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Ascension Page 14

by J R Davis

  Now that I had a better look at the creature I was able to get a name. The text above its head reading “Disgruntled Ent lvl 8”. Great, it had a few stories and a few levels on me. This would not have been as much of an issue had I not used my one fire potion on those damn rabbits earlier. The ent let out a mighty roar and charged towards me. It picking up speed as it charged me with the weight of a proverbial mountain.

  The ground shook as it gained on me. My only solace being Charon breaking through the bushes behind it as the ents looming figure readied to trample me into paste.

  “You sure took your sweet time getting here!” I yelled at my companion. Scrambling to reach the trees before I was caught.

  “have you seen how long its legs are?!” Charon replied in half panic half irritation. The skeletons confusion only increasing after I used Arcane Shift and was suddenly completely clear of the giant. With but mere seconds before the ent reach him, Charon could only throw up his shield and brace for impact. The charge sending him crashing into a nearby tree. His hp bar going from full to 40% in a split second.

  “Sorry buddy!” I yelled and used Grasping Hands. I was curious if the spell would affect the tree giant, but pleasantly surprised. It was no longer a group of skeletal limbs clawing the enemy down. This time it was a stream of death. Skeletal bones forming a whip that wrapped around the giant's legs and pulled it to the ground. The ent’s large form shaking the ground as its body landed.

  As Charon got shakily back up to his feet, he looked over at the ents trapped form and then to me.

  “Why didn’t you just summon another skeleton to swap with?” He asked as he made his way over. The ent struggling all the while to break free.

  “I uh...I honestly didn’t think of that,” I replied, a bit embarrassed at the realization. I then proceeded to climb the ent. knowing full well that I couldn’t outrun it and Charon couldn’t stop it from what I’d seen. It was time to do something really stupid..again.

  I flipped my mages staff to face down and blasted a few Orbs into the ents face. The damage canceling the root effect and thus freeing the large ent. It rose to its feet in a panic as I then used Drain. My plan was to use the spells continuous effect to wear the tree down. All the while I commanded Charon to attack. The nimble skeleton stabbing piercing at the giants legs like an angry toddler. It would have been cute if we weren’t so royally screwed.

  The plan worked well for a while. That is, until the ent got the idea to use a tree as a back scratcher. The ent pulling it from the ground and moving it over its head and on its back in an attempt to knock me off. Initially, I was able to avoid the attacks but took a hit to the ribs as the tree came from the side once. The attack doing 111 damage taking out ⅓ of my health bar. This, being swiftly followed by my plummeting two stories to the ground. I crashed with a wheeze, the fall damage dealing another 20 for my short journey. We had done a ton of damage to the guy, how much more could he have?!

  The ent roared, stomping his feet as I desperately tried to roll out of the way. The entire time Charon was chipping away at the giant's armored hyde with his spear. In a moment of sheer brilliance, or stupidity, I quickly emptied a buck skeleton onto the ground. Using my Raise Undead skill I brought form to the bones as a skeletal green-eyed mount. Not having the time to summon another, I simply mounted it and called to Charon.

  “Quickly! Jump my bones!” I yelled and reached out my hand for Charon. The skeleton taking it and swiftly pulling himself onto the deer.

  “Was that phrasing really necessary?” the Charon asked as we took off. A mere instant later the giant's foot-stomping down on the area we once were.

  “If I can’t use shitty jokes when I’m about to die, when can I?” I reasoned with the skeleton. Not taking the time to gauge his expression. We had an ent hot on our trail and I have the dual roles of navigating the trees and shooting the giant. That...actually gave me an idea. While the skeletal buck could likely handle the forest, I was not so sure it could navigate safely for both itself and its two passengers. That being the case, there was but a single option left. I used Arcane Shift since the cooldown had expired, allowing us to instantly swap places on the mount.

