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Ascension Page 15

by J R Davis

  “Maybe if you asked him nicely he’ll stop,” Okane said. Half joking half panicked as he pressed himself against Ogma. Trying to make himself as little a target as possible.

  “Ok, this formation isn’t gonna work for Hearne, we gotta mix it up!” I yelled. Another volley of spectral arrows then crashing against Charon’s shield. “We either need shielding from above too or we should scatter and try to overwhelm him!”

  “I vote scatter!” Ogma suggested. Bracing himself for even more arrows from the persistent hunter. Even with Okane’s healing potions, I doubt the druid could take much more of this. His hp already dipping from yellow to red.

  “How exactly is that going to work? You’re too big and slow a target” Morrigan reasoned. Trying to advise her brother against what seemed to be a clearly foolish decision.

  “Let me worry about that” Ogma said, turning his head to give his sister and ursine wink. “On 3 we scatter!”.

  “I don’t think that's-“ the merchant started in protest. His voiced being quickly cut off as Ogma then yelled “3!”. Our group then scattering and leaving the large bear alone in the center. Herne must have noticed this as well for he then summoned another 5 arrows. The specter then loosing them on Ogma from all angles. If he stayed where he was, he would have surely died.

  The arrows flew through the sky toward their intended target. The large bear not even making an attempt to move out of the way. As they reached the halfway point from across the room, Ogma then did something strange. The druid shifted to something entirely new. As the arrows crashed down upon him, Ogma shifted. Not into a bird, and not back to human form either. This time, Ogma took the form of a large black panther.

  He dashed out of the arrows pathways with feline grace. The arrows blasting into the ground where he was just moments before. Leaving a small cloud of dirt in their wake.

  “Ta-daaaa~” Ogma joked as he effortlessly moves up beside Morrigan. The thief clearly surprised by the sudden transformation.

  “Since when could you become a panther?” the thief asked, half in curiosity and half in agitation that her brother hadn’t told her.

  “I unlocked the skill earlier when I ranked up my bird form fighting the ent. Turned the fucker into a scratching post” the druid joked. The panther showing clear amusement in its eyes during the exchange. The discussion being then cut short as Herne summoned another 5 arrows. They hovered over his head as he knocked yet another back in his bow. The specter then directing his attention at me.

  “Fuck fuck fuck FUCK!” I yelled as I scrambled behind Charon. The skeleton readying himself for the spectral barrage. Herne released his wave of arrows. The bulk of them crashing into Charon’s shield. His health bar reducing a bit from the arrows elemental base. That was not the last arrow though. Again Herne’s homing arrow curved around the shield. Being only a few feet from my face as Charon’s skeletal hand reached out and blocked it with an open palm. The skeleton then closing his fist and bringing the shot's momentum to a halt.

  The rest of our party, however, did not stand still during the barrage. Lia and Ogma had used their increased speed and maneuverability to place themselves right on top of the hunter. Moments after his ghostly fingers released the arrow, Herne was faced with dagger and claw alike. Forcing him to cast aside his bow for the sword and shield once more. The issue being, that while such was effective on the mount, the strength was incredibly reduced on foot. The specter being overwhelmed as Bonejamin, Lia, and Okane joined them.

  What happened next was nothing short of a mad flurry of blows. Our group pummeling the ghost from close range. Tearing away at his hp as he, in turn, launched spectral arrows at point-blank. At the same time, the specter was using his sword and shield to keep the group at bay as his arrows shot forward at point-blank into the crowd. The hp bar of Morrigan, Okane, and Bonejamin dropping significantly from the point-blank barrage.

  “When's this guy gonna go down?!” Morrigan yelled in frustration. The thief performing a tornado of slices and cuts. Her daggers moving in a flurry yet the specter still stood.

  “I may have an idea, Lia come here and make 2 piles of 3 decently sized skeletons” I ordered quickly. We needed some big guns and that Graveknight may just do the job.

