallon opened the door. “No, we’re staying. I heard shots.”

  “We saw a few more wolves. Del said Levi is bringing in a hunter.”

  “Good. Those wolves are killing my business.” Fallon looked at him. “You want a drink?’

  “No, thanks. I have an early morning tomorrow.” Reid walked back to the hotel. He looked back and, in the distance, saw yellow eyes glowing in the dark. That hunter couldn’t get here fast enough.

  He went to his room and hoped he’d wake up in time to walk Evalyn to the store. Better yet if he woke up early enough to have breakfast with her. He really needed to be there for her.

  Reid wondered about the preacher and how Evalyn seemed to like him. Then again, he didn't really want a wife just yet. If Evalyn married the preacher, Reid would find another woman, later.

  Then he thought of her. That first day when he’d seen her with Bridgette. He hadn’t been sure, but he had figured that she was the mail-order bride for him. Reid had to admit that when he saw Evalyn, he’d felt something for her. And it had scared him enough to make him run.

  Now, he was getting used to the idea of marrying her. She was kind and good. Pretty. He drifted asleep, praying she’d wait for him.


  Evalyn looked out the window. It was a sunny day, and the mountain shone bright with the blanket of snow on its peak. She did enjoy working at the store but would enjoy the day off tomorrow.

  Today, however, was another workday. She dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. She looked for Reid, but she didn’t see him. He was becoming less and less reliable. Then again, when she’d come to town, and they were first supposed to meet, he’d run.

  It would be best to set her sights on the preacher. Brett was a kind, caring man. Life with him might mean a lot of hard work and doing without, but she was used to that. With Reid, there were no guarantees.

  Greg was more of an unknown, but she didn’t feel right about him. He might have money, but he lacked character. Then again, he wasn’t an outlaw. Both Brett and Reid had been outlaws.

  She sighed. Perhaps she hadn’t met her dream man yet. Evalyn entered the dining room and picked the table by the window. It was still early, and the streets were quiet. She’d heard gunshots last night.

  She hoped Reid was all right. Evalyn smiled. At least, Reid did have somewhat of an excuse. There was no telling when he got back to the hotel last night. She ordered and was halfway through with her breakfast when she saw him.

  His hair was mussed, and he looked like he’d just woke up. Reid saw her and smiled as he walked to her table.

  “You must have gotten up early this morning.” He pulled out a chair.

  “You don’t look like you’re awake yet. Did you see wolves last night?”

  He nodded. “Shot at a few. From the steps of the hotel, I looked out, and I got the feeling the town was surrounded.”

  “Is that normal?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Levi is hiring a professional hunter. I hope he gets here soon.” Reid sipped the coffee and hoped it would wake him up.

  “Thank you for coming to walk me to the store. Do you think the wolves are out in the morning?”

  Reid nodded. “Could be. They attacked me during the day.” He smiled at her. “It’s my pleasure to walk you to the store. I’ll be working at my store today. Francesca and Pierre have moved out. I can’t wait to show it to you.”

  Evalyn nodded. When she was with Reid, she was filled with hope, and she did like him. Maybe even more. But when he let her down, she wondered if she could trust him.

  He frowned at her silence. “I know I was late yesterday. I was signing the lease for the store. I’m sorry. I’ll be there at four today.”

  “I hope so. It was fortunate that Brett came to the store yesterday.”

  Reid tapped his finger on his saucer. “You like him?”

  “Yes. I haven’t made any decisions as to who I might want to marry.”

  He looked at her, his blue eyes bright. “I guess we just need to have some time. Sometimes I want to get married and others, it seems too early to consider marriage.”

  Evalyn nodded. “I understand. There’s no pressure on you to marry me. I’ve already released you from the mail-order bride agreement. I’m going to stay in Shirleyville. Right now, I have a job and can provide for myself. I’m not going to marry anyone unless I want to.”

  Reid nodded.

  “It’s time to go. Are you going to walk me to the store?”

  “Yes, I am.” He smiled and held her chair for her as she stood.

  “Thank you, Reid. I do appreciate your help. And I haven’t forgotten how you rescued me the other night.” She looked at him and couldn’t deny the butterflies in her stomach. His touch and presence did something to her that neither Brett nor Greg did.