  “You guide bambi, I’ll take the ent” I ordered. Immediately proceeding to root the giant again as we circled it. The spell worked, now it was time to play keep away. I blasted a few more Dark Orbs into the ents face. Yeah, it released the rooting effect, but we were in the endgame now and it was all about chipping away at the giants remaining hp. As it climbed back to its feet we took off. The ent close behind as I fired orb after orb at the creature. All this repeated casting essentially bringing my mana reserves down to nothing. I had just enough for 1-2 more spells. That being the case, it was time to get creative.

  We zigged through the trees with the ent close on our heels. The titan bending them to the left and right as it made its way through. I was not entirely sure why a tree elemental would be breaking what was essentially his own kind, but I was also not about to stop and ask the giant. Our escape was brought to a halt as we found ourselves nearly running into a rock wall. Great, a dead end, just what I needed.

  The ent broke through the tree line behind us, rage clear in its eyes as it took slow steps towards it’s supposed prey. Charon and I dismounted, the gig was up and it was time to put all our cards on the table. I emptied the bones of the other buck and hind onto the ground near my skeletal mount. The intention was to raise each and have a group coordinated attack. Something funny happened as they all laid there though. Rather than multiple red glow from the remains, there was only one. A prompt then coming into my vision. SubSkill discovered: Raise Graveknight, Raise Undead or Raise Graveknight?

  What the heck was a Graveknight? I mean, it sounded cool, so it was probably useful? I selected Graveknight and was met with another prompt. Raising a Graveknight will summon monster at the cost of all remains present. Cost will not be refunded when summon time is expired. Summon time: 5 minutes. I didn’t want to lose all the deer I had collected, but this may be exactly what I needed. As the saying goes, go big or go home. I reached my hand out “Here goes nothing”.

  With my affirmation, each bone that laid on the ground individually combusted into purple flames. The smoke coalescing into the form of a large wooden door, a barrier between us and the ent. It was an ominous gateway showing long claw marks in its scorched and blackened wood. The ent had clearly seen enough though as its hesitation waned, being replaced with rage as it slammed its colossal fist into the door in an attempt to break it.

  The door took the hit in stride, not even shaking as the giant continued to pound on it. After the third strike, the door flung open. Knocking the large ent on its ass as a 15-foot tall figure emerged from the void. The Graveknight wore a cloak of shadows, its form entirely concealed save for its skeletal head and parts of its arms. Around its neck was a necklace of skeletal interlocking arms. The Graveknight’s weapon being a large bone greataxe. Its eyes then leveled on the ent, or presumably so as the creature had no blazing orbs like Charon or my other summons. Its eyes being only a void shaped by duty and cold resolve. In a voice of dire certainly, the Graveknight then spoke, “Death is near”.

  Chapter Twelve

  A Bone To Pick

  The Graveknight strode forward as the ent got back to its feet. Its large bone axe resting lazily on the towering skeleton's shoulders. The ent had a good 5-6 feet on the summon, but the axe he carried seemed like more than an equalizer. With swiftness not often seen in giant folk, the ent threw its colossal arm at the skeleton. The hit connecting at its chest and dropping the Graveknights health bar by around 12%. Sliding it back several feet yet the skeleton held its ground. The axe once on its shoulders now held tightly at the ready. Good, so at the very least he could take a punch. We were already out leveled, I’d rather not be outgunned too.

  The knight then charged at its opponent. Axe raised overhead, ready to render the ent into lumber. As the two got within striking range the ent
tried to tackle the skeleton yet its falling axe caught it in the back. Dropping the giant to the ground. The Graveknight then pressing its foot into the ents back, using it as a wedge to free his embedded weapon.

  With its foot planted firmly planted atop the giant, the ent could barely budge. It tried to use its arms to lift itself upright yet the Graveknight denied it that leverage. Claiming its right arm with another swing of its mighty axe. The sharpened bone cleaving the ents arm and dropping the creatures remaining hp to zero. With that, the Disgruntled Ent was laid low. The Graveknight then simply turning to face me, awaiting its next orders.

  With the fight now over, I had time to check the battle notifications I was getting throughout everything. Charon’s health bar refilling as well now that combat was over. The sight I was greeted with could have brought a tear to my eyes.