  “Got it!” Lia replied as she rushed over. Emptying out the bucks, a few human skeletons, and a wolf into the two piles. I added my one remaining wolf skeleton in as well.

  “Ok, try and use Raise Undead, but as a group summon” I said as I moved my hand over one of the piles. The distinct red glow almost welcoming in the face of such a strong foe.

  “The hell is a group summon?!” Lia yelled back in confusion.

  “Just do it! You’ll get a prompt trust me” I yelled back. Then proceeding to activate the summon myself. The cost was a bit steep, but I didn’t think we had too much of an option there. At this point, it was any man's game and I was unsure whether Herne or my friends would come out on top.

  After I finished the initial summoning that same large door appeared. Moments later being accompanied by a second one as Lia finished hers.

  “Everyone, regroup over here! We brought in the big guns!” I called out to the group. Ogma sparing a glance backward and seeing the two large doorways. Confusion clear on the druid's face. Still, he did not question our latest tactic.

  “You heard the man, everyone fall back behind those doors!” He yelled as he broke away from the group. The remaining members doing the same as the opportunity provided itself. The last straggling member just passing the doors as they flung open. Two giant skeletal knights then walking out of the large gateway.

  As the two Graveknights crossed onto the dungeon floor Herne released yet another volley of arrows. They crashed into the two giants yet they gave no ground nor visible indication of being hurt. Only my own summons health bar dropping slightly gave away their vulnerability.

  I pointed my finger at Herne, saying “take him down” and the towering figured took long strides towards his intended target. The remaining Graveknight awaiting Lia’s orders. With her own affirmation, it too made its way into battle. The two large figures were far more menacing than the boss or anything within its domain. For a moment, Ogma, Okane, and Morrigan stool still. Too shocked at the sight of what was transpiring.

  “Let the knights distract Hearne while we heal up. Then let's all shut him down.” Okane suggested. The merchant already pulling out healing potions and distributing them to our injured party members.

  “We gotta be fast though, they only have a 5 minute summon time and I don’t think we have the materials to summon any more” I replied as I fired an orb at the specter. The blast flying past the two knights mere moments before the three titans collided. Lia too lended support fire for our summons. The towering skeletons holding Herne at bay. Their large bone greataxes colliding with the hunter's shield and sword. Still taking arrows blasts from him all the while.

  Once everyone was healed up, about 2 minutes had already passed. Leaving us precious little time to take down hearne before our guardians expired.

  “Okay, here's the plan. Charon and Bonejamin take position beside the big guys. Try and intercept the arrow shots that’ll be coming. I’ll support so the rest of you so go ham” the merchant ordered. Putting away his axe in favor of 4 more heal balls. “These are my last ones so I’m going to use them sparingly.

  With that, the entirety of our group surged forward. Morrigan using Shadow Step to place herself behind the hunter as Ogma’s feline form moved with catlike quickness to flank him from the side. As they did so the titans continued their battle. Occupying the boss's attention like the tanks they were. All the while Lia and I fired Orbs from a distance. The tides were turning in this ancient forest. Coming to sweep the specter back to the grave, and that was my domain.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The Changing Tides Of Goblin Village

  For what seemed like an eternity, the battle raged on. The two Graveknights exchanging blows with Hearne. The
specter, in turn, dealing out waves of damage between his sword, shield, and spectral arrows to our group. His steadfastness in the face of our numbers a testament to his martial prowess.

  One by one, the timers ran out. Our two titanous guardians returning to the void. Now it was just us and the boss once more, but this time it was he who seemed haggard. The long battle having worn away at his armor and drawn lines of weariness in the specters face. So on we fought, cutting, piercing, and blasting the hunter until he finally succumbed to our combined efforts. Herne The Hunter had finally been defeated, the dungeon cleared, and our merry band granted a significant chunk of experience.

  Now that Herne was gone, the mist that had locked us in the room began to disburse. At the same time, the forest beyond him seemed to open up into a two-man wide trail leading onward.