  Chapter 14

  Reid walked Evalyn to the store and then went to livery. After checking on Buck, he rented a horse and rode to Jay’s farm. Florence greeted him and asked him inside for lunch. She directed the four children as if she were an army sergeant.

  He laughed as the littlest girl came to him and sat in his lap. “I like you.”

  “Mary Margaret, let the man eat his lunch in peace.” Florence picked her up and told her to look for eggs.

  “The chickens hide those eggs as if they think it’s a game.” Florence laughed. “Jay put the pelts in the barn. He also got you some rabbit pelts too. You made quite an impression on him while he was in prison.”

  Reid laughed. “We helped each other survive. You two look like you’re doing well.”

  “We are happy. I hope you can find the same kind of happiness we have. Did you meet your mail-order bride?”

  “Evalyn. She’s a beauty and sweet as the sunrise. I haven’t asked her to marry me, though.”

  Florence pointed a spoon at him. “You better ask her. She came all this way out here to marry you.”

  “She didn’t even know me. Besides, she’s interested in the preacher.” Reid frowned. Why did everyone think it was their duty to tell him what he ought to do?

  “I met Evalyn at the store where she is working. I like her, Reid. I can see that you two will make a wonderful couple. Don’t let her get away.”

  Reid finished his bowl of stew. “That was delicious. I better get going. I have to be back by four to walk her home from the store. Have the wolves been bad here?”

  “Yes. We’ve shot three or four. I always shut the cow and chickens in the barn at night. Scout, our big dog, helps keep them away.” Florence wrapped up some bread and handed it to him. “I made this for you. Think about what I said and ask Evalyn to marry you.”

  Reid took the bread. “I’ll consider it.”

  “Stubborn man. Just like my Jay. But you ask him, he has no regrets, nor do I.” Florence smiled and caught Margaret Mary before she could tumble from her chair. “If you need more beaver and rabbits, my boys will be happy to trap them for you.”

  Reid grinned. “Good deal. I’ll pay them a fair amount.”

  “We’ve got a big family of beavers damming up our creek. We need to get rid of them. And the rabbits are helping themselves to my garden. So, yes. It will be a blessing for us. I hope your business does well.”

  “Thanks. Me, too. I better get back.” Reid tossed the boys a dollar apiece and the little girls a quarter just because they were cute. He rode back to town and hoped he wasn’t late. He was going to have to buy himself a watch with his first earnings.

  He put the pelts in his store and rode to Hollander’s. Evalyn was waiting at the front door. Reid rode to her. “Am I late today?”

>   “No, actually, you are early.” She looked at him. “Am I supposed to climb on the back of your horse?”

  Reid grinned. “No, I was just returning him to the livery. Want to walk with me? I’ll take you to dinner.”

  She grinned. “Actually, that does sound good.”

  He led the horse and put Evalyn on his other arm. “I got the furs to start making the felt for the hats. And I can pick up leather from the tannery. I’m ready to go into business.”

  “Will there be room to live in the shop?”

  Reid shook his head. “I was wondering that myself. I might have to find another house when I take a wife.”

  “When you take a wife. Why does that not sound encouraging to me? Does that wife have a name?” She took her arm from his and folded hers.

  “Well, you, of course.” Reid felt as if he’d stepped into a mess of briars, and there was no easy way to disentangle himself from them. However, he answered, it was wrong.

  “I see.” She stepped up her pace. “I guess it’s a good thing I have a job. Will you walk me to Cindy’s Boardinghouse before the hotel?”

  “The boardinghouse? Why? I mean, well, I guess that would be best. Give us time to see if we want to get married.” Reid had a business to get started. And looking at the small shop, he didn’t see how he’d have the room for himself, his tools, and a wife in the back of the building.

  Evalyn stared at him. “Precisely what I mean. It’s a good thing that I didn’t count on you. You’re just not responsible.”

  “I am, too. I was here to pick you up, wasn’t I? And I did rescue you the other night.” He was feeling less and less like having a wife. Here he’d gone out of his way for her, and nothing he did was good enough.

  “Yes, you were on time today.” She looked straight ahead. “I’ll wait by the corral while you turn in your horse. You might want to check on your Buck while you’re in there. Poor thing.” Her face, when she finally looked at him, was full of disapproval.

  Well, he didn’t need another mother. “I already planned on that. Buck and I got to know one another on the way back.” Reid shook his head. He wasn’t ready for a wife. Brett could have her.


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