Deus Lo Volt!
Page 44
These infidels believe our king retreated ignominiously to a hillock and there surrendered to the eunuch Djemaddelin on condition that his life be spared. They believe he was taken to Mansourah in shackles. They believe that Muslim soldiers felt embarrassed by the abject submission of countless Franks. I do not know how many lies were told about us. I have heard that each night Turanshah had three hundred Christians beheaded, their corpses thrown into the Nile. God knows. What can scarcely be doubted is that he disgusted his own people. Upon ascending the throne he strangled his brother. And he commanded Sultana Chegeret to render up accounts of his late father’s wealth because he could not get enough. It is said also that Muslims detested his sullen, gloomy nature.
Be that as it may, when conditions of the truce had been resolved King Louis, his brothers, and the principal barons proceeded downstream on four galleys. Imbert who was High Constable, that most worthy knight Guillaume de Flandre, Comte Pierre de Bretagne, and the brothers Ibelin accompanied me. One week before Ascension we anchored in sight of a wooden tower draped with blue canvas that marked the entrance to a huge encampment. Inside was a pavilion where knives, swords, and other weapons were deposited by nobles who came to visit Turanshah. Beyond this, a second tower giving access to the pavilion where this despicable monarch held court. A third tower, very high, gave access to his private chambers. They say he climbed up here if he wished to observe his camp or meditate upon the scenery. There was yet another pavilion beside the river to insure privacy when he wished to bathe.
It had been arranged that Damietta would be given up on Saturday before Ascension. However the Egyptians suddenly took to quarreling among themselves with such excitement that we were astonished. We did not know the cause, nor would they answer questions, but it seemed we might be slain at any instant. I am told that King Louis, fearing the worst, ordered the Office of the Cross to be sung, together with that of the Holy Ghost and that of the Requiem. We did not learn until afterward what happened. Sultan Turanshah had dismissed from his counsel several emirs he mistrusted. So, feeling insulted and shamed, those who had been deposed consulted one another. The sultan has stripped us of the high office to which we were appointed by his father, said one. Therefore when he gains control of Damietta he will arrest us. We will die in prison.
These emirs approached the Halca, which is to say the imperial bodyguard, and demanded that Turanshah be assassinated following a banquet to which they themselves were invited. So at the appointed moment one of the Halca, said to have been the royal sword-bearer, struck a blow with that very sword at Turanshah’s hand, splitting it between the fingers all the way through the wrist up to the arm. Turanshah cried to his emirs for help, but they did nothing. The bodyguards shouted that they would kill him because otherwise he would do the same to them and kettledrums were beaten, which was a signal to divert the army to Mansourah. And so Turanshah, being young and nimble, dashed away from the banquet, got inside the highest tower and climbed to the top. The bodyguard wrecked his pavilions and crowded about the tower shouting for him to come down. He replied that he would not unless they spared his life. They shouted again for him to come down and set about burning the tower. Those of us aboard the galley could see flames licking up the planks. Turanshah cried out that he would abdicate his throne and return to Huns-Keifa, which is on the banks of the Tigris very far from Egypt, but they paid no attention. As the fire got close he leapt from the tower. His garment caught on a pole and for a few moments he hung suspended. Then he fell to the ground, jumped up and ran toward the Nile with conspirators after him. One of them thrust a lance into his side but he continued running and the lance dangling from his ribs. He plunged into the Nile but they waded after him and caught him and murdered him a short distance from our galley. A blue-eyed Turk called Baibars, who was leader of the Halca, is said to have finished him off. I have heard also that a knight called Faris al-Din Octai cut open Turanshah’s breast and pulled out the heart, which he brought to King Louis. What will you give me? asked the Saracen knight whose hands were slick with blood. What will you give, now that I have killed the sultan? To this our noble king answered not a word.
According to these people, fire, water, and iron put an end to the life of Turanshah. They left his corpse on the bank of the Nile for three days. Such are the Egyptians. God affright them.