  “Ohhhh yeahhhh show me the money!” Lia said as she rubbed her hands together greedily. “We beat the boss, now for the treasure!” A wide grin on her face as she excitedly strolled towards pathway. Ogma using his feline form to easily place her at his back. The large panther now being first and foremost to run down the opening. The remainder of our group opting for a brisk yet slower pace than the others. Fighting a boss was tiring man

  At the end of that road of opened trees was a medium-sized wooden chest. There was no key, simply a latch that could be flipped open. Ogma’s human form leering at the chest in an almost disturbing way.

  “Hurry up and get your asses over here so we can open this baby!” He called to us as we crossed into view. Once we had gotten closest though, it was neither Lia nor Ogma that opened the chest. Rather, It was Okane who opened it to reveal what looked like an old book and a whistle. Okane picking each up and giving them an appraising eye. The information for both items popping into each of our visions in the form of a small window.

  Book Of Spectral Shot: Teaches the spell Spectral shot. Conjure bolts of ghostly arrows that will loosely follow a target dealing dark damage. Increasing the rank will also increase the damage and number of arrows.

  Whistle Of The Forest Guardian: Use of this whistle will summon Herne’s trusted mount into the player's service as a permanent mount. He will answer the call no matter the distance.

  Okay, so as you can see, mage spell and mount item. Who wants what?” The merchant asked while holding the two prizes in each hand. “Personally, I could use a mount.”

  “Well, Lia and I can summon our own more or less so...” I replied trailing off.

  “But that spellbook though...” Lia added as her eyes locked onto the book. Apparently, I had some competition for that one.

  “Ogma doesn’t need it and I have my own gap closers, everyone cool with Okane taking it?” Morrigan reasoned. Giving a passing glance to each of us to gauge our reaction. With no visible objections, Okane placed the item into his inventory and we moved onto the book. With the rest of the group not as aligned as Lia and I were, it seemed like it came down to us.

  “Want to rock paper scissors for it?” I asked her with a quirked brow.

  “I suppose that’d work” she responded with a curt nod. Bringing her hands out into the ready position.

  “Ok, but for the record, I am gonna do rock first” I then added with a wink. Always a fun tactic to employ when the opportunity presented itself. She gave me a questioning look. Not sure whether to take my word or question it, but all the same we began. The first round, of course, went to me. I had used rock just as I said I would. “You know, you really should have trusted me, but I’m sure this time you will,” I said with a chuckle.

  “I preferred the version that also had a lizard and spock” Lia replied with a huff. Again readying herself for the game, but this time not nearly as confident. Again we played the game. Going through the same three goes before saying “shoot” and revealing our hands. Again I did rock and again Lia had questioned it, using scissors instead.

  “The hell, I was sure you wouldn’t be stupid enough to say what you’d do again. I call dumb luck, but you win” she conceded and folded her arms. Okane then handing me the book.

  “Not dumb luck Lia, dumb skill,” I said and winked at her. “All according to the plan”. I then moved to open the book and was met with a prompt. Would you like to acquire the spell “Spectral Shot”? Decision cannot be undone and the item will be destroyed, yes or no? Naturally, I moved towards yes. The book then crumbling away as a green ghostly orb shot into my chest. The skill had been acquired.

  After a hearty round of congratulations to Okane and Myself, I attempted to use the skill. The issue being, apparently I needed a target in order to use it. Yeah, I could use Charon’s shield and target him, but I’d rather not wear down the items durability. With everything here wrapping up, we decided to move onto the goblin village and see what still needed work. Lia opting to have a little downtime of her own but promised to meet back up later after some editing on her part.

  The tournament and Herne’s dungeon had taken us an entire day. Having been forced to fight the ents through the night or get stepped on. This essentially leaving us 13 in-game days until the real fight began. We needed to get the village's defences up and secure any allies we could to fend off Ignis’s forces. That being said, it was time to involve the guild. I had figured Briggs and Lethe would be a good place to start and shot them both a message asking to meet us at our destination. It was time to raise an army of our own.