  You have leveled up! +5 stat points to allocate.

  Grasping Hands has reached level 3

  Dark Orb has reached level 4.

  Raise Undead has reached level 4.

  Drain has reached level 2.

  I guess all that grinding in the dungeon recently paid off. Naturally, I put my stat points into int and agi again so I could be a quick boy while I’m flinging these stronger spells about. I was super hyped that my arsenal was now quite a bit stronger. Now though, it was time to find the crew.

  I would like to say that I easily navigated myself back to our campsite, but that would be a lie. My directional skills amounting to, should I ever think something is one way, I go in the opposite direction. Instead, I opted for a more direct approach. With the Graveknight leading the way through the forest, I would call out in party chat in hopes of finding someone within range. The chat or map sense hopefully helping us to reunite. After a few minutes of blind wandering, I managed to get in touch with Okane.

  “It's about time I got a hold of someone, did you have to fight an ent also?” The merchant asked from afar.

  “Yeah, that fucker was tough too, ended up having to play keep away in the forest until we took him down” I replied as I carefully stepped over some broken branches. The knight clearly not as adept at navigating the forest as the ent had been.

  “That’s fair, mine had a bit of a rough time being made of wood, me having fire potions and all” Okane then chuckling to himself at the affair. “Side note, if you run into a trail of burnt trees, that was my handiwork”.

  After another minute of chatting with the merchant, I could sense what direction he was in. Must mean we are getting just a wee bit closer. focusing on the map, I brought it up. Seems Okane was a decent ways to the west of my location. Those ents sure could throw someone. It was also at the time though that the Graveknights timer ran out. The hulking giant summoning that same door once again. Without even a goodbye, the door flung open and the knight crossed over into the void. Guy needed to work on his people skills a bit, but hey, I didn’t exactly summon him for a tea party.

  After a bit of loose directional wandering, I met back up with the merchant and soon after Lia. The remainder of the group falling into place as we exited the area. My bet was that this whole ent thing was a challenge for each individual member. Now that it was finished, we could actually navigate to the next area. Which was great because apparently, our next destination was the boss room.

  Now, I was by no means good at navigating, but this area definitely screamed boss in giant neon letters. We found ourselves just outside of a large square opening in the forest. The corners being lit by ethereal green orbs. Giving the area an eerie dim lighted sort of vibe. In the center sat a lone rider atop a giant buck. It’s antlers far larger and more imposing than the smaller ones we had fought before. Herne himself was no slouch either. The specter having a similar horned helm to that of his riders yet more pronounced. His helmet, like his armor, had traces of gold. A reminder that in his forest stronghold Herne was king. His glowing green eyes leveling on us through the barrier line that separated our area from the bosses. It was as if to say “cross the line at your own peril”.

  “So we doing this in standard formation?” Ogma asked as he looked over his shoulder at Okane. The merchant then nodding in affirmation.

  “Yep, hit him hard, adjust to his attacks, and protect the squishies”. The merchant replied.

  “Ooh! My followers are gonna go nuts after this one” Lia exclaimed, jumping in excitement.

  “Followers?” I asked in confusion. Lia then directing her giant grin at me.

  “Yeah, I uh..forgot to mention but I edit and upload footage from my exploits in the dream” the necromancer then motioning to her eyes. “It's all first person, but people seem to like that sort of thing. Gives them the feeling they are the ones kicking as instead of me”.

  “So your videos have all of us then?” Ogma asked with an arched brow.

  “Well, not yet, most of the stuff with you guys started at the tournament so.. in a bit?” Lia reasoned with the druid.

  “You should take out that one part with me drunk under the table” Ogma then suggested with a bit of embarrassment.

  “Not a chance, you and bunny lord over here are gonna be great!” Lia exclaimed as she splayed her hands out wide in excitement. I just facepalmed and got into position. What was done was done, not that I minded the exposure. Maybe I could branch off and do the same at some point too if I did well enough. For now, though, it was time to hunt the hunter.