Concerning the bodyguard, they feel no allegiance to anyone because they are poor youths brought from distant lands and sold at high prices. The emblem they wear is that of a sultan except that they add red roses, crooks, or another device. If one proves himself in battle he will be made emir, given command of two or three hundred knights. Yet as they become famous and powerful the sultan wonders if they might dethrone or kill him, so he may put them to death. That is how Sultan Bondocdar punished some who approached while he was hunting. We have troubled the king of Armenia, they said, and come to you for a fine reward. I salute you not, answered Bondocdar, since you have disturbed the chase. Whereupon these Halca lost their heads.
Now having murdered Turanshah the guards did not know what to do. After consultation they decided to place Sultana Chegeret on the throne. She, like them, was of lowly birth. She had been a slave, Armenian or Turk, until Sultan Ayub bought her and fell desperately in love with her and took her with him wherever he went and would not let her be separated from him. Muslims called this woman Shajar al-Durr, which is said to mean Tree of Pearls. So in love was Ayub that he stamped her name on a coin. However that may be, when this woman was enthroned after Turanshah’s murder she respected the treaty made with our king, which is much to her credit.
Mahometans say this Tree of Pearls later married a mameluk chief called Aybeg and conferred upon him the title of sultan. For seven years they governed together. But one day in the bath she rebuked him for having taken a juvenile concubine. Do I no longer please you? she asked. She is young, Aybeg unwisely answered, whereas you are not. At this she blinded him with soap and stabbed him. By chance one of Aybeg’s sons observed water flowing through a drain streaked with blood so he rushed into the room and found Chegeret almost naked and a dagger in her hand. We are told that she dashed wildly through the palace corridors but slipped, struck her head against a marble post and died. God castigate such people. May all plunge downward to the dolorous house of hell.
No more was Turanshah put to death like a screaming pig than here came thirty Saracens with Danish axes slung around their necks clambering aboard our galley. Baudouin, who understood their language, told me they had come to take our heads. Many of our people gathered about Jean, a monk of the Holy Trinity, to confess their sins. As for myself, I was too frightened to recall any sins and could think of nothing except that if I tried to escape or defend myself they would make it all the worse for me. Since I could not imagine any way out I crossed myself and knelt before a Saracen who was gripping an axe of the sort carpenters use. In this manner, I thought, Saint Agnes died. Guy d’Ibelin knelt beside me and confessed himself. I absolve you, I said, with such power as God allots me.
The Saracens told us to get up. At this my senses returned and it occurred to me that I could not recall a single word of Guy d’Ibelin’s confession.
We were led into the hold of the galley and spent the night packed tight as fish in a keg. Comte Pierre’s feet against my face, mine against his. In great misery we speculated that we might be plucked out one after another and beheaded like chickens.
Next day we were brought on deck. The emirs wished to speak with us concerning the truce arranged by Turanshah. Those who could walk were led ashore. I myself, Comte Pierre, High Constable Imbert, and others in very poor shape did not attempt to go. By the grace of God our people and theirs came to agreement. King Louis and the nobles would be released when Damietta surrendered. Concerning ransom, his majesty would pay half before embarkation, the second half when we reached Acre. Saracens would look after the sick in Damietta. Also, they would attend to our equipment, engines of war, and provisions such a
s salt meat until his majesty sent for them. All this was put in writing and the emirs swore that if they did not keep their covenant they would be utterly dishonored. Further, should they break faith with King Louis they would be as disgraced as a Muslim who eats pork. Nicole d’Acre, being a priest who understood these people, assured his majesty that there could be no avouchment more binding.
But the emirs had an oath drawn up that they wanted our king to sign. This on the advice of certain renegade priests who had forsaken Christ to join the enemy. Should King Louis fail to keep his covenant he would be stigmatized as one who denied our Lord and Blessed Mary, hence outcast from the community of apostles. Should the king break faith he would be stigmatized as one who denied God and in contempt of God spat upon and trampled the Holy Cross.
When this was explained to King Louis he declared that never would he take such an oath.