  The trek to Goblin Village took a bit as per usual. Our group meeting up with Briggs, Lethe, and another fellow who went by the name D at the village's entrance. D looked to be some kind of dark elf with long white hair that was swept back over his shoulders. He wore an outfit quite similar to Morrigan, the only difference being that he was layered with thick leather armor. Giving him the appearance of something between a fighter and a thief.

  After introductions between our merging groups and Chief Ro, we all settled into his recently finished hut. The room adorned with a large bear skin rug and cushions for us to sit on. In the center of that rug laid a crudely drawn map of the village and surrounding area to aid in our planning. Ro being very pleased to find that we had secured outside aid.

  “From what I’ve seen thus far, it looks like your defenses are coming along well. I do however vote that we create more barricades and proper choke points where we can potentially fall back to should things get messy” Lethe said to the chief. He then points to viable spots for said points on the map.

  “This not bad idea, but not many goblins to defend” the chief responded, a little disheartened by the scale of the task at hand.

  “Is there any way to secure you any more aid?” D responded inquisitively. “Any potential allies to heed your call?”

  “Have good relation with Hobgoblins to east and Orcs to the north, but they not fight for us, Need convincing” Ro responded matter of factly. Then markind rough spots where each of the races called home. Hobgoblins live in large cave, orcs near mountain.”

  “We could go talk to them, but it may be wise to bring a goblin with us” I commented. Making sure I had the chief's attention before continuing. “The issue is, even if we talk to them, they have no real reason to trust us, having a goblin emissary would help us in that end.” The chief then crossing his arms and nodding, considering the point. Considering who would be a good match to send. After a few moments of silence, he then called out to one of his aides to find a goblin named Raz.

  The aid returned quickly with a slightly over 3-foot tall goblin that looked to likely be a shaman. The class being given away by his skulled staff adorned with feathers (I mean, come on man). Raz too having a small cloak of black feathers similar to my own. That coupled with a leather cap with two animal horns and a skull adorned on top gave the distinct impression this spellslinger was working some serious juju.

  “This is Raz, he is a shaman and priest of our god, Korvus” the chief said as he indicated the smaller goblin. “Raz, you go with adventurers to secure aid from Ogre’s and Hobgoblin’s nearby.”
Raz then nodding and sweeping his gaze over each member of our combined group. His appraisal then stopping as his eyes took notice of my Mantle Of The Crow. The cloak resting comfortably on top of my shoulders.

  “I see you wear the mantle, human” the shaman spoke in an almost eloquent manner. “If you were granted this gift by Korvus, God of secrets and the flock, I would be more than pleased to accompany you.” Raz then sweeping his arm underneath him in a polite bow. His eyes never leaving me for a moment though. It seemed I had his interest, but perhaps not his entire trust just yet. Not that I blame the guy, growing up goblins in games were usually treated as fodder. I’d imagine some players may not get that such doesn’t apply here.

  “Considering there's a lot of work to be done I vote we separate into groups” Okane then chimed in. The crafty merchant already having a good idea of what needed to be done. “How does this sound everyone. Robin, Briggs, and Lethe will accompany Raz on the diplomatic mission. Ogma, Morrigan, myself, and D can stay back, fortify the village and work on training the few goblin troopers we do have”

  “Mm this not bad idea, what think the rest of you?” Chief Ro asked while rubbing his chin in consideration. The plan would divide our forces, but also allow much more work to be done. There were also likely to be potential scouts for Ignis and his men checking out the area, and we couldn’t have that. With everyone in agreement, we all rose to our feet and got ready to head on out. A notification window popping up to tell me I had received 2 new quests.

  A Hob, Leap, and a Jump: secure the aid of the nearby hobgoblin village prior to the upcoming battle.

  Secure aid of hobgoblins 0/1

  Rewards: 1000 experience, 500 Gold

  Come on Ogre: secure aid from the village of ogre’s in the nearby mountains prior to the upcoming battle.

  Secure aid of ogres 0/1

  Rewards: 1200 experience, 550 Gold


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