  After we finished our preparations, our merry band made our way across the boundary. Herne eyeing us with interest as the last of us crossed over into the large room. Once we had all crossed the boundary, a wall of thick mist separated us from our entry point. So this was your typical boss fight eh? It was either we go down or he does. Which raised the question, would killing a ghost make them dead or just re-dead?

  Once the mist formed fully that same voice rang through the air. “And now the trespassers violate my sanctum with their presence. Let us see if their steel matches my resolve”. The specter’s mount then rearing back onto its hind legs as Herne manifested a large metal door shield and longsword. The blade phasing in and out of existence. I was not sure what it did, but I also did not want to find out. It was then that the buck lowered its massive head and began to charge. The battle had begun.

  Ogma shifted to his bear form as Herne closed the distance. Catching his charge and partially blocking the bucks piercing antlers with his thick ursine arms. Sadly, such was not the only weapon in Herne’s arsenal. He then raised his sword high, attempting to cleave the large bear in two. Still, as Herne readied to strike, we too readied for the blow. Both Lia and I sending our companions to both of Ogma’s sides to intercept such attacks. As the sword cleaved downwards Charon caught it in his shield. The effort causing him to give ground slightly.

  With the skeletons and Ogma providing the front line, the remainder of our crew unleashed hell. Both Lia and I attempted to root the large specter yet the ethereal limbs could not contain the forest boss. We then chose to rain down orbs on the hunter as Morrigan used her Shadow Step to bring her at the bucks rear. The plan, as she saw it at least, was to separate the hunter from his mount. In doing so, she could limit both his mobility and offensive capabilities.

  As our group sprang into action, Okane stayed close behind Ogma. Acting as both a secondary line of defense and as a healer with his potions. The safety net more than welcome as while Ogma wrestled the buck, his hp was steadily dropping from the antlers. The skeletons far too preoccupied with Herne’s onslaught to aid the druid. All the while Okane monitored Ogma’s hp and chucked healing balls at him if his hp got too low.

  As Okane and Ogma held the boss in place, Lia and I noticed Morrigan’s slashing at the buck from behind. Hearne attempting to counter her attacks with his own blade. The thief was far too nimble though. His blade missing by mere inches as Morrigan tumbled backward. We quickly altered our orbs targets from Herne to his mount in an attempt to hinder the large hunter's mobility. Perhaps if he no longer had the bucks aid, we co
uld corner the rider.

  The plan actually held together rather well initially. The issue being, that once his buck went down, Herne was not a happy boy. The specter then going intangible and sinking through the dungeon floor. Moments later resurfacing in the center of the room.

  “You have claimed your last lives, another noble spirit lost to the ages. Now you shall join him” the hunter said with deadly intent. Emphasizing his point as he pulled out his bow. Herne then summoning 5 green spectral arrows that hovered over his head as well. Clearly, this was now going to be a ranged battle.

  “Back into formation!” Okane yelled. Just a second too late as Herne fired everything he had. The spectral arrows loosely following us as we frantically tried to get behind our tanks. We managed to avoid most of them, but 2 of the spectral arrows aimed true. The first of which catching Morrigan in the leg as her body hid behind Bonejamin. The remaining arrow sinking into Ogmas right forearm as he got in front of Lia and I. This, however, did not account for the arrow hearn had knocked and aimed at our group now.

  Herne’s eyes went from the usual forest green to a piercing emerald as he readied to loose the arrow. The words “will of the forest” echoing across the room. The hunter then raised his bow above us and let the arrow fly. We watched as it went far above our huddled group, missing shields and Ogma’s guard alike. Something peculiar happened then though. The arrow changed direction entirely. It was not a loose homing effect like the spectral arrows either. This shot had true aim and it was realized just a second too late.

  The arrow shot down at a 90-degree turn and sunk directly into Lia’s shoulder. The necromancer letting out a startled yell from the pain.

  “Agh! Did anyone tell you you’re an asshole?!” She yelled in clear agitation as she removed the object. Reduced pain or no, this likely hurt more than taking an arrow to the knee.


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