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Page 11

by J R Davis

  From her hand, she released 3 smoke bombs that quickly dropped to the floor. They each dispersed a large amount of smoke. Enough to shroud some of the area in a dark mist. Morrigan then blended with that shroud and through Shadow Step emerged from underneath Lethe, her thrown dagger leading the charge. The bard evaded the first dagger but was met by the second in his arm causing him to stumble and fall backwards. Losing not a second, Lethe rolled back off of the ground with a grimace, his crossbow trained on the thief.

  “Ok, so I appreciate your zeal but-“ Lethe said but was cut off as a dagger dropped from the sky and plunged into his shoulder. Lethe yelled, cursing as he unconsciously reached for it. This was the window she thought. This was her window to impose her reality. With her remaining dagger in hand Morrigan rush forward. She swiftly closed the distance, not that Lethe would have noticed. He was too absorbed with his own plight. She grabbed the bard and brought the dagger to his neck.

  “Want to guess what material this is?” Morrigan said as she sneered at him and pressed the remaining dagger just slightly more into his throat.

  “I’d rather not, really….why don’t we sleep on it?” his words again carrying the weight of a mountain. Morrigan body again felt heavy, but this time her eyes as well. His arms loosened and she started slumping to the floor. All the while her will furiously fighting the status effect. As she drifted, Lethe thanked god that bard spells are mostly quick cast. When he went to move his crossbow arm to finish her though he realized it wouldn’t budge. Actually, everything wouldn’t, couldn’t move, or respond to him at all. It was then that near his own status bar he saw a little lightning symbol. Lethe was betting the thieves daggers had more to them than sharpness. Their paralyzing effect rendering him to little more than a handsome noodle.

  Before another thought could surface again he felt the press of cold steel against his neck.

  “The next words out of your mouth better be I surrender or I’m going to give your shoulders a matching pair” Morrigan threatened, pressing the dagger tightly enough to draw a trickle of blood from his neck emphasizing her point. The spell had not worked on her as Lethe had hoped. This was why bards were best at supporting, a lot of maybe debuffs and a few ones that work all the time. That makes for a hard character to solo with. While such could be tempered in time, the present predicament did not bode well for the young guild leader.

  “Tik tok” Morrigan said, clearly not wanting to give Lethe too much time to plot an escape. “Which will it be, surrender or respawn?” She added stressing the two.

  “Considering I’m not a fan of the latter, I vote for the former, I surrender” Lethe said with resignation in his tone. His hands then rising in a placative gesture. Taking notice in that surrender, the announcer rushed towards the pair announcing the match concluded. Morrigan had won, she slowly rose and pumped her fist into the air. The crowds roaring cheers rushed over her. She felt so elated by the victory that she had not noticed the hand on her shoulder.

  “Good game, let’s get you patched up,” Lethe said exhaustedly. The two of them making their way towards one of the nearby medical tents. “Got to love a woman who can kick your ass” the bard added as they hobbled towards it, being met with a light jab in the side from Morrigan.

  “You did almost have me with the sleep spell,” She said matter of factly. Lethe was being a good sport about his ass kicking so why not be nice? The man had already paid his bill after all.

  “Well yeah, that went well though. Regardless if you want in the guild we can definitely do that. Brigg’s already filled me in from what he and your necromancer were talking about” Lethe responded, the latter word putting her a bit off guard.

  “Well, it would have been nice if he had filled me in first, but that is the end goal here” she reasoned as they both sat down in a few of the waiting chairs. The two of them moments later receiving help as two healers ushered them each to a rest bed for treatment. The quick service likely due to the fact that the leader was the one who brought them in and with rank comes its privileges.

  Since I had known it was a bit before my next match, Charon and I had a walk around the tournament grounds. There were things we needed to sort out. Things like who he was, where he came from, and what his own end goal was. I was pretty sure the guy wasn’t just some mindless NPC with plot furthering one-liners.