The emirs spoke to Nicole d’Acre and bade him give the king this message. We take it badly that, while we have bound ourselves to keep faith, you on your part refuse. Be it known that if you do not accept this oath your head will be forfeit, as will the heads of your people.
King Louis replied that the emirs might do as they liked. For himself, he would sooner die in the arms of Christ than live opposed to our Lord and His blessed mother.
The emirs charged that King Louis had been so advised by the patriarch of Jerusalem. This patriarch, being eighty years old and greatly esteemed, was given leave by Turanshah to visit the king. However, amongst both pagans and Christians it is understood that a sovereign’s warrant of safe passage becomes invalid if he dies. Thus, Turanshah no longer sultan, the patriarch had been roughly seized. Let us send his head flying into the lap of King Louis, said one emir. Others would not consent. Whereupon they tied this good old cleric to a post in the royal pavilion, hands lashed behind his back, which made them swell up like gourds and blood seeped under his fingernails. The patriarch implored King Louis to swear what the Saracens demanded, saying he would take upon his own soul any sin there might be.
I think to some degree his majesty swore an oath, enough to mollify these accursed people. And the Saracens called him the most steadfast Christian in the world, citing as proof that whenever he issued from his tent he prostrated himself and made the sign of the cross over all his body. If Mahomet subjected Muslims to such abuse, they said, their belief would not survive.
Thus, matters having improved, we proceeded downstream and cast anchor above the Damietta bridge.
At sunrise of the appointed day Lord Geoffrey de Sargines entered Damietta, charged with its surrender. Muslim banners soon went up and infidel knights wandered the streets drinking wine until all were drunk. One got aboard our galley to show his sword dripping blood and boast that he had slain six of our people. We gave perpetual thanks to God that Queen Marguerite with her newborn son Jean Tristram had sailed to Acre some days before.
We looked to our release the morning Damietta surrendered, but were kept aboard. Nor did we get a thing to eat. The emirs passed this time quarreling, unable to decide if we should be killed. One argued that King Louis and all of us should taste the sword because our children were young and could not seek vengeance for many years. Another, by name Sevrici who was born in Mauretania, protested that already they killed the sultan and if now they murdered King Louis it would be said that Egyptians were the most wicked people on earth. Others admitted that indeed they had done wrong to kill the sultan because Mahomet commanded them to venerate their lord. Yet, said they, something else was written in the Book of Mahomet. And one of them turned over a page of their holy book where it was written that to safeguard their faith they must slay enemies of the Law. Hence, if they did violate the precept of Mahomet by murdering Turanshah, they would sin more deeply if they neglected to kill the lord of Christians. And one of those we knew to be set against us pulled off his turban, waving it as a signal, whereupon the galleys weighed anchor and took us back upstream a league or more in the direction of Cairo. At this we commended our souls to God.
What changed their hearts I do not know. Near sunset our vessels returned downstream and drew up alongside the bank. Since Damietta now belonged to them we demanded our release according to agreement, but they would not let us go until we had eaten, saying the emir would be chagrined if we should leave hungry. They brought us some little cheese cakes baked hard in the sun to keep them free of maggots and boiled eggs with the shells colorfully painted to honor us.
By the time we got ashore his majesty was being escorted to a Genoese galley. It looked as if twenty thousand Saracens with swords in their belts were following him. A plank was lowered so he might board the galley. With him went his brother, the Comte d’Anjou, and various nobles including Henri du Mez, Philippe de Nemours, and myself. The Comte de Poitiers had been detained as security until half the ransom was paid. Everyone had left Damietta excepting the very old and sick whom the Egyptians had vowed to protect. Instead, the villains murdered one and all. They knocked apart our catapults, heaped the bodies of slain citizens between layers of salt pork and wood and set everything ablaze. The fire burned Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. May the Lord God punish Babylon. We are hard put at such times to grasp the manner of His Divinity. Withal, how should we doubt or question His intent?
Mahometans say the negotiators harshly lectured our beloved king. They asked how a wise and vigilant sovereign could embark on a voyage to a land populated by servants of Allah. According to our law, said they, a man who would do this could not testify at court. Why not? asked King Louis. Because, said they, it would be assumed that he had lost his faculties. Concerning the truth of this exchange, I, Jean, have no knowledge.
Two days were needed to count the ransom, which was reckoned on scales by weight. During this time a Saracen of pleasing aspect brought his majesty a bouquet of divers color and jars filled with milk and he addressed the king in French. Upon being asked how he had learnt our language this man replied that he was himself French, born in Provins, but years ago came to Egypt, married one of their women, and now by his own estimate was a gentleman of consequence. Being asked if he did not understand that he would be forever damned if he should die in this circumstance, he answered that he did. He explained that he dared not return to Christianity because poverty and shame would be his lot. He preferred instead his life of wealth and ease among infidels. When it was pointed out that on Judgment Day the magnitude of his sin would be exposed, he seemed indifferent. Soon thereafter he went away. In due time this rogue must face the Lord.
The king’s men who were counting money sent to tell him they had not enough by thirty thousand livres. I suggested that his majesty borrow this amount from the Templars. He approved and instructed me to consult them. I therefore spoke to Étienne d’Otricourt who was Commander of the Temple, but our discussion went badly. My lord of Joinville, said he, your advice to his majesty does you little credit since you know that money entrusted to us cannot be lent. I then said to the Templar several things that are best forgotten. At this point Renaud de Vichiers, who was Marshal, spoke up. We cannot violate our oath, said he, but if King Louis thinks fit to take the money we would not be surprised. If that should be the case, his majesty demanding what belongs to us in Egypt, why then, we should requite ourselves with what belongs to him in Acre.
Seeing how matters stood I told the king that, if he so wished, I would go and take the money. He directed me to proceed.
Marshal Renaud accompanied me into the hold of the treasure galley and when we got to a massive chest I asked the Treasurer for his key. But as I appeared more dead than alive from sickness and imprisonment and he not knowing I was sent by the king, he gazed at me in stupefaction. After some moments he replied that he would not. I thereupon picked up a hatchet and said it might serve as his majesty’s key. Marshal Renaud however clutched my wrist and ordered the Treasurer to comply. When the chest was opened I threw out all the money and had it carried to the boat that brought me and watched while
it was handed down.
As we drew near the king’s galley I became excited and started to shout. My lord! My lord! I exclaimed. See how I am provided! He for his part looked at me with delight.
After this was reckoned and our debt paid, Lord Philippe confided that ten thousand livres had been withheld. I saw King Louis grow dark in the face. I now stepped on Philippe’s toe and said it must not be true, considering how Saracens are the shrewdest bargainers on earth and not readily deceived. Philippe wisely agreed, saying it was meant in jest. Nonetheless his majesty frowned. He remarked that he thought such a jest unwarranted. If by chance the full amount was not paid, he said, by the fealty you owe me as my vassal I command you to redress that error.
Now with all in place and his oath acquitted King Louis ordered the galley to leave Damietta and carry him to sea where a ship awaited us. I think we traveled a good league before anyone spoke, so concerned were we at leaving the Comte de Poitiers hostage. Indeed, while negotiations were under way certain counselors advised his majesty to refrain from paying the Egyptians until they let his brother go. Our saintly king would have none of this. He would honor his pledge, expecting enemies to do likewise.
Presently a galleon drew alongside and Lord Philippe de Montfort cried out for the king to greet his brother. Then the king crossed over to his brother’s ship, as did I, and they embraced. So the apprehension we felt was replaced by joy.
When at length we got to the ship that would take us to Acre we found those aboard unprepared for his majesty’s arrival. Neither bed nor clothing had been readied. Therefore he was obliged to sleep six nights on a wretched pallet and wear clothes the sultan had made for him, a black samite ensemble lined with miniver and gray squirrel pelt, all decorated with gold buttons. I spent those days seated beside him and not many days have I felt worse. He told me in detail about his capture and he seemed much interested to learn of my various misadventures. He said I should thank the Lord for deliverance. Also, he complained that his brother the Comte d’Anjou seldom bothered to visit but chose to spend the time amusing himself with friends.