  You had said before about how you guys aren’t treated well, could you explain what you meant there?” I asked as we made our halfway mark through our first lap of the grounds. His blazing eyes shifting to me for a moment as if pondering my question before they drifted down and then forward.

  “I used to be human..I was a merchant before I was killed. After my death, I was guided to the underworld and was granted a chance to return to this plain of existence to seek my revenge..a cruel joke” Charon said through our connection. I could feel the regret from him and behind that, something else.

  “What do you mean joke?” I asked him, moving to have a seat under a nearby tree.

  Joining me in the shade Charon added, “How can I seek my own revenge, to get justice for being murdered when I’m bound to you?”

  “That is a fair point, you aren’t exactly autonomous, who killed you?” I asked, leaning back and cracking my neck a little. If it was another npc not sure if we could kill then without repercussions, but if it was a quest...maybe?

  “It was that person you fought in the village, the guy with the silver hair. I don’t know his name” Charon said, his hands clenching tightly in frustration. “I remember my life, my family, I remember him killing me for some simple supplies….but I can’t remember their names anymore..or my own”.

  “Ignis? You mean the fucker that caused that whole mess? I asked him legitimately surprised. The guy was a douche canoe, but I didn’t quite peg him for murdering NPCs too. “I’m sorry he did that to you, it wasn’t right”.

  Charon nodded, adding “Yes, it wasn’t and I doubt it would help me find peace, but it would make me feel a hell of a lot better” Which was fair because I just met the guy and I already wanted to shove a stick up his ass, Charon had actually been legitimately wronged by him.

  “Tell you what,” I said, “ I was already planning on kicking his ass, how about we get you in on that action?” His head lifted at the statement, blazing eyes meeting my own.

  “Alright, let's show him the error of his ways,” Charon said slowly as if contemplating different ways he could dismember the man. It was hard to believe sometimes that behind those blazing blue eyes was a human soul and a tortured one at that. For him to go so far as to make some sort of faustian bargain for a shot at revenge was..more than human. Still, I had big plans for Ignis and it wasn’t going to end with just a little respawn.

  “I take it you two are done staring into one another's eyes, yes?” A voiced casually asked from just behind me. A bit startled, I jumped slightly before looking back to see everyone's favorite greedy gnome, Zootwick.

  “Ok, ONE, we were mentally talking, tricks of the trade and all that and TWO, how did you sneak up on us so quietly?” I asked with legitimate curiosity. I know he was tiny so sneaking would likely be easier but this guy was on a whole different level.

  “Tricks of zee trade my friend” the gnome replied with a wink. “I actually came here to give you some information,” he added.

  I rose to shake his hand, asking “nice, how did you know we would be in the area though?”

  “Methods are less important than results, no?” Zootwick replied dodging the question. It’d be nice to get a straight answer for once from the guy, but truth be told I low key enjoyed the mental sparring. If I tried that kind of stuff with my teachers or fam there would likely be a wreckoning though, and I enjoyed what freedoms I had.

  “Fine, fine, what's the news?” I said while motioning the gnome to hurry up.

  “Zee battle is to take place two weeks from today early morning. My informant also has it on good authority that their guild is expecting resistan
ce and as such is looking for allies in zee attack” Zootwick said nonchalantly, more interested in getting some dust off of his coat. “My informant will be among them for some time and will keep me posted should there be any changes,” he added.

  “Ok, so we have a bit of time to get our shit together,” I said aloud, more so to myself than to anyone in particular.

  “Yes well try to keep safe yes? And I say that because I care about you guys and not at all because you owe me a favor” the gnome responded with a chuckle. I joined in laughing with the gnome, but when I looked back again he was gone.

  “I wasn’t aware our resident merchant and penny pincher moonlit as BatGnome” I chuckled, making our way back to the bleachers to have a little chat with the group.

  After a lengthy talk with the group, everyone was up to speed. We still needed to talk with the Wolf Blood guild about all this, but considering we were still a few weeks out why not enjoy the tournament? Besides, we had yet to see Okane get his hands dirty and there was only a handful of fighters left for the initial round. I honestly just wanted to see the crafty merchant slam some fool with his cart and send them flying. Now that’d be quality entertainment!

  The next few matches passed us by with little to no interest. Typical they were between swordsmen and mages or two thieves, which wasn’t bad mind you, just not the excitement I was looking for. All the while our group's eyes anticipatingly fell on Okane.

  “Make sure you put enough bricks in your purse if someone gives you trouble,” Ogma said elbowing the merchant. A bigger shit-eating grin I would likely never see.

  “Worse case you could always scream that it's your purse and kick em in the nuts” Lia added with a wink. The two of them giggling with one another at Okane’s expense.

  “Ok, for one, it's a cart, not a purse. Secondly, if either of you would like to see just how many bricks were already added…” Okane trailed off as he gestured to them both to step outside “I would be happy to oblige you” he finished with a quirked brow. As if to say, please, call my bluff.

  “Does it count if you hit Chief instead? I still have his Draugr for a few more hours” Lia asked curiously.

  “Mmmmm I guess? Wouldn’t be as satisfying as smacking Ogma, but we can play pretend” Okane reasoned. The two of them and Bonejamin moving to stand as the comment registered with Ogma.

  “Yes, let's all jab the tank who keeps you fuckers alive, smart call. Why not keep that rhythm going and snort wasabi or something?” Ogma suggested, in mock irritation. He then rose to gingerly follow the other two just a bit more giddy than would be expected. I guess the hulking man was a fan of wrestling because Chief was about to get the smackdown. Naturally, I fell in line with Ogma. I had been hit once on low weight and it sent me flying. I was sure as hell not going to miss seeing full damage. Morrigan, however, seemed preoccupied with the present match and ended up staying behind.

  Our small group made their way just a small distance from the medical tent, which seemed like a wise Idea considering Lia was involved in this. That woman had a knack for mischief and all around destruction. It was a small miracle she didn’t bring the entire arena down on our heads already.

  “Ok, so place Chief right about here,” Okane said as he drew a small X in the dirt with his foot. “I’m gonna aim to have him fall into that tree over there” he added, gesturing to a large oak about 10-15 feet to our left. Without a word, Chief moved into position. His hulking form showing not the slightest hint of hesitation or worry for the level of hurt Okane was about to bring to the table.

  “So you are sure you want this?” Okane asked Lia genuinely. “This is one of my stronger attacks so he may get damaged”.

  “Ok yeah, give it your all money bags” Lia assured with a wave of her hand. She then promptly sat down on the spot with a giddy expression plastered on her face.

  Okane summoned his cart, grabbing a firm hold with each hand. He mentally triggered Cart Destruction, swinging the cart effortlessly to devastating effect. The cart moved in a blur, the impact on Chief letting out an audible crack as his form was flung into the nearby tree. There his body shattered as the Draugrs hp hit zero, his form fizzling, evaporating into black mist until nothing remained.

  “Welp, you were warned, sorry about that Lia” Okane said regretfully as he dismissed his cart.

  “You kidding me? That was great! I mean, sucks that I can’t save his bones for later but that was quite educational” she replied and jumped back to her feet.

  “While we are on the topic of undead things...I may have a question for you Lia” I said, taking a few steps in her direction.

  “Oh? Whatcha got shorty?” She responded with a coy smile.

  “So, I noticed during the tournament that there was this blue outline on Charon after our fight, what's with that?” I asked. I imagined it was there for a reason. Possibly related to me leveling up our companionship skills.

  “Ahhh that, the story there is actually pretty interesting if it is what I think it is” Lia responded enthusiastically.

  “Don’t you know what it does? Thought you were this master commander necromancer over here” I said with a quirked brow. She was obsessed with her class and minions after all.

  “Well, you gotta remember the game is just out of beta, there aren’t any real guides or builds yet and they have been super strict about what information we could leak early on,” she said matter of factly. “That being said, I have seen enough changes in Bonejamin to take an educated guess”.

  “Which would b-“ is about all I got out before she abruptly cut me off.

  “Glad you asked! Bonejamin has, over time, gained this outline resembling his past life and even gained the ability to speak in a limited fashion. I am guessing that as you level a companion this is one of the ways that increase of strength manifests” she added. Crazy or no, Lia was shaping up to be a real well of information.

  “But I never heard him say anything,” I said, folding my arms with a skeptical look.

  Lia looked over to me, then to her minion and said “Hey BJ.” Bonejamin looked over to me, his eyes boring in.

  “Piss off,” the skeleton said with a flicker of amusement in his blazing eyes. Lia just about lost it, cackling loudly with Ogma as Okane just rolled his eyes. I was surprised to see that he had a British accent though, which definitely added to the effect. Then again, maybe it's just because I always liked the asshole characters on TV, I’m lookin at you Dr. Cox.

  Our amusement got cut short as an announcement echoed throughout the air.

  “For our next match, we have Okane VS Hades!” the announcer called out. Ahhh it was about damn time, I was wondering when he would be up. I give whoever one smack of the cart and they gonna break the sound barrier.

  “Well you heard it, they’re playing my song,” Okane said starting off towards the tournament stage.

  “It's about time, been waiting all day to see where you’re at!” Ogma joked as we all fell in line behind him.

  “Just make sure that if you kill anyone you let me keep the body” Lia chimed in.

  “Shouldn’t I get some stuff? I’m the newbie to it” I mock protested.

  “Yeah, which means you’re too damn weak to know what to do with it either” Lia responded as she turned around to face me. She had a wide grin on her face. “Tell you what, first one to the arena gets the leftovers” she added. Before I was even able to respond though she pointed down to my shoes and called Grasping Hands which immediately locked me down to the ground. Cackling she sprinted off before I could return the favor.

  “Little help here?” I asked The remaining crew. I was locked down like a mummy in the dirt. The skill would eventually wear off but, I didn’t really feel like waiting.

  “Have Charon do it, I don’t want to miss the fight” Ogma said with a chuckle and picked up his pace. My eyes drifted to Charon who only offered me a shrug in response and crouched down to break me free.

  “Well now, looks here like someone could
use a little help” a voice casually said from behind me. Charon immediately got to his feet manifesting his shield and spear but not quickly enough. A black beam pierced his chest causing the skeleton to stagger backward as the beam seared through him. Through our mental link, a single word made it through as his form dissipated, “Ignis”.

  Chapter Ten

  An Unwelcome Reunion

  Ignis walked around to my front, stopping just a foot shy of my face and crouched down to meet my glower with a smug expression.

  “I was surprised to run into you here, friend. More so that you presented us with this great opportunity to catch up” Ignis said as he gestured to my bound form. “Your friends went on ahead and left us quite the little present, be a real shame not to accept it” he added smugly.

  I opened my mouth to respond yet found that no words would come out. Confused, I focused on my status bar which displayed a mute symbol. Ignis must have picked up on that confusion as he continued.

  “Ah, save your breath Robin, you can’t see him in your present situation but we got a warlock with us today keeping a lid on any potential cries for aid. Not that I think anyone would hear you over the crowd or get that you ain’t a part of the show” the Dark Cleric mused.

  I looked around in what few ways I could yet only saw Ignis and the outline of a few more men at my sides. Everyone must have rushed off to see the fight making for a perfect ambush opportunity for Ignis, great. Frankly, I was surprised he was even here. The Wolf’s Blood guild didn’t care much for his group so I had figured they’d steer clear. I guess I should have expected this considering what they say about assuming.

  “Now I can see you are distraught, but worry not my friend. We are just gonna have a little field trip together and spend some quality time, Would you render the anesthesia, Red?” Ignis commented, referencing someone I didn’t know. It was then that I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head. It overwhelmed my senses for a brief moment and then nothing.